President Trump's audience laughs at him at UN General Assembly

Independents can't be liberal? :auiqs.jpg:
And what way do you mean liberal? I’m fiscally responsible and believe in balanced budgets. I guess that is liberal now, repubs sure have thrown it out.

I have never seen an republican president end his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started. Same with the national debt.

reagan started with 74 billion in deficit in 1981 when he became president. That deficit was 221 billion when reagan left office. A new historic high

The first bush started with 221 billion in deficit. That deficit was 290 billion when he left office. A new historic high.

Clinton started with 221 billion in deficit. That deficit turned into a surplus of 236 billion when Clinton left office. NOTICE THE DEMOCRAT ELIMINATED THAT DEFICIT AND TURNED IT INTO A SURPLUS.

The bush boy started with a balanced budget with 236 billion in surplus in 2001. The bush boy squandered that surplus to turn it into 1.4 TRILLION in deficit. A new historic record.

Obama started with 1.4 trillion in deficit. In 8 years he slashed it down to 500 and something billion dollars. HE DECREASED THAT DEFICIT BY NEARLY ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

All of those presidents increased the national debt. Some faster than others. I will say that Clinton had started to pay off that national debt then left a plan for the nation to be out of debt by 2010. Too bad the bush boy trashed it and more than doubled the debt Clinton handed him.

The republican economic policy has always been very irresponsible and always adds to our budget deficit and national debt and always at a much faster rate than democratic presidents.

The truth is the republicans have never been economically or fiscally responsible. Their economic policies have always ended up destroying or harming our economy very badly.
Great post Dana ,,,you could be my new best friend

Thank you very much Edward. I'm sure you and I would be good friends if we ever had the chance to meet.

I didn't include trump in that list because he isn't finished in the white house. However he has taken that 500 and something billion in deficit that Obama handed him and has resumed the conservative policy of spending like a drunken sailor and not paying for it.

At the end of 2017 that deficit was 665 billion dollars. Nearly 100 billion more than what Obama left him.

The estimated deficit for 2018 is 984 trillion. trump is doing his best to irresponsibly out spend what the republican presidents did before him. He will be like all the republicans before him and take our deficit to a new historic high. Again.

When I was in college getting my degree in Accounting and Finance, I took a very interesting class. It was the economic history of the United States.

The old conservative economic policy has been forced on the United States many times in our history and every time it ended up either destroying the economy or harming it very badly.

I really wish people would wake up and see what conservative/republican economic policy does to our nation and our people.
funny, I was an accounting major and finance major at U of Cinncy live in NY on LI Ever in town dinners on me

That is very interesting. I got my degree at the University of Washington.

I left accounting in the mid 90s. I turned my hobby into a career.

Was able to retire early in 2015.

We're on the opposite side of the continent. Bummer.

If you ever come west dinner is on me.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

It was bound to happen. Trump is a National disgrace. No POTUS in this natiion's history has ever been laughed at in a UN assembly.

And the White House T.V. reality show continues. Here is the video--it actually sounds like he is on the campaign trail. He does get laughed at by the General Assembly.


Vote Democrat all the way down the ballot this coming November to stop this Ass Clown. Republicans are terrified of their right wing Trump base and don't have the backbone to remove him from office under the 25th amendment for being UNFIT to hold this office. Something they should have done in his first 100 days. Otherwise, expect another 2 years of this.



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I am reading all these Trumpist trash posts trying to deflect to Obama because they can't defend the friggin moron who made a complete ass of himself again in front of the world. The world knows he is a fool as does a majority of the country.
There is no bigger “ass” on the planet than a career politician... and yes obama is a career politician
You know, the fucked up thing about this whole incident is that Trump didn't realize that they were laughing AT him.

He said he didn't understand why they were laughing, then started to laugh along with them at his stupidity.

That video is hilarious. He seems genuinely surprised that he didn't get to sell his bullshit this time. And it undoubtedly STILL doesn't occur to him that it even IS bullshit since he sells himself his own bullshit and lines up to buy it before the ludicrous locution falls out of his mouth.

