President Trump skips ghetto uprising monument upsetting Jews

We send Israel billions of dollars a year to help in their efforts to bomb the people they so righteously took land and resources from. I think our dues are paid and then some. Get the fuck over it.

Yea, Israel has socialized health care and generous subsidies for education, and we keep sending them billions and billions while cutting back on education and health care. Maybe time to cut ties with Israel and take let israel take care of it's own instead.
No problem.

We can do that ten years after we cut ties and stop subsidizing the Egyptian, Saudi and Jordanian militaries, and cut off all aid to the Palestinians - direct and indirect.

Giving our good friend and ally time to shift their defense-acquisitions business dollars elswhere, at the expense of American jobs and companies.

No problem.

Let's get right on that.

"Hello??? ... Cairo, we have a problem..."
I keep trying to come up with WHY I ever took Luddly dumbass off ignore and I have YET to see one reasonable post he has made....hmm
Melania spoke.



Wrong again.

Ya wanna try again?


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Sending two incompetent children in your place is something Putin would do.

Trump's kids are not a representative of anything America, they represent hollow people that have earned absolutely nothing in their lives. They are aggrandized leeches.

Isn't it funny how none of them have been able to hide their stupidity?

RWs believe that since they're rich, they must be smart. In fact, the only thing any of them have done right is inherit gobs of money.

And if you follow that money back, their ancestors were nasty, cruel and corrupt.

And they passed it on to the entire klan.

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That is the bizarre part, that these people are seen by anyone as having any intelligence or ability to do ANY job let alone the government positions that these Nepoticks have been pushed into.

And that everything they is dirty or it's a failure or they're caught -

They're so obviously incompetent and correct pt but they were left enough money that they can just skate on through.

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