President Trump Vindicated- Obama Was Spying On Him

Technically every active duty soldier is a paid mercenary.

well, no, not really. They take an oath and they can't quit any damned time they feel like it, or take up work for someone who pays more money.

The only reason you even know about Blackwater is because of the criminals in the Democrat used them to help turn the tide against the war. Have you heard anything about them in the last several years?

Blackwater is now called Academi because Blackwater has such a shitty reputation now. That's why we haven't heard much about them.

What turned the tide against the war is we all figured out Bush lied his ass off about why we were there and he had no clue as to what the fuck he was doing. I'm sorry you've missed that after it's been explained to you several times. I'm not sure why you pick a smart character for your AVI when when say such dumb things.

A company that has been a Defense contractor since Vietnam but only became nefarious when a Republican president uses them. Democrats are still using Halliburton. But as usual, Democrats like to turn normal activity into a crime when Republicans become involved.

and that sort of profiteering needs to stop. I think it's bad when both parties do it. The reason we got WWII finished in four years is because no one was making money off of it and the guys who had to fight it were stuck there until it was done. When Wars become a profit-making exercise you get the Vietnam War lasting 8 years or the War on An Emotional State lasting, what, are we in year 16 now?

Oh, and this BS about killing civilians is bogus. al Qaeda doesn't wear uniforms. Everyone in al Qaeda is a civilian. Besides, when you decide to conduct a war in your homeland people sometimes get caught in the crossfire, especially when you shield yourself with so called innocent civilians. They did it in Okinawa during WWII, and they did it in Somalia when I was there.

Frankly, if we are in a place where we can't tell the people we are fighting from the people we are there to "liberate", we probably shouldn't be there because they are one in the same.

That has nothing to do with the fact the FBI found that Blackwater had killed 14 civilians without cause.

Educate yourself.
Nisour Square massacre - Wikipedia

Long story short, an AMERICAN court convicted four Blackwater employees and sentenced them to long prison sentences.

which is better than what an Iraqi Court would have done with them.
Now......explain how this means that Trump colluded with Russia when Russia wasn't involved and Trump officials weren't involved. BTW, Blackwater deals with foreign governments all the time. They're private contractors. I know a guy that worked for them. He used to be a Green Beret on a team down the hall from me.

Black water are a bunch of scumbags, and real military people despise them. (Mostly because they had to deal with angry locals after Blackwater shot them up.)

oh, interesting tidbit. Erik Prince's sister is Besty DeVos. You kn ow, the lady who just became education secretary even though she's never set foot in a classroom in her adult life.

The one who wants to privatize (profit take) on education the way her brother has on war!

Welcome to TrumpWorld, where the scammers and grifters have taken over



Hey.......some fun entertainment exercises if you are a Trump guy. Watch CNN or MSNBC and see how many times they refer to "collusion" but also see that it is NEVER defined.:2up::bye1::bye1:
Technically every active duty soldier is a paid mercenary.

well, no, not really. They take an oath and they can't quit any damned time they feel like it, or take up work for someone who pays more money.

The only reason you even know about Blackwater is because of the criminals in the Democrat used them to help turn the tide against the war. Have you heard anything about them in the last several years?

Blackwater is now called Academi because Blackwater has such a shitty reputation now. That's why we haven't heard much about them.

What turned the tide against the war is we all figured out Bush lied his ass off about why we were there and he had no clue as to what the fuck he was doing. I'm sorry you've missed that after it's been explained to you several times. I'm not sure why you pick a smart character for your AVI when when say such dumb things.

A company that has been a Defense contractor since Vietnam but only became nefarious when a Republican president uses them. Democrats are still using Halliburton. But as usual, Democrats like to turn normal activity into a crime when Republicans become involved.

and that sort of profiteering needs to stop. I think it's bad when both parties do it. The reason we got WWII finished in four years is because no one was making money off of it and the guys who had to fight it were stuck there until it was done. When Wars become a profit-making exercise you get the Vietnam War lasting 8 years or the War on An Emotional State lasting, what, are we in year 16 now?

Oh, and this BS about killing civilians is bogus. al Qaeda doesn't wear uniforms. Everyone in al Qaeda is a civilian. Besides, when you decide to conduct a war in your homeland people sometimes get caught in the crossfire, especially when you shield yourself with so called innocent civilians. They did it in Okinawa during WWII, and they did it in Somalia when I was there.

Frankly, if we are in a place where we can't tell the people we are fighting from the people we are there to "liberate", we probably shouldn't be there because they are one in the same.

That has nothing to do with the fact the FBI found that Blackwater had killed 14 civilians without cause.

Educate yourself.
Nisour Square massacre - Wikipedia

Long story short, an AMERICAN court convicted four Blackwater employees and sentenced them to long prison sentences.

which is better than what an Iraqi Court would have done with them.
Look up the definition of mercenary.
Regardless what they call themselves, they are still the same company.
And good luck trying to stop anyone from profiting from armed conflicts. Somebody is going to profit from it. That's more than half of Russia's GDP.

