President Trump just filed a lawsuit against Hillary over the "Russian Collusion" allegations

Cultist? You're the one who voted for a broken down, perverted career politician who has dementia, and promised you a whole bunch of shit but reneged on his promises.
Yes, cultist. Clearly we are talking about more than a binary vote choice

But, being the cuktist you are, you are too rabid and confused to note the difference.

In fact, thank you for the fine demonstration of embarrassing cultism.
That's not going to work. She made no statements, he did however. It will be quietly dropped after he' milked the rubes for a while.
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Yes, cultist. Clearly we are talking about more than a binary vote choice

But, being the cuktist you are, you are too rabid and confused to note the difference.

In fact, thank you for the fine demonstration of embarrassing cultism.

So you voted for some obscure party that was farther to the left than the Democrats?

Green party maybe?

Socialist Party USA?

Communist Party USA?

Wait, I got it......Vermin Supreme, right? The guy with the rubber boot on his head.

That's about your level of intelligence. :laughing0301:
WTF is wrong with you anyway? You morons ought to have your collective asses kicked.
lol :p

I keep referencing the grand liberal delusion (which is they can somehow change human nature through legislation) -

But this ^^^ may be the equivalent rightie delusion, that one can somehow separate the collective from the individual.

Righties tend to be polite civilized people, they're mostly the opposite of in-your-face (with rare exceptions), and they don't like to diss individuals for their party's idiotic ideas.

Me, I've gone quite the other way. I can't have a political discussion in public without some jackass accusing me of being a Trump lover, and then it's a short step from there to racist and all the rest. So, I've become very proactive at the individual level. I will not hesitate to make an example out of someone in public.

The last time, I was standing in line at a restaurant, back when it was outdoor-only and we all had to wear masks, and we struck up a discussion about the masks with the next people in line. So this young teenage girl who's like three couples down in line, walks back and starts ragging on me for being a Trumpie, and the minute she uttered the word "racist" I said okay that's it you're toast. So I let her go on for a while, just to the point where everyone was starting to look at me wondering if I really was a racist.

Then I made her cry. I pulled out pictures of my kids and showed them to her. Her face turned beet red, she was so humiliated she was literally speechless, and when she looked up there were tears in her eyes. I didn't say a word after that, I just flashed the pics around so everyone could see, and they all turned away like okay we're done here.... y'know?

I'm not going to be passive about that kind of thing any more. I'll put the progtards right down on Front and Main, where they can't POSSIBLY manipulate public opinion!
Poor, gullible cultist.

Trump is using the theater of frivolous lawsuits to keep your giney all a-quiver and to keep you sending those sweet donations.
well god damn - good thing the democrats have never asked for donations. then you'd look the fool.
So you voted for some obscure party that was farther to the left than the Democrats?

Green party maybe?

Socialist Party USA?

Communist Party USA?

Wait, I got it......Vermin Supreme, right? The guy with the rubber boot on his head.

That's about your level of intelligence. :laughing0301:
No idea how your little brain made that leap. You no read so gud.
If by my “blob,” you are talking about President Trump, your boy Mueller likely didn’t remember documenting any such meetings and wouldn’t stand by the reports anyway. Further, on the unlikely event that President Trump “met” with any Russian intel critters, the conclusion you choose to draw is not supported. A meeting or meetings doesn’t begin to address much less show “collusion.”

Otherwise, your post has no merit. And considering what you did say and imply, it still has no merit.
He (mueller) documented the meetings between you blob's (trump) campaign and Russian did the US Senate which was under GOP control at the time.
The last thing Donald Trump wants is to be asked about HIS Russian connections, which is what would happen if this case ever went anywhere.

This is a hoax, folks. Theater for you rubes.

And when it goes nowhere, he will whine to all of you tards that he was defeated by the D33P STAIT.

