President Trump WARNS Mueller: Investigating My Family’s Finances Crosses RED LINE

Trump should fire Mueller and charge him with sedition and treason
And the courts will laugh Trump right
out of the White House.

Are you kidding? What courts? Obama was above the courts, so is Trump
No I'm not kidding. In response to the post suggesting that Trump ought to charge Mueller with treason and sedition, I intended to show how silly it would be. Who would prosecute? And what court would even entertain such frivolous charges? It wasn't Trump I was talking about, it was a satirical prediction of how a court would respond to any charges he might bring against Mueller for investigating his family's finances.

According to the last President, the Patriot Act gives the President lots of latitude, he can even order a drone strike on an overseas American citizen. Where the fuck where you the last few years?

Trump should fire Mueller and charge him with sedition and treason
And the courts will laugh Trump right
out of the White House.

Are you kidding? What courts? Obama was above the courts, so is Trump
they set the precedence. they keep doing that and when done back to them they cry like a billion stuck pigglets.
The courts don't operate at the behest of a U.S. president.. And Congress has the power to remove a president who goes too far.
and here comes another little piggie.
Hitler would have failed to gain his dictatorship if the Internet had existed in his time... and this is why Trump is failing to follow in his footsteps. So far anyways... a lot of you inbred trash seem pretty motivated.
Are you aware that Hitler was 'democratically' elected by the people of Germany?
What the president said was "Mueller would be crossing a red line if he delved into his family's finances". It sounds reasonable unless you interpret it with the headline that starts "Trump warns Mueller".

How would you then interpret Trump's little push to Comey about leaving baby Flynn alone......and when Trump couldn't get his way, he fires Comey???

Just asking.

Comey said under oath Trump wasn't under investigation. Nothing Flynn had said in the phone call was illegal.

Finally there is plenty of precedent that after someone is kicked out of office that is their punishment.
The FBI while under obama found nothing. Neither did the CIA, Homeland Security, along with the IRS.
I wouldn't say they found nothing, something was found to spur the ongoing investigations we are currently experiencing. Must I remind you of the Congressional bipartisan investigation in addition to the Justice Department investigation?

The only thing that spured "the investigation" was that Hillary lost and DC hates Trump.
Nope...the discovery that the Russians were behind the hacking and subsequent e-mail leaks that helped Trump win is the reason for the investigation. Finding out why the Russians chose to help Trump looms large on the government's list of things to do.
What the president said was "Mueller would be crossing a red line if he delved into his family's finances". It sounds reasonable unless you interpret it with the headline that starts "Trump warns Mueller".

How would you then interpret Trump's little push to Comey about leaving baby Flynn alone......and when Trump couldn't get his way, he fires Comey???

Just asking.

Rice needs to be frogmarched off to prison for unmasking Flynn
It's time for the Trumpenfuhrer to take action and end this biased witch hunt. Mueller is too close to Comey and right there proves it's a conflict of interest. It's time for a 'Night of the Long Knives' situation to widen the swamp drain.

POTUS WARNS MUELLER: Investigating My Family’s Finances Crosses RED LINE
Mueller is going to bring down the Trump crime family. Count on it.
Will you promise to leave this forum forever and never return.......even as another member if no one in the Trump orbit is charged with anything?
No you won't. You'll be posting ten years from now claiming Trump somehow 'got to' all of the rabid LIB investigators.
The FBI while under obama found nothing. Neither did the CIA, Homeland Security, along with the IRS.
I wouldn't say they found nothing, something was found to spur the ongoing investigations we are currently experiencing. Must I remind you of the Congressional bipartisan investigation in addition to the Justice Department investigation?

The only thing that spured "the investigation" was that Hillary lost and DC hates Trump.
Nope...the discovery that the Russians were behind the hacking and subsequent e-mail leaks that helped Trump win is the reason for the investigation. Finding out why the Russians chose to help Trump looms large on the government's list of things to do.

When did they find out that the Kremlin handed the emails to Assange?
Another shining example of the genius of our dear leader. If I were Mueller I'd double up the financial investigation. You know there's dirt
How is it you know that there is dirt are you physic or is that just your bullshit way of saying "I don't like this person so I am going after their family"? F' you people that play guessing games and go fishing in restricted areas of peoples private lives where you don't belong just to push your agendas and ruin peoples lives just because you think you have that right.
Trump should fire Mueller and charge him with sedition and treason
And the courts will laugh Trump right
out of the White House.

Are you kidding? What courts? Obama was above the courts, so is Trump
No I'm not kidding. In response to the post suggesting that Trump ought to charge Mueller with treason and sedition, I intended to show how silly it would be. Who would prosecute? And what court would even entertain such frivolous charges? It wasn't Trump I was talking about, it was a satirical prediction of how a court would respond to any charges he might bring against Mueller for investigating his family's finances.

According to the last President, the Patriot Act gives the President lots of latitude, he can even order a drone strike on an overseas American citizen. Where the fuck where you the last few years?

Now you're just being silly. Obama is gone he's no longer president and the ongoing investigations have nothing to do with the Patriot Act.
The FBI while under obama found nothing. Neither did the CIA, Homeland Security, along with the IRS.
I wouldn't say they found nothing, something was found to spur the ongoing investigations we are currently experiencing. Must I remind you of the Congressional bipartisan investigation in addition to the Justice Department investigation?

