President Trump's audience laughs at him at UN General Assembly

The only thing Hiillary Clinton is actually guilty of is underestimating the astounding IGNORANCE in this country.

Says the guy whose icon is a crumbling sugar cookie?


Hillary didn't underestimate anything. That assumes she was even capable of estimation. Hillary merely assumed she could BUY her way into the White House via entitlement and corrupt deeds and that the people didn't even matter.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

LET ME SEE if I got this right:

Trump goes to the UN, a body he openly despises and has repeatedly taken directions on many issues for the betterment of our country regardless of the interests of the UN much to their chagrin, and who now says he will no longer hand out US Foreign Aid to these schmucks unless they demonstrate they are actually our friends and when they don't return a lot of warmth and love for how Trump has been cutting them off from their lifeline leaving them out in the cold, YOU TAKE THE POSITION that it is TRUMP who is an embarrassment and a disgrace?


It is incredible.
I understand how difficult it must be. Hillary Clinton worked in politics for decades and didn't accomplish a thing. Trump is embarrassing these fools. What exactly have these people been doing for the last 50 years? Wow!
First Lady
  1. Hillary chaired the Task Force on Health Care Reform that drafted the 1993 Health Security Act. Although Congress didn't pass it, it laid the groundwork for the Affordable Care Act. It also cleared the way for the Children's Health Insurance Program. She worked with Senators Edward Kennedy and Orrin Hatch who sponsored the bill. It received $24 billion, paid for by a 15-cent tax on cigarettes. She added $1 billion for an outreach program to help states publicize the program and sign up recipients. It provides health care to more than eight million children.

  1. In 1994, she championed the Violence Against Women Act. That provides financial and technical assistance to states to help them develop programs that stop domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. In 1995, she also helped create the Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women.
  2. She supported the 1997 Adoption and Safe Families Act. Representative Nancy Johnson, a Republican, sponsored the bill. It facilitates the adoption of foster children. It also allows states and local agencies greater flexibility on how to spend federal funds.

  1. She lobbied Congress for the 1999 Foster Care Independence Act. Senators John Chafee, R-RI, and Tom DeIay, R-TX, sponsored the bill. The Act almost doubled federal spending for programs that help teenagers leave foster care after they turn 18. The programs help them complete their education, find jobs, and become self-sufficient.

U.S. Senator
  1. Urged ratification of the START treaty in 2010. The treaty limits the United States and Russia to 1,550 strategic deployed nuclear warheads. That's down from 2,200. It limits the number of deployed heavy nuclear bombers and missiles to 800. That's down from 1,600. Russia was already within those limits, but the United States was not. The treaty went into effect in 2011, will be fully implemented by 2018, and will remain in force until 2028.
  2. Introduced the Pediatric Research Equity Act with Senator Mike DeWine, R-OH. This law requires drug companies to research how their products affect children. The Act changed drug labeling to disclose safety and dosage for children. That's lowered the danger of over-dosage for children with chronic diseases like epilepsy and asthma.

  1. Worked with fellow New York Democrat, Senator Chuck Schumer, to get $21 billion in federal aid to help New York rebuild after the 9/11 attacks. She wrote the bill to get health care coverage for 9/11 first responders. That included health research related to the attacks. The rescue operations forced many police and firefighters into early retirement with debilitating chronic injuries and illnesses. Her successor, Senator Kirsten Hillibrand, got the bill passed.
  2. Worked with Republicans to achieve full military health benefits to National Guard members and reservists. Expanded Family Medical Leave Act to families with wounded veterans.

Secretary of State
  1. Took the lead on drafting and negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. Once ratified, it would increase U.S. exports by $123.5 billion annually by 2025. Industries that benefit the most include electrical, autos, plastics, and agriculture.
  2. Successfully concluded bilateral trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama in 2011. The Korea agreement removed almost 80 percent of tariffs and increased exports by $10 billion. The Colombia agreement expanded U.S. exports by $1.1 billion.

  1. Negotiated ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in 2012.
  2. Called for the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. Sided with CIA Director Leon Panetta who first told her it was possible. Overcame opposition from Vice-President Biden and Defense Secretary Bill Gates who were worried about political backlash if the raid failed.
  3. Pushed the United Nations to impose sanctions on Iran in 2010. That created a recession in Iran. The economy shrank 6.6 percent in 2012 and 1.9 percent in 2013. That's because they cut Iran's oil exports in half. Clinton was personally involved in these diplomatic efforts and pushed them publicly. The sanctions made Iran agree to stop building nuclear weapons in 2015.
  1. Instrumental in negotiating the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Accord. The developed and major developing nations agreed to limit global temperature increases to 2 degrees Celsius over the pre-industrial level. They also agreed to pay $100 billion a year by 2020 to assist poor countries affected the most by climate change.

