President Trump Makes A Case For Why McCain Should Retire ... Of Be Re-Called

Senate votes do not codify interpretations of the Constitution. If you've "taught" this, you should know this.

The hell they don't and you'd know that if you'd noticed how they are calling Roe v Wade "settled law" from the attempts to overthrow it.

Can you clarify this word-salad for me? I have no idea what you're trying to say.
president Trump's reelection PAC created the commercial for Trump to retweet.
If the people at Arizona feel that McCain is no longer representing them, they are welcome to vote against him in 2022.

If he's still alive.
I think nature will take it's course.

I voted for him for pres. I don't see how he would not have had to be better than W ... or Trump. LOL
Can you clarify this word-salad for me? I have no idea what you're trying to say.

Please...anybody "going to law school" should be able to decipher plain English....have Coyote explain it to you.

I'll take that as a admission that you don't even know what you were trying to say.

I'll take that as an admission you couldn't win a small-claims court case against Tiny Tim for being a fruitcake.


Your little games are quite adorable.

Either you have a point, or you don't. Since you can't seem to elucidate it in a coherent way, I'll going to have to assume the latter.
The Maverick is mad. He feels insulted at Trump's jabs during the campaign and he refuses to cooperate with the administration in any way and damn the Country. When you factor in brain cancer it's time for him to retire gracefully if that's possible.
Yes, there is. Your impaired reading comprehension might be at fault. Impeachment is for the Executive and Judicial Branches. Each house is tasked with policing their own. They can be expelled.

Article II, Section 4:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

It's only been attempted once, in 1797 - with Senator William Blount. The proceeding halted because the Senate realized it was easier just to expel him via their own rules, rather than make a spectacle of it.

As for the whole "policing their own" part - you know that Congress impeaches the President, not the Executive Branch, right?

Did you look up the definition of civil officer of the United States? Obviously not!

An "officer of the United States" is a functionary of the executive or judicial branches of the federal government of the United States to whom is delegated some part of the country's sovereign power. The term "officer of the United States" is not a title, but a term of classification for a certain type of official.

Officer of the United States - Wikipedia

In the case of Blount, Congress made the same mistake as you did. It is well documented.

Failure, followed closely by an epic failure by trying and failing to support your contention.

Consider yourself educated on this topic.

The courts have never ruled on it. Until they do, your argument is purely speculative.

The courts don't have to rule on it!

It is plain text. Just admit you are ignorant, apologize and move on.

I have taught this topic for 20 years. I have forgotten more than you know.

It's not a plain text reading, as can be seen by the fact that the Senate did in fact bring impeachment charges against Blount - and it only stalled because the Senate voted on whether impeachment applies to the Senate.

Senate votes do not codify interpretations of the Constitution. If you've "taught" this, you should know this.

As I said, the Senate was just as ignorant as you appear to be. Why are you arguing this point? McCain cannot be impeached as he is not a civil officer of the United States. End of story.

You desperate attempts to save face are laughable. You were wrong. It is embarrassing, so please stop!

Your little games are quite adorable.

Either you have a point, or you don't. Since you can't seem to elucidate it in a coherent way, I'll going to have to assume the latter.

"elucidate" my what big words you have, grandma.

You continuing dodges are illuminating but tiresome.
Article II, Section 4:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

It's only been attempted once, in 1797 - with Senator William Blount. The proceeding halted because the Senate realized it was easier just to expel him via their own rules, rather than make a spectacle of it.

As for the whole "policing their own" part - you know that Congress impeaches the President, not the Executive Branch, right?

Did you look up the definition of civil officer of the United States? Obviously not!

An "officer of the United States" is a functionary of the executive or judicial branches of the federal government of the United States to whom is delegated some part of the country's sovereign power. The term "officer of the United States" is not a title, but a term of classification for a certain type of official.

Officer of the United States - Wikipedia

In the case of Blount, Congress made the same mistake as you did. It is well documented.

Failure, followed closely by an epic failure by trying and failing to support your contention.

Consider yourself educated on this topic.

The courts have never ruled on it. Until they do, your argument is purely speculative.

The courts don't have to rule on it!

It is plain text. Just admit you are ignorant, apologize and move on.

I have taught this topic for 20 years. I have forgotten more than you know.

It's not a plain text reading, as can be seen by the fact that the Senate did in fact bring impeachment charges against Blount - and it only stalled because the Senate voted on whether impeachment applies to the Senate.

Senate votes do not codify interpretations of the Constitution. If you've "taught" this, you should know this.

As I said, the Senate was just as ignorant as you appear to be. Why are you arguing this point? McCain cannot be impeached as he is not a civil officer of the United States. End of story.

You desperate attempts to save face are laughable. You were wrong. It is embarrassing, so please stop!

The Constitution does not define "civil officer". You are assuming interpretations of the Constitution that have never been tested in court.
President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

He has not broken his promise. He is with the majority of Americans who want to fix Obamacare. He refuses to kick millions off their coverage. To phony conservatives that is unacceptable. Come up with a plan that helps people get coverage even if they are low income. Trump can go to the Devil which is where he belongs.
Did you look up the definition of civil officer of the United States? Obviously not!

An "officer of the United States" is a functionary of the executive or judicial branches of the federal government of the United States to whom is delegated some part of the country's sovereign power. The term "officer of the United States" is not a title, but a term of classification for a certain type of official.

Officer of the United States - Wikipedia

In the case of Blount, Congress made the same mistake as you did. It is well documented.

Failure, followed closely by an epic failure by trying and failing to support your contention.

Consider yourself educated on this topic.

The courts have never ruled on it. Until they do, your argument is purely speculative.

The courts don't have to rule on it!

It is plain text. Just admit you are ignorant, apologize and move on.

I have taught this topic for 20 years. I have forgotten more than you know.

It's not a plain text reading, as can be seen by the fact that the Senate did in fact bring impeachment charges against Blount - and it only stalled because the Senate voted on whether impeachment applies to the Senate.

Senate votes do not codify interpretations of the Constitution. If you've "taught" this, you should know this.

As I said, the Senate was just as ignorant as you appear to be. Why are you arguing this point? McCain cannot be impeached as he is not a civil officer of the United States. End of story.

You desperate attempts to save face are laughable. You were wrong. It is embarrassing, so please stop!

The Constitution does not define "civil officer". You are assuming interpretations of the Constitution that have never been tested in court.

The Constitution is not required to define it.

There is a specific section of the Constitution dealing with Congress. I suggest you read it.
President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

He has not broken his promise. He is with the majority of Americans who want to fix Obamacare. He refuses to kick millions off their coverage. To phony conservatives that is unacceptable. Come up with a plan that helps people get coverage even if they are low income. Trump can go to the Devil which is where he belongs.

They are going to lose their coverage when the insurance companies refuse to offer plans in their area. Will they have coverage then? They lose either way!

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