President Trump Makes A Case For Why McCain Should Retire ... Of Be Re-Called

This is happening because of Republicans. Republicans are the ones who are playing games with the subsidy payments. If Obamacare collapses, Republicans will pay the price in 2018 and then Trump will pay in 2020.
Once again, the people who created this mess are trying to blame the GOP for not cleaning it up.

Again, it is like the Captain of the Exxon Valdes trying to blame the giant oil spill he caused after running his tanker onto the rocks on the clean up crew who is not cleaning up his mess fast enough.

The ACA is still referred to as 'OBAMAcare', and the democrats are the ones who passed it. They own it.

The fact is that Republicans are responsible for it since they are in charge. The Republicans have made no secret that they want ACA to go away and Trump has sent a order to federal agencies to do everything they can to undermine the law. The IRS refuses to enforce a law passed by Congress and signed by the President. That is a impeachable offense.
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!
Promising many things and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a President- its being a LIAR

Trump promised he would work with Congress to introduce for passage in the first 100 days the Affordable Child Care and Elder Care Act

“Next, I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my administration. … Affordable Child Care and Elder Care Act allows Americans to deduct child care and elder care from their taxes. Incentivizes employers to provide on-site — so important — child care services. And you see that with a couple of companies, and it’s such a great thing to see. And creates tax-free dependent care savings accounts for both young and elderly dependents with matching contributions for low-income families. So good.” [Gettysburg, PA, 10/22/16]

This bill has not been introduced, let alone passed.
Again, please stay on topic, liberal troll. The thread is about McCain.

You are accusing McCain of lying and saying that he should resign because of it- no wonder you don't want to talk about Donald Trump's extensive list of lies and broken promises.

You only are pissed off about McCain because your Dear Leader has signaled to you to be pissed off about McCain.
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Promising things multiples times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'President' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Trump promised to replace Obamacare “immediately after we go in.”

“You’re going to end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast. Quick.” [Las Vegas, NV, 2/22/16]
Again, I know self-control, especially for your hatred for the President, is not your specialty, but try to stay on topic, which is McCain's 13 betrayals of his promise.

I have far more than 13 examples of Donald Trump's betrayals of his promises- of course you don't want to compare the honesty of John McCain to Donald Trump- there is no comparison.

Trump lies almost every day- and you applaud him for it.
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Donald Trump- another of his broken promises- much more than 13 betrayals of his voters...

Trump promised to ask Congress to convene a special session to repeal and replace Obamacare.

“When we win on November 8th and elect a Republican congress, we will be able to immediately repeal and replace Obamacare. Have to do it. I will ask Congress to convene a special session so we can repeal and replace, and it will be such an honor for me, for you, and for everybody in this country because Obamacare has to be replaced and we will do it and we will do it very, very quickly.” [Valley Forge, PA, 11/1/16]

Conservatives began to notice in the first month that not only did Congress not convene a special session on Obamacare, but Trump also had not unveiled any plan to replace the Affordable Care Act in any short timeframe. Trump made no public statements asking Congress for a special session, so if he kept his promise, it was in private, and it was ignored.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

“Real estate mogul and reality TV star Donald Trump (R) says he wouldn’t get out much if he wins the Oval Office next year. ‘I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,’ Trump, 69, tells ITK. ‘I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off. … You don’t have time to take time off,’ Trump adds.” [The Hill, 6/23/15]

Trump left the White House for three (sometimes long) weekends in a row to stay at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, FL in the first month of his presidency. This trend continued through the second and third months of his presidency.

Donald Trump- Liar
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Donald Trump- Liar
Trump promised to propose a constitutional amendment for term limits on day one.

“Under my contract with the American voter we are proposing a series of ethics reforms on day one to end government corruption. They include a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of congress.” [Sanford, FL, 10/25/16]

The White House had not announced such a proposed amendment....
Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!
Trump broke 80 promises in 100 days
Many of the 100 days promises are legislative, introduced in an October speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. In that speech, he said, “I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my administration.” But none of these measures have been passed, and aside from an Obamacare repeal bill that has floundered in Congress, no Trump-approved bills have even been introduced in either chamber.

'no Trump-approved bills have even been introduced in either chamber'

Donald Trump- Liar
Please f*ing learn what 'Separation of Powers' means and what the roles and responsibilities and powers are of each branch of the Government are. snowflakes keep trying to blame Trump for the failures of / lack of production of the Legislative Branch, which only makes them look STUPID!

Did Donald Trump work with Congress to introduce that legislation in the first 100 days?
Did Donald Trump make a promise to voters- and renege on that promise- yes.

