President Trump tells military and border patrol invasion is now a national emergency

Martial Law on the border sounds good to me , just shut the border down . Stop all money aid to the zhit hole dwellers although that shoulda been done years ago .
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Make it official! To hell with the backlash,its LONG past time to put America and American's FIRST!

Even if it gets ugly? I feel bad for any federal employee who has to deal with that. Every democrat in Washington will accuse them of every awful act you can think of and not one republican will support them at all. I’m glad my boy never took the job offer with them.
----------------------------- we think different , the uglier it get the better and lets see those enemies you mention do some blaming as that just makes more enemies Crixis .
Declare Martial law along the border.

Today he has begun stopping foreign aid to these countries. That's a major step in the right direction.

He cannot. Only Congress can do that and if you cut aid, more people come here. You and Trump are such morons.
so you are happy being bribed eh BBee . You wanna just keep paying off the invaders BBee .
Thousands of unarmed women and children make up a huge percentage of the hoard that will approach border crossings and uniformed border guards seeking asylum. America the Brave must polish guns and ammo and be prepared.

More like mostly military-age fighting men with a few women and children for photo-ops/human shield material. Probably a healthy smattering of criminals and ISIS as well.

4K troops have already been authorized, in addition to the border patrol, police, and possibly National Guard.

You constantly prove your stupidity. There is no evidence that any of them have anything to do with criminality or ISIS. You really need to start shoveling the shit you spew before you drown in it.
so you are happy being bribed eh BBee . You wanna just keep paying off the invaders BBee .

I have compassion for people unlike animals like you. What I would be doing as President would be talking with our allies about this humanitarian crisis. Yet Trump has alienated our allies and cannot do it. He doesn't have the brains to do it either. He is a brutal thug.
If you allow this 5000 caravan to enter, expect one for 100k or more to follow at some point.

America is being overwhelmed. If they fear for their lives, they should allow the UN to accept them and disperse them among those nations. They should be doing their part to assist the U.S with this invasion, but you will notice the silence from these nations...
I have difficulty taking people seriously when they call a "caravan" of unarmed civilians seeking permission to enter the country as asylum seekers and refugees as an "invasion".

They aren't seeking permission, they are assuming permission. Or better yet, demanding entry. Like someone walking in your front door, or breaking it in if you don't want them there.

They could have settled in Mexico if they feared for their life. This is indeed, an invasion. If you turn them all away will they accept this decision and go along their merry way?

Wake up America. You've done more than your fair share for too long, you have to take a stand at some point. All those who illegally and often falsely entered and stayed in America have ruined it for so many others.

This is not a invasion. They have every right to apply for asylum. There is nothing illegal about that.

Go away you fascist pig. Go back to Canada.
as i said , you just want to keep paying off the invaders with taxpayer money and favors BBee .
so you are happy being bribed eh BBee . You wanna just keep paying off the invaders BBee .

I have compassion for people unlike animals like you. What I would be doing as President would be talking with our allies about this humanitarian crisis. Yet Trump has alienated our allies and cannot do it. He doesn't have the brains to do it either. He is a brutal thug.
You need a few years on Venezuela....please take care of our homeless, and just look at what San Francisco has become. We can't take care of our own, why should we take care of others first?
these convoluted rules need to be done away with . These third worlders are on their way to replacing the American people BBee .
If you allow this 5000 caravan to enter, expect one for 100k or more to follow at some point.

America is being overwhelmed. If they fear for their lives, they should allow the UN to accept them and disperse them among those nations. They should be doing their part to assist the U.S with this invasion, but you will notice the silence from these nations...
I have difficulty taking people seriously when they call a "caravan" of unarmed civilians seeking permission to enter the country as asylum seekers and refugees as an "invasion".

They aren't seeking permission, they are assuming permission. Or better yet, demanding entry. Like someone walking in your front door, or breaking it in if you don't want them there.

They could have settled in Mexico if they feared for their life. This is indeed, an invasion. If you turn them all away will they accept this decision and go along their merry way?

Wake up America. You've done more than your fair share for too long, you have to take a stand at some point. All those who illegally and often falsely entered and stayed in America have ruined it for so many others.

This is not a invasion. They have every right to apply for asylum. There is nothing illegal about that.

Go away you fascist pig. Go back to Canada.
If asylum is what they want, they should have applied for it in Mexico!
If you allow this 5000 caravan to enter, expect one for 100k or more to follow at some point.

America is being overwhelmed. If they fear for their lives, they should allow the UN to accept them and disperse them among those nations. They should be doing their part to assist the U.S with this invasion, but you will notice the silence from these nations...
I have difficulty taking people seriously when they call a "caravan" of unarmed civilians seeking permission to enter the country as asylum seekers and refugees as an "invasion".

They aren't seeking permission, they are assuming permission. Or better yet, demanding entry. Like someone walking in your front door, or breaking it in if you don't want them there.

They could have settled in Mexico if they feared for their life. This is indeed, an invasion. If you turn them all away will they accept this decision and go along their merry way?

Wake up America. You've done more than your fair share for too long, you have to take a stand at some point. All those who illegally and often falsely entered and stayed in America have ruined it for so many others.

This is not a invasion. They have every right to apply for asylum. There is nothing illegal about that.

Go away you fascist pig. Go back to Canada.
They have no right to apply for asylum unless they are already in the US, and that is why the President is sending the military to the border to prevent them from crossing it. Hopefully, he will have the courage to use whatever force is necessary to prevent this horde from setting foot in the US.
If you allow this 5000 caravan to enter, expect one for 100k or more to follow at some point.

America is being overwhelmed. If they fear for their lives, they should allow the UN to accept them and disperse them among those nations. They should be doing their part to assist the U.S with this invasion, but you will notice the silence from these nations...
I have difficulty taking people seriously when they call a "caravan" of unarmed civilians seeking permission to enter the country as asylum seekers and refugees as an "invasion".

They aren't seeking permission, they are assuming permission. Or better yet, demanding entry. Like someone walking in your front door, or breaking it in if you don't want them there.

They could have settled in Mexico if they feared for their life. This is indeed, an invasion. If you turn them all away will they accept this decision and go along their merry way?

Wake up America. You've done more than your fair share for too long, you have to take a stand at some point. All those who illegally and often falsely entered and stayed in America have ruined it for so many others.

This is not a invasion. They have every right to apply for asylum. There is nothing illegal about that.

Go away you fascist pig. Go back to Canada.

Woah pal, I AM in Canada, that's the problem unfortunately. I have to spread the Gospel so that you don't become like us, heed my warning.

I feel sorry for people who have suffered, I've suffered myself in Canada, in ways some would consider worse than some (not all) of the people right now trying to enter your country. I can empathize with people, but not 29M illegally in your nation. If you want to deny stats, go ahead.
its all a game and the third worlder will take anything they can gets . Heck , there are more caravans being planned .

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