That's the power of self-delusion and that's how sick he is.

If that is bullshit and self delusion, how would you describe Pelosi.
You know, the fucked up thing about this whole incident is that Trump didn't realize that they were laughing AT him.

He said he didn't understand why they were laughing, then started to laugh along with them at his stupidity.

That video is hilarious. He seems genuinely surprised that he didn't get to sell his bullshit this time. And it undoubtedly STILL doesn't occur to him that it even IS bullshit since he sells himself his own bullshit and lines up to buy it before the ludicrous locution falls out of his mouth.

That's the power of self-delusion and that's how sick he is.

If that is bullshit and self delusion, how would you describe Pelosi.

"Pelosi"? :wtf:

How the fuck did we get to "Pelosi"? Drift off topic much?
I understand how difficult it must be. Hillary Clinton worked in politics for decades and didn't accomplish a thing. Trump is embarrassing these fools. What exactly have these people been doing for the last 50 years? Wow!
I am reading all these Trumpist trash posts trying to deflect to Obama because they can't defend the friggin moron who made a complete ass of himself again in front of the world. The world knows he is a fool as does a majority of the country.
There is no bigger “ass” on the planet than a career politician... and yes obama is a career politician

Yeah there is a bigger ASS.

I am reading all these Trumpist trash posts trying to deflect to Obama because they can't defend the friggin moron who made a complete ass of himself again in front of the world. The world knows he is a fool as does a majority of the country.
There is no bigger “ass” on the planet than a career politician... and yes obama is a career politician

Yeah there is a bigger ASS.


Stop making fun of John Kerry. Yes, he is a bigger ass, but he is back to being a full time gigalo.
I understand how difficult it must be. Hillary Clinton worked in politics for decades and didn't accomplish a thing. Trump is embarrassing these fools. What exactly have these people been doing for the last 50 years? Wow!

Pogo's Law strikes again. Unable to defend the Mango Mussolini, they jump up to quickly change the topic to "Hillary Clinton", "Bill Clinton", "George Clinton", "DeWitt Clinton", "Nancy Pelosi", "Nancy Sinatra", "Nancy Drew" or anything they can think of to try to shift the spotlight off Magilla Chinchilla.

Must be a lot of work

Oh and you owe me a dime. Two infractions at a nickel each.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

LET ME SEE if I got this right:

Trump goes to the UN, a body he openly despises and has repeatedly taken directions on many issues for the betterment of our country regardless of the interests of the UN much to their chagrin, and who now says he will no longer hand out US Foreign Aid to these schmucks unless they demonstrate they are actually our friends and when they don't return a lot of warmth and love for how Trump has been cutting them off from their lifeline leaving them out in the cold, YOU TAKE THE POSITION that it is TRUMP who is an embarrassment and a disgrace?


These were obviously the UN's audience, and NOT Trump's!
I understand how difficult it must be. Hillary Clinton worked in politics for decades and didn't accomplish a thing. Trump is embarrassing these fools. What exactly have these people been doing for the last 50 years? Wow!
First Lady
  1. Hillary chaired the Task Force on Health Care Reform that drafted the 1993 Health Security Act. Although Congress didn't pass it, it laid the groundwork for the Affordable Care Act. It also cleared the way for the Children's Health Insurance Program. She worked with Senators Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch who sponsored the bill. It received $24 billion, paid for by a 15-cent tax on cigarettes. She added $1 billion for an outreach program to help states publicize the program and sign up recipients. It provides health care to more than eight million children.

  1. In 1994, she championed the Violence Against Women Act. That provides financial and technical assistance to states to help them develop programs that stop domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. In 1995, she also helped create the Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women.
  2. She supported the 1997 Adoption and Safe Families Act. Representative Nancy Johnson, a Republican, sponsored the bill. It facilitates the adoption of foster children. It also allows states and local agencies greater flexibility on how to spend federal funds.

