President Trump tweets video of him bodyslamming CNN

That's funny.

How can he be POTUS and take the time to tweet a video?

No one who uses Twitter has he time to do anything else with their lives, right?

Trump found a way to talk directly to the people. Fuck the corrupt media.
I bet his kids and their friends come up with some of the tweets lol.

Freaking hilarious.

He is a modern day POTUS. That is for sure.

He will fundamentally change POTUS FOREVER.

Snowflakes hate old white American traditions...they should love that Trump is using social media and progressing with the time.
Now you RWnuts know why we laughed at you all those times you pretended to care that Obama, as you claimed, wasn't acting 'presidential'.
This is absolutely cathartic.

All those fantasies about killing Trump had to go someplace. The media didn't want a war. They wanted a helpless victim. They got a war.
Yes and with all of those Republican wins, how are those states who elected Republicans doing? Since 1980, Republicans have been vilifying Democrats, and taking over State legislatures.

Kansas cut corporate and business taxes and became the Supply Side test lab. It didn't create jobs nor did it expand the economy. Instead, it created massive deficits, cuts in services, and gave Kansas the 5th lowest job creation record in the US. I can hardly wait for Trump to do to the US what Brownback did in Kansas.

Republicans keep blaming Democrats for lob losses, the poor quality of education, and the high poverty in Southern Red States but the reality is the South has voted Republican since LBJ and they're the poorest states in the Union.

As for the abysmal state of public school education, which is blamed on teachers, the teachers don't set the curriculum - the State does. If my child wasn't getting a proper education, I'd blame the school board which purchased the text books and set the courses, not the teachers who have to work with what they're given.

But with Republicans, it's always the fault of the people without the power, when things go wrong.
This is absolutely cathartic.

All those fantasies about killing Trump had to go someplace. The media didn't want a war. They wanted a helpless victim. They got a war.

They definitely preferred the punching bag George Bush who did not fight back.

It's hilarious. Trump is their obsession.
The Chinese use to call USA the major, "Paper Tiger" of the world. There are about 130 United Nations, plus any others, who now have fodder to feed their people, about every baby in the USA--Clearly to be harmed. Lincoln had started the anti-White-Adult-Male, policy of the GOP, at their ascendancy. The Death Camps were cleverly disguised as, "Military Field Hospitals!"

In Deuteronomy 23:19-20, even civilizing usury is promoted as a lethal, subjugation brand to be encouraged against all the foreign. The Mein Kampf of Moses promoted zero usury allowed in Israel, but arithmetic usury allowed against the foreign. Acts 7:22 describes the arts of Imperial Egypt to clearly ingrained in Moses. Of the times of Rome, subjugation was an admired brand. In fact, it was normal. Matthew 25:14-30 shows the impact of usury. The planet creates a caste, literally abandoned by the world community. Then that is described as the "Kingdom of Heaven."

And so from allegation of a deity--the Moses Atrocity--many even allege that Holocaust itself arose.

Then there are the various fictional images that populations buy worldwide.

And now there is that one, likely widely shown by ISIS, even already in the international credibility brand, favored by Trump as his brand, too: Just like them.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Many come instead to Lands of Many Nations, and the new worship places of the actual games and sports entertainment, of America! There is a certain, ritual to it!)
For months the media has operated on the basis of, if it doesn't bash Trump and Republicans its not news. They have encouraged assassinations of republican elected officials.

This is democrats losing an election. They were prepared for this had Jeb Bush won, or Kasich or anyone. The gauntlet is down. No more republican presidents.
The Chinese use to call USA the major, "Paper Tiger" of the world. There are about 130 United Nations, plus any others, who now have fodder to feed their people, about every baby in the USA--Clearly to be harmed. Lincoln had started the anti-White-Adult-Male, policy of the GOP, at their ascendancy. The Death Camps were cleverly disguised as, "Military Field Hospitals!"

