President Trump Makes A Case For Why McCain Should Retire ... Of Be Re-Called

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Promising things multiples times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'President' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Trump promised to replace Obamacare “immediately after we go in.”

“You’re going to end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast. Quick.” [Las Vegas, NV, 2/22/16]
Again, I know self-control, especially for your hatred for the President, is not your specialty, but try to stay on topic, which is McCain's 13 betrayals of his promise.

You're avoiding the two YouTube videos I posted of Trump saying he supports universal healthcare! Hilarious!
What does it feel like to have NO FUCKING RECALL at all? You're like a gerbil, you only know what's happening today and if there's lettuce in your cage or not.

Easy doesn't care how many times Trump has lied.

He only cares about attacking people Trump attacks.

Seems to me most of this imaginary lies are just liberals lying about what he said or even what he meant.
Seems to me that the left totally made up this Nazi nonsense.
Seems to me that Sean Spicer said that Trump had a bigger audience.
Seems to me that the only reason Trump has become a racist is because he dared to run for office against a Democrat.

But then again everyone who runs against a Democrat becomes a racist.

So who really lied??

This is who is lying and continues to lie.

Like most Leftards, Syriusly can't be taken seriously because he speaks without having a clue.

For instance, Syr actually believes I am a 'Trump Supporter', that I am a 'Partisan'. He's wrong.

LET'S REALLY be honest for a minute, partisan BS aside - if Syr and the Leftards can do that:

I took an oath decades ago vowing to support and defend the Constitution and this country, not any political party. I also swore to carry out the legal orders of my superior officers and those of the President of the United States - NO MATTER WHO THAT MAY BE. I have served several Presidents during my 30 years in service equally, never failing to carry out the orders I was given, never attempting to undermine or obstruct.

Being 'NON-Partisan' is 'Liberating'. You do not blindly follow any party or person, can objectively assess things, and don't regurgitate any of the BS that comes from either 'camp'. It lets you make observations such as how BOTH the Republican and Democratic Parties have now both become self-appointed, non-representative Rulers who have elevated themselves above the laws and Constitution by which every other person in this country if governed. Their leaders are as crooked, self/party-serving, lying, power-hungry SOBs who care more about acquiring and keeping power and wealth than actually doing their jobs as being 'Servants of the People'.

Mitch McConnell, for example, is the epitome of a Washington Establishment, Status Quo useless POS politician who is AFRAID to take action once he has the power to do so - he is more worried about losing his position, power, and money than he is doing 'the right thing' - whatever that may be at that time. Instead, believing the American people are idiots, he leads the GOP in making approx. 100 'Show Votes' regarding repealing the ACA (again, for example) - to CON his Constituents / Conservatives into believing he is serious about doing it, but a moment comes when they can REALLY make it happen they fold like a cheap suit, betraying their base.

Democrats have exposed themselves with the 2016 election loss as racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, intolerant, socialist, power-hungry a-holes who are willing to do ANYTHING (rioting, looting, violence, arson, terrorism, calls for military coups, calls for assassinations, attempts to carry out assassinations, CRIME...) to acquire and keep that power.

Republicans - who swore if they were given the House, the Senate, and the WH that they would push the 'people's agenda through into law' - have proved they are f*ing liars who can't govern / legislate...again, part of the problem being their being afraid of rocking the boat and losing their positions / power / money.

As far as Trump goes, he is about as 'Un-Presidential', based on the standards that have been established, as a President can get. That is part of the appeal that helped him become President. He isn't a slick, polished, professional, career politician...and he came along at the 'perfect time' - when the American people were tired of and rebelled against the slick, polished, professional, career, corrupt, criminal, self/party-serving, scandal-plagued, Washington Establishment, Status Quo, politicians. He beat every one of the GOP politicians that fit that description in the GOP Primaries. And I don't care if it 'offends' you to hear, but Hillary Clinton was the walking, talking, living, breathing personification of all of that wrapped into 1 Candidate. Hillary was GIVEN the DNC nomination - screwing Bernie, Bernie supporters, and Democrat voters in the process, and she was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes (to include espionage) she DID commit (but was protected from the consequences) JUST DAYS OUT FROM THE ELECTION.