You really need to stop drinking his piss straight from the tap.
Trump's russian connection----he sold condos to a few hundred of them..
Hilliarys/Bidens/Obama's connection to Russia----giving Russia control of US Uranium that can easily be made into dirty bombs to be used in the US..(You ought to see what Hiliary and MUELLER did to make sure PUTIN personally got uranium samples---secret tarmac meeting with MUeller himself flying the Uranium over under Hilliarys orders) Clinton Foundation, Biden family, and likely Obama family bank accounts being used to funnel dirty russian money into the three crime bosses own banks.
He (mueller) documented the meetings between you blob's (trump) campaign and Russian did the US Senate which was under GOP control at the time.
Mueller personally flew on a jet to Moscow for a private secret meeting with the Russians taking them Uranium samples ordered by then secretary of state Clinton. Mueller was clintons henchman who abused his office to sell out american and to attack Trump without merit. Maybe Mueller should have been documenting his own RUSSIAN meetings and GIFTS.
Mueller personally flew on a jet to Moscow for a private secret meeting with the Russians taking them Uranium samples ordered by then secretary of state Clinton. Mueller was clintons henchman who abused his office to sell out american and to attack Trump without merit. Maybe Mueller should have been documenting his own RUSSIAN meetings and GIFTS.

Damn! That sounded like what the discovery phase of Trump's lawsuit is gonna sound like.

Get that stupid bitch Hillary on the stand and under oath! :banana:
lol :p

I keep referencing the grand liberal delusion (which is they can somehow change human nature through legislation) -

But this ^^^ may be the equivalent rightie delusion, that one can somehow separate the collective from the individual.

Righties tend to be polite civilized people, they're mostly the opposite of in-your-face (with rare exceptions), and they don't like to diss individuals for their party's idiotic ideas.

Me, I've gone quite the other way. I can't have a political discussion in public without some jackass accusing me of being a Trump lover, and then it's a short step from there to racist and all the rest. So, I've become very proactive at the individual level. I will not hesitate to make an example out of someone in public.

The last time, I was standing in line at a restaurant, back when it was outdoor-only and we all had to wear masks, and we struck up a discussion about the masks with the next people in line. So this young teenage girl who's like three couples down in line, walks back and starts ragging on me for being a Trumpie, and the minute she uttered the word "racist" I said okay that's it you're toast. So I let her go on for a while, just to the point where everyone was starting to look at me wondering if I really was a racist.

Then I made her cry. I pulled out pictures of my kids and showed them to her. Her face turned beet red, she was so humiliated she was literally speechless, and when she looked up there were tears in her eyes. I didn't say a word after that, I just flashed the pics around so everyone could see, and they all turned away like okay we're done here.... y'know?

I'm not going to be passive about that kind of thing any more. I'll put the progtards right down on Front and Main, where they can't POSSIBLY manipulate public opinion!
So you just vote for racist
Trump's russian connection----he sold condos to a few hundred of them..
Hilliarys/Bidens/Obama's connection to Russia----giving Russia control of US Uranium that can easily be made into dirty bombs to be used in the US..(You ought to see what Hiliary and MUELLER did to make sure PUTIN personally got uranium samples---secret tarmac meeting with MUeller himself flying the Uranium over under Hilliarys orders) Clinton Foundation, Biden family, and likely Obama family bank accounts being used to funnel dirty russian money into the three crime bosses own banks.
total gop bs...why would the russians need any help from trump idiots? They definitely helped their pal... Trump wants to be a russian oligarch
Trump is not the one on trial here. Or did you miss that?

Oh, and BTW: He filed the lawsuit in Florida. Not New York, and not DC.

It will go to trial, you can count on that. And that $300,000 from Stormy Daniels will help pay for Trump's legal expenses, if she coughs it up.
So, he's broke without that money, eh?

How's this lawsuit coming along, btw? Any depositions under oath yet?
Sorry bout that,

1. I for one hope Hillary runs in 2024, and goes neck and neck with, Trump again, at the same time right before the election, this case comes to a head, and Trump kicks the ole witch in the ass to the proverbial curb!!
2. Now that will be a show for the ages, blissful end of the Hildabeast.
3. Well played, President Trump, well played!


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