President Trump: Real facts about wacko Bette Midler will be exposed in my book

A clown who won the presidency in his FIRST political campaign. Who brought a record-setting era of prosperity , and brought it in less than 3 years. Who exposed the hate-filled media propaganda masters for what they really are, and in a way they'll NEVER recover from. A clown who can think on his feet, deal with the stresses of the office and enjoy smacking losers in your party around as a hobby. I'm pretty sure if he'd SHIT HIMSELF in front of a world leader, your media might have mentioned it a few million-times.

TICK, TOCK... The Clown will be back sooner than you think.
He'll be 78 by then. His early onset dementia that runs in the family will have set in by then. He wont even know what planet he's on.
Was that MBA from the Wharton School just an honorary? TICK, TOCK...

An MBA from Wharton is a LIE
He does not even have an honorary MBA
Like most of Trumps life
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To avoid confusion among the trump Nazis, the trump ghost written book on his presidency will be available in the fiction (or satire) section of your local bookstore.

Trump will publish a picture book of himself... a coffee table book. He and his idiot sons now opened a publishing company which should fold within 48 months.
Trump can't write much less write a book.
He plans to serialize it on twitter under a pseudonym. He doesn't realize the trump Nazis will never find it.

Maybe an orange emoji with a really bad hairpiece could lead them to it.

Right after the chapter where he exposes Obama fake birth certificate.

What's he going to do? Call her names? Complain where she turned down his advances?

The guy is a clown.
There are very little counter attacks. Bring out the dirt on these Prog shill media and entertainer class who very rarely have any pushback on their venom.
There are very little counter attacks. Bring out the dirt on these Prog shill media and entertainer class who very rarely have any pushback on their venom.
Trump is part of the entertainer class. That's all he's done his entire life. That and grift.
A clown who won the presidency in his FIRST political campaign. Who brought a record-setting era of prosperity , and brought it in less than 3 years. Who exposed the hate-filled media propaganda masters for what they really are, and in a way they'll NEVER recover from. A clown who can think on his feet, deal with the stresses of the office and enjoy smacking losers in your party around as a hobby. I'm pretty sure if he'd SHIT HIMSELF in front of a world leader, your media might have mentioned it a few million-times.

TICK, TOCK... The Clown will be back sooner than you think.

If we had record setting prosperity Trump wouldn't have been begging for more and more pumping and negative interest rates.
He plans to serialize it on twitter under a pseudonym. He doesn't realize the trump Nazis will never find it.

Maybe an orange emoji with a really bad hairpiece could lead them to it.

All progs gottal do is turn on the TV to see endless programs on Progressives socialist agendas.
He got elected because of gullible people such as yourself. Trump is human garbage. Was it the part about blaming brown people for all your problems that got you to vote for him? Or was it that he's cheated on 3 wives and sexually assaulted several women that got your vote? Deplorable.
That's rich. You dems keep voting for more of the same crap that always fails and actually makes things worse. Who's gullible now? LOL!
Trump will publish a picture book of himself... a coffee table book. He and his idiot sons now opened a publishing company which should fold within 48 months.
Perhaps sooner if enough fools invest. If investor dollars roll in quickly, the trump criminal organization will siphon off the bulk of the cash and immediately file bankruptcy.

It's a well-established, family tradition.

You're a deplorable piece of shit. It's unfortunate we have to vote for crap because the crap the repubs present are just downright human garbage.

Democrats don't have to keep nominating crap but they do.
Perhaps sooner if enough fools invest. If investor dollars roll in quickly, the trump criminal organization will siphon off the bulk of the cash and immediately file bankruptcy.

It's a well-established, family tradition.

Absolutely... over and over again.

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