Like it or not, Trump was 'the lesser of 2 evils'. That's it. Leftards can continue to play "Hillary" by blaming the Russians, blaming Comey, blaming voters, blaming Trump supporters, blaming Trump...but the ENTIRE blame for Donald Trump being President lies on the shoulders of the leaders and members of the DNC, the President, Comey, Lynch, etc who sold their souls to rig the primaries, engaged in election fraud, cheated in debates, and protected Hillary from indictment and prosecution for the crimes she DID commit - all to make her their 'Chosen One'. Had they run ANY Democrat who was NOT a career crooked, scandal-plagued candidate WHO WAS UNDER MULTIPLE FBI INVESTIGATIONS DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION they, IMO, would have defeated Donald Trump.

ANYONE who is actually HONEST and NON-Partisan can look at Hillary Clinton and admit she is a despicable, deplorable, crooked, career, self-serving politician who is not worthy to represent the people of the United States as President. Anyone who is honest can also admit that Donald Trump is not far from that, that Americans deserved a better choice than Hillary and Trump. And anyone who is REALLY honest can / will admit that Trump - in that 'perfect anti-Establishment storm' - was 'the lesser of two evils'.

Choosing the 'lesser of 2 evils' does not make you a supporter of that lesser of 2 evils.

It is much easier for Leftards, like Syr, however, just to demonize and attack anyone who are not 'fellow partisans', who does not agree with them / their ideology, declaring them to be 'supporters' of 'the enemy'.
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President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

All McCain is doing is
Legacy building. It works because democrats need useful idiots to help them resist. Whatever, in the end he will die and it will be relatively soon and forgotten after the two week funeral and footage of his bimbo daughter crying. Then stuff will get done. I think McCain should have to prove that he is physically capable of doing his job considering all the time he has spent on capital has lost healthy and not doing anything, how much harder is it with his little brain tumor?
Lets make it clear...

Trump said he had a plan which was better, cheaper, no one would loose there insurance and pre-existing would be covered...

Just waiting on that plan... Where is Trump's plan? When it arrives meeting his promises, don't worry Democrats will be there to debate it, cost it and if all well vote on it...

And if it is that great I would expect them to vote for it too..

Just waiting on the Trump Healthcare plan...
so again, are you ok with an EO for healthcare or do you want it to go through congress? please steer us in the correct direction that you're confused with.

How can the Congress do anything if Trump won't tell us what it is?
sorry, but this is too stupid to reply to.
President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

All McCain is doing is
Legacy building. It works because democrats need useful idiots to help them resist. Whatever, in the end he will die and it will be relatively soon and forgotten after the two week funeral and footage of his bimbo daughter crying. Then stuff will get done. I think McCain should have to prove that he is physically capable of doing his job considering all the time he has spent on capital has lost healthy and not doing anything, how much harder is it with his little brain tumor?
all mccain is doing is saying fk you to his constituents. If he found something in the bill he didn't like, he should have worked to make it acceptable. to say fk you at the president is one thing, but to say fk you to his constituents is unacceptable. fk him.
Lets make it clear...

Trump said he had a plan which was better, cheaper, no one would loose there insurance and pre-existing would be covered...

Just waiting on that plan... Where is Trump's plan? When it arrives meeting his promises, don't worry Democrats will be there to debate it, cost it and if all well vote on it...

And if it is that great I would expect them to vote for it too..

Just waiting on the Trump Healthcare plan...
so again, are you ok with an EO for healthcare or do you want it to go through congress? please steer us in the correct direction that you're confused with.

How can the Congress do anything if Trump won't tell us what it is?
sorry, but this is too stupid to reply to.

Because you don't have a reply. Trump said people will love his plan during the campaign. Where is it?
Because you don't have a reply. Trump said people will love his plan during the campaign. Where is it?
It has already been reported that Trump met with the House and with the Senate. I believe, although no one can prove or disprove, he shared his plan / ideas with Congress during those meetings.

The House and Senate are led by Washington Establishment Republicans who have already demonstrated their disdain and lack of desire to cooperate with the President to get his agenda passed. Heck, the House and Senate can't even cooperate / agree on 1 plan. The House passed one, and McConnell refused to even look at it because the Senate was working on their own version....and we have not seen many of the different drafts and versions different groups and individuals have worked on.

