President Trump Makes A Case For Why McCain Should Retire ... Of Be Re-Called

His refusal to vote for it is based on the way they are trying to ram it through iutside of the normal legislative procedure and in a serously irresponsible manner. opposed to how the liberals rammed their minority-supported socialist-agenda legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it while Nancy Pelosi openly declared the American people did not have a right to know what was in the edict until it had become law?

Good one... :p
No...not like that at all.
His refusal to vote for it is based on the way they are trying to ram it through iutside of the normal legislative procedure and in a serously irresponsible manner. opposed to how the liberals rammed their minority-supported socialist-agenda legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it while Nancy Pelosi openly declared the American people did not have a right to know what was in the edict until it had become law?

Good one... :p

They went through hearings, the committee process, and passed it with 60 Democrat votes. It was legally passed. I also noticed Paul Ryan saying that it would have to be passed before we knew what was in it. Republicans had no idea what they were voting on. No different.
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

What follows is my
100-day action plan to Make America Great Again
It is a contract between myself and the American voter — and begins with restoring
honesty and accountability,

, I will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label
China a currency manipulator

Donald Trump: Liar
President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

He has not broken his promise. He is with the majority of Americans who want to fix Obamacare. He refuses to kick millions off their coverage. To phony conservatives that is unacceptable. Come up with a plan that helps people get coverage even if they are low income. Trump can go to the Devil which is where he belongs.

They are going to lose their coverage when the insurance companies refuse to offer plans in their area. Will they have coverage then? They lose either way!

This is happening because of Republicans. Republicans are the ones who are playing games with the subsidy payments. If Obamacare collapses, Republicans will pay the price in 2018 and then Trump will pay in 2020.
He has not broken his promise.
So the VIDEOS of him repeatedly declaring the ACA had to be repealed and him vowing he would vote to repeal it ... and then him repeatedly not doing so is NOT him breaking his word / promise?!

Yeah...alrighty then....

He is willing to vote to repeal the ACA but he is not willing to repeal without a replace plan other than kicking millions of people off their coverage.
They went through hearings, the committee process, and passed it with 60 Democrat votes. It was legally passed.
Liberals fail to acknowledge that Americans citizens had phoned in to Washington a week earlier and 'melted' the phone lines demanding the bill NOT be passed. Obama, lying his ass off again, vowed no vote would be taken for 72 hours when the bill was ready so Americans could read it. Never happened. Instead they had Pelosi telling them, 'F* You, you don't have the right to know what is in a law Congress / Democrats are going to IMPOSE upon you until it is too late'.

That, BTW, BB, is not 'REPRESENTATIVE government'. It is self-appointed leaders imposing their will on the American people.

Again, a near Super majority number of Democrats rammed the legislation into law while the American people slept. They awoke to the news that the Democrats had passed it. Yes, it was 'legal' but does not change the facts stated above.
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!
Trump broke 80 promises in 100 days
Many of the 100 days promises are legislative, introduced in an October speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. In that speech, he said, “I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my administration.” But none of these measures have been passed, and aside from an Obamacare repeal bill that has floundered in Congress, no Trump-approved bills have even been introduced in either chamber.

'no Trump-approved bills have even been introduced in either chamber'

Donald Trump- Liar
This is happening because of Republicans. Republicans are the ones who are playing games with the subsidy payments. If Obamacare collapses, Republicans will pay the price in 2018 and then Trump will pay in 2020.
Once again, the people who created this mess are trying to blame the GOP for not cleaning it up.

Again, it is like the Captain of the Exxon Valdes trying to blame the giant oil spill he caused after running his tanker onto the rocks on the clean up crew who is not cleaning up his mess fast enough.

The ACA is still referred to as 'OBAMAcare', and the democrats are the ones who passed it. They own it.
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Trump promised he would work with Congress to introduce for passage in the first 100 days the American Energy and Infrastructure Act

“Next, I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my administration. … The American Energy and Infrastructure Act, leverages public/private partnerships and private investment through tax incentives to spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investment over the next ten years.” [Gettysburg, PA, 10/22/16]

Trump has yet to unveil his long-promoted infrastructure plan, nor even endorsed any legislation in Congress.

Donald Trump- Liar
They went through hearings, the committee process, and passed it with 60 Democrat votes. It was legally passed.
Liberals fail to acknowledge that Americans citizens had phoned in to Washington a week earlier and 'melted' the phone lines demanding the bill NOT be passed. Obama, lying his ass off again, vowed no vote would be taken for 72 hours when the bill was ready so Americans could read it. Never happened. Instead they had Pelosi telling them, 'F* You, you don't have the right to know what is in a law Congress / Democrats are going to IMPOSE upon you until it is too late'.

