President Trump LIVE In 15 minutes.

Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------
Trump keeps his promises? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Don't even get me started on "drain the swamp". :lol:
If every American had a dollar for every time he used the word "tremendous" we could stave off any economic problems.

He really needs to turn the page on his word of the day calendar.

Trump is doing a tremendous job.

While every medical professional on the planet is urging social distancing, your blob caused this bottleneck this passed weekend in airports across the nation.

That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

He fired Obama's pandemic people. He hired Azar who was the one who really fucked up testing, after he fired Price who was beyond imcompetent whom he hired to replace Burwell who went through ebola and zika. He hired Fitzgerald for CDC who had to resign because she was trading TOBACCO STOCKS. And he brought back Obama's head only to replace her with a guy who's never managed public health but thinls AIDS IS GODS PUNISHMENT TO FAGS. He hired Verma for CMS.

jfc It's a pandemic of incompetence. (and I stole that line)

Except that's not what happened with the test kits. At all.

The CDC developed their own test kits instead of using those being offered by other nations. Those test kits were defective.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

I know the temptation is to just blame Trump for everything. he owns what he owns, but he didn't do this. That decision came from within the CDC.

That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

I can do better than one.

Here's 2 and, quite simply, there is a ton of this out there.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

"On February 5th, sixteen days after a Seattle resident who had visited relatives in Wuhan, China, was diagnosed as having the first confirmed case of covid-19 in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control, in Atlanta, began sending diagnostic tests to a network of about a hundred state, city, and county public-health laboratories⁠. Up to that point, all testing for covid-19 in the U.S. had been done at the C.D.C.; of some five hundred suspected cases⁠ tested at the Centers, twelve had confirmed positive. The new test kits would allow about fifty thousand patients to be tested, and they would also make testing much faster, as patient specimens would no longer have to be sent to Atlanta to be evaluated.

The kits were shipped in small white cardboard boxes. Inside each box were four vials, packed in stiff gray foam⁠, which held the necessary materials, known as reagents, to run tests on about three hundred⁠ people. Before a state or local lab could use the C.D.C.-developed tests on actual patients, however, it had to insure that they worked the same way they had in Atlanta, a process known as verification. The first batch of kits, sent to more than fifty state and local public-health labs⁠, arrived on February 7th. Of the labs that received tests, around six to eight were able to verify that they worked as intended. But a larger number, about thirty-six of them, received inconclusive⁠ results from one of the reagents. Another five, including the New York City and New York State labs, had problems with two reagents. On February 8th, several labs reported their problems to the C.D.C. In a briefing a few days later, Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said that although “we hoped that everything would go smoothly as we rushed through this,” the verification problems were “part of the normal procedures⁠.” In the meantime, she said, until new reagents could be manufactured, all covid-19 testing in the United States would continue to take place exclusively at the C.D.C⁠.

The public-health-laboratory network was never intended to provide widespread testing in the event of a pandemic. To offer tests to anyone who wanted them, as President Trump did, on March 6th, was always going to require commercial testing facilities to come on line. Still, the three-week delay caused by the C.D.C.’s failure to get working test kits into the hands of the public-health labs came at a crucial time...."

'Don't believe the numbers you see': Johns Hopkins professor says up to 500,000 Americans have coronavirus

“The CDC did admit to a mistake in the rollout of the testing and let’s face it — they went with the wrong testing system,” Makary said. “It was an early decision. It lived deep within the CDC and they have acknowledged that mistake.”

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

He fired Obama's pandemic people. He hired Azar who was the one who really fucked up testing, after he fired Price who was beyond imcompetent whom he hired to replace Burwell who went through ebola and zika. He hired Fitzgerald for CDC who had to resign because she was trading TOBACCO STOCKS. And he brought back Obama's head only to replace her with a guy who's never managed public health but thinls AIDS IS GODS PUNISHMENT TO FAGS. He hired Verma for CMS.

jfc It's a pandemic of incompetence. (and I stole that line)

Except that's not what happened with the test kits. At all.

The CDC developed their own test kits instead of using those being offered by other nations. Those test kits were defective.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

I know the temptation is to just blame Trump for everything. he owns what he owns, but he didn't do this. That decision came from within the CDC.


Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

I can do better than one.