Trump isn't the only one who said they had a plan. Republicans had 7 years to work on a plan and have it ready, but on Day 1 of trump's Presidency they did not show any such plan - they started working on one from scratch. Long before Trump the GOP was called on by their Constituents to repeal / replace the ACA. The GOP responded by making promise after promise to do so and casting 'show vote' after 'show vote' claiming they would do so....only to deliver jack-$hit.
President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

All McCain is doing is
Legacy building. It works because democrats need useful idiots to help them resist. Whatever, in the end he will die and it will be relatively soon and forgotten after the two week funeral and footage of his bimbo daughter crying. Then stuff will get done. I think McCain should have to prove that he is physically capable of doing his job considering all the time he has spent on capital has lost healthy and not doing anything, how much harder is it with his little brain tumor?
all mccain is doing is saying fk you to his constituents. If he found something in the bill he didn't like, he should have worked to make it acceptable. to say fk you at the president is one thing, but to say fk you to his constituents is unacceptable. fk him.

It's a good thing you don't have to prove your mental fitness or you wouldn't be here SOB. What he found was the whole thing was unacceptable. the process was a mess as Republicans refused to reach out to moderate Democrats such as Joe Manchin and Heidi Heitkamp who have expresses a willingness to find common ground. The American people want Obamacare fixed.
Because you don't have a reply. Trump said people will love his plan during the campaign. Where is it?
It has already been reported that Trump met with the House and with the Senate. I believe, although no one can prove or disprove, he shared his plan / ideas with Congress during those meetings.

The House and Senate are led by Washington Establishment Republicans who have already demonstrated their disdain and lack of desire to cooperate with the President to get his agenda passed. Heck, the House and Senate can't even cooperate / agree on 1 plan. The House passed one, and McConnell refused to even look at it because the Senate was working on their own version....and we have not seen many of the different drafts and versions different groups and individuals have worked on.

Trump isn't the only one who said they had a plan. Republicans had 7 years to work on a plan and have it ready, but on Day 1 of trump's Presidency they did not show any such plan - they started working on one from scratch. Long before Trump the GOP was called on by their Constituents to repeal / replace the ACA. The GOP responded by making promise after promise to do so and casting 'show vote' after 'show vote' claiming they would do so....only to deliver jack-$hit.

Then why didn't he release it publicly? Reagan ran on a plan to cut taxes and he had a very specific plan that people could see. you can't prove he had a plan and he said he had a plan. The burden of proof is on you.

The reason why the House plan was rejected was because it could not pass in the Senate. The Republicans made it clear that this would be a Republican only plan that cut out the handful of Democrat moderates in the Senate. The fact is that large majorities of Americans do not support Trump's agenda. A new ABC/Washington Post poll shows that 86% of voters support DACA, 39% support cutting immigration by 1/2 and 37% support building a wall. Also 61% support the NFL players' right to protest.

I do agree that the Republicans should have had a plan ready to go. However they crippled themselves with the idea of repeal. I would have retained the subsidies but given the people HSA's rather than just doling it out to insurance companies and retain the mandate to have at least catastrophic health insurance. I would have hacked away at the bureaucracy surrounding Obamacare.
Lets make it clear...

Trump said he had a plan which was better, cheaper, no one would loose there insurance and pre-existing would be covered...

Just waiting on that plan... Where is Trump's plan? When it arrives meeting his promises, don't worry Democrats will be there to debate it, cost it and if all well vote on it...

And if it is that great I would expect them to vote for it too..

Just waiting on the Trump Healthcare plan...
so again, are you ok with an EO for healthcare or do you want it to go through congress? please steer us in the correct direction that you're confused with.

How can the Congress do anything if Trump won't tell us what it is?
sorry, but this is too stupid to reply to.

