President Trump LIVE In 15 minutes.

If President Trump is making mistakes it's because he's taking decisive actions. The Kenyan Klown always heard about this kind of shit on cable news (like us!) and then never did fuckall except appoint a czar with a license to steal.
You fricking loser moron. Obama is not President. It does not matter what Obama did or did not do. It matter what Trump does.
Trump and the absolute biggest dumbass losers in history are more concerned about Trump's image than dealing with the virus.
Where did you come from.
Of course Trump did not cause the virus. No one said he did. But Trump is leading how we address the virus. Everything the government does or does not do is not on Trump but a big part is.
After this is over, they will discuss what was done right and what was done wrong. No way anyone can be perfect.

Now that Trump is taking the actions recommended by the professionals i hope dumbasses like you and the other Trump minions do not continue to undermine the required actions to mitigate the virus.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


We have less tests
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

Fucking dumb...

The leftists have absolutely nothing. Trump is doing a STELLAR job, while some of the European countries are surrendering and leaving yes *gasp* even testing behind, in tactic called.
Come on Norman, I thought you were starting to deal with reality. You are not.
The pandemic is not Trump's fault but he is not doing a stellar job. Far from it. He would be the same place the dumbass Trump minions are on this post if it were not for a group at the White House who finally realized they could not let the idiot President continue down playing down the virus. Look at the difference between what Trump was tweeting yesterday and today. He was slapped up the head by people who understand the severity of the health crisis.
Trump and his minions are more concerned with Trump's image than how many people die from the virus.
That is the quality of the ultimate dumbass losers. Trump has provided them a platform and a sense of semi-legitimacy but they were losers before Trump, they are losers during Trump. The facade the losers were given by Trump is being pulled back by the handling of the virus.
False, Fake, Dumbass losers.

Trump is doing a stellar job while countries such as UK and Sweden are giving up.
Why don't you compare the US to Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea, Europe is not giving up.
Italy really fucked up and the moves made today are to try and prevent a repeat of Italy here.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


We have less tests
Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

Fucking dumb...

The leftists have absolutely nothing. Trump is doing a STELLAR job, while some of the European countries are surrendering and leaving yes *gasp* even testing behind, in tactic called.
Come on Norman, I thought you were starting to deal with reality. You are not.
The pandemic is not Trump's fault but he is not doing a stellar job. Far from it. He would be the same place the dumbass Trump minions are on this post if it were not for a group at the White House who finally realized they could not let the idiot President continue down playing down the virus. Look at the difference between what Trump was tweeting yesterday and today. He was slapped up the head by people who understand the severity of the health crisis.
Trump and his minions are more concerned with Trump's image than how many people die from the virus.
That is the quality of the ultimate dumbass losers. Trump has provided them a platform and a sense of semi-legitimacy but they were losers before Trump, they are losers during Trump. The facade the losers were given by Trump is being pulled back by the handling of the virus.
False, Fake, Dumbass losers.

Trump is doing a stellar job while countries such as UK and Sweden are giving up.
Why don't you compare the US to Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea, Europe is not giving up.
Italy really fucked up and the moves made today are to try and prevent a repeat of Italy here.
Trump is not a messiah but he is doing a great job so why don't you stop embarrassing yourself and act like an adult....
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


We have less tests
Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

Fucking dumb...

The leftists have absolutely nothing. Trump is doing a STELLAR job, while some of the European countries are surrendering and leaving yes *gasp* even testing behind, in tactic called.
Come on Norman, I thought you were starting to deal with reality. You are not.
The pandemic is not Trump's fault but he is not doing a stellar job. Far from it. He would be the same place the dumbass Trump minions are on this post if it were not for a group at the White House who finally realized they could not let the idiot President continue down playing down the virus. Look at the difference between what Trump was tweeting yesterday and today. He was slapped up the head by people who understand the severity of the health crisis.
Trump and his minions are more concerned with Trump's image than how many people die from the virus.
That is the quality of the ultimate dumbass losers. Trump has provided them a platform and a sense of semi-legitimacy but they were losers before Trump, they are losers during Trump. The facade the losers were given by Trump is being pulled back by the handling of the virus.
False, Fake, Dumbass losers.

Trump is doing a stellar job while countries such as UK and Sweden are giving up.
Why don't you compare the US to Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea, Europe is not giving up.
Italy really fucked up and the moves made today are to try and prevent a repeat of Italy here.

Strategy of UK and Sweden: give up.

Open borders, no testing apart from some extreme cases. Basically: let the virus win.

Not surprising for a cucked up country like Sweden.
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


We have less tests
heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

Fucking dumb...

