President Trump LIVE In 15 minutes.

Lie of the Year: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”
The largest drop in the stock market since 1987
Trump didn't cause the what the hell are you talking about?...the markets will always be skiddish and they will always come back up....and if Trump didn't take the action that he did we would be as bad as Italy is right now....again you are speaking rubbish....
Of course Trump did not cause the virus. No one said he did. But Trump is leading how we address the virus. Everything the government does or does not do is not on Trump but a big part is.
After this is over, they will discuss what was done right and what was done wrong. No way anyone can be perfect.

Now that Trump is taking the actions recommended by the professionals i hope dumbasses like you and the other Trump minions do not continue to undermine the required actions to mitigate the virus.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.
guess who the prick was that got his fat ass impeached
Ummmm the same guy that was exonerated in the senate....and you need to take a better look Trump is losing weight....he has lost 15 pounds or more....

According to whom? Or is this something you found out personally while you lips were clasped to his ass
If the thought of that gives you a wet spot knock yourself out weirdo....

I actually prefer the old days before people like you choose to worship the man sitting in the White House.

Worshiping the POTUS is not good for the country.
The largest drop in the stock market since 1987
Trump didn't cause the what the hell are you talking about?...the markets will always be skiddish and they will always come back up....and if Trump didn't take the action that he did we would be as bad as Italy is right now....again you are speaking rubbish....
Of course Trump did not cause the virus. No one said he did. But Trump is leading how we address the virus. Everything the government does or does not do is not on Trump but a big part is.
After this is over, they will discuss what was done right and what was done wrong. No way anyone can be perfect.

Now that Trump is taking the actions recommended by the professionals i hope dumbasses like you and the other Trump minions do not continue to undermine the required actions to mitigate the virus.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.

Don't forget Trump lied about the test kits. You can't pawn responsibility off Trump onto someone else.

He plainly said, "Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

As he does every fucking day, he was lying. And now his pathological sickness is catching up to him.
Trump took credit for the Dow's surge on Friday. He has taken credit for every new high in the stock market.

Karma is kicking him and his idiot supporters in the balls now.
The largest drop in the stock market since 1987
Trump didn't cause the what the hell are you talking about?...the markets will always be skiddish and they will always come back up....and if Trump didn't take the action that he did we would be as bad as Italy is right now....again you are speaking rubbish....
Of course Trump did not cause the virus. No one said he did. But Trump is leading how we address the virus. Everything the government does or does not do is not on Trump but a big part is.
After this is over, they will discuss what was done right and what was done wrong. No way anyone can be perfect.

Now that Trump is taking the actions recommended by the professionals i hope dumbasses like you and the other Trump minions do not continue to undermine the required actions to mitigate the virus.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

stfu u asskisser -

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.
Trump didn't cause the what the hell are you talking about?...the markets will always be skiddish and they will always come back up....and if Trump didn't take the action that he did we would be as bad as Italy is right now....again you are speaking rubbish....
Of course Trump did not cause the virus. No one said he did. But Trump is leading how we address the virus. Everything the government does or does not do is not on Trump but a big part is.
After this is over, they will discuss what was done right and what was done wrong. No way anyone can be perfect.

Now that Trump is taking the actions recommended by the professionals i hope dumbasses like you and the other Trump minions do not continue to undermine the required actions to mitigate the virus.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
Trump didn't cause the what the hell are you talking about?...the markets will always be skiddish and they will always come back up....and if Trump didn't take the action that he did we would be as bad as Italy is right now....again you are speaking rubbish....
Of course Trump did not cause the virus. No one said he did. But Trump is leading how we address the virus. Everything the government does or does not do is not on Trump but a big part is.
After this is over, they will discuss what was done right and what was done wrong. No way anyone can be perfect.

Now that Trump is taking the actions recommended by the professionals i hope dumbasses like you and the other Trump minions do not continue to undermine the required actions to mitigate the virus.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

stfu u asskisser -

Anyone Who Wants a Coronavirus Test Can Have One, Trump Says. Not Quite, Says His Administration.

go fuck yourself shitbag. The facts are the facts with what happened early with the test kits. It is known and acknowledged fact.
Of course Trump did not cause the virus. No one said he did. But Trump is leading how we address the virus. Everything the government does or does not do is not on Trump but a big part is.
After this is over, they will discuss what was done right and what was done wrong. No way anyone can be perfect.