Because you don't have a reply. Trump said people will love his plan during the campaign. Where is it?
exactly, there is no possible way to have a response for your stupid. I have posted what Trump had expected. you don't wish to read it, oh well. not my problem.
President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

All McCain is doing is
Legacy building. It works because democrats need useful idiots to help them resist. Whatever, in the end he will die and it will be relatively soon and forgotten after the two week funeral and footage of his bimbo daughter crying. Then stuff will get done. I think McCain should have to prove that he is physically capable of doing his job considering all the time he has spent on capital has lost healthy and not doing anything, how much harder is it with his little brain tumor?
all mccain is doing is saying fk you to his constituents. If he found something in the bill he didn't like, he should have worked to make it acceptable. to say fk you at the president is one thing, but to say fk you to his constituents is unacceptable. fk him.

It's a good thing you don't have to prove your mental fitness or you wouldn't be here SOB. What he found was the whole thing was unacceptable. the process was a mess as Republicans refused to reach out to moderate Democrats such as Joe Manchin and Heidi Heitkamp who have expresses a willingness to find common ground. The American people want Obamacare fixed.
well fool, you see dems don't want repeal. right? so why would someone doing repeal bother? your form of stupid is amazing. and I want all subsidies taken out. none. I want zero government in my healthcare. kapeesh?
This is happening because of Republicans. Republicans are the ones who are playing games with the subsidy payments. If Obamacare collapses, Republicans will pay the price in 2018 and then Trump will pay in 2020.
Once again, the people who created this mess are trying to blame the GOP for not cleaning it up.

Again, it is like the Captain of the Exxon Valdes trying to blame the giant oil spill he caused after running his tanker onto the rocks on the clean up crew who is not cleaning up his mess fast enough.

The ACA is still referred to as 'OBAMAcare', and the democrats are the ones who passed it. They own it.

The fact is that Republicans are responsible for it since they are in charge. The Republicans have made no secret that they want ACA to go away and Trump has sent a order to federal agencies to do everything they can to undermine the law. The IRS refuses to enforce a law passed by Congress and signed by the President. That is a impeachable offense.

Oh, that is freaking hilarious! You should do stand-up comedy?

Why didn't we impeach Obama for all of the laws "Dreamers", etc. that he refused to enforce?

I think you are a very tech gifted teenager whose mother doesn't know you are hanging out with adults.

You are the hypocrite. You talk about all the laws Democrats break but apparently it is okay for Republicans to break the law. I also assume that you have heard of responsibility or as Colin Powell once said, "you break it, you own it." Obama did not break any laws with DREAMers. The courts have said that the President has unquestioned authority over who to deport. Trump is also saying that he will not deport DREAMers.

You are the one with the child like mind. You worship Trump and if he told you to drink poisoned Kool-Aid, you would do it. Shut up mental moron.

Really? Let's see the link for that court decision. Trump is giving Congress time to change the law. That's more than Ohbummer did! He just ignored the problem.

I am calling you out libtard! Put up or shut up!
President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Ah, well then Rump should be "recalled" for not having a wall, not keeping out Muslims, not "bombing the shit out of ISIS" and not putting Hillary in jail.

Be sure to let us know when that happens. I'll make popcorn.

You should be used to it with all the broken promises from Obama

How is the closing of Gitmo going?


Hey, it ain't my assertion that some failed promise equates to "liar", equates to "recall". That's the OP's gig.
I just pointed out where that logic goes.

How's the Klan march on the trolley tracks in Wisconsin going?
Hey, it ain't my assertion that some failed promise equates to "liar", equates to "recall". That's the OP's gig. I just pointed out where that logic goes.

How's the Klan march on the trolley tracks in Wisconsin going?

1. Logic? So if someone tells you 13 times they are going to do something and does not do it every time you don't consider it a lie? Damn, no wonder you supported Barry and the ACA. :p

2. Seriously? You are seriously going to toss out an immature high-school taunt about something that isn't true simply because you disagree with me on what McCain's refusal to keep his word 13 times should be called? Bwuhahaha... Grow up, dude. Go back to the kids' table and come back when you can engage in discussion with the adults.
1. Logic? So if someone tells you 13 times they are going to do something and does not do it every time you don't consider it a lie?

Actually (once AGAIN) that's the Rump's idea, not mine. I simply showed how silly it is, which is the opposite of what you're suggesting.
Apparently not simply enough. Perhaps you should go out and learn how to read one day.

