President Trump Vindicated- Obama Was Spying On Him

Now......explain how this means that Trump colluded with Russia when Russia wasn't involved and Trump officials weren't involved. BTW, Blackwater deals with foreign governments all the time. They're private contractors. I know a guy that worked for them. He used to be a Green Beret on a team down the hall from me.

Black water are a bunch of scumbags, and real military people despise them. (Mostly because they had to deal with angry locals after Blackwater shot them up.)

oh, interesting tidbit. Erik Prince's sister is Besty DeVos. You kn ow, the lady who just became education secretary even though she's never set foot in a classroom in her adult life.

The one who wants to privatize (profit take) on education the way her brother has on war!

Welcome to TrumpWorld, where the scammers and grifters have taken over
Susan Rice answers to Obama.

Bottom line, POTUS was correct again re: Obama wiretap


Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

okay, let's get real here. this was surveillance on foreign officials, where the identity of the American they were talking to can be unmasked under one of two circumstances.

1) To give context to the conversation.
2) If there was evidence that something illegal might be going on.

So until we know the text of these conversations, and who was involved, you guys are jumping to conclusions as usual.


Yea, like the report Benghazi was the result of a video.... so she said


Yea, like the report Benghazi was the result of a video.... so she said


You know who else said Benghazi was the result of a video?

The guy who instigated the attack.

NYT: Captured Suspect Said Benghazi Attack Was Revenge For Anti-Islam Video

Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the suspect captured by U.S. special forces on Tuesday for his role in the 2012 Benghazi attack, reportedly said he was motivated in part by the anti-Islam online video made in America, according to the New York Times.

"What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video," Times reporter David Kirkpatrick wrote in a story on Khattala on Tuesday.
lol... That sunburnt looking Rice said 'I don't know anything about this'


She also said it was all due to a video?

Here she is of course claiming it was spontaneous and a reaction to a video...

Here she is the again on CNN with that blob saying it was all due to a video and spontaneous again.

Now let's see the black puppet saying how she does not regret lying about it.

The left will giggle.
So basically Obama doesn't have the right to spread classified information around. He has the right to declassify it, but he didn't.

Except there's no evidence he did.

The problem isn't that Flynn talking to the Russians was leaked, it was that Flynn was talking to the Russians at all! Particularly since he took money from them and didn't disclose it.

All these attempts to distract from it doesn't take away from that.

Now the only question is, will Flynn fall on his sword for Trump, or will he say, "Yeah, Trump told me to totally talk to the Russians."
There is no law against talking to Russians. If that were the case every Democrat would be in jail by now, including Obama.
But the evidence is Obama's order to spread this information all over the place. It's why he issued an order to change intelligence handling techniques and Hillary's own campaign staffer and former Obama aide Evelyn Farkas admitted that was the purpose for the change. They were worried about this stuff just disappearing once Trump became president.

There is no law against talking to Russians. If that were the case every Democrat would be in jail by now, including Obama.

It is against the law to discuss policy with them, or make them promises.

So let's be clear what Flynn did. Obama imposed Sanctions. Flynn called Vislyak and told him to be cool, the sanctions would be lifted when Trump got in.

Then he lied about it.

He also lied about the fact the Russians gave him a shitload of money.

But the evidence is Obama's order to spread this information all over the place. It's why he issued an order to change intelligence handling techniques and Hillary's own campaign staffer and former Obama aide Evelyn Farkas admitted that was the purpose for the change. They were worried about this stuff just disappearing once Trump became president.

Aren't you worried this stuff might disappear?

Let's not lose track here. The crime was Trump's people colluding with the Russians, not who knew about it and who they told.
There is no law against talking to Russians. If that were the case every Democrat would be in jail by now, including Obama.

It is against the law to discuss policy with them, or make them promises.

So let's be clear what Flynn did. Obama imposed Sanctions. Flynn called Vislyak and told him to be cool, the sanctions would be lifted when Trump got in.

Then he lied about it.

He also lied about the fact the Russians gave him a shitload of money.

But the evidence is Obama's order to spread this information all over the place. It's why he issued an order to change intelligence handling techniques and Hillary's own campaign staffer and former Obama aide Evelyn Farkas admitted that was the purpose for the change. They were worried about this stuff just disappearing once Trump became president.

Aren't you worried this stuff might disappear?

Let's not lose track here. The crime was Trump's people colluding with the Russians, not who knew about it and who they told.

Kind of like, "I'll have more flexibility (to cancel missile defense in Romania/Poland) after my re-election


Now......explain how this means that Trump colluded with Russia when Russia wasn't involved and Trump officials weren't involved. BTW, Blackwater deals with foreign governments all the time. They're private contractors. I know a guy that worked for them. He used to be a Green Beret on a team down the hall from me.

Black water are a bunch of scumbags, and real military people despise them. (Mostly because they had to deal with angry locals after Blackwater shot them up.)

oh, interesting tidbit. Erik Prince's sister is Besty DeVos. You kn ow, the lady who just became education secretary even though she's never set foot in a classroom in her adult life.

The one who wants to privatize (profit take) on education the way her brother has on war!