  1. She lobbied Congress for the 1999 Foster Care Independence Act. Senators John Chafee, R-RI, and Tom DeIay, R-TX, sponsored the bill. The Act almost doubled federal spending for programs that help teenagers leave foster care after they turn 18. The programs help them complete their education, find jobs, and become self-sufficient.

U.S. Senator
  1. Urged ratification of the START treaty in 2010. The treaty limits the United States and Russia to 1,550 strategic deployed nuclear warheads. That's down from 2,200. It limits the number of deployed heavy nuclear bombers and missiles to 800. That's down from 1,600. Russia was already within those limits, but the United States was not. The treaty went into effect in 2011, will be fully implemented by 2018, and will remain in force until 2028.
  2. Introduced the Pediatric Research Equity Act with Senator Mike DeWine, R-OH. This law requires drug companies to research how their products affect children. The Act changed drug labeling to disclose safety and dosage for children. That's lowered the danger of over-dosage for children with chronic diseases like epilepsy and asthma.

  1. Worked with fellow New York Democrat, Senator Chuck Schumer, to get $21 billion in federal aid to help New York rebuild after the 9/11 attacks. She wrote the bill to get health care coverage for 9/11 first responders. That included health research related to the attacks. The rescue operations forced many police and firefighters into early retirement with debilitating chronic injuries and illnesses. Her successor, Senator Kirsten Hillibrand, got the bill passed.
  2. Worked with Republicans to achieve full military health benefits to National Guard members and reservists. Expanded Family Medical Leave Act to families with wounded veterans.

Secretary of State
  1. Took the lead on drafting and negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. Once ratified, it would increase U.S. exports by $123.5 billion annually by 2025. Industries that benefit the most include electrical, autos, plastics, and agriculture.
  2. Successfully concluded bilateral trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama in 2011. The Korea agreement removed almost 80 percent of tariffs and increased exports by $10 billion. The Colombia agreement expanded U.S. exports by $1.1 billion.

  1. Negotiated ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in 2012.
  2. Called for the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. Sided with CIA Director Leon Panetta who first told her it was possible. Overcame opposition from Vice-President Biden and Defense Secretary Bill Gates who were worried about political backlash if the raid failed.
  3. Pushed the United Nations to impose sanctions on Iran in 2010. That created a recession in Iran. The economy shrank 6.6 percent in 2012 and 1.9 percent in 2013. That's because they cut Iran's oil exports in half. Clinton was personally involved in these diplomatic efforts and pushed them publicly. The sanctions made Iran agree to stop building nuclear weapons in 2015.
  1. Instrumental in negotiating the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Accord. The developed and major developing nations agreed to limit global temperature increases to 2 degrees Celsius over the pre-industrial level. They also agreed to pay $100 billion a year by 2020 to assist poor countries affected the most by climate change.
I am reading all these Trumpist trash posts trying to deflect to Obama because they can't defend the friggin moron who made a complete ass of himself again in front of the world. The world knows he is a fool as does a majority of the country.
How's your 401K doing these days, sonny? Oh, you still live in your mom's basement?
I'd show you mine but don't want you to cry
No problem, I don't need a 401K, so not crying.
I understand how difficult it must be. Hillary Clinton worked in politics for decades and didn't accomplish a thing. Trump is embarrassing these fools. What exactly have these people been doing for the last 50 years? Wow!

Trump has accomplished WHAT? You have elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, who has a 7th grade understanding of US policy.

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity,, no humility, no decency and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin.


The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, fear & anger.

A message from a long time friend and former statffer of RONALD REAGAN. It hits this UN speech right on the mark.

VOTE blue all the way down the ballot this coming November to get rid of this Ass Clown. Republcans won't do it, they are terrified of the Trump base.

Last edited:
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

LET ME SEE if I got this right:

Trump goes to the UN, a body he openly despises and has repeatedly taken directions on many issues for the betterment of our country regardless of the interests of the UN much to their chagrin, and who now says he will no longer hand out US Foreign Aid to these schmucks unless they demonstrate they are actually our friends and when they don't return a lot of warmth and love for how Trump has been cutting them off from their lifeline leaving them out in the cold, YOU TAKE THE POSITION that it is TRUMP who is an embarrassment and a disgrace?