Damn, no wonder you supported Barry and the ACA. :p

Actually I never supported the ACA. That's on the record. You can ask emilynghiem about that.
Never supported its daddy Romneycare either (I lived in that area at the time).

2. Seriously? You are seriously going to toss out an immature high-school taunt about something that isn't true simply because you disagree with me on what McCain's refusal to keep his word 13 times should be called? Bwuhahaha... Grow up, dude. Go back to the kids' table and come back when you can engage in discussion with the adults.

Actually both that post, and that reference, were to another poster entirely, not to you.
Perhaps you should go out and learn how to read. Make it sooner rather than later. You're frickin' lost in space here.
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Promising things multiples times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'President' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Trump promised to replace Obamacare “immediately after we go in.”

“You’re going to end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast. Quick.” [Las Vegas, NV, 2/22/16]
Again, I know self-control, especially for your hatred for the President, is not your specialty, but try to stay on topic, which is McCain's 13 betrayals of his promise.

You're avoiding the two YouTube videos I posted of Trump saying he supports universal healthcare! Hilarious!
What does it feel like to have NO FUCKING RECALL at all? You're like a gerbil, you only know what's happening today and if there's lettuce in your cage or not.

Easy doesn't care how many times Trump has lied.

He only cares about attacking people Trump attacks.

Yep- Trump has lied- repeatedly- and I have pointed out his repeated lies. And his hypocritical sycophants like Easy are fine with Trumps lies, but are shocked- shocked- that John McCain refused to vote for the piece of crap healthcare bill that the Republicans tried to foist off on America.
Hey, it ain't my assertion that some failed promise equates to "liar", equates to "recall". That's the OP's gig. I just pointed out where that logic goes.

How's the Klan march on the trolley tracks in Wisconsin going?

1. Logic? So if someone tells you 13 times they are going to do something and does not do it every time you don't consider it a lie? Damn, no wonder you supported Barry and the ACA. :p.

So if someone tells you 80 different things that they are going to do- and then do not do them- you don't consider those to be lies? Damn, no wonder you support Trump- the more lies the merrier.

But your hypocrisy regarding McCain is telling.
Promising things multiples times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'President' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Trump promised to replace Obamacare “immediately after we go in.”

“You’re going to end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast. Quick.” [Las Vegas, NV, 2/22/16]
Again, I know self-control, especially for your hatred for the President, is not your specialty, but try to stay on topic, which is McCain's 13 betrayals of his promise.

You're avoiding the two YouTube videos I posted of Trump saying he supports universal healthcare! Hilarious!
What does it feel like to have NO FUCKING RECALL at all? You're like a gerbil, you only know what's happening today and if there's lettuce in your cage or not.

Easy doesn't care how many times Trump has lied.

He only cares about attacking people Trump attacks.

Yep- Trump has lied- repeatedly- and I have pointed out his repeated lies. And his hypocritical sycophants like Easy are fine with Trumps lies, but are shocked- shocked- that John McCain refused to vote for the piece of crap healthcare bill that the Republicans tried to foist off on America.
Says you.

Besides, if you considered honesty to be such an important trait why the fuck do you support Democrats like Hillary, Pelosi, Obama, and lying Chuck Schumer???
Like most Leftards, Syriusly can't be taken seriously because he speaks without having a clue..

Like most Trumptards, easyt65 has his head buried firmly up Trump's ass- and merely parrots whatever his Dear leader tweets.

Like so many Trumptards, easy expressed his 'outrage' over McCain's supposed lies- because John McCain said he would vote to repeal the ACA- and when presented with the GOP piece of crap bills- didn't vote for them. Did John McCain lie- or did the Republicans fail to present a single plan that met the standards that even Donald Trump promised his voters? (yes- the Republicans failed)

But what easy wants to ignore is that I provided facts demonstrating Donald Trump's repeated lies to Americans on the campaign trail- lies about what he promised to do during the first 100 days in office- and hasn't done, or attempted, or initiated.

Easy likes to whine about McCain's supposed '13 lies' but is fine with all of Trump's lies- and wants to just do a handwave- 'nothing to see here' about Trump's repeated lies.

Because for Easy- its never about whether someone is lying- it is always about parroting what his Dear Leader says- and attacking whoever his Dear Leader attacks.

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