Welcome to TrumpWorld, where the scammers and grifters have taken over
So you're saying that my friend wasn't a real military guy? And Prince is a former SEAL. Are you claiming SEALs aren't real military guys?

What you're doing is trying to tie an unrelated meeting into some conspiracy theory about something that is unrelated.
Anyone who knows history knows that Russia has always been a foil against our dealings with Iran. Iran traditionally plays the US against Russia to see who will give them the most shit. This time Obama gave them everything they wanted and then some. You see, this meeting wasn't about elections, but about the Iran deal with Obama. Strange how that little fact seems to have escaped you.
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Susan Rice answers to Obama.

Bottom line, POTUS was correct again re: Obama wiretap


Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Wow, really?

Justice department conducting official bussiness is now "OBAMA WIRETAPPED ME. BAD GUY, NIXON!!!"

You retards will believe anything.
Problem is Susan Rice isn't a part of the Justice Department. She was the national security advisor. She was Obama's key spy. Loretta Lynch was Obama's lead at the Justice Department.

So she was adhering to the official rules of requesting information? :eusa_think:

Tell me, does colluding with Russians to break into email servers of political parties in United States present some sort of interest to National Security?
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There is no law against talking to Russians. If that were the case every Democrat would be in jail by now, including Obama.

It is against the law to discuss policy with them, or make them promises.

So let's be clear what Flynn did. Obama imposed Sanctions. Flynn called Vislyak and told him to be cool, the sanctions would be lifted when Trump got in.

Then he lied about it.

He also lied about the fact the Russians gave him a shitload of money.

But the evidence is Obama's order to spread this information all over the place. It's why he issued an order to change intelligence handling techniques and Hillary's own campaign staffer and former Obama aide Evelyn Farkas admitted that was the purpose for the change. They were worried about this stuff just disappearing once Trump became president.

Aren't you worried this stuff might disappear?

Let's not lose track here. The crime was Trump's people colluding with the Russians, not who knew about it and who they told.

Kind of like, "I'll have more flexibility (to cancel missile defense in Romania/Poland) after my re-election


No dumabass, NOT AT ALL LIKE.

Obama was a PRESIDENT, Flynn was a CIVILIAN for whom it was illegal to negotiate with Russians on America's behalf.
Obama surrounded himself with complete idiots

"I don't know nothing Rice'

So you're saying that my friend wasn't a real military guy? And Prince is a former SEAL. Are you claiming SEALs aren't real military guys?

I'm saying hteir mercenaries who will work for whoever pays them the bucks. And the do shit like killing 17 civilians in Iraq that just make the work of the real military harder.

Used to be, if you became a mercenary they revoked your citizenship. We should to that again.

What you're doing is trying to tie an unrelated meeting into some conspiracy theory about something that is unrelated.
Anyone who knows history knows that Russia has always been a foil against our dealings with Iran. Iran traditionally plays the US against Russia to see who will give them the most shit. This time Obama gave them everything they wanted and then some. You see, this meeting wasn't about elections, but about the Iran deal with Obama. Strange how that little fact seems to have escaped you.

They shouldn't have had any meetings at all when they weren't in office. And meeting they have after they take office should be done with full disclosure.

The reality is, all his whining about Obama's Iran Deal, Biff will keep in in place because the Russians want it in place.
So you're saying that my friend wasn't a real military guy? And Prince is a former SEAL. Are you claiming SEALs aren't real military guys?

I'm saying hteir mercenaries who will work for whoever pays them the bucks. And the do shit like killing 17 civilians in Iraq that just make the work of the real military harder.

Used to be, if you became a mercenary they revoked your citizenship. We should to that again.

What you're doing is trying to tie an unrelated meeting into some conspiracy theory about something that is unrelated.
Anyone who knows history knows that Russia has always been a foil against our dealings with Iran. Iran traditionally plays the US against Russia to see who will give them the most shit. This time Obama gave them everything they wanted and then some. You see, this meeting wasn't about elections, but about the Iran deal with Obama. Strange how that little fact seems to have escaped you.

They shouldn't have had any meetings at all when they weren't in office. And meeting they have after they take office should be done with full disclosure.

The reality is, all his whining about Obama's Iran Deal, Biff will keep in in place because the Russians want it in place.
Technically every active duty soldier is a paid mercenary.
The only reason you even know about Blackwater is because of the criminals in the Democrat used them to help turn the tide against the war. Have you heard anything about them in the last several years? No. Because Obama didn't want anyone making him look bad. This happened way back in 2007 against Bush. Blackwater has been still acting as security for the Obama Administration as recently as 2016. It's like Halliburton. A company that has been a Defense contractor since Vietnam but only became nefarious when a Republican president uses them. Democrats are still using Halliburton. But as usual, Democrats like to turn normal activity into a crime when Republicans become involved.

Oh, and this BS about killing civilians is bogus. al Qaeda doesn't wear uniforms. Everyone in al Qaeda is a civilian. Besides, when you decide to conduct a war in your homeland people sometimes get caught in the crossfire, especially when you shield yourself with so called innocent civilians. They did it in Okinawa during WWII, and they did it in Somalia when I was there.

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