President Trump just filed a lawsuit against Hillary over the "Russian Collusion" allegations

I needed a good laugh this afternoon so thank you very much.

First as to the OP's headline, there is no "President Trump," only former President Trump.

Second, the Complaint is hilarious. Let us look at this line:

"In the run-up to the 2016 Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton and her cohorts
orchestrated an unthinkable plot – one that shocks the conscience and is an affront to this nation’s
democracy. Acting in concert, the Defendants maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative
that their Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty.
The actions taken in furtherance of their scheme—falsifying evidence, deceiving law enforcement,
and exploiting access to highly-sensitive data sources - are so outrageous, subversive and
incendiary that even the events of Watergate pale in comparison." about claptrap!

Third, this is apparently Trump's law firm. "" Wow, Trump only hires the best! Let's hope they got their money up front for this sure loser of a case, unless the law firm was crazy enough to do it on contingency.

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This case is pure garbage. Just like all the other Trump law suits.
I think no one told Trump the first thing they will do is bring him to the stand under oath... I think we would MTG memory loss...
No, the Russians were not employed by the firm she hired.

Virtually every post of yours on this has been a lie. i.e., typical rightwingnut.
yeah Igor was russian agent paid by clinton’s team for misinformation…he’s now indicted as part of the Durham probe into the start of the Russian hoax
yeah…you think employers meet all their employees? really?

We're not talking about all employers/employees. We're talking about one individual hiring another individual. I've never paid any employee for any reason I didn't meet.
yeah Igor was russian agent paid by clinton’s team for misinformation…he’s now indicted as part of the Durham probe into the start of the Russian hoax

No, he was not, ya lying tool. He was not employed by the U.S. firm hired by the law firm hired by the Clinton campaign.
Which jurors did prosecutor not agree to? Oh wait, they agreed to all of them, so save that bs for someone else

I think don't Cons understand the point of voir dere, the interviewing of a potential Juror. Both the Prosecution and Defense ask question of a potential juror to find if there is bais on the part a juror, if the juror has had any form of contact or have been overly influence for or against the defense because publicity regarding the conduct on the part of the defendent or unfair treatment on the part of the defendent that would influence that juror in their decision making process.

The Prosecution did interview the jurors. The jurors that were seated were agreed to by both the Prosecution and defense. This is just blowing of smoke because Cons choose to a liar, who has told so many lies it hard to keep track of the lies he has told. That Cons believe those lies is on them.
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We're not talking about all employers/employees. We're talking about one individual hiring another individual. I've never paid any employee for any reason I didn't meet.
yeah, we are talking about the Clinton Campaign, hiring someone...a russian agent....for propaganda
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What that dip shit Durham did in this case is nothing more than malicious prosecution driven based on a political agenda who only real purpose was prove something that could no be proven.

HRC is the MAGAG Meathead Great White Whale, (for the Conservatively impaired, that would be from the book MOBY DICK as written Herman Melville about Captain Ahab searching the seas for the whale took his leg. In the end MOBY DICK wins the day and Ahab died).

HRC has been the target of over Twenty Years of ReThug's pointless investigations, accusations, specious claims such as operating child porn ring out Pizza Joint in the D.C. Area. They cannot and will not accept that she way more intelligent than the average single digit IQ thumb sucking MAGA Meat head.

At this point Cons are throwing shit against the wall and if it sticks, they blame HRC.
yeah, we are talking about the Clinton Campaign, hiring someone...a russian agent....for propaganda

Clinton did not hire Danchenko. You're truly out of your fucking mind.

hahah yeah she did. v why do you ignore the reality? Did you not read the indictment?

Yeah, it says the law firm she hired, hired a U.S. firm. Nowhere in there does it say she hired Igor Danchenko.

Your own source proves you lied.

Your link confirms what I said...

Earlier that year, a U.S.-based international law firm ("Law Firm-I"), acting as counsel to the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign (the "Clinton Campaign"), had retained a U.S.-based investigative firm ("U.S. Investigative Firm-I") to conduct research on Trump and his associates.​
Yes, Clinton's campaign hired a firm....that employed this Russian agent.

How's that going over your head?

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