Here's 2 and, quite simply, there is a ton of this out there.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

"On February 5th, sixteen days after a Seattle resident who had visited relatives in Wuhan, China, was diagnosed as having the first confirmed case of covid-19 in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control, in Atlanta, began sending diagnostic tests to a network of about a hundred state, city, and county public-health laboratories⁠. Up to that point, all testing for covid-19 in the U.S. had been done at the C.D.C.; of some five hundred suspected cases⁠ tested at the Centers, twelve had confirmed positive. The new test kits would allow about fifty thousand patients to be tested, and they would also make testing much faster, as patient specimens would no longer have to be sent to Atlanta to be evaluated.

The kits were shipped in small white cardboard boxes. Inside each box were four vials, packed in stiff gray foam⁠, which held the necessary materials, known as reagents, to run tests on about three hundred⁠ people. Before a state or local lab could use the C.D.C.-developed tests on actual patients, however, it had to insure that they worked the same way they had in Atlanta, a process known as verification. The first batch of kits, sent to more than fifty state and local public-health labs⁠, arrived on February 7th. Of the labs that received tests, around six to eight were able to verify that they worked as intended. But a larger number, about thirty-six of them, received inconclusive⁠ results from one of the reagents. Another five, including the New York City and New York State labs, had problems with two reagents. On February 8th, several labs reported their problems to the C.D.C. In a briefing a few days later, Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said that although “we hoped that everything would go smoothly as we rushed through this,” the verification problems were “part of the normal procedures⁠.” In the meantime, she said, until new reagents could be manufactured, all covid-19 testing in the United States would continue to take place exclusively at the C.D.C⁠.

The public-health-laboratory network was never intended to provide widespread testing in the event of a pandemic. To offer tests to anyone who wanted them, as President Trump did, on March 6th, was always going to require commercial testing facilities to come on line. Still, the three-week delay caused by the C.D.C.’s failure to get working test kits into the hands of the public-health labs came at a crucial time...."

'Don't believe the numbers you see': Johns Hopkins professor says up to 500,000 Americans have coronavirus

“The CDC did admit to a mistake in the rollout of the testing and let’s face it — they went with the wrong testing system,” Makary said. “It was an early decision. It lived deep within the CDC and they have acknowledged that mistake.”
Trump should have been kicking people in the nuts until the test kits hit the streets.

Instead, he was blowing it off. Telling everyone virus would be gone in a few days. It was all under control. Everyone who wants to be tested can be tested. "I'm not worried at all."

That is gross negligence, and no amount of spin will mitigate that.

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

He fired Obama's pandemic people. He hired Azar who was the one who really fucked up testing, after he fired Price who was beyond imcompetent whom he hired to replace Burwell who went through ebola and zika. He hired Fitzgerald for CDC who had to resign because she was trading TOBACCO STOCKS. And he brought back Obama's head only to replace her with a guy who's never managed public health but thinls AIDS IS GODS PUNISHMENT TO FAGS. He hired Verma for CMS.

jfc It's a pandemic of incompetence. (and I stole that line)

Except that's not what happened with the test kits. At all.

The CDC developed their own test kits instead of using those being offered by other nations. Those test kits were defective.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

I know the temptation is to just blame Trump for everything. he owns what he owns, but he didn't do this. That decision came from within the CDC.


Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

I can do better than one.

Here's 2 and, quite simply, there is a ton of this out there.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

"On February 5th, sixteen days after a Seattle resident who had visited relatives in Wuhan, China, was diagnosed as having the first confirmed case of covid-19 in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control, in Atlanta, began sending diagnostic tests to a network of about a hundred state, city, and county public-health laboratories⁠. Up to that point, all testing for covid-19 in the U.S. had been done at the C.D.C.; of some five hundred suspected cases⁠ tested at the Centers, twelve had confirmed positive. The new test kits would allow about fifty thousand patients to be tested, and they would also make testing much faster, as patient specimens would no longer have to be sent to Atlanta to be evaluated.