Apparently your Dear Leader didn't understand that issue of Separation of Powers when he was making these promises to you his gullible followers.
President Trump Makes A Case For Why McCain Should Retire ... Of Be Re-Called

He said mean things to Trump :crybaby:

That's the entirety of Trumps reasoning

Exactly. And little DonDon holds a grudge. Now this childish video, attacking a dying man.

I lived in AZ for more than 25 years and very seldom agreed with McCain's politics but trump is a big mouth toddler hypocrite. He always is. And that's what he is with the issue of McCain.

And of course, as usual, he has forgotten that it was trump who, out of no where, attacked McCain's military service and time as a POW.

Like McCain or not, that cannot and should not be cheapened by the asshole who said not getting a sexually transmitted disease was his Vietnam.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Promising things multiples times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'President' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Trump promised to replace Obamacare “immediately after we go in.”

“You’re going to end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast. Quick.” [Las Vegas, NV, 2/22/16]
Again, I know self-control, especially for your hatred for the President, is not your specialty, but try to stay on topic, which is McCain's 13 betrayals of his promise.

You're avoiding the two YouTube videos I posted of Trump saying he supports universal healthcare! Hilarious!
What does it feel like to have NO FUCKING RECALL at all? You're like a gerbil, you only know what's happening today and if there's lettuce in your cage or not.
What's with trump that he can never take responsibility for his own actions and words. He ALWAYS lies and ALWAYS blames others.

Remember when he said ObamaCares would be repealed and replaced on the first day? Just another of his lies but now he's saying he thought the bill would be on his desk the first day.

It always takes him a few days to figure out who to blame but he always does.
McCain lied to his constituents regarding ObamaCare. Now that he is in his 80s, and likely not going to seek reelection in 2022, he can out himself as the Statist Hack he has always been. Just another corrupt swamp creature with a shallow intellect and toxic ego.
What's with trump that he can never take responsibility for his own actions and words. He ALWAYS lies and ALWAYS blames others.

Remember when he said ObamaCares would be repealed and replaced on the first day? Just another of his lies but now he's saying he thought the bill would be on his desk the first day.

It always takes him a few days to figure out who to blame but he always does.
yeah how dare him think that the fact he had the GOP majority in both houses that they'd actually do their job. Fk, how come he couldn't see that in his crystal ball.
Lets make it clear...

Trump said he had a plan which was better, cheaper, no one would loose there insurance and pre-existing would be covered...

Just waiting on that plan... Where is Trump's plan? When it arrives meeting his promises, don't worry Democrats will be there to debate it, cost it and if all well vote on it...

And if it is that great I would expect them to vote for it too..

Just waiting on the Trump Healthcare plan...
Lets make it clear...

Trump said he had a plan which was better, cheaper, no one would loose there insurance and pre-existing would be covered...

Just waiting on that plan... Where is Trump's plan? When it arrives meeting his promises, don't worry Democrats will be there to debate it, cost it and if all well vote on it...

And if it is that great I would expect them to vote for it too..

Just waiting on the Trump Healthcare plan...
so again, are you ok with an EO for healthcare or do you want it to go through congress? please steer us in the correct direction that you're confused with.
There is a difference between McCain not keeping his word and Trump not being able to enact his promises. You can be sure if it were solely up to Trump, many of his campaign promises would have already had been in place: tax reduction, the wall being built, a change in immigration standards etc. .

Yet during the campaign Trump made statements like he was uniquely qualified to do various of his promises, that repeal and replace of obamacare would be easy. That he would "unsign" obamacare on day one Trump said he was such a great deal maker, that he and a republican majority could get 'er done

Trump claimed he could do (without giving details or explaining how) a huge steaming pile of shit he promised, which only goes to show both how little Trump knew about running government, and how little his supporters cared that Trump knew nothing.
There is a difference between McCain not keeping his word and Trump not being able to enact his promises. You can be sure if it were solely up to Trump, many of his campaign promises would have already had been in place: tax reduction, the wall being built, a change in immigration standards etc. .

Yet during the campaign Trump made statements like he was uniquely qualified to do various of his promises, that repeal and replace of obamacare would be easy. That he would "unsign" obamacare on day one Trump said he was such a great deal maker, that he and a republican majority could get 'er done

Trump claimed he could do (without giving details or explaining how) a huge steaming pile of shit he promised, which only goes to show both how little Trump knew about running government, and how little his supporters cared that Trump knew nothing.
again, why not, the GOP led congress gave bills to obummer seven times. why would he sign one of those. D'oh cause the GOPers never really had one. who lied?

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