I guess we could act like Obama and make a mess of a country like Libya and leave without fixing it.

BTW, the FBI is simply a political arm of the Obama administration.
Yea, like the report Benghazi was the result of a video.... so she said


You know who else said Benghazi was the result of a video?

The guy who instigated the attack.

NYT: Captured Suspect Said Benghazi Attack Was Revenge For Anti-Islam Video

Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the suspect captured by U.S. special forces on Tuesday for his role in the 2012 Benghazi attack, reportedly said he was motivated in part by the anti-Islam online video made in America, according to the New York Times.

"What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video," Times reporter David Kirkpatrick wrote in a story on Khattala on Tuesday.
You're desperate, tell me did the red cross and the British pull their people out, before or after the guy saw the video?
Susan Rice answers to Obama.

Bottom line, POTUS was correct again re: Obama wiretap


Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Wow, really?

Justice department conducting official bussiness is now "OBAMA WIRETAPPED ME. BAD GUY, NIXON!!!"

You retards will believe anything.
Problem is Susan Rice isn't a part of the Justice Department. She was the national security advisor. She was Obama's key spy. Loretta Lynch was Obama's lead at the Justice Department.

So she was adhering to the official rules of requesting information? :eusa_think:

Tell me, does colluding with Russians to break into email servers of political parties in United States present some sort of interest to National Security?
When your password is pass word, a 10 year old kid can hack your server. This is the intelligence of a liberal.
So you're saying that my friend wasn't a real military guy? And Prince is a former SEAL. Are you claiming SEALs aren't real military guys?

I'm saying hteir mercenaries who will work for whoever pays them the bucks. And the do shit like killing 17 civilians in Iraq that just make the work of the real military harder.

Used to be, if you became a mercenary they revoked your citizenship. We should to that again.

What you're doing is trying to tie an unrelated meeting into some conspiracy theory about something that is unrelated.
Anyone who knows history knows that Russia has always been a foil against our dealings with Iran. Iran traditionally plays the US against Russia to see who will give them the most shit. This time Obama gave them everything they wanted and then some. You see, this meeting wasn't about elections, but about the Iran deal with Obama. Strange how that little fact seems to have escaped you.

They shouldn't have had any meetings at all when they weren't in office. And meeting they have after they take office should be done with full disclosure.

The reality is, all his whining about Obama's Iran Deal, Biff will keep in in place because the Russians want it in place.
Lol, coming from someone who has been whining about Russia since the election. There is nothing there.
Susan Rice answers to Obama.

Bottom line, POTUS was correct again re: Obama wiretap


Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Wow, really?

Justice department conducting official bussiness is now "OBAMA WIRETAPPED ME. BAD GUY, NIXON!!!"

You retards will believe anything.
Problem is Susan Rice isn't a part of the Justice Department. She was the national security advisor. She was Obama's key spy. Loretta Lynch was Obama's lead at the Justice Department.

So she was adhering to the official rules of requesting information? :eusa_think:

Tell me, does colluding with Russians to break into email servers of political parties in United States present some sort of interest to National Security?
When your password is pass word, a 10 year old kid can hack your server. This is the intelligence of a liberal.

Dumbass, do you know what phishing is?

I'll give you a hint, it's not password guessing and it didn't matter one bit if his password was "password" or "adiohnfuipdfpusdf89078389054u23ko4rnjndrasuiohd"

The fact that this phishing scam source led back to poorly secured list of targets that intelligence knew to be (very not-public) Kremlin compilation made the conclusion inescapable. No one else could put that list together.
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Susan Rice answers to Obama.

Bottom line, POTUS was correct again re: Obama wiretap


Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

Wow, really?

Justice department conducting official bussiness is now "OBAMA WIRETAPPED ME. BAD GUY, NIXON!!!"

You retards will believe anything.
Problem is Susan Rice isn't a part of the Justice Department. She was the national security advisor. She was Obama's key spy. Loretta Lynch was Obama's lead at the Justice Department.

So she was adhering to the official rules of requesting information? :eusa_think:

Tell me, does colluding with Russians to break into email servers of political parties in United States present some sort of interest to National Security?
When your password is pass word, a 10 year old kid can hack your server. This is the intelligence of a liberal.

Dumbass, do you know what phishing is?

I'll give you a hint, it's not password guessing and it didn't matter one bit if his password was "password" or "adiohnfuipdfpusdf89078389054u23ko4rnjndrasuiohd"
So he fell for a scam, still she the ignorance of a liberal.
Wow, really?

Justice department conducting official bussiness is now "OBAMA WIRETAPPED ME. BAD GUY, NIXON!!!"

You retards will believe anything.
Problem is Susan Rice isn't a part of the Justice Department. She was the national security advisor. She was Obama's key spy. Loretta Lynch was Obama's lead at the Justice Department.

So she was adhering to the official rules of requesting information? :eusa_think:

Tell me, does colluding with Russians to break into email servers of political parties in United States present some sort of interest to National Security?
When your password is pass word, a 10 year old kid can hack your server. This is the intelligence of a liberal.

