President Trump Makes A Case For Why McCain Should Retire ... Of Be Re-Called

McCain lied to his constituents regarding ObamaCare. Now that he is in his 80s, and likely not going to seek reelection in 2022, he can out himself as the Statist Hack he has always been. Just another corrupt swamp creature with a shallow intellect and toxic ego.

Shallow intellect and toxic ego?
If that's true, then what does that make Trump?
President Trump Makes A Case For Why McCain Should Retire ... Of Be Re-Called

He said mean things to Trump :crybaby:

That's the entirety of Trumps reasoning
he did? hmmmm I thought trump was calling McCain out for lying to his constituents. so now you go for conservative liars. I see.
McCain said he supported repealing and replacing Obamacare; he didn't say he'd vote for any damn law to replace it without having it go through committee and proper debate.

I don't support liars; and I don't necessarily support McCain; but I am able to give the man respect for standing his ground no matter how I feel about his previous voting record.

Unlike you, I'm not a partisan, party-loyal clown
McCain lied to his constituents regarding ObamaCare. Now that he is in his 80s, and likely not going to seek reelection in 2022, he can out himself as the Statist Hack he has always been. Just another corrupt swamp creature with a shallow intellect and toxic ego.

Shallow intellect and toxic ego?
If that's true, then what does that make Trump?

An effective business executive.
President Trump Makes A Case For Why McCain Should Retire ... Of Be Re-Called

He said mean things to Trump :crybaby:

That's the entirety of Trumps reasoning
he did? hmmmm I thought trump was calling McCain out for lying to his constituents. so now you go for conservative liars. I see.
McCain said he supported repealing and replacing Obamacare; he didn't say he'd vote for any damn law to replace it without having it go through committee and proper debate.

I don't support liars; and I don't necessarily support McCain; but I am able to give the man respect for standing his ground no matter how I feel about his previous voting record.

Unlike you, I'm not a partisan, party-loyal clown
what did I say that you think I'm partisan. I'm trump. and i want the fking folks that cried for seven years about repeal and replace to give the president the same bill they supposedly put on obummer's desk. Let's see it or they are all liars. fk your partisan shit I want them to their fking jobs.
What's with trump that he can never take responsibility for his own actions and words. He ALWAYS lies and ALWAYS blames others.

Remember when he said ObamaCares would be repealed and replaced on the first day? Just another of his lies but now he's saying he thought the bill would be on his desk the first day.

It always takes him a few days to figure out who to blame but he always does.
yeah how dare him think that the fact he had the GOP majority in both houses that they'd actually do their job. Fk, how come he couldn't see that in his crystal ball.
It's not the job of congress to do what the president wants. There's a reason the American system has checks and balances
What's with trump that he can never take responsibility for his own actions and words. He ALWAYS lies and ALWAYS blames others.

Remember when he said ObamaCares would be repealed and replaced on the first day? Just another of his lies but now he's saying he thought the bill would be on his desk the first day.

It always takes him a few days to figure out who to blame but he always does.
yeah how dare him think that the fact he had the GOP majority in both houses that they'd actually do their job. Fk, how come he couldn't see that in his crystal ball.
It's not the job of congress to do what the president wants. There's a reason the American system has checks and balances
again, you're a little slow aren't you? I said, give the president the same bill that they gave obummer seven times and let him sign it, or they actually never gave one to obummer and it was a lie all along. I never said what you just posted and you should stop lying about what I write. And btw, the american people voted him in for that reason, so actually it would be for what the country was won on. the american people voted they wanted repeal and replace. So are you saying the congress shouldn't do what the people want?
What's with trump that he can never take responsibility for his own actions and words. He ALWAYS lies and ALWAYS blames others.

Remember when he said ObamaCares would be repealed and replaced on the first day? Just another of his lies but now he's saying he thought the bill would be on his desk the first day.

It always takes him a few days to figure out who to blame but he always does.
yeah how dare him think that the fact he had the GOP majority in both houses that they'd actually do their job. Fk, how come he couldn't see that in his crystal ball.
It's not the job of congress to do what the president wants. There's a reason the American system has checks and balances
again, you're a little slow aren't you? I said, give the president the same bill that they gave obummer seven times and let him sign it, or they actually never gave one to obummer and it was a lie all along. I never said what you just posted and you should stop lying about what I write.
What you said, asshole, is that congress should do their job and hand a bill to Trump.

yeah how dare him think that the fact he had the GOP majority in both houses that they'd actually do their job.

Again, that's not their job. Learn to think for yourself, douche nozzle
What's with trump that he can never take responsibility for his own actions and words. He ALWAYS lies and ALWAYS blames others.