It is incredible.
I understand how difficult it must be. Hillary Clinton worked in politics for decades and didn't accomplish a thing. Trump is embarrassing these fools. What exactly have these people been doing for the last 50 years? Wow!
First Lady
  1. Hillary chaired the Task Force on Health Care Reform that drafted the 1993 Health Security Act. Although Congress didn't pass it, it laid the groundwork for the Affordable Care Act. It also cleared the way for the Children's Health Insurance Program. She worked with Senators Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch who sponsored the bill. It received $24 billion, paid for by a 15-cent tax on cigarettes. She added $1 billion for an outreach program to help states publicize the program and sign up recipients. It provides health care to more than eight million children.

  1. In 1994, she championed the Violence Against Women Act. That provides financial and technical assistance to states to help them develop programs that stop domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. In 1995, she also helped create the Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women.
  2. She supported the 1997 Adoption and Safe Families Act. Representative Nancy Johnson, a Republican, sponsored the bill. It facilitates the adoption of foster children. It also allows states and local agencies greater flexibility on how to spend federal funds.

  1. She lobbied Congress for the 1999 Foster Care Independence Act. Senators John Chafee, R-RI, and Tom DeIay, R-TX, sponsored the bill. The Act almost doubled federal spending for programs that help teenagers leave foster care after they turn 18. The programs help them complete their education, find jobs, and become self-sufficient.

U.S. Senator
  1. Urged ratification of the START treaty in 2010. The treaty limits the United States and Russia to 1,550 strategic deployed nuclear warheads. That's down from 2,200. It limits the number of deployed heavy nuclear bombers and missiles to 800. That's down from 1,600. Russia was already within those limits, but the United States was not. The treaty went into effect in 2011, will be fully implemented by 2018, and will remain in force until 2028.
  2. Introduced the Pediatric Research Equity Act with Senator Mike DeWine, R-OH. This law requires drug companies to research how their products affect children. The Act changed drug labeling to disclose safety and dosage for children. That's lowered the danger of over-dosage for children with chronic diseases like epilepsy and asthma.

  1. Worked with fellow New York Democrat, Senator Chuck Schumer, to get $21 billion in federal aid to help New York rebuild after the 9/11 attacks. She wrote the bill to get health care coverage for 9/11 first responders. That included health research related to the attacks. The rescue operations forced many police and firefighters into early retirement with debilitating chronic injuries and illnesses. Her successor, Senator Kirsten Hillibrand, got the bill passed.
  2. Worked with Republicans to achieve full military health benefits to National Guard members and reservists. Expanded Family Medical Leave Act to families with wounded veterans.

Secretary of State
  1. Took the lead on drafting and negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. Once ratified, it would increase U.S. exports by $123.5 billion annually by 2025. Industries that benefit the most include electrical, autos, plastics, and agriculture.
  2. Successfully concluded bilateral trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama in 2011. The Korea agreement removed almost 80 percent of tariffs and increased exports by $10 billion. The Colombia agreement expanded U.S. exports by $1.1 billion.

  1. Negotiated ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in 2012.
  2. Called for the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. Sided with CIA Director Leon Panetta who first told her it was possible. Overcame opposition from Vice-President Biden and Defense Secretary Bill Gates who were worried about political backlash if the raid failed.
  3. Pushed the United Nations to impose sanctions on Iran in 2010. That created a recession in Iran. The economy shrank 6.6 percent in 2012 and 1.9 percent in 2013. That's because they cut Iran's oil exports in half. Clinton was personally involved in these diplomatic efforts and pushed them publicly. The sanctions made Iran agree to stop building nuclear weapons in 2015.
  1. Instrumental in negotiating the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Accord. The developed and major developing nations agreed to limit global temperature increases to 2 degrees Celsius over the pre-industrial level. They also agreed to pay $100 billion a year by 2020 to assist poor countries affected the most by climate change.