Dumbass, do you know what phishing is?

I'll give you a hint, it's not password guessing and it didn't matter one bit if his password was "password" or "adiohnfuipdfpusdf89078389054u23ko4rnjndrasuiohd"
So he fell for a scam, still she the ignorance of a liberal.

So you admit you just posted something ignorant while claiming that liberals are ignorant. Good job dummy.

lets just go over the ignorance you've piled on so far:

1. Podesta is NOT the "server of a political party" that was discussed in the quote you responded to, we were talking about DNC.
2. His password strength had no relevance to his hacking.
3. His account got hacked due to miscommunication with his security advisor, not ignorance.
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Problem is Susan Rice isn't a part of the Justice Department. She was the national security advisor. She was Obama's key spy. Loretta Lynch was Obama's lead at the Justice Department.

So she was adhering to the official rules of requesting information? :eusa_think:

Tell me, does colluding with Russians to break into email servers of political parties in United States present some sort of interest to National Security?
When your password is pass word, a 10 year old kid can hack your server. This is the intelligence of a liberal.

Dumbass, do you know what phishing is?

I'll give you a hint, it's not password guessing and it didn't matter one bit if his password was "password" or "adiohnfuipdfpusdf89078389054u23ko4rnjndrasuiohd"
So he fell for a scam, still she the ignorance of a liberal.

So you admit you just posted something ignorant while claiming that liberals are ignorant. Good job dummy.
It was reported that the server was hacked and then it was reported as a phishing sceme, dumbass.
I've invented the Susan Rice lie detector!!! Put motion-detectors on her lips. If they move, she's lying.
So she was adhering to the official rules of requesting information? :eusa_think:

Tell me, does colluding with Russians to break into email servers of political parties in United States present some sort of interest to National Security?
When your password is pass word, a 10 year old kid can hack your server. This is the intelligence of a liberal.

Dumbass, do you know what phishing is?

I'll give you a hint, it's not password guessing and it didn't matter one bit if his password was "password" or "adiohnfuipdfpusdf89078389054u23ko4rnjndrasuiohd"
So he fell for a scam, still she the ignorance of a liberal.

So you admit you just posted something ignorant while claiming that liberals are ignorant. Good job dummy.
It was reported that the server was hacked and then it was reported as a phishing sceme, dumbass.

What the fuck does "and then it was was reported" have to do with what I said?

The answer is NOTHING. You just heard something about hacking and started knee-jerking about how stupid liberals are cause Podesta password.

I got some advice for you. Stop worrying about other people's ignorance and spend more time cleaning up your own.
Susan Rice answers to Obama.

Bottom line, POTUS was correct again re: Obama wiretap


Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

okay, let's get real here. this was surveillance on foreign officials, where the identity of the American they were talking to can be unmasked under one of two circumstances.

1) To give context to the conversation.
2) If there was evidence that something illegal might be going on.

So until we know the text of these conversations, and who was involved, you guys are jumping to conclusions as usual.

It's best if you stay in your mothers basement
Susan Rice answers to Obama.

Bottom line, POTUS was correct again re: Obama wiretap


Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
Well yes, when you are in contact with the criminal element, or an enemy of the US, or both at the same time, you can expect that your conversations will be listened in on. How to avoid that? Don't engage in criminal activities or treason.
Look up the definition of mercenary.
Regardless what they call themselves, they are still the same company.
And good luck trying to stop anyone from profiting from armed conflicts. Somebody is going to profit from it. That's more than half of Russia's GDP.

Actually, there's an easy way to do it. Treat War Profiteering like a crime, like they did in WWII.

I guess we could act like Obama and make a mess of a country like Libya and leave without fixing it.

Isn't that kind of on the Libyans to fix their country? Point was, Iraq wasn't a problem until Bush started fucking with it. Saddam was contained, and the country wasn't a threat or in chaos.

Khadafy, on the other hand, was going down regardless.

BTW, the FBI is simply a political arm of the Obama administration.

Sure it is..
It was outside the scope of Susan Rice position so it is quite evident that this leads to Obama and or the Clintons

Obama committed political espionage. It's clear cut. The Democrats and their corrupt media are avoiding this story like the plague.

lol... Yea, I 'm watching CNN just to see if they will address it after the endless day after day demands for Trump to show proof of being surveilled

It's really a big criminal conspiracy.
Obama and the media getting away with murder.
i knew Trump wasnt making it all up,,,like Bob Beckel was accusing him of doing
Obama committed political espionage. It's clear cut. The Democrats and their corrupt media are avoiding this story like the plague.

lol... Yea, I 'm watching CNN just to see if they will address it after the endless day after day demands for Trump to show proof of being surveilled

It's really a big criminal conspiracy.
Obama and the media getting away with murder.

Haha surely it's about the whole of the US "democracy" not being a democracy but being controlled by the rich people. But then they'll play you off the other side of this so you don't see that reality.

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