The kits were shipped in small white cardboard boxes. Inside each box were four vials, packed in stiff gray foam⁠, which held the necessary materials, known as reagents, to run tests on about three hundred⁠ people. Before a state or local lab could use the C.D.C.-developed tests on actual patients, however, it had to insure that they worked the same way they had in Atlanta, a process known as verification. The first batch of kits, sent to more than fifty state and local public-health labs⁠, arrived on February 7th. Of the labs that received tests, around six to eight were able to verify that they worked as intended. But a larger number, about thirty-six of them, received inconclusive⁠ results from one of the reagents. Another five, including the New York City and New York State labs, had problems with two reagents. On February 8th, several labs reported their problems to the C.D.C. In a briefing a few days later, Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said that although “we hoped that everything would go smoothly as we rushed through this,” the verification problems were “part of the normal procedures⁠.” In the meantime, she said, until new reagents could be manufactured, all covid-19 testing in the United States would continue to take place exclusively at the C.D.C⁠.

The public-health-laboratory network was never intended to provide widespread testing in the event of a pandemic. To offer tests to anyone who wanted them, as President Trump did, on March 6th, was always going to require commercial testing facilities to come on line. Still, the three-week delay caused by the C.D.C.’s failure to get working test kits into the hands of the public-health labs came at a crucial time...."

'Don't believe the numbers you see': Johns Hopkins professor says up to 500,000 Americans have coronavirus

“The CDC did admit to a mistake in the rollout of the testing and let’s face it — they went with the wrong testing system,” Makary said. “It was an early decision. It lived deep within the CDC and they have acknowledged that mistake.”

regardless what the cdc did TRUMP SAID EVERYONE COULD GET TESTED - his handlers quickly corrected his fat lying ass -

read the link I gave you -
guess who the prick was that got his fat ass impeached
Ummmm the same guy that was exonerated in the senate....and you need to take a better look Trump is losing weight....he has lost 15 pounds or more....

According to whom? Or is this something you found out personally while you lips were clasped to his ass
If the thought of that gives you a wet spot knock yourself out weirdo....

I actually prefer the old days before people like you choose to worship the man sitting in the White House.

Worshiping the POTUS is not good for the country.
You have a deformed definition of worship....I don't worship any man but I do support Trump for the things he is Making America Great one else in government today could do what he has done...he keeps his promises and as long as he does that he will get my support and I will defend him from anti freedom and anti American scum like you all day long....if you call that worship I think its you that needs some bed rest for TDS....

Come now, do not be shy. Your worship of the man is obvious to us all. You could no more say something bad about them an than you could cut off an arm. In your world he is the source for all that is good and right.
People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

He fired Obama's pandemic people. He hired Azar who was the one who really fucked up testing, after he fired Price who was beyond imcompetent whom he hired to replace Burwell who went through ebola and zika. He hired Fitzgerald for CDC who had to resign because she was trading TOBACCO STOCKS. And he brought back Obama's head only to replace her with a guy who's never managed public health but thinls AIDS IS GODS PUNISHMENT TO FAGS. He hired Verma for CMS.

jfc It's a pandemic of incompetence. (and I stole that line)

Except that's not what happened with the test kits. At all.

The CDC developed their own test kits instead of using those being offered by other nations. Those test kits were defective.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

I know the temptation is to just blame Trump for everything. he owns what he owns, but he didn't do this. That decision came from within the CDC.

People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

I can do better than one.

Here's 2 and, quite simply, there is a ton of this out there.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

"On February 5th, sixteen days after a Seattle resident who had visited relatives in Wuhan, China, was diagnosed as having the first confirmed case of covid-19 in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control, in Atlanta, began sending diagnostic tests to a network of about a hundred state, city, and county public-health laboratories⁠. Up to that point, all testing for covid-19 in the U.S. had been done at the C.D.C.; of some five hundred suspected cases⁠ tested at the Centers, twelve had confirmed positive. The new test kits would allow about fifty thousand patients to be tested, and they would also make testing much faster, as patient specimens would no longer have to be sent to Atlanta to be evaluated.

The kits were shipped in small white cardboard boxes. Inside each box were four vials, packed in stiff gray foam⁠, which held the necessary materials, known as reagents, to run tests on about three hundred⁠ people. Before a state or local lab could use the C.D.C.-developed tests on actual patients, however, it had to insure that they worked the same way they had in Atlanta, a process known as verification. The first batch of kits, sent to more than fifty state and local public-health labs⁠, arrived on February 7th. Of the labs that received tests, around six to eight were able to verify that they worked as intended. But a larger number, about thirty-six of them, received inconclusive⁠ results from one of the reagents. Another five, including the New York City and New York State labs, had problems with two reagents. On February 8th, several labs reported their problems to the C.D.C. In a briefing a few days later, Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said that although “we hoped that everything would go smoothly as we rushed through this,” the verification problems were “part of the normal procedures⁠.” In the meantime, she said, until new reagents could be manufactured, all covid-19 testing in the United States would continue to take place exclusively at the C.D.C⁠.