She chaired, championed and pushed for things. Her biggest accomplishment is hearing herself speak.
I understand how difficult it must be. Hillary Clinton worked in politics for decades and didn't accomplish a thing. Trump is embarrassing these fools. What exactly have these people been doing for the last 50 years? Wow!

Trump has accomplished WHAT? You have elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, who has a 7th grade understanding of US policy.

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity,, no humility, no decency and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin.


The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, fear & anger.

A message from a long time friend and former statffer of RONALD REAGAN.

I look forward to electing him again!
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

LET ME SEE if I got this right:

Trump goes to the UN, a body he openly despises and has repeatedly taken directions on many issues for the betterment of our country regardless of the interests of the UN much to their chagrin, and who now says he will no longer hand out US Foreign Aid to these schmucks unless they demonstrate they are actually our friends and when they don't return a lot of warmth and love for how Trump has been cutting them off from their lifeline leaving them out in the cold, YOU TAKE THE POSITION that it is TRUMP who is an embarrassment and a disgrace?

Yyyyyyyep. This some kind of trick question?

It's all about the statement he makes just before the laughter.

Fucking duh.
I understand how difficult it must be. Hillary Clinton worked in politics for decades and didn't accomplish a thing. Trump is embarrassing these fools. What exactly have these people been doing for the last 50 years? Wow!

Trump has accomplished WHAT? You have elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen, who has a 7th grade understanding of US policy.

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity,, no humility, no decency and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin.


The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, fear & anger.

A message from a long time friend and former statffer of RONALD REAGAN.

I look forward to electing him again!

Yup, sad for the rest of the politicians......Trump is not playing with the 'good ol' boys' club up on the hill.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

LET ME SEE if I got this right:

Trump goes to the UN, a body he openly despises and has repeatedly taken directions on many issues for the betterment of our country regardless of the interests of the UN much to their chagrin, and who now says he will no longer hand out US Foreign Aid to these schmucks unless they demonstrate they are actually our friends and when they don't return a lot of warmth and love for how Trump has been cutting them off from their lifeline leaving them out in the cold, YOU TAKE THE POSITION that it is TRUMP who is an embarrassment and a disgrace?


It is incredible.
I understand how difficult it must be. Hillary Clinton worked in politics for decades and didn't accomplish a thing. Trump is embarrassing these fools. What exactly have these people been doing for the last 50 years? Wow!
First Lady
  1. Hillary chaired the Task Force on Health Care Reform that drafted the 1993 Health Security Act. Although Congress didn't pass it, it laid the groundwork for the Affordable Care Act. It also cleared the way for the Children's Health Insurance Program. She worked with Senators Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch who sponsored the bill. It received $24 billion, paid for by a 15-cent tax on cigarettes. She added $1 billion for an outreach program to help states publicize the program and sign up recipients. It provides health care to more than eight million children.

  1. In 1994, she championed the Violence Against Women Act. That provides financial and technical assistance to states to help them develop programs that stop domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. In 1995, she also helped create the Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women.
  2. She supported the 1997 Adoption and Safe Families Act. Representative Nancy Johnson, a Republican, sponsored the bill. It facilitates the adoption of foster children. It also allows states and local agencies greater flexibility on how to spend federal funds.

  1. She lobbied Congress for the 1999 Foster Care Independence Act. Senators John Chafee, R-RI, and Tom DeIay, R-TX, sponsored the bill. The Act almost doubled federal spending for programs that help teenagers leave foster care after they turn 18. The programs help them complete their education, find jobs, and become self-sufficient.

U.S. Senator
  1. Urged ratification of the START treaty in 2010. The treaty limits the United States and Russia to 1,550 strategic deployed nuclear warheads. That's down from 2,200. It limits the number of deployed heavy nuclear bombers and missiles to 800. That's down from 1,600. Russia was already within those limits, but the United States was not. The treaty went into effect in 2011, will be fully implemented by 2018, and will remain in force until 2028.
  2. Introduced the Pediatric Research Equity Act with Senator Mike DeWine, R-OH. This law requires drug companies to research how their products affect children. The Act changed drug labeling to disclose safety and dosage for children. That's lowered the danger of over-dosage for children with chronic diseases like epilepsy and asthma.