The leftists have absolutely nothing. Trump is doing a STELLAR job, while some of the European countries are surrendering and leaving yes *gasp* even testing behind, in tactic called.
Come on Norman, I thought you were starting to deal with reality. You are not.
The pandemic is not Trump's fault but he is not doing a stellar job. Far from it. He would be the same place the dumbass Trump minions are on this post if it were not for a group at the White House who finally realized they could not let the idiot President continue down playing down the virus. Look at the difference between what Trump was tweeting yesterday and today. He was slapped up the head by people who understand the severity of the health crisis.
Trump and his minions are more concerned with Trump's image than how many people die from the virus.
That is the quality of the ultimate dumbass losers. Trump has provided them a platform and a sense of semi-legitimacy but they were losers before Trump, they are losers during Trump. The facade the losers were given by Trump is being pulled back by the handling of the virus.
False, Fake, Dumbass losers.

Trump is doing a stellar job while countries such as UK and Sweden are giving up.
Why don't you compare the US to Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea, Europe is not giving up.
Italy really fucked up and the moves made today are to try and prevent a repeat of Italy here.

Strategy of UK and Sweden: give up.

Open borders, no testing apart from some extreme cases. Basically: let the virus win.

Not surprising for a cucked up country like Sweden.
Why don't you compare the US to Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea,
We have less tests
Fucking dumb...

The leftists have absolutely nothing. Trump is doing a STELLAR job, while some of the European countries are surrendering and leaving yes *gasp* even testing behind, in tactic called.
Come on Norman, I thought you were starting to deal with reality. You are not.
The pandemic is not Trump's fault but he is not doing a stellar job. Far from it. He would be the same place the dumbass Trump minions are on this post if it were not for a group at the White House who finally realized they could not let the idiot President continue down playing down the virus. Look at the difference between what Trump was tweeting yesterday and today. He was slapped up the head by people who understand the severity of the health crisis.
Trump and his minions are more concerned with Trump's image than how many people die from the virus.
That is the quality of the ultimate dumbass losers. Trump has provided them a platform and a sense of semi-legitimacy but they were losers before Trump, they are losers during Trump. The facade the losers were given by Trump is being pulled back by the handling of the virus.
False, Fake, Dumbass losers.

Trump is doing a stellar job while countries such as UK and Sweden are giving up.
Why don't you compare the US to Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea, Europe is not giving up.
Italy really fucked up and the moves made today are to try and prevent a repeat of Italy here.

Strategy of UK and Sweden: give up.

Open borders, no testing apart from some extreme cases. Basically: let the virus win.

Not surprising for a cucked up country like Sweden.
Why don't you compare the US to Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea,

South Korea... a country where a death cult is spreading the virus around for fun?

Are you serious? They have way more cases while the dump I took is bigger than the country.
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


We have less tests
heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

Fucking dumb...

The leftists have absolutely nothing. Trump is doing a STELLAR job, while some of the European countries are surrendering and leaving yes *gasp* even testing behind, in tactic called.
Come on Norman, I thought you were starting to deal with reality. You are not.
The pandemic is not Trump's fault but he is not doing a stellar job. Far from it. He would be the same place the dumbass Trump minions are on this post if it were not for a group at the White House who finally realized they could not let the idiot President continue down playing down the virus. Look at the difference between what Trump was tweeting yesterday and today. He was slapped up the head by people who understand the severity of the health crisis.
Trump and his minions are more concerned with Trump's image than how many people die from the virus.
That is the quality of the ultimate dumbass losers. Trump has provided them a platform and a sense of semi-legitimacy but they were losers before Trump, they are losers during Trump. The facade the losers were given by Trump is being pulled back by the handling of the virus.
False, Fake, Dumbass losers.

Trump is doing a stellar job while countries such as UK and Sweden are giving up.
Why don't you compare the US to Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea, Europe is not giving up.
Italy really fucked up and the moves made today are to try and prevent a repeat of Italy here.
Trump is not a messiah but he is doing a great job so why don't you stop embarrassing yourself and act like an adult....
Embarrassing myself. Are you shitting me. Take a look at yourself.
You losers were semi-tolerable on other issues when you took absolute dumbass stances. But what you dumbass losers are doing on the coronavirus is criminal. You are more concerned with Trump's image than anything else.
Screw Trump. He did not cause the virus, but he needs to get his sorry ass out of the way so the experts can do their job. Up until now Trump and the minions have been getting in the way, concerned this may make Trump look bad.
You need to do the same.You are a sorry dumbass loser. You should be embarrassed.
Come on Norman, I thought you were starting to deal with reality. You are not.
The pandemic is not Trump's fault but he is not doing a stellar job. Far from it. He would be the same place the dumbass Trump minions are on this post if it were not for a group at the White House who finally realized they could not let the idiot President continue down playing down the virus. Look at the difference between what Trump was tweeting yesterday and today. He was slapped up the head by people who understand the severity of the health crisis.
Trump and his minions are more concerned with Trump's image than how many people die from the virus.
That is the quality of the ultimate dumbass losers. Trump has provided them a platform and a sense of semi-legitimacy but they were losers before Trump, they are losers during Trump. The facade the losers were given by Trump is being pulled back by the handling of the virus.
False, Fake, Dumbass losers.