She chaired, championed and pushed for things. Her biggest accomplishment is hearing herself speak.

The only thing Hiillary Clinton is actually guilty of is underestimating the astounding IGNORANCE in this country.


She is certainly ignorant. I will grant you that much.

There is no one in the history of this nation that has ever held such a high office that has exibited such an astounding, unadulterated ignorance as the Ass Clown that sits in the Oval office today.

In fact he is soooo stupid that he actually went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice--(an impeachable offense.)

This is the article they mention in the video, which was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper over a year ago.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation scroll down this link to Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference


Senate & House Republicans know all about this, but they have done NOTHING except to OBSTRUCT with manufactured conspirancy's. Vote BLUE all the way down the ballot this November to remove Trump from office. Country FIRST over partisan politics.
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Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

LET ME SEE if I got this right:

Trump goes to the UN, a body he openly despises and has repeatedly taken directions on many issues for the betterment of our country regardless of the interests of the UN much to their chagrin, and who now says he will no longer hand out US Foreign Aid to these schmucks unless they demonstrate they are actually our friends and when they don't return a lot of warmth and love for how Trump has been cutting them off from their lifeline leaving them out in the cold, YOU TAKE THE POSITION that it is TRUMP who is an embarrassment and a disgrace?

Yyyyyyyep. This some kind of trick question?

It's all about the statement he makes just before the laughter.

Fucking duh.

Who cares?

They laughed at Columbus when he said the Earth was round!

They laughed at Einstein when he proposed Special Relativity!

And they laughed at Peter Higgs when he proposed the Scalar Boson!

History has shown 10,000 times that it is the itinerant masses who always laugh at the individual who dares to STAND OUT.

When everyone else in the room is a flaming JACKASS, distancing yourself is a GOOD THING.

Let them have their f----king laugh.

It may be the LAST thing they ever get from the USA for free for a LONG WHILE. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT. Freaking Columbus didn't "discover" a shape of the earth that wasn't already known, etc etc. **NOR** are any of these flamingly inept comparisons valid. Rump stood on a stage and said, with a straight face, that he had got more done than anybody in history, which is FUCKING LAUGHABLE unless you're using "number of outright lies" as some kind of "accomplishment".

THAT is why he got laughed at, deservedly so. He uttered a stark absurdity made of pure Bullshit. We're used to it by now but ambassadors don't usually get this kind of shit-show slapstick. Add to that the fact that he oozes in front of the United Nations and thinks he's at a fucking campaign rally and it sweetens the absurdity pot.

You can try to wish it away with bullshitious comparisons to Columbus and Einstein and whatever other desperation measures you come up with to mask your own inept gullibility but it just makes you look all the more desperate, the longer you go on with this fucking charade.

Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

LET ME SEE if I got this right:

Trump goes to the UN, a body he openly despises and has repeatedly taken directions on many issues for the betterment of our country regardless of the interests of the UN much to their chagrin, and who now says he will no longer hand out US Foreign Aid to these schmucks unless they demonstrate they are actually our friends and when they don't return a lot of warmth and love for how Trump has been cutting them off from their lifeline leaving them out in the cold, YOU TAKE THE POSITION that it is TRUMP who is an embarrassment and a disgrace?

Yyyyyyyep. This some kind of trick question?

It's all about the statement he makes just before the laughter.

Fucking duh.

Who cares?

They laughed at Columbus when he said the Earth was round!

They laughed at Einstein when he proposed Special Relativity!

And they laughed at Peter Higgs when he proposed the Scalar Boson!

History has shown 10,000 times that it is the itinerant masses who always laugh at the individual who dares to STAND OUT.

When everyone else in the room is a flaming JACKASS, distancing yourself is a GOOD THING.

Let them have their f----king laugh.

It may be the LAST thing they ever get from the USA for free for a LONG WHILE. :auiqs.jpg:
They were laughing at his narcissism.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

Four points:

A. He's right
B. He's arrogant
C. Progressives operate on emotions as opposed intellectual honesty.
D. At least he laughed too.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

LET ME SEE if I got this right:

Trump goes to the UN, a body he openly despises and has repeatedly taken directions on many issues for the betterment of our country regardless of the interests of the UN much to their chagrin, and who now says he will no longer hand out US Foreign Aid to these schmucks unless they demonstrate they are actually our friends and when they don't return a lot of warmth and love for how Trump has been cutting them off from their lifeline leaving them out in the cold, YOU TAKE THE POSITION that it is TRUMP who is an embarrassment and a disgrace?

