President Trump kept Putin and Russia in line, Stop Pretending

Trump had Russia and China under control.
By "under control" you must mean bending over for Vlad and Xi.

You lost me when you alleged that Trump was Putin's partner.

Keep adding the tinfoil, please.
Partners? I don't think so. But they were on the same side during the 2016 campaign, and after.

And they both shared a desire to weaken NATO. Trump Confirms He Threatened to Withdraw from NATO

Don did business with Vlad's oligarch friends. How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business

The King of Debt wanted to build a hotel in Moscow. The Truth Behind Trump Tower Moscow: How Trump Risked Everything For A (Relatively) Tiny Deal

Just sayin'.
You lost me when you alleged that Trump was Putin's partner.

I don’t think that’s a very good excuse to that that you avoided answering the question. Here it is again.

Do you actually think Putin supports liberal western democracy as it used to be practiced here until Trump?

When I say partners, I mean Putin and trump are on the same page in the way that they treat the ideal and practice of democracy.

They both think democracy is weak and that societies and nations are better ruled by yielding absolute power into one person who dictates what is right and wrong. Putin has been successful in Russia at acquiring absolute power.

I was with my wife in Russia when she and her father voted for Putin in 2000. 22 years later now committing genocide against the people of Ukraine for their practice of democracy and the desire to side with the west, Vladimir Putin is still in power. What Trump tried to do leading up to and on January 6 is emulate what Putin has done. They are partners.

I think you will find in the coming year that Putin is target is not Ukraine. His target is destroying western democracies that are not suited In his mind and to coexist with his authoritarian and corrupt oligarch infested autocracy.

Trump attempted to be like Putin with Constitutional and congressional chicanery, but failed because his vice president would not go along with it.

Pence didn’t want to become a part of violating the Constitution and committing fraud against the government. But in that Pence and Trump are two different people. Trump is like Putin Pence is like George Washington.

If you don’t think Putin would’ve loved to see Trump pull off the John Eastman, fake electors coup attempt you are a gullible and in denial fool.
When it was President Trump in office. Russia was in line with peace through strength President Trump implemented.
The Republican Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

The Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin, wanted Donald Trump to become our President in 2016 and wanted the Republican Party to be in power. Trump appointed three judges to the Supreme Court to continue his legacy.

Putin is being rewarded handsomely. America is in turmoil. The very basis of our democracy, free elections, is under attack. Trump and the Republican Party are, of course, responsible, aided by a very conservative Supreme Court that has become so unpopular it has walled itself off from the American people.

Republicans remain silent.

We have never experienced the silence from a major party that we are experiencing now.

The Times writes, "Pressed by Supreme Court decisions diminishing rights that Americans hold dear and expanding those cherished by the right, the United States appears to be drifting apart into separate nations, with diametrically opposed social, environmental and health policies.

"Call these the Disunited States."

Thank you, Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Neil M. Gorsuch, and Brett M. Kavanaugh. Vladimir Putin is extremely proud of you. Thanks to the President I wanted, you have accomplished in a few months what communist Russia could not accomplish in over a hundred years.

America has become a divided nation!

The responsibility lies with the Republican Party, which accounts for their total silence.

For reasons that confuse many, it is expected that the Republican Party will be rewarded for what they have done. As their leader, Trump, is being investigated for possible sedition, the Republican Party may win control of Congress in November.

How could this happen? The rural voters that dominate the Republican Party are clueless. As this thread shows, they avoid reality. They don't know, and they don't want to know.
Putin is being rewarded handsomely. America is in turmoil. The very basis of our democracy, free elections, is under attack. Trump and the Republican Party are, of course, responsible, aided by a very conservative Supreme Court that has become so unpopular it has walled itself off from the American people.
CNN reports, "The marshal of the Supreme Court has asked Maryland and Virginia officials to direct law enforcement to enforce state and county laws prohibiting picketing outside the homes of Supreme Court justices, according to letters obtained by CNN.

"Col. Gail A Curley sent letters to Republican Gov. Larry Hogan, Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Democrat Marc Elrich, the county executive of Montgomery County, and Democrat Jeffrey McKay, Fairfax County board of supervisors’ chairman.

"The letters, released by a court spokesperson on Saturday to reporters and sent as the court ended a blockbuster term which saw historic decisions on guns, abortion and climate, refer to protests that have taken place “for weeks on end."
When it was President Trump in office. Russia was in line with peace through strength President Trump implemented.
Trump was all about peace with Russia through appeasement.

When Trump and Putin were at a world’s leadership summit Trump said he believed Putin over his own intelligence agencies. That is not a piece of peace Through strength, there is peace through kissing Putin’s ass by the president of the United States of America
I don’t think that’s a very good excuse to that that you avoided answering the question. Here it is again.

When I say partners, I mean Putin and trump are on the same page in the way that they treat the ideal and practice of democracy.

They both think democracy is weak and that societies and nations are better ruled by yielding absolute power into one person who dictates what is right and wrong. Putin has been successful in Russia at acquiring absolute power.

I was with my wife in Russia when she and her father voted for Putin in 2000. 22 years later now committing genocide against the people of Ukraine for their practice of democracy and the desire to side with the west, Vladimir Putin is still in power. What Trump tried to do leading up to and on January 6 is emulate what Putin has done. They are partners.

I think you will find in the coming year that Putin is target is not Ukraine. His target is destroying western democracies that are not suited In his mind and to coexist with his authoritarian and corrupt oligarch infested autocracy.

Trump attempted to be like Putin with Constitutional and congressional chicanery, but failed because his vice president would not go along with it.

Pence didn’t want to become a part of violating the Constitution and committing fraud against the government. But in that Pence and Trump are two different people. Trump is like Putin Pence is like George Washington.

If you don’t think Putin would’ve loved to see Trump pull off the John Eastman, fake electors coup attempt you are a gullible and in denial fool.

Ukraine puts the C in the word corruption and is not a proven Democracy with any kind of track record.

That's why they are not a member of NATO!!

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