Trump is doing a stellar job while countries such as UK and Sweden are giving up.
Why don't you compare the US to Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea, Europe is not giving up.
Italy really fucked up and the moves made today are to try and prevent a repeat of Italy here.

Strategy of UK and Sweden: give up.

Open borders, no testing apart from some extreme cases. Basically: let the virus win.

Not surprising for a cucked up country like Sweden.
Why don't you compare the US to Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea,

South Korea... a country where a death cult is spreading the virus around for fun?

Are you serious? They have way more cases while the dump I took is bigger than the country.
God help you.
Trump is doing a stellar job while countries such as UK and Sweden are giving up.
Why don't you compare the US to Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea, Europe is not giving up.
Italy really fucked up and the moves made today are to try and prevent a repeat of Italy here.

Strategy of UK and Sweden: give up.

Open borders, no testing apart from some extreme cases. Basically: let the virus win.

Not surprising for a cucked up country like Sweden.
Why don't you compare the US to Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Korea,

South Korea... a country where a death cult is spreading the virus around for fun?

Are you serious? They have way more cases while the dump I took is bigger than the country.
God help you.

Facts are not your thing? That happens to CNNPCs.
You are a sorry dumbass loser
But my team is doing all of the winning....maybe you are mixed up....
You are an example of Trump's ultimate con.
You are part of a group Trump identified. It is a group of huge pathetic losers that everyone ignored. He promised to make you a winner. You sucked in. Once he was elected he kept telling you that he and you are winning. He was lying just like he did about the coronavirus. He is playing you dumbass suckers. Trump has given you a platform you never had before. You were emboldened to honestly speak your thoughts and beliefs.
That has proved to show what an absolute dumbass loser you are. Because you support Trump doesn't make you a winner. He is using you. It makes you a bigger loser.
You are a sorry dumbass loser
But my team is doing all of the winning....maybe you are mixed up....
You are an example of Trump's ultimate con.
You are part of a group Trump identified. It is a group of huge pathetic losers that everyone ignored. He promised to make you a winner. You sucked in. Once he was elected he kept telling you that he and you are winning. He was lying just like he did about the coronavirus. He is playing you dumbass suckers. Trump has given you a platform you never had before. You were emboldened to honestly speak your thoughts and beliefs.
That has proved to show what an absolute dumbass loser you are. Because you support Trump doesn't make you a winner. He is using you. It makes you a bigger loser.
But I'm winning and you are not...hmmmmmmmm I don't think I believe are the loser...why would I listen to you?....
You are a sorry dumbass loser
But my team is doing all of the winning....maybe you are mixed up....
Really. What do you define as winning? this could be interesting.

Does that mean if Trump loses the next election, you will be a loser? If someone has to depend on who they vote for President to determine if they are a winner or a loser, THEY ARE A LOSER.
You are a sorry dumbass loser
But my team is doing all of the winning....maybe you are mixed up....
Really. What do you define as winning? this could be interesting.

Does that mean if Trump loses the next election, you will be a loser? If someone has to depend on who they vote for President to determine if they are a winner or a loser, THEY ARE A LOSER.

No way he loses...not gonna happen.....
You are a sorry dumbass loser
But my team is doing all of the winning....maybe you are mixed up....
Really. What do you define as winning? this could be interesting.

Does that mean if Trump loses the next election, you will be a loser? If someone has to depend on who they vote for President to determine if they are a winner or a loser, THEY ARE A LOSER.

No way he loses...not gonna happen.....

Does your definition of winning and losing mean you were a loser the 8 years Obama was President? Over the past 11 years you have been a winner for 3 years and a loser for 8 years.
You are pathetic and you know it.
But my team is doing all of the winning....maybe you are mixed up....
Really. What do you define as winning? this could be interesting.

Does that mean if Trump loses the next election, you will be a loser? If someone has to depend on who they vote for President to determine if they are a winner or a loser, THEY ARE A LOSER.

No way he loses...not gonna happen.....

Does your definition of winning and losing mean you were a loser the 8 years Obama was President? Over the past 11 years you have been a winner for 3 years and a loser for 8 years.
You are pathetic and you know it.

No I didn't lose when Obama was president because we took back the house and senate from him because of him....right out from under his over sized treasonous to be you pony boi.....
Really. What do you define as winning? this could be interesting.

Does that mean if Trump loses the next election, you will be a loser? If someone has to depend on who they vote for President to determine if they are a winner or a loser, THEY ARE A LOSER.

No way he loses...not gonna happen.....

Does your definition of winning and losing mean you were a loser the 8 years Obama was President? Over the past 11 years you have been a winner for 3 years and a loser for 8 years.
You are pathetic and you know it.

No I didn't lose when Obama was president because we took back the house and senate from him because of him....right out from under his over sized treasonous to be you pony boi.....

You are an idiot. So anti-Trumpers are winners because they took back the house in 2018.
You will never be a winner. Do you see how faulty your thoughts are. Everything you say can be turned back on you. You are an idiot.

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