President Trump: Real facts about wacko Bette Midler will be exposed in my book

He's been a liar and a cheat his whole life.. He's cheated contractors, vendors, investers, bankers and 3 wives. He's been impeached twice and threw away his presidency. He hires the best people and turns on them in fits of vulgar revenge.
But, but he has facts. :auiqs.jpg:🤪:auiqs.jpg:🤪:auiqs.jpg:🤪
Democrats don't have to keep nominating crap but they do.
The "moderate" Democrats can ignore their constituents back home and serve the financial interests of their major political contributors better as the minority party in Congress.

Their antics since becoming the congressional majority, especially those of Manchin and Sinema, prove the "moderate" Democrats have zero desire to lead,

A clown who won the presidency in his FIRST political campaign. Who brought a record-setting era of prosperity , and brought it in less than 3 years. Who exposed the hate-filled media propaganda masters for what they really are, and in a way they'll NEVER recover from. A clown who can think on his feet, deal with the stresses of the office and enjoy smacking losers in your party around as a hobby. I'm pretty sure if he'd SHIT HIMSELF in front of a world leader, your media might have mentioned it a few million-times.

TICK, TOCK... The Clown will be back sooner than you think.
He didn't bring it you fool. Obama left it in his lap. And then he screwed it up with Covid.
i love it. go get 'em Donald!

Dude, how old are you? Seriously? Because your threads usually take on the characteristics of a spoiled, sour, mean spirited child. Bette Midler? Are you kidding me? Donald Trump writing something about Bette Midler? And you post a thread about that? Damn son! And I do mean son. This is Idiocracy in over drive.
Was that MBA from the Wharton School just an honorary?

Ummm, no. As poster "rightwinger" promptly noted.
Rather, that MBA appears to be merely made either Don Trump, or poster Esdraelon.
Or, maybe they are each mistaken about it......Esdraelon and Trump. (?)

An MBA from Wharton is a LIE
He does not even have an honorary MBA.


In a nano-second Googling, one can find this among many other, ummm, 'correctives':

  • "During his time at UPenn, the former president took undergraduate classes at the prestigious Wharton School of Business, but he didn't obtain his MBA."
Donald is a grinder not a grifter. He was the most open book of any President in my 70 years. What you see is what you get.
Right, open book! :auiqs.jpg: Lied about payments to Stormy Daniels for campaign finance crimes, until it was revealed his signature was on the check, paid out to Stormy Daniels. That kind of open book? Do you have any idea how unbelievably stupid that statement is of yours?

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