In Deuteronomy 23:19-20, even civilizing usury is promoted as a lethal, subjugation brand to be encouraged against all the foreign. The Mein Kampf of Moses promoted zero usury allowed in Israel, but arithmetic usury allowed against the foreign. Acts 7:22 describes the arts of Imperial Egypt to clearly ingrained in Moses. Of the times of Rome, subjugation was an admired brand. In fact, it was normal. Matthew 25:14-30 shows the impact of usury. The planet creates a caste, literally abandoned by the world community. Then that is described as the "Kingdom of Heaven."

And so from allegation of a deity--the Moses Atrocity--many even allege that Holocaust itself arose.

Then there are the various fictional images that populations buy worldwide.

And now there is that one, likely widely shown by ISIS, even already in the international credibility brand, favored by Trump as his brand, too: Just like them.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Many come instead to Lands of Many Nations, and the new worship places of the actual games and sports entertainment, of America! There is a certain, ritual to it!)

Holy toledo for the sake of humanity PUT DOWN THE BONG!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

ROFLMAO! That was classic!

He is the Fu+king president of the United States, not the mean bully young girl at school who just started her period so she is bitchy .

He is actually making a huge fool out of himself..

Why do you think that this is ok for a president to do?

Of course they think it's okay. They finally have a president who is validating their own lives as fools.

Nah, the fools are the ones like you that have been indoctrinated to believe that what our POTUS is doing is not the best for America

This is absolutely cathartic.

All those fantasies about killing Trump had to go someplace. The media didn't want a war. They wanted a helpless victim. They got a war.

They definitely preferred the punching bag George Bush who did not fight back.

It's hilarious. Trump is their obsession.

Exactly! I always thought this should be Trump's intro song at rallies.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

ROFLMAO! That was classic!

He is the Fu+king president of the United States, not the mean bully young girl at school who just started her period so she is bitchy .

He is actually making a huge fool out of himself..

Why do you think that this is ok for a president to do?

Of course they think it's okay. They finally have a president who is validating their own lives as fools.

Nah, the fools are the ones like you that have been indoctrinated to believe that what our POTUS is doing is not the best for America

I don't get it Xelor. Are you telling us you're making dinner?
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

ROFLMAO! That was classic!

He is the Fu+king president of the United States, not the mean bully young girl at school who just started her period so she is bitchy .

He is actually making a huge fool out of himself..

Why do you think that this is ok for a president to do?

Of course they think it's okay. They finally have a president who is validating their own lives as fools.

Nah, the fools are the ones like you that have been indoctrinated to believe that what our POTUS is doing is not the best for America

I don't get it Xelor. Are you telling us you're making dinner?
No, I'm saying that "indoctrinated" pot is cast iron black inside. Do you understand?
Trump's job at this point is as a placeholder, waiting for the next Democratic president to show up in 2020.
Aren't you the one members here who predicted that Hillary would win the presidency and Democrats would take the House and Senate in the 2016 election?

No. I'm the liberal here who said two years ago that it would be a big mistake for the Democrats to nominate Hillary Clinton.

IOW, the smartest guy in the room lol.
Of course the election was fixed for Crooked Hillary. We know that thanks to wikileaks.

She should be in prison.
No, those are merely examples. One HYUUGE accomplishment is that he has taken on the Dem Schill press. The more you loons promote attacks on him, the more it is going to backfire on you. So, carry on.

If Trump were winning that battle, his approval rating would be rising, not falling.

You are sorely mistaken if you think the majority of American trust polls from the Lame Stream Media and their hench thugs.

I know the polls are accurate.

btw, a good way to identify yourself as full of shit is to use catchphrases like Lame Stream Media.

He won the election despite those same polling organizations predicting hiLIARy would win. So, your claim doesn't really hold water, bub.

The polls said Hillary would win the popular vote by 3 points and she won by 2. The polls didn't say anything else.

That doesn't matter. hiLIARy's "popularity" was highly concentrated in narrow coastal regions and a few moonbat major metros in the Great Lakes area. IOW, she was and remains highly unpopular where normal people live, even after ordering a burrito bowl at Chipotle.

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