The public-health-laboratory network was never intended to provide widespread testing in the event of a pandemic. To offer tests to anyone who wanted them, as President Trump did, on March 6th, was always going to require commercial testing facilities to come on line. Still, the three-week delay caused by the C.D.C.’s failure to get working test kits into the hands of the public-health labs came at a crucial time...."

'Don't believe the numbers you see': Johns Hopkins professor says up to 500,000 Americans have coronavirus

“The CDC did admit to a mistake in the rollout of the testing and let’s face it — they went with the wrong testing system,” Makary said. “It was an early decision. It lived deep within the CDC and they have acknowledged that mistake.”
Trump should have been kicking people in the nuts until the test kits hit the streets.

Instead, he was blowing it off. Telling everyone virus would be gone in a few days. It was all under control. Everyone who wants to be tested can be tested. "I'm not worried at all."

That is gross negligence, and no amount of spin will mitigate that.

There is no spin. As normal, I've presented facts and the sources to support them.

The CDC screwed up. Various outlets, including the CDC, have acknowledged it.

Blame Trump if you want, but the simple and established facts of the situation contradict that view on this issue of the test kits.
People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

He fired Obama's pandemic people. He hired Azar who was the one who really fucked up testing, after he fired Price who was beyond imcompetent whom he hired to replace Burwell who went through ebola and zika. He hired Fitzgerald for CDC who had to resign because she was trading TOBACCO STOCKS. And he brought back Obama's head only to replace her with a guy who's never managed public health but thinls AIDS IS GODS PUNISHMENT TO FAGS. He hired Verma for CMS.

jfc It's a pandemic of incompetence. (and I stole that line)

Except that's not what happened with the test kits. At all.

The CDC developed their own test kits instead of using those being offered by other nations. Those test kits were defective.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

I know the temptation is to just blame Trump for everything. he owns what he owns, but he didn't do this. That decision came from within the CDC.

People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

I can do better than one.

Here's 2 and, quite simply, there is a ton of this out there.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

"On February 5th, sixteen days after a Seattle resident who had visited relatives in Wuhan, China, was diagnosed as having the first confirmed case of covid-19 in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control, in Atlanta, began sending diagnostic tests to a network of about a hundred state, city, and county public-health laboratories⁠. Up to that point, all testing for covid-19 in the U.S. had been done at the C.D.C.; of some five hundred suspected cases⁠ tested at the Centers, twelve had confirmed positive. The new test kits would allow about fifty thousand patients to be tested, and they would also make testing much faster, as patient specimens would no longer have to be sent to Atlanta to be evaluated.

The kits were shipped in small white cardboard boxes. Inside each box were four vials, packed in stiff gray foam⁠, which held the necessary materials, known as reagents, to run tests on about three hundred⁠ people. Before a state or local lab could use the C.D.C.-developed tests on actual patients, however, it had to insure that they worked the same way they had in Atlanta, a process known as verification. The first batch of kits, sent to more than fifty state and local public-health labs⁠, arrived on February 7th. Of the labs that received tests, around six to eight were able to verify that they worked as intended. But a larger number, about thirty-six of them, received inconclusive⁠ results from one of the reagents. Another five, including the New York City and New York State labs, had problems with two reagents. On February 8th, several labs reported their problems to the C.D.C. In a briefing a few days later, Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said that although “we hoped that everything would go smoothly as we rushed through this,” the verification problems were “part of the normal procedures⁠.” In the meantime, she said, until new reagents could be manufactured, all covid-19 testing in the United States would continue to take place exclusively at the C.D.C⁠.

The public-health-laboratory network was never intended to provide widespread testing in the event of a pandemic. To offer tests to anyone who wanted them, as President Trump did, on March 6th, was always going to require commercial testing facilities to come on line. Still, the three-week delay caused by the C.D.C.’s failure to get working test kits into the hands of the public-health labs came at a crucial time...."

