President Trump tells military and border patrol invasion is now a national emergency

Thousands of unarmed women and children make up a huge percentage of the hoard that will approach border crossings and uniformed border guards seeking asylum. America the Brave must polish guns and ammo and be prepared.

Show me a picture of thousands of women and children in that hoard! You mean they are ALL women and children? Then tell me how they are walking to the USA from Honduras? Then ask me if I care. No different than when al Qaeda sets up base in hospitals and homes thinking using innocent people will shield them. What, do you think you can just sprinkle some women and kids in there and say: "Now you have to let them in?" You have another thing coming.

Sure looks like loads of men to me.

Hell I don't see any women at all.

We better have the NG on the border to stop these assholes. We sure don't need these "asylum seekers" in the US.
From what I read over the weekend, he was thinking about sending over 1,000 of our men and women to the border from various military branches. Is that still ongoing?

Maybe we can send Nancy Pelosi down at one of the border cities to "greet" them as they try to crash the border.

Nancy Pelosi: Hello and welcome to Hell! Ok, I am just kidding! Welcome to America.

(She didn't say that, so don't get on me. Lol):th_believecrap:

I really love the guy in the wheelchair. Nice touch. These people walked from Honduras over mountains, through deserts on foot, by wheelchair, the Mexican government unable to stop them while democrats jump up and down screaming: You can't stop these people! They are poor, young, unarmed! The biggest sham yet pulled by the Left!

Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at 11.35.54 AM.png

Hit these people with capsicum cannons if they approach the border and put them all into Mexican hospitals. Second attempt: rubber bullets. After that: all bets are off.
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Thousands of unarmed women and children make up a huge percentage of the hoard that will approach border crossings and uniformed border guards seeking asylum. America the Brave must polish guns and ammo and be prepared.
Ya they sure look like peaceful folks to me!

View attachment 224085
Why do you post photos of non-related events and claim they are about or of rhe current caravan in the news? Geez, dude, you have been caught doing this kind of crap so much it is pathetic.
Please put up or shut up snowflake. We can all wait for you to PROVE THIS.
Wow, tump alerted the border patrol and military that the Guatemalans are coming. Thank god for tumps alertness or else they might have never known. Better add this to the list of the 600 tump accomplishments.
From what I read over the weekend, he was thinking about sending over 1,000 of our men and women to the border from various military branches. Is that still ongoing?

Maybe we can send Nancy Pelosi down at one of the border cities to "greet" them as they try to crash the border.

Nancy Pelosi: Hello and welcome to Hell! Ok, I am just kidding! Welcome to America.

(She didn't say that, so don't get on me. Lol):th_believecrap:
Where did you read that at? I only read he was considering sending the military to the border.
I’m hoping things heat up down there and there’s casualties....lots of casualties. The cockroaches will only turn around if their disgusting, pathetic lives are in danger.

I'll say it again.....I SERIOUSLY doubt that US troops will stop the caravan.
They might be sent, but will be unarmed paper tigers.
While Trump looks like he's on our side, he's primarily beholden to the deep pockets that actually matter and make the decisions.
I think it's ALL a dog & pony show and that the same Globalists behind the European culture meltdown are at work here and already know where this is headed.

If the caravan is actually stopped at the border and not allowed to enter the US I'll be shocked. Meanwhile, Democrats will be filing "Emergency Humanitarian" stop orders to allow them all to enter. Liberal Federal judges no doubt are already drafting the orders. Once they cross the border, it's over.

also, when this caravan enters the US, it's official, we're in the exact same boat as the europeans because it's only the beginning.
That's what I read and I hope he does it.

The National Guard is military not law enforcement. The military doesn't have to listen to whining about hearings. Kick em all back to Mexico.

We sure don't need them here.
The government isn't going to save the American People.......Sorry.

ONLY YOU......

can stop illegal immigration at this point (read the Constitution)
From what I read over the weekend, he was thinking about sending over 1,000 of our men and women to the border from various military branches. Is that still ongoing?

Maybe we can send Nancy Pelosi down at one of the border cities to "greet" them as they try to crash the border.

Nancy Pelosi: Hello and welcome to Hell! Ok, I am just kidding! Welcome to America.

(She didn't say that, so don't get on me. Lol):th_believecrap:
Where did you read that at? I only read he was considering sending the military to the border. website

That's what I said...he was "thinking" about sending troops from various branches. I will see if I can find the link again.
The government isn't going to save the American People.......Sorry.ONLY YOU......can stop illegal immigration at this point
Remember those tea party minutemen who said they'd help to protect our border? How did that work out?

Yeah, that was kinda my point. . I think America as we knew it is over. The American people are not strong enough to make the sacrifices necessary to protect their own country....and even if they tried, the US government would send all it's military resources to the aid of the invaders and prosecute the Americans.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Make it official! To hell with the backlash,its LONG past time to put America and American's FIRST!

And this is why we need a border wall..........

And what I posted above is why we've never got a wall and never will (even though it's been approved more than once). It's all a show.
Claudette laughed at my post, but can't explain how I'm wrong.

If the caravans are really prevented from entering the country I'll be in total shock.
I predict troops will be sent, but the people will be allowed in, with our government's solemn promise that they will be vetted and those not eligible will be sent home (not).
For every ten thousand allowed entry, 10 will be sent back.
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From what I read over the weekend, he was thinking about sending over 1,000 of our men and women to the border from various military branches. Is that still ongoing?

Maybe we can send Nancy Pelosi down at one of the border cities to "greet" them as they try to crash the border.

Nancy Pelosi: Hello and welcome to Hell! Ok, I am just kidding! Welcome to America.

(She didn't say that, so don't get on me. Lol):th_believecrap:
Where did you read that at? I only read he was considering sending the military to the border.

This is from Newsmax website October 18, 2018 - Thursday.

Trump Threatens to Use Military to Stop Migrant Caravan at Border
Wow, tump alerted the border patrol and military that the Guatemalans are coming. Thank god for tumps alertness or else they might have never known. Better add this to the list of the 600 tump accomplishments.

To be honest, he should have done that a week ago. But better late than never.
Hey, at least Trump is doing something. What did Obama?

Not a damned thing!
Wow, tump alerted the border patrol and military that the Guatemalans are coming. Thank god for tumps alertness or else they might have never known. Better add this to the list of the 600 tump accomplishments.

To be honest, he should have done that a week ago. But better late than never.
Hey, at least Trump is doing something. What did Obama?

Not a damned thing!

trump is talking. Maybe you should wait to see if his talk leads to action?

I predict troops will be sent, but the people will be allowed in, with our government's solemn promise that they will be vetted and those not eligible will be sent home (not).
For every ten thousand allowed entry, 10 will be sent back.

These immigrants were getting in whether Hillary got elected or not imo.
That's the plan all along. see europe
Seems they are beating up Mexican police and looting shops along their route to America.

We must help these undocumented Democrats get here before November 6th
You`re afraid that these kids will kick your ass when they get here? You should be used to it by now.
True. Democrats would love for us to get used to deaths like Jamile Shaw, Kate Steinle and Mollie Tibbets.

To democrats it's not so much death to America as it is death to Americans. It's part of their population replacement plan.

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