The only thing that spured "the investigation" was that Hillary lost and DC hates Trump.
Nope...the discovery that the Russians were behind the hacking and subsequent e-mail leaks that helped Trump win is the reason for the investigation. Finding out why the Russians chose to help Trump looms large on the government's list of things to do.

When did they find out that the Kremlin handed the emails to Assange?
I don't know...tell me!
"GRASSLEY threatens subpoena for Donald Trump Jr and Manafort if they don't appear voluntarily, tells us they may send a marshall as well"
Jr. and Manafort have publically stated they wish to attend the committee's investigation and want to cooperate fully and answer every question under oath.
NO ONE involved with Trump has or will 'taken the fifth'.
Carter Page has been in front of the FBI FIVE TIMES already!
When the LIBs on the other two investigations found out from the FBI that Page was as clean as a whistle guess what they did? The CANCELLED their 'interrogation' of Page. What does THAT tell you?
Watch the corrupt kunts in the BONOBO administration all take the fifth.
The FBI while under obama found nothing. Neither did the CIA, Homeland Security, along with the IRS.
I wouldn't say they found nothing, something was found to spur the ongoing investigations we are currently experiencing. Must I remind you of the Congressional bipartisan investigation in addition to the Justice Department investigation?

The only thing that spured "the investigation" was that Hillary lost and DC hates Trump.
Nope...the discovery that the Russians were behind the hacking and subsequent e-mail leaks that helped Trump win is the reason for the investigation. Finding out why the Russians chose to help Trump looms large on the government's list of things to do.

When did they find out that the Kremlin handed the emails to Assange?
I don't know...tell me!
The FBI while under obama found nothing. Neither did the CIA, Homeland Security, along with the IRS.
I wouldn't say they found nothing, something was found to spur the ongoing investigations we are currently experiencing. Must I remind you of the Congressional bipartisan investigation in addition to the Justice Department investigation?

The only thing that spured "the investigation" was that Hillary lost and DC hates Trump.
Nope...the discovery that the Russians were behind the hacking and subsequent e-mail leaks that helped Trump win is the reason for the investigation. Finding out why the Russians chose to help Trump looms large on the government's list of things to do.

When did they find out that the Kremlin handed the emails to Assange?
I don't know...tell me!

The DNC had/has poor cyber security. There is no telling everyone who hacked them.

So even if they prove that Russia did hack the server they will still have to prove that Russia gave Assange the emails.

Assange still says it was a DNC staffer who leaked the emails. Say what you will about Assange he is not know as a lier.
I wouldn't say they found nothing, something was found to spur the ongoing investigations we are currently experiencing. Must I remind you of the Congressional bipartisan investigation in addition to the Justice Department investigation?

The only thing that spured "the investigation" was that Hillary lost and DC hates Trump.
Nope...the discovery that the Russians were behind the hacking and subsequent e-mail leaks that helped Trump win is the reason for the investigation. Finding out why the Russians chose to help Trump looms large on the government's list of things to do.

When did they find out that the Kremlin handed the emails to Assange?
I don't know...tell me!
I wouldn't say they found nothing, something was found to spur the ongoing investigations we are currently experiencing. Must I remind you of the Congressional bipartisan investigation in addition to the Justice Department investigation?

The only thing that spured "the investigation" was that Hillary lost and DC hates Trump.
Nope...the discovery that the Russians were behind the hacking and subsequent e-mail leaks that helped Trump win is the reason for the investigation. Finding out why the Russians chose to help Trump looms large on the government's list of things to do.

When did they find out that the Kremlin handed the emails to Assange?
I don't know...tell me!

The DNC had/has poor cyber security. There is no telling everyone who hacked them.

So even if they prove that Russia did hack the server they will still have to prove that Russia gave Assange the emails.

Assange still says it was a DNC staffer who leaked the emails. Say what you will about Assange he is not know as a lier.
The DNC staffer who gave the emails to Assange was recently murdered. Two shots to the back of the head. They DNC paid assassins never even bothered to make the murder look like a robbery.
The only thing that spured "the investigation" was that Hillary lost and DC hates Trump.

Ahhhh. so it wasn't Mike Flynn lying; it wasn't Manafort lying; it wasn't Sessions' recusal....LOL

here's what the appointment letter states:

In a letter formalizing the appointment, Rosenstein said Mueller was authorized to oversee the entire Russia investigation, including “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump” and “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”
ou said get his returns from the past 20 years.

As rich and as many countries his businesses are in I am sure he gets audited every year

.......Good that means those returns are all audited and ready for public scrutiny.......Thanks.
Comey said under oath Trump wasn't under investigation. Nothing Flynn had said in the phone call was illegal.

TRUE.........but things changed AFTER the orange moron fired Comey...... Trump himself has openly stated......HE IS under investigation......and a good chunk of his family and ass kissers in his administration........How may have lawyer-ed up by now???...

(btw, trump has created jobs.....mostly with lawyers hired to defend his sorry ass and the asses of his underlings....)

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