'Don't believe the numbers you see': Johns Hopkins professor says up to 500,000 Americans have coronavirus

“The CDC did admit to a mistake in the rollout of the testing and let’s face it — they went with the wrong testing system,” Makary said. “It was an early decision. It lived deep within the CDC and they have acknowledged that mistake.”

regardless what the cdc did TRUMP SAID EVERYONE COULD GET TESTED - his handlers quickly corrected his fat lying ass -

read the link I gave you -

I did read it and recall his statement. I've often criticized his bloviating and running at the mouth during this situation, but in this case the delay in the test kits was not due to his bloviating.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

He fired Obama's pandemic people. He hired Azar who was the one who really fucked up testing, after he fired Price who was beyond imcompetent whom he hired to replace Burwell who went through ebola and zika. He hired Fitzgerald for CDC who had to resign because she was trading TOBACCO STOCKS. And he brought back Obama's head only to replace her with a guy who's never managed public health but thinls AIDS IS GODS PUNISHMENT TO FAGS. He hired Verma for CMS.

jfc It's a pandemic of incompetence. (and I stole that line)

Except that's not what happened with the test kits. At all.

The CDC developed their own test kits instead of using those being offered by other nations. Those test kits were defective.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

I know the temptation is to just blame Trump for everything. he owns what he owns, but he didn't do this. That decision came from within the CDC.

It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

I can do better than one.

Here's 2 and, quite simply, there is a ton of this out there.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

"On February 5th, sixteen days after a Seattle resident who had visited relatives in Wuhan, China, was diagnosed as having the first confirmed case of covid-19 in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control, in Atlanta, began sending diagnostic tests to a network of about a hundred state, city, and county public-health laboratories⁠. Up to that point, all testing for covid-19 in the U.S. had been done at the C.D.C.; of some five hundred suspected cases⁠ tested at the Centers, twelve had confirmed positive. The new test kits would allow about fifty thousand patients to be tested, and they would also make testing much faster, as patient specimens would no longer have to be sent to Atlanta to be evaluated.

The kits were shipped in small white cardboard boxes. Inside each box were four vials, packed in stiff gray foam⁠, which held the necessary materials, known as reagents, to run tests on about three hundred⁠ people. Before a state or local lab could use the C.D.C.-developed tests on actual patients, however, it had to insure that they worked the same way they had in Atlanta, a process known as verification. The first batch of kits, sent to more than fifty state and local public-health labs⁠, arrived on February 7th. Of the labs that received tests, around six to eight were able to verify that they worked as intended. But a larger number, about thirty-six of them, received inconclusive⁠ results from one of the reagents. Another five, including the New York City and New York State labs, had problems with two reagents. On February 8th, several labs reported their problems to the C.D.C. In a briefing a few days later, Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said that although “we hoped that everything would go smoothly as we rushed through this,” the verification problems were “part of the normal procedures⁠.” In the meantime, she said, until new reagents could be manufactured, all covid-19 testing in the United States would continue to take place exclusively at the C.D.C⁠.

The public-health-laboratory network was never intended to provide widespread testing in the event of a pandemic. To offer tests to anyone who wanted them, as President Trump did, on March 6th, was always going to require commercial testing facilities to come on line. Still, the three-week delay caused by the C.D.C.’s failure to get working test kits into the hands of the public-health labs came at a crucial time...."

'Don't believe the numbers you see': Johns Hopkins professor says up to 500,000 Americans have coronavirus

“The CDC did admit to a mistake in the rollout of the testing and let’s face it — they went with the wrong testing system,” Makary said. “It was an early decision. It lived deep within the CDC and they have acknowledged that mistake.”
Trump should have been kicking people in the nuts until the test kits hit the streets.

Instead, he was blowing it off. Telling everyone virus would be gone in a few days. It was all under control. Everyone who wants to be tested can be tested. "I'm not worried at all."

That is gross negligence, and no amount of spin will mitigate that.

There is no spin. As normal, I've presented facts and the sources to support them.

The CDC screwed up. Various outlets, including the CDC, have acknowledged it.

Blame Trump if you want, but the simple and established facts of the situation contradict that view on this issue of the test kits.

remove lips from trumps ass -

deal with reality -

pray you dont relapse.

The largest drop in the stock market since 1987
Trump didn't cause the what the hell are you talking about?...the markets will always be skiddish and they will always come back up....and if Trump didn't take the action that he did we would be as bad as Italy is right now....again you are speaking rubbish....
Of course Trump did not cause the virus. No one said he did. But Trump is leading how we address the virus. Everything the government does or does not do is not on Trump but a big part is.
After this is over, they will discuss what was done right and what was done wrong. No way anyone can be perfect.

