President Trump WARNS Mueller: Investigating My Family’s Finances Crosses RED LINE

Mueller is ignoring Trump's tantrum.

As expected. He's handled mafia thugs and other lowlife characters before. He's not going to be scared off by threats.
That red line was crossed so fast by Bob Mueller faster than you can say Russian whore.
Mueller is ignoring Trump's tantrum.

As expected. He's handled mafia thugs and other lowlife characterics before. He's not going to be scared off by threats.
Trump said he thought Comey was trying to blackmail him by mentioning the Steele Dossier to him in private.

Think about it.

If you know there's nothing to blackmail you with, you wouldn't think someone is trying to blackmail you.

Trump did think Comey was trying to blackmail him.

Hence, Trump essentially admitted there are things he's done that he can be blackmailed over.
This young man speaks for America. View attachment 139730

As reasonable as you are...

Unfortunately Trump is your president whether you like it or not.
Not for long. But I do not subscribe anyone being my president who signs EO permitting pollution, green lighting a pesticide that harms children's brains, acts like a spoiled 9 year old and is incapable of telling the truth.,
Not to mention being Putin's whore.
Trump said he thought Comey was trying to blackmail him by mentioning the Steele Dossier to him in private.

Think about it.

If you know there's nothing to blackmail you with, you wouldn't think someone is trying to blackmail you.

Trump did think Comey was trying to blackmail him.

Hence, Trump essentially admitted there are things he's done that he can be blackmailed over.
Comey kept notes in his meeting with Trump when he asked him to stop the Flynn investigation because he knew he'd lie about it.
Comey was 100% right.
Hence, Trump essentially admitted there are things he's done that he can be blackmailed over.
Probably why Trump warned Mueller not to investigate his family's finances. Good thing Manafort isn't family. They say he was $17 million in debt to the Russians, and Trumps adopted family Kushner, is sinking in debt in 666 5th avenue.

666 - go figure.
Comey kept notes in his meeting with Trump when he asked him to stop the Flynn investigation because he knew he'd lie about it.
Comey was 100% right.

Trump didn't have any note takers at his meetings with the Russian ambassador, or with Putin, so that he could lie about it.
View attachment 139732
This young man speaks for America. View attachment 139730

As reasonable as you are...

Unfortunately Trump is your president whether you like it or not.
Not for long. But I do not subscribe anyone being my president who signs EO permitting pollution, green lighting a pesticide that harms children's brains, acts like a spoiled 9 year old and is incapable of telling the truth.,
Not to mention being Putin's whore.

It will be very, very long 8 years for shills like yourself.
It will be very, very long 8 years for shills like yourself.

I'll believe that the day Trump delivers on his promise to give us terrific healthcare, that covers everybody and at much less cost.
Get comfortable, EVERYONE. This kind of investigation takes a long time. Especially since every request for information from Trump or associates will have to be subpoenaed, refused and then taken to court. It's gonna take a long, long time.
Unless Trump fires Mueller. Then we can just impeach him.
The FBI while under obama found nothing. Neither did the CIA, Homeland Security, along with the IRS.
I wouldn't say they found nothing, something was found to spur the ongoing investigations we are currently experiencing. Must I remind you of the Congressional bipartisan investigation in addition to the Justice Department investigation?

Well, they interviewed Steve King on the news this morning and point blank asked him if there was anything to this and he said yes.
Get comfortable, EVERYONE. This kind of investigation takes a long time. Especially since every request for information from Trump or associates will have to be subpoenaed, refused and then taken to court. It's gonna take a long, long time.
Unless Trump fires Mueller. Then we can just impeach him.

Trump can't fire Mueller, unless Rosenstein goes along with it. So Trump will have to fire a couple of people at DOJ, before getting to the "Bork" who will fire Mueller.
Get comfortable, EVERYONE. This kind of investigation takes a long time. Especially since every request for information from Trump or associates will have to be subpoenaed, refused and then taken to court. It's gonna take a long, long time.
Unless Trump fires Mueller. Then we can just impeach him.
mueller will not get a private citizens bank information. ain't gonna happen without a fight in a court. I can't wait, we will definitely learn a lot of the evil that is mueller. it will come out. I can't wait.
Get comfortable, EVERYONE. This kind of investigation takes a long time. Especially since every request for information from Trump or associates will have to be subpoenaed, refused and then taken to court. It's gonna take a long, long time.
Unless Trump fires Mueller. Then we can just impeach him.

Trump can't fire Mueller, unless Rosenstein goes along with it. So Trump will have to fire a couple of people at DOJ, before getting to the "Bork" who will fire Mueller.
well actually trump can fire him
well actually trump can fire him
Don't you remember the Saturday night massacre.

The president can't fire the special prosecutor / special counsel. Only the head / acting head of the DOJ can do that.

Read the pecking order. The president is in charge of his cabinet, and his cabinet is in charge of the people of their agencies.
This is an attempt to destroy Trumps kids future aspirations in politics. I'm sure the democrats would love to have his whole family murdered like the Romanovs were murdered to end the bloodline.
Can Trump Fire Mueller? -

Q: Can President Donald Trump fire special counsel Robert Mueller?

A: Not directly. Only the deputy attorney general who appointed Mueller can fire him and only for cause. But Trump could fire the DAG, or order the special-counsel regulations repealed and fire Mueller himself.

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