Yyyyyyyep. This some kind of trick question?

It's all about the statement he makes just before the laughter.

Fucking duh.

Who cares?

They laughed at Columbus when he said the Earth was round!

They laughed at Einstein when he proposed Special Relativity!

And they laughed at Peter Higgs when he proposed the Scalar Boson!

History has shown 10,000 times that it is the itinerant masses who always laugh at the individual who dares to STAND OUT.

When everyone else in the room is a flaming JACKASS, distancing yourself is a GOOD THING.

Let them have their f----king laugh.

It may be the LAST thing they ever get from the USA for free for a LONG WHILE. :auiqs.jpg:
Everyone knew the earth was round.

Trump, Einstein and Higgs...stable geniuses all...with the best words.
Hold on though...Einstein and Higgs never went to've got to be smart to go to Wharton!
He even started his own university...I've never heard of Einstein University!
Therefore...Trump must be smarter than Einstein and Biggs.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

Hilarious. He probably thought he'd told a joke and couldn't remember having said it.

But he did tell a joke, he just doesn't realize it. He's done almost nothing other than give himself a tax break.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

LET ME SEE if I got this right:

Trump goes to the UN, a body he openly despises and has repeatedly taken directions on many issues for the betterment of our country regardless of the interests of the UN much to their chagrin, and who now says he will no longer hand out US Foreign Aid to these schmucks unless they demonstrate they are actually our friends and when they don't return a lot of warmth and love for how Trump has been cutting them off from their lifeline leaving them out in the cold, YOU TAKE THE POSITION that it is TRUMP who is an embarrassment and a disgrace?

Yyyyyyyep. This some kind of trick question?

It's all about the statement he makes just before the laughter.

Fucking duh.

Who cares?

They laughed at Columbus when he said the Earth was round!

They laughed at Einstein when he proposed Special Relativity!

And they laughed at Peter Higgs when he proposed the Scalar Boson!

History has shown 10,000 times that it is the itinerant masses who always laugh at the individual who dares to STAND OUT.

When everyone else in the room is a flaming JACKASS, distancing yourself is a GOOD THING.

Let them have their f----king laugh.

It may be the LAST thing they ever get from the USA for free for a LONG WHILE. :auiqs.jpg:
Everyone knew the earth was round.

Trump, Einstein and Higgs...stable geniuses all...with the best words.
Hold on though...Einstein and Higgs never went to've got to be smart to go to Wharton!
He even started his own university...I've never heard of Einstein University!
Therefore...Trump must be smarter than Einstein and Biggs.

Cliff notes:

Orange Clown puts on a laughs...Orange Clown perplexed...America emberassed.
The only thing that the red hat goobers could respond with is TDS...TDS...TDS! That`s the only defense they have for their orange Jesus.
In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder
The whole world LAUGHED at us.

Thanks to Trump, we are a JOKE. His clueless cult members believe this fool, who is a proven, pathological liar.

America has not been at such a low point, internationally, in my lifetime.
The really sick thing is that Trump made a statement that the world laughed at...and that Trumpers CHEER...not getting that he's saying something so outrageously stupid that it can't possibly be true

And to safe face...Trump admitted it was bullshit
From the transcript of Trump's speech:

In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.

America’s — so true. (Laughter.) Didn’t expect that reaction, but that’s okay. (Laughter and applause.)

America’s economy is booming like never before. Since my election, we’ve added $10 trillion in wealth. The stock market is at an all-time high in history, and jobless claims are at a 50-year low. African American, Hispanic American, and Asian American unemployment have all achieved their lowest levels ever recorded. We’ve added more than 4 million new jobs, including half a million manufacturing jobs.

We have passed the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history. We’ve started the construction of a major border wall, and we have greatly strengthened border security.

We have secured record funding for our military — $700 billion this year, and $716 billion next year. Our military will soon be more powerful than it has ever been before.

In other words, the United States is stronger, safer, and a richer country than it was when I assumed office less than two years ago.

We are standing up for America and for the American people. And we are also standing up for the world.

Read entire speech here: Read Trump’s speech to the UN General Assembly

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