Now that Trump is taking the actions recommended by the professionals i hope dumbasses like you and the other Trump minions do not continue to undermine the required actions to mitigate the virus.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


We have less tests
That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

Fucking dumb...

The leftists have absolutely nothing. Trump is doing a STELLAR job, while some of the European countries are surrendering and leaving yes *gasp* even testing behind, in tactic called.
Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

He fired Obama's pandemic people. He hired Azar who was the one who really fucked up testing, after he fired Price who was beyond imcompetent whom he hired to replace Burwell who went through ebola and zika. He hired Fitzgerald for CDC who had to resign because she was trading TOBACCO STOCKS. And he brought back Obama's head only to replace her with a guy who's never managed public health but thinls AIDS IS GODS PUNISHMENT TO FAGS. He hired Verma for CMS.

jfc It's a pandemic of incompetence. (and I stole that line)

Except that's not what happened with the test kits. At all.

The CDC developed their own test kits instead of using those being offered by other nations. Those test kits were defective.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

I know the temptation is to just blame Trump for everything. he owns what he owns, but he didn't do this. That decision came from within the CDC.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

I can do better than one.

Here's 2 and, quite simply, there is a ton of this out there.

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

"On February 5th, sixteen days after a Seattle resident who had visited relatives in Wuhan, China, was diagnosed as having the first confirmed case of covid-19 in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control, in Atlanta, began sending diagnostic tests to a network of about a hundred state, city, and county public-health laboratories⁠. Up to that point, all testing for covid-19 in the U.S. had been done at the C.D.C.; of some five hundred suspected cases⁠ tested at the Centers, twelve had confirmed positive. The new test kits would allow about fifty thousand patients to be tested, and they would also make testing much faster, as patient specimens would no longer have to be sent to Atlanta to be evaluated.

The kits were shipped in small white cardboard boxes. Inside each box were four vials, packed in stiff gray foam⁠, which held the necessary materials, known as reagents, to run tests on about three hundred⁠ people. Before a state or local lab could use the C.D.C.-developed tests on actual patients, however, it had to insure that they worked the same way they had in Atlanta, a process known as verification. The first batch of kits, sent to more than fifty state and local public-health labs⁠, arrived on February 7th. Of the labs that received tests, around six to eight were able to verify that they worked as intended. But a larger number, about thirty-six of them, received inconclusive⁠ results from one of the reagents. Another five, including the New York City and New York State labs, had problems with two reagents. On February 8th, several labs reported their problems to the C.D.C. In a briefing a few days later, Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said that although “we hoped that everything would go smoothly as we rushed through this,” the verification problems were “part of the normal procedures⁠.” In the meantime, she said, until new reagents could be manufactured, all covid-19 testing in the United States would continue to take place exclusively at the C.D.C⁠.

The public-health-laboratory network was never intended to provide widespread testing in the event of a pandemic. To offer tests to anyone who wanted them, as President Trump did, on March 6th, was always going to require commercial testing facilities to come on line. Still, the three-week delay caused by the C.D.C.’s failure to get working test kits into the hands of the public-health labs came at a crucial time...."

'Don't believe the numbers you see': Johns Hopkins professor says up to 500,000 Americans have coronavirus

“The CDC did admit to a mistake in the rollout of the testing and let’s face it — they went with the wrong testing system,” Makary said. “It was an early decision. It lived deep within the CDC and they have acknowledged that mistake.”
Trump should have been kicking people in the nuts until the test kits hit the streets.

Instead, he was blowing it off. Telling everyone virus would be gone in a few days. It was all under control. Everyone who wants to be tested can be tested. "I'm not worried at all."

That is gross negligence, and no amount of spin will mitigate that.

There is no spin. As normal, I've presented facts and the sources to support them.

The CDC screwed up. Various outlets, including the CDC, have acknowledged it.

Blame Trump if you want, but the simple and established facts of the situation contradict that view on this issue of the test kits.

remove lips from trumps ass -

deal with reality -

pray you dont relapse.


I know you can't refute any of it, so maybe you're the one that needs to deal with reality instead of thinking that every time a sparrow falls from the sky it's somehow Trump's fault.

This is a fluid situation. Mistakes and have been made and more will be made. Trump has made some. The CDC has made others. In the case of the test kits that was the CDC's responsibility and fully under their control.