That, BTW, BB, is not 'REPRESENTATIVE government'. It is self-appointed leaders imposing their will on the American people.

Again, a near Super majority number of Democrats rammed the legislation into law while the American people slept. They awoke to the news that the Democrats had passed it. Yes, it was 'legal' but does not change the facts stated above.

You fail to acknowledge that the Republican plans were even more unpopular than the ACA. Voters want Obamacare fixed not repealed and certainly not with the Republican plans which lose 2-1 to the ACA. House Republicans were given even less time to read the Republican bills and they had no idea what they were voting on. Paul Ryan said you have to pass it to see what was in it.

Every iteration of the Republican healthcare plan has been put together by the leadership. The Republicans were trying to ram this through with only Republican votes.

Your name is hypocrite. You like it when it is something you like but hate it when someone else uses it.
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Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Trump promised he would work with Congress to introduce for passage in the first 100 days a bill to end the Offshoring Act

“Next, I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my administration. … End the Offshoring Act, establish tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their workers in order to relocate in other countries and ship their products back to the United States tax-free.” [Gettysburg, PA, 10/22/16]

This bill has not yet been introduced, let alone passed.

Donald Trump- Liar
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!
Trump broke 80 promises in 100 days
Many of the 100 days promises are legislative, introduced in an October speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. In that speech, he said, “I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my administration.” But none of these measures have been passed, and aside from an Obamacare repeal bill that has floundered in Congress, no Trump-approved bills have even been introduced in either chamber.

'no Trump-approved bills have even been introduced in either chamber'

Donald Trump- Liar
Please f*ing learn what 'Separation of Powers' means and what the roles and responsibilities and powers are of each branch of the Government are. snowflakes keep trying to blame Trump for the failures of / lack of production of the Legislative Branch, which only makes them look STUPID!

Still, I would agree with you in part, but this thread is not about TRUMP. It is about McCain, not that you give a damn, snowflake.
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!
Promising many things and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a President- its being a LIAR

Trump promised he would work with Congress to introduce for passage in the first 100 days the Affordable Child Care and Elder Care Act

“Next, I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my administration. … Affordable Child Care and Elder Care Act allows Americans to deduct child care and elder care from their taxes. Incentivizes employers to provide on-site — so important — child care services. And you see that with a couple of companies, and it’s such a great thing to see. And creates tax-free dependent care savings accounts for both young and elderly dependents with matching contributions for low-income families. So good.” [Gettysburg, PA, 10/22/16]

This bill has not been introduced, let alone passed.
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Promising things and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'President' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Trump promised he would impose new Secretary of State ethics rules

“Number one, the first 100 days… we’re going to impose tough new ethics rules to restore dignity to the Office of the Secretary of State.” [New York, NY, 6/22/16]

As of yet, the State Department has not released any new ethics rules related to the Office of the Secretary of State.
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!
Promising many things and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a President- its being a LIAR

Trump promised he would work with Congress to introduce for passage in the first 100 days the Affordable Child Care and Elder Care Act

“Next, I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my administration. … Affordable Child Care and Elder Care Act allows Americans to deduct child care and elder care from their taxes. Incentivizes employers to provide on-site — so important — child care services. And you see that with a couple of companies, and it’s such a great thing to see. And creates tax-free dependent care savings accounts for both young and elderly dependents with matching contributions for low-income families. So good.” [Gettysburg, PA, 10/22/16]

This bill has not been introduced, let alone passed.
Again, please stay on topic, liberal troll. The thread is about McCain.
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Promising things multiples times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'President' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Trump promised to replace Obamacare “immediately after we go in.”

“You’re going to end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast. Quick.” [Las Vegas, NV, 2/22/16]
His refusal to vote for it is based on the way they are trying to ram it through iutside of the normal legislative procedure and in a serously irresponsible manner. opposed to how the liberals rammed their minority-supported socialist-agenda legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it while Nancy Pelosi openly declared the American people did not have a right to know what was in the edict until it had become law?

Good one... :p
Are you claiming the Democrats attempted to force a bill they spent bately a week crafting through a Budget Reconciliation process in two weeks with no amendments, hearings or CBO score?
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Promising things multiples times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'President' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Trump promised to replace Obamacare “immediately after we go in.”

“You’re going to end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast. Quick.” [Las Vegas, NV, 2/22/16]
Again, I know self-control, especially for your hatred for the President, is not your specialty, but try to stay on topic, which is McCain's 13 betrayals of his promise.

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