President Trump tells military and border patrol invasion is now a national emergency

Seems they are beating up Mexican police and looting shops along their route to America.

We must help these undocumented Democrats get here before November 6th
You`re afraid that these kids will kick your ass when they get here? You should be used to it by now.
True. Democrats would love for us to get used to deaths like Jamile Shaw, Kate Steinle and Mollie Tibbets.

To democrats it's not so much death to America as it is death to Americans. It's part of their population replacement plan.

I think it's forces above and more powerful than democrats.
Most Democrats are just lemmings believing whatever they've been told..which is to "hate RW'ers because they're ALL bigots".

I think those few known as Globalists are actually calling the shots. same as in Europe. Could be wrong but it sure looks that way to me.

If Trump truly tried to buck them, he'd probably end up like JFK
To be honest, he should have done that a week ago. But better late than never Hey, at least Trump is doing something. What did Obama?Not a damned thing!
Obama's not president. I try to remain current.

He may not be currently President, but the nation will long be affected by things he did while in office.
So, it's still relevant that he WAS president. IMO
Thousands of unarmed women and children make up a huge percentage of the hoard that will approach border crossings and uniformed border guards seeking asylum. America the Brave must polish guns and ammo and be prepared.
Or they could've just stayed at home. The women choose to bring their children. Not our fault. When they reach our boarder, load them onto buses and take them back home.
If you allow this 5000 caravan to enter, expect one for 100k or more to follow at some point.

America is being overwhelmed. If they fear for their lives, they should allow the UN to accept them and disperse them among those nations. They should be doing their part to assist the U.S with this invasion, but you will notice the silence from these nations...
I have difficulty taking people seriously when they call a "caravan" of unarmed civilians seeking permission to enter the country as asylum seekers and refugees as an "invasion".
They can't seek aslyum here. They have to do that in the first country they enter. So i guess they need to stay in mexico.
Sure.If you are trying to remain current. You have a lot of catching up to do. Just sayin...

Good stop them at the border. As it starts to sink in that we will not allow them entry they will have to make a choice of either turn around or live at the border with no work.
------------------------------------------ let them camp out on the 'mexican' side of the border Max .
I’m hoping things heat up down there and there’s casualties....lots of casualties. The cockroaches will only turn around if their disgusting, pathetic lives are in danger. are going with your gun(s) to help make that a reality, right?
I’m hoping things heat up down there and there’s casualties....lots of casualties. The cockroaches will only turn around if their disgusting, pathetic lives are in danger. are going with your gun(s) to help make that a reality, right?

Nah, I pay taxes, I employ a military to handle that shit for me. If you paid taxes you’d understand the simple workings.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Make it official! To hell with the backlash,its LONG past time to put America and American's FIRST!

And this is why we need a border wall..........

And what I posted above is why we've never got a wall and never will (even though it's been approved more than once). It's all a show.
Claudette laughed at my post, but can't explain how I'm wrong.

If the caravans are really prevented from entering the country I'll be in total shock.
I predict troops will be sent, but the people will be allowed in, with our government's solemn promise that they will be vetted and those not eligible will be sent home (not).
For every ten thousand allowed entry, 10 will be sent back.
--------------------------------------- VETTED eh , so then they are LEGAL entrants and different than the mob that they are traveling with eh [chuckle] . My point is that there is no difference between legal or illegal . -------------------- just a comment !!
Thousands of unarmed women and children make up a huge percentage of the hoard that will approach border crossings and uniformed border guards seeking asylum. America the Brave must polish guns and ammo and be prepared.
Or they could've just stayed at home. The women choose to bring their children. Not our fault. When they reach our boarder, load them onto buses and take them back home.
Did they choose to bring children or just kidnap them along the way.
Eye-popping surge of illegal immigrants abducting children
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Make it official! To hell with the backlash,its LONG past time to put America and American's FIRST!

Even if it gets ugly? I feel bad for any federal employee who has to deal with that. Every democrat in Washington will accuse them of every awful act you can think of and not one republican will support them at all. I’m glad my boy never took the job offer with them.

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