Remember when he said ObamaCares would be repealed and replaced on the first day? Just another of his lies but now he's saying he thought the bill would be on his desk the first day.

It always takes him a few days to figure out who to blame but he always does.
yeah how dare him think that the fact he had the GOP majority in both houses that they'd actually do their job. Fk, how come he couldn't see that in his crystal ball.
It's not the job of congress to do what the president wants. There's a reason the American system has checks and balances
again, you're a little slow aren't you? I said, give the president the same bill that they gave obummer seven times and let him sign it, or they actually never gave one to obummer and it was a lie all along. I never said what you just posted and you should stop lying about what I write.
What you said, asshole, is that congress should do their job and hand a bill to Trump.

yeah how dare him think that the fact he had the GOP majority in both houses that they'd actually do their job.

Again, that's not their job. Learn to think for yourself, douche nozzle
right, it's the way our government works. I didn't say anything more. I didn't say pass what the president offered up at all. please quote that piece then.
again, why not, the GOP led congress gave bills to obummer seven times. why would he sign one of those. D'oh cause the GOPers never really had one. who lied?

Let's start out with you being crazy stupid.

Obama veto's 12 bills

List of United States presidential vetoes - Wikipedia

Only one of those 12 (not 7 as you claim) was over obamacare.

8. January 8, 2016: Vetoed H.R. 3762, the Restoring Americans' Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act of 2015.[46] Override attempt failed in House, 241–186 (285 votes needed).

I could list all 12 Obama veto's, but you're too much of a waste o ftime, they can just look at the wikipedia link.

President Regularvetoes PocketvetoesTotalvetoes

Bill Clinton 36 1 37
George W. Bush 12 0 12
Barack Obama 12 0 12

Trump should stop spending time blowing smoke up his own ass and pull from it his great healthcare insurance replacement plan that he claimed everybody was going to love.
President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

A typical hyper-partisan OP.
When McCain correctly stated, that an elected representative are to work for their constituents first and party second, he was 100% correct.
Considering a huge majority of Americans had such a negative opinion of every single healthcare bill the GOP produced, he put people first. Then there's the matter of the way the bills developed and the fact they were pushed through the rank and file, with the rank and file basically clueless about the substance of the bill, because they kept on changing it.
Back when congress didn't have such horrible numbers of public approval and back when things got done, there wasn't the hyper-partisanship in Congress or the nation. This hyper-polarization is stagnating progress and is not providing a representative congress. Both parties are guilty of excluding the other side in the process, when they have the numbers. Doing that, creates a large segment of the American public being not heard and not being represented in the legislative process. That's like taxation, without representation.
America's demographics, clearly show that neither party represents a majority and that independents/moderates are the largest voting block. Talk about under representation.
Also, I'd care to bet, that a huge majority of Americans, agreed with McCain's statement about representing people first. Too bad you and so many others, are blind to a representative government by your dedication to your very narrow ideology.

Blah, blah, blah.... No matter how you cut it....

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'

In know I'm asking way too much from such a tunnel-visioned hyper-partisan hack, but maybe you should be blaming the GOP in general. I know you worship Dotard Trump to the extreme, so he blames McCain, naturally, you blame McCain.
I have a question for you, where in the hell was Trump's leadership with the GOP's attempts to 86 Obamacare? Answer, nowhere. Why? Well, to start things off, he admitted healthcare was complicated. So instead of getting a grasp on the issue, Trump bailed. Then he blames everyone but himself. That is incompetence, plain and simple. But then hey, you're one of the clowns who would support him if he shot someone in Manhattan.
Secondly, McCain said allegedly 13 times, that he would support repealing Obamacare. However, every single attempt by the House and Senate had very high disapproval ratings. Not just from the American people, but also by all major healthcare organizations. In others words, what the GOP came up with was pure crap. He, rightfully refused to stick it to the American people.
Why should any politician serve up his constituents crap and expect them to accept it? The GOP had seven years to come up with a healthcare plan. But during the seven years, they talked the talk, but didn't walk the walk. But Trump wants to single out McCain. He won't take any responsibility. He doesn't blame the authors for all the bills that huge majorities of Americans did not want. No, he blames someone who decided to to do what's best for the American people and not what's best for an incompetent president and the GOP. As a extra treat, he dumps on a dying man, who spent his lifetime serving the American people. Trump, five deferments and zero sacrifice for America versus McCain's life of service and sacrifice. It ain't even close.
You are really something else, I have zero respect for such a goose-stepping, non-thinking ass-kisser. You have no ability to think for yourself.
This is happening because of Republicans. Republicans are the ones who are playing games with the subsidy payments. If Obamacare collapses, Republicans will pay the price in 2018 and then Trump will pay in 2020.
Once again, the people who created this mess are trying to blame the GOP for not cleaning it up.