Blame him if you want, but it doesn't make a whole ton of sense.
It's humorous to watch the marxist Dims pretend to suddenly value life. What a fucking charade. They want to be insignificant minions of the State... but don't let those worthless drones catch a cough!

Trump didn't cause the what the hell are you talking about?...the markets will always be skiddish and they will always come back up....and if Trump didn't take the action that he did we would be as bad as Italy is right now....again you are speaking rubbish....
Of course Trump did not cause the virus. No one said he did. But Trump is leading how we address the virus. Everything the government does or does not do is not on Trump but a big part is.
After this is over, they will discuss what was done right and what was done wrong. No way anyone can be perfect.

Now that Trump is taking the actions recommended by the professionals i hope dumbasses like you and the other Trump minions do not continue to undermine the required actions to mitigate the virus.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.

Trump has no balls.
If President Trump is making mistakes it's because he's taking decisive actions. The Kenyan Klown always heard about this kind of shit on cable news (like us!) and then never did fuckall except appoint a czar with a license to steal.
The largest drop in the stock market since 1987
Trump didn't cause the what the hell are you talking about?...the markets will always be skiddish and they will always come back up....and if Trump didn't take the action that he did we would be as bad as Italy is right now....again you are speaking rubbish....
Of course Trump did not cause the virus. No one said he did. But Trump is leading how we address the virus. Everything the government does or does not do is not on Trump but a big part is.
After this is over, they will discuss what was done right and what was done wrong. No way anyone can be perfect.

Now that Trump is taking the actions recommended by the professionals i hope dumbasses like you and the other Trump minions do not continue to undermine the required actions to mitigate the virus.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


We have less tests

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

Fucking dumb...

The leftists have absolutely nothing. Trump is doing a STELLAR job, while some of the European countries are surrendering and leaving yes *gasp* even testing behind, in tactic called.
Come on Norman, I thought you were starting to deal with reality. You are not.
The pandemic is not Trump's fault but he is not doing a stellar job. Far from it. He would be the same place the dumbass Trump minions are on this post if it were not for a group at the White House who finally realized they could not let the idiot President continue down playing down the virus. Look at the difference between what Trump was tweeting yesterday and today. He was slapped up the head by people who understand the severity of the health crisis.
Trump and his minions are more concerned with Trump's image than how many people die from the virus.
That is the quality of the ultimate dumbass losers. Trump has provided them a platform and a sense of semi-legitimacy but they were losers before Trump, they are losers during Trump. The facade the losers were given by Trump is being pulled back by the handling of the virus.
False, Fake, Dumbass losers.
Trump didn't cause the what the hell are you talking about?...the markets will always be skiddish and they will always come back up....and if Trump didn't take the action that he did we would be as bad as Italy is right now....again you are speaking rubbish....
Of course Trump did not cause the virus. No one said he did. But Trump is leading how we address the virus. Everything the government does or does not do is not on Trump but a big part is.
After this is over, they will discuss what was done right and what was done wrong. No way anyone can be perfect.

Now that Trump is taking the actions recommended by the professionals i hope dumbasses like you and the other Trump minions do not continue to undermine the required actions to mitigate the virus.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


We have less tests
People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

heres my link proving its on trump

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

where is yours proving its not -

waiting ------------

Fucking dumb...

The leftists have absolutely nothing. Trump is doing a STELLAR job, while some of the European countries are surrendering and leaving yes *gasp* even testing behind, in tactic called.
Come on Norman, I thought you were starting to deal with reality. You are not.
The pandemic is not Trump's fault but he is not doing a stellar job. Far from it. He would be the same place the dumbass Trump minions are on this post if it were not for a group at the White House who finally realized they could not let the idiot President continue down playing down the virus. Look at the difference between what Trump was tweeting yesterday and today. He was slapped up the head by people who understand the severity of the health crisis.
Trump and his minions are more concerned with Trump's image than how many people die from the virus.
That is the quality of the ultimate dumbass losers. Trump has provided them a platform and a sense of semi-legitimacy but they were losers before Trump, they are losers during Trump. The facade the losers were given by Trump is being pulled back by the handling of the virus.
False, Fake, Dumbass losers.

Trump is doing a stellar job while countries such as UK and Sweden are giving up.

You have no clue, living in CNN bubble.
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