Now that Trump is taking the actions recommended by the professionals i hope dumbasses like you and the other Trump minions do not continue to undermine the required actions to mitigate the virus.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.
Trump believes this is all a reality TV show. He looks at the number of coronavirus cases as ratings of how his show is going. The higher the number, the shittier his show.

The best way to keep the numbers down is to NOT TEST PEOPLE.

That's how sick this fucker is.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.
But The market dropped over the virus spreading not anything Trump did or didn't do
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.
That's the thing. He intentionally gave up any chance of containment through testing as SK accomplished because he thought having large numbers of infected people would be bad for re-election. Ironically it might have had the opposite effect. He's gone from hoax to Cassandra in two weeks.
guess who the prick was that got his fat ass impeached
Ummmm the same guy that was exonerated in the senate....and you need to take a better look Trump is losing weight....he has lost 15 pounds or more....

According to whom? Or is this something you found out personally while you lips were clasped to his ass
If the thought of that gives you a wet spot knock yourself out weirdo....

I actually prefer the old days before people like you choose to worship the man sitting in the White House.

Worshiping the POTUS is not good for the country.
You have a deformed definition of worship....I don't worship any man but I do support Trump for the things he is Making America Great one else in government today could do what he has done...he keeps his promises and as long as he does that he will get my support and I will defend him from anti freedom and anti American scum like you all day long....if you call that worship I think its you that needs some bed rest for TDS....
Trump did not get test kits out there so we can contain and reverse the spread of the virus. He is a colossal fuckup.


That wasn't Trump. That decision not to take test kits but to develop our own came from within the CDC.

Place blame where it belongs.

Trump takes credit for every good thing that happens. So now karma is kicking him in the balls.

The game show host is responsible.


People are saying, rightfully, that he needs to let the medical community lead on this issue, as he is not a medical professional.

He did in the case of the test kits and the CDC screwed up. That fact has been out there for a while now.

At this point, kits are being sent out and, according to FEMA during today's press conference, there are a million in the field, right now, and the capacity to test 10's of thousands per day will be online by the end of the week.

Trump bungled the messaging early. He owns that. The crap with the test kits isn't his.
It most definitely is all on Trump.

The fuckwit downplayed the seriousness of the crisis. He blew it off. He didn't give two shits about testing.

Donald Trump, February 26: “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Donald Trump, March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

Donald Trump, March 7: “I’m not concerned at all. No, I'm not. We've done a great job.

Trump tried to fellate himself and take credit for IMAGINARY success. Don't even try to let him off the hook for the blame for fucking up the REALITY.

Bungled messaging yes. I'm not letting him off the hook for that and have been very vocal about it in other threads. He owns the dumb crap that came out of his mouth early on that lead to confusion, misinformation and likely fed the panic we're seeing.

Test kits no, though. There were issues with the ones developed internally, for whatever reason, they didn't work properly and we had to go back to the drawing board, which cost us time. That's not on him.

He fired Obama's pandemic people. He hired Azar who was the one who really fucked up testing, after he fired Price who was beyond imcompetent whom he hired to replace Burwell who went through ebola and zika. He hired Fitzgerald for CDC who had to resign because she was trading TOBACCO STOCKS. And he brought back Obama's head only to replace her with a guy who's never managed public health but thinls AIDS IS GODS PUNISHMENT TO FAGS. He hired Verma for CMS.

jfc It's a pandemic of incompetence. (and I stole that line)
Not only is Trump going down in history with Clinton and Johnson for being impeached, Trump is also going down with Hoover, who was also a businessman who was elected President and fucked up bigly.

List of largest daily changes in the Dow Jones Industrial Average - Wikipedia




That's unfair to Hoover. He also headed up the Red Cross post WW-I relief. With some success.
That’s right. Hoover worked with charities; Trump screws them over.

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