President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

So... the White House says they will not cooperate until there is a vote on impeachment, just so they can say that there was a vote for impeachment without a proper investigation. Just how dumb is Trump and his lackeys?

White House, State Department, and other staff will be asked to testify, if they refuse they will receive a subpoena. If Trump tells them they are not allowed, he will then be openly committing obstruction and there will be no need for an investigation. End of story.

It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to see the road map here.
That is NOT how it works. The House has NO AUTHORITY to demand anything on Impeachment from the President or the executive Branch UNLESS they voted for impeachment. YOU know it I know it and so do the Congress and the White House.
Your confusing PEWDOG... HE doesn't understand that the impeachment inquiry must be authorized by a vote. This allows for subpoena powers for both republicans and democrats. This is important because the president is entitled to equal protections and DUE PROCESS. By not granting powers they are accusing Trump and denying him a defense and DUE PROCESS. They are trying to do to Trump what they tried to do to Kavenaugh by making him guilty and denying him the ability to defend himself.
Can I get in on this funny assed thread?

So what's the SCOTUS have to say about denying someone due process"

Go for it, libtardos.

Who has been denied due process?

Me and my Congressman. He has the right to call witnesses and cross examination.

Really? He doesn't have any more right to do that than the left had to call witnesses in all those Benghazi hearings. Quit whining. It's your turn in the barrel this time.
So... the White House says they will not cooperate until there is a vote on impeachment, just so they can say that there was a vote for impeachment without a proper investigation. Just how dumb is Trump and his lackeys?

White House, State Department, and other staff will be asked to testify, if they refuse they will receive a subpoena. If Trump tells them they are not allowed, he will then be openly committing obstruction and there will be no need for an investigation. End of story.

It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to see the road map here.
You missed the mark.

He is asking them to vote for an official inquiry. When they do that and provide the committees that will be involved, then the Republicans and the White House get to participate in the calling of witnesses and get to question Schiff's "fact witnesses".

In other words, they get to participate and have their due process.

I wonder if you understand that the Executive branch is not subservient to the Legislative?

You do understand that they have equal power and it is the legislative branches job to do what they are doing now. Trump must comply or it's evidence of him violating the constitution.

I wonder if you understand that the Executive branch is not subservient to the Legislative?

You do understand that they have equal power and it is the legislative branches job to do what they are doing now. Trump must comply or it's evidence of him violating the constitution.

To quote you.....

if the Democrats who won in moderate and red state districts in 2018 are forced to vote on impecahment there is a good chance they will lose those seats in 2020.

I would be shocked if they don’t lose the House
The only reason they were voted back in is because
they convinced voters the ONLY way to restore
civility and sanity in Washington was with them back in power

All the chaos was so overwhelming, scary you can say,
people wanted things back to ‘normal’ and figured
omb omb omb, well, 3 years later, people are fed the fuck up
Can I get in on this funny assed thread?

So what's the SCOTUS have to say about denying someone due process"

Go for it, libtardos.

Who has been denied due process?

Me and my Congressman. He has the right to call witnesses and cross examination.

Really? He doesn't have any more right to do that than the left had to call witnesses in all those Benghazi hearings. Quit whining. It's your turn in the barrel this time.
So you admit it's not about honesty but payback for your butthurt.
Looks like we're back to not knowing the difference between an impeachment and an impeachment inquiry and which one requires a vote.

I'm kind of surprised the wingnuts don't think the Democrats will impeach Trump. They will, they kind of don't have much of a choice at this point.

Impeach now! Stop shucking and jiving! Do it now. Impeach. Stop with the talk and do the walk! Get it over with. Stop being lying frauds. Decade after decade after decade of this. Its your show and you are doing the sidestep again. Show us what you got and impeach! Thank You....

I wonder if you understand that the Executive branch is not subservient to the Legislative?

You do understand that they have equal power and it is the legislative branches job to do what they are doing now. Trump must comply or it's evidence of him violating the constitution.

I'm am concerned that you don't understand the concept of evidence. Evidence is a physical and tangible asset. What it is not is an inference based upon an act that has an assigned motive by anyone.

They are coequal, and as such, Congress will be required to provide proof of their justification and or permit the White House participation in their attempted prosecution.

Executive privilege alone is sufficient to force the congress to go to the SCOTUS in order to force them to turn over any privileged documentation.

That could take a good long time. Perhaps if they cooperated with the White House they'd get more done.

I wonder if you understand that the Executive branch is not subservient to the Legislative?

You do understand that they have equal power and it is the legislative branches job to do what they are doing now. Trump must comply or it's evidence of him violating the constitution.

I'm am concerned that you don't understand the concept of evidence. Evidence is a physical and tangible asset. What it is not is an inference based upon an act that has an assigned motive by anyone.

They are coequal, and as such, Congress will be required to provide proof of their justification and or permit the White House participation in their attempted prosecution.

Executive privilege alone is sufficient to force the congress to go to the SCOTUS in order to force them to turn over any privileged documentation.

That could take a good long time. Perhaps if they cooperated with the White House they'd get more done.
Do you have any idea at all of the IQ of the person you're trying to reason with?

Impeach now! Stop shucking and jiving! Do it now. Impeach. Stop with the talk and do the walk! Get it over with. Stop being lying frauds. Decade after decade after decade of this. Its your show and you are doing the sidestep again. Show us what you got and impeach! Thank You....

They are gathering evidence. No one is sidestepping but Trump. When they have what they need, it will happen. And if I were you, I'd shut up. Because the only thing keeping him in office is that everybody knows republicans won't convict him not matter what he does. Not that democrats haven't produced evidence. You know Trump should be gone but you live in alternative fact land where republicans can break every law, but somehow the democrats are crooks for trying to stop it.

Impeach now! Stop shucking and jiving! Do it now. Impeach. Stop with the talk and do the walk! Get it over with. Stop being lying frauds. Decade after decade after decade of this. Its your show and you are doing the sidestep again. Show us what you got and impeach! Thank You....

They are gathering evidence. No one is sidestepping but Trump. When they have what they need, it will happen. And if I were you, I'd shut up. Because the only thing keeping him in office is that everybody knows republicans won't convict him not matter what he does. Not that democrats haven't produced evidence. You know Trump should be gone but you live in alternative fact land where republicans can break every law, but somehow the democrats are crooks for trying to stop it.

Why don't you go fuck yourself ?

Your vision of the world does not rule. In fact, it's not even sane.

We don't know Trump should be gone. In fact, we are pretty sure he's doing a good job.

A much better job than the affirmative action failure he replaced.

Impeach now! Stop shucking and jiving! Do it now. Impeach. Stop with the talk and do the walk! Get it over with. Stop being lying frauds. Decade after decade after decade of this. Its your show and you are doing the sidestep again. Show us what you got and impeach! Thank You....

They are gathering evidence. No one is sidestepping but Trump. When they have what they need, it will happen. And if I were you, I'd shut up. Because the only thing keeping him in office is that everybody knows republicans won't convict him not matter what he does. Not that democrats haven't produced evidence. You know Trump should be gone but you live in alternative fact land where republicans can break every law, but somehow the democrats are crooks for trying to stop it.

Keep that cute dream alive.

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