  1. Worked with fellow New York Democrat, Senator Chuck Schumer, to get $21 billion in federal aid to help New York rebuild after the 9/11 attacks. She wrote the bill to get health care coverage for 9/11 first responders. That included health research related to the attacks. The rescue operations forced many police and firefighters into early retirement with debilitating chronic injuries and illnesses. Her successor, Senator Kirsten Hillibrand, got the bill passed.
  2. Worked with Republicans to achieve full military health benefits to National Guard members and reservists. Expanded Family Medical Leave Act to families with wounded veterans.

Secretary of State
  1. Took the lead on drafting and negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. Once ratified, it would increase U.S. exports by $123.5 billion annually by 2025. Industries that benefit the most include electrical, autos, plastics, and agriculture.
  2. Successfully concluded bilateral trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama in 2011. The Korea agreement removed almost 80 percent of tariffs and increased exports by $10 billion. The Colombia agreement expanded U.S. exports by $1.1 billion.

  1. Negotiated ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in 2012.
  2. Called for the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. Sided with CIA Director Leon Panetta who first told her it was possible. Overcame opposition from Vice-President Biden and Defense Secretary Bill Gates who were worried about political backlash if the raid failed.
  3. Pushed the United Nations to impose sanctions on Iran in 2010. That created a recession in Iran. The economy shrank 6.6 percent in 2012 and 1.9 percent in 2013. That's because they cut Iran's oil exports in half. Clinton was personally involved in these diplomatic efforts and pushed them publicly. The sanctions made Iran agree to stop building nuclear weapons in 2015.
  1. Instrumental in negotiating the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Accord. The developed and major developing nations agreed to limit global temperature increases to 2 degrees Celsius over the pre-industrial level. They also agreed to pay $100 billion a year by 2020 to assist poor countries affected the most by climate change.

She chaired, championed and pushed for things. Her biggest accomplishment is hearing herself speak.

The only thing Hiillary Clinton is actually guilty of is underestimating the astounding IGNORANCE in this country.

Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

LET ME SEE if I got this right:

Trump goes to the UN, a body he openly despises and has repeatedly taken directions on many issues for the betterment of our country regardless of the interests of the UN much to their chagrin, and who now says he will no longer hand out US Foreign Aid to these schmucks unless they demonstrate they are actually our friends and when they don't return a lot of warmth and love for how Trump has been cutting them off from their lifeline leaving them out in the cold, YOU TAKE THE POSITION that it is TRUMP who is an embarrassment and a disgrace?


It is incredible.
I understand how difficult it must be. Hillary Clinton worked in politics for decades and didn't accomplish a thing. Trump is embarrassing these fools. What exactly have these people been doing for the last 50 years? Wow!
First Lady
  1. Hillary chaired the Task Force on Health Care Reform that drafted the 1993 Health Security Act. Although Congress didn't pass it, it laid the groundwork for the Affordable Care Act. It also cleared the way for the Children's Health Insurance Program. She worked with Senators Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch who sponsored the bill. It received $24 billion, paid for by a 15-cent tax on cigarettes. She added $1 billion for an outreach program to help states publicize the program and sign up recipients. It provides health care to more than eight million children.

  1. In 1994, she championed the Violence Against Women Act. That provides financial and technical assistance to states to help them develop programs that stop domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. In 1995, she also helped create the Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women.
  2. She supported the 1997 Adoption and Safe Families Act. Representative Nancy Johnson, a Republican, sponsored the bill. It facilitates the adoption of foster children. It also allows states and local agencies greater flexibility on how to spend federal funds.

  1. She lobbied Congress for the 1999 Foster Care Independence Act. Senators John Chafee, R-RI, and Tom DeIay, R-TX, sponsored the bill. The Act almost doubled federal spending for programs that help teenagers leave foster care after they turn 18. The programs help them complete their education, find jobs, and become self-sufficient.

