President Trump: Real facts about wacko Bette Midler will be exposed in my book

Bette Midler???
FFS - this is exactly the kind of thing that was a part of his undoing.
Why the hell would he give two seconds of his time concerned about a washed up overrated performer?
I have to admit that his utter transparency about his disdain for the rabid left is part of his charm. I like it when he says what I feel.
I have to admit that his utter transparency about his disdain for the rabid left is part of his charm. I like it when he says what I feel.
Not while he was President.
The President of the United States, arguably the most powerful person in all of earth... sitting in his office engaged in a twitter war with washed up nutty actors is a massive waste of their time.
Keep in mind, policy-wise, I think he did a pretty good job. That doesn't mean I support everything about him.
Right after the chapter where he exposes Obama fake birth certificate.

What's he going to do? Call her names? Complain where she turned down his advances?

The guy is a clown.
what are you talking about? he accept obamas BC when he finally produced it

Bette Midler is a clown…but typical of you demafacist with her hate for work class people, like the ones that make up WV that she attacked
what are you talking about? he accept obamas BC when he finally produced it

Bette Midler is a clown…but typical of you demafacist with her hate for work class people, like the ones that make up WV that she attacked
Besides, I doubt if she's ever turned down a man in her life. Or a woman. Or a dog.

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