Again, it is like the Captain of the Exxon Valdes trying to blame the giant oil spill he caused after running his tanker onto the rocks on the clean up crew who is not cleaning up his mess fast enough.

The ACA is still referred to as 'OBAMAcare', and the democrats are the ones who passed it. They own it.

The fact is that Republicans are responsible for it since they are in charge. The Republicans have made no secret that they want ACA to go away and Trump has sent a order to federal agencies to do everything they can to undermine the law. The IRS refuses to enforce a law passed by Congress and signed by the President. That is a impeachable offense.

Oh, that is freaking hilarious! You should do stand-up comedy?

Why didn't we impeach Obama for all of the laws "Dreamers", etc. that he refused to enforce?

I think you are a very tech gifted teenager whose mother doesn't know you are hanging out with adults.
President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Ah, well then Rump should be "recalled" for not having a wall, not keeping out Muslims, not "bombing the shit out of ISIS" and not putting Hillary in jail.

Be sure to let us know when that happens. I'll make popcorn.

You should be used to it with all the broken promises from Obama

How is the closing of Gitmo going?

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Promising things multiples times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'President' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Trump promised to replace Obamacare “immediately after we go in.”

“You’re going to end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast. Quick.” [Las Vegas, NV, 2/22/16]
Again, I know self-control, especially for your hatred for the President, is not your specialty, but try to stay on topic, which is McCain's 13 betrayals of his promise.

You're avoiding the two YouTube videos I posted of Trump saying he supports universal healthcare! Hilarious!
What does it feel like to have NO FUCKING RECALL at all? You're like a gerbil, you only know what's happening today and if there's lettuce in your cage or not.

Easy doesn't care how many times Trump has lied.

He only cares about attacking people Trump attacks.
By Trump's standard- should Trump retire?

Since he has lied about so many of the things he promised on the campaign trail?

Including the ACA?
Lets make it clear...

Trump said he had a plan which was better, cheaper, no one would loose there insurance and pre-existing would be covered...

Just waiting on that plan... Where is Trump's plan? When it arrives meeting his promises, don't worry Democrats will be there to debate it, cost it and if all well vote on it...

And if it is that great I would expect them to vote for it too..

Just waiting on the Trump Healthcare plan...
so again, are you ok with an EO for healthcare or do you want it to go through congress? please steer us in the correct direction that you're confused with.

How can the Congress do anything if Trump won't tell us what it is?
Lets make it clear...

Trump said he had a plan which was better, cheaper, no one would loose there insurance and pre-existing would be covered...

Just waiting on that plan... Where is Trump's plan? When it arrives meeting his promises, don't worry Democrats will be there to debate it, cost it and if all well vote on it...

And if it is that great I would expect them to vote for it too..

Just waiting on the Trump Healthcare plan...

Yep, just like he promised so many other things.

OTOH, the GOP also said, for 7+ years, that they had a better plan.

So, where is it?

Where's trump's better plan?

They're all liars.
This is happening because of Republicans. Republicans are the ones who are playing games with the subsidy payments. If Obamacare collapses, Republicans will pay the price in 2018 and then Trump will pay in 2020.
Once again, the people who created this mess are trying to blame the GOP for not cleaning it up.

Again, it is like the Captain of the Exxon Valdes trying to blame the giant oil spill he caused after running his tanker onto the rocks on the clean up crew who is not cleaning up his mess fast enough.

The ACA is still referred to as 'OBAMAcare', and the democrats are the ones who passed it. They own it.

The fact is that Republicans are responsible for it since they are in charge. The Republicans have made no secret that they want ACA to go away and Trump has sent a order to federal agencies to do everything they can to undermine the law. The IRS refuses to enforce a law passed by Congress and signed by the President. That is a impeachable offense.

Oh, that is freaking hilarious! You should do stand-up comedy?

Why didn't we impeach Obama for all of the laws "Dreamers", etc. that he refused to enforce?

I think you are a very tech gifted teenager whose mother doesn't know you are hanging out with adults.

You are the hypocrite. You talk about all the laws Democrats break but apparently it is okay for Republicans to break the law. I also assume that you have heard of responsibility or as Colin Powell once said, "you break it, you own it." Obama did not break any laws with DREAMers. The courts have said that the President has unquestioned authority over who to deport. Trump is also saying that he will not deport DREAMers.

You are the one with the child like mind. You worship Trump and if he told you to drink poisoned Kool-Aid, you would do it. Shut up mental moron.

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