U.S. Senator
  1. Urged ratification of the START treaty in 2010. The treaty limits the United States and Russia to 1,550 strategic deployed nuclear warheads. That's down from 2,200. It limits the number of deployed heavy nuclear bombers and missiles to 800. That's down from 1,600. Russia was already within those limits, but the United States was not. The treaty went into effect in 2011, will be fully implemented by 2018, and will remain in force until 2028.
  2. Introduced the Pediatric Research Equity Act with Senator Mike DeWine, R-OH. This law requires drug companies to research how their products affect children. The Act changed drug labeling to disclose safety and dosage for children. That's lowered the danger of over-dosage for children with chronic diseases like epilepsy and asthma.

  1. Worked with fellow New York Democrat, Senator Chuck Schumer, to get $21 billion in federal aid to help New York rebuild after the 9/11 attacks. She wrote the bill to get health care coverage for 9/11 first responders. That included health research related to the attacks. The rescue operations forced many police and firefighters into early retirement with debilitating chronic injuries and illnesses. Her successor, Senator Kirsten Hillibrand, got the bill passed.
  2. Worked with Republicans to achieve full military health benefits to National Guard members and reservists. Expanded Family Medical Leave Act to families with wounded veterans.

Secretary of State
  1. Took the lead on drafting and negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. Once ratified, it would increase U.S. exports by $123.5 billion annually by 2025. Industries that benefit the most include electrical, autos, plastics, and agriculture.
  2. Successfully concluded bilateral trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama in 2011. The Korea agreement removed almost 80 percent of tariffs and increased exports by $10 billion. The Colombia agreement expanded U.S. exports by $1.1 billion.

  1. Negotiated ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in 2012.
  2. Called for the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. Sided with CIA Director Leon Panetta who first told her it was possible. Overcame opposition from Vice-President Biden and Defense Secretary Bill Gates who were worried about political backlash if the raid failed.
  3. Pushed the United Nations to impose sanctions on Iran in 2010. That created a recession in Iran. The economy shrank 6.6 percent in 2012 and 1.9 percent in 2013. That's because they cut Iran's oil exports in half. Clinton was personally involved in these diplomatic efforts and pushed them publicly. The sanctions made Iran agree to stop building nuclear weapons in 2015.
  1. Instrumental in negotiating the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Accord. The developed and major developing nations agreed to limit global temperature increases to 2 degrees Celsius over the pre-industrial level. They also agreed to pay $100 billion a year by 2020 to assist poor countries affected the most by climate change.

She chaired, championed and pushed for things. Her biggest accomplishment is hearing herself speak.

The only thing Hiillary Clinton is actually guilty of is underestimating the astounding IGNORANCE in this country.


She is certainly ignorant. I will grant you that much.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

LET ME SEE if I got this right:

Trump goes to the UN, a body he openly despises and has repeatedly taken directions on many issues for the betterment of our country regardless of the interests of the UN much to their chagrin, and who now says he will no longer hand out US Foreign Aid to these schmucks unless they demonstrate they are actually our friends and when they don't return a lot of warmth and love for how Trump has been cutting them off from their lifeline leaving them out in the cold, YOU TAKE THE POSITION that it is TRUMP who is an embarrassment and a disgrace?

Yyyyyyyep. This some kind of trick question?

It's all about the statement he makes just before the laughter.

Fucking duh.

Who cares?

They laughed at Columbus when he said the Earth was round!

They laughed at Einstein when he proposed Special Relativity!

And they laughed at Peter Higgs when he proposed the Scalar Boson!

History has shown 10,000 times that it is the itinerant masses who always laugh at the individual who dares to STAND OUT.

When everyone else in the room is a flaming JACKASS, distancing yourself is a GOOD THING.

Let them have their f----king laugh.

It may be the LAST thing they ever get from the USA for free for a LONG WHILE. :auiqs.jpg:
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