President Trump's audience laughs at him at UN General Assembly

In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder

Trump was performing his typical bloviation, BRAGGING, and the whole UN laughed at him like the 8 year old tool he is. :206:
They laughed at Pres Trump proving his own comments that the world laughs at the US, How's that for irony. 'In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is.'

'Killer cognitive bias, air pollution and climate change.'

What's really strange is every one of them has been robbing the US of it's wealth thanks to the dishonest politicians we keep electing.

Well now the jokes on them.

Well said and exactly correct.
In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder

Trump was performing his typical bloviation, BRAGGING, and the whole UN laughed at him like the 8 year old tool he is. :206:

And here we have another window into the make believe world of Democrats.
This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.

He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.

This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.
Should I be surprised a Hillary voter, who thinks he's middle of the road, respects FOREIGN diplomats while be living the APRESIDEMT he didn't vote for is a dunce? No, not surprised.

The reason we got Trump is because he doesn't play politics. It never ceases to amaze me that people are still shocked when Trump doesn't play politics. Trump knows, as many of us do, that we don't need them to like us. We don't need to kiss their asses. Quite the opposite is true. I like the fact that he said fuck them, they aren't going to like anything I say so I'll just do a campaign speech. Those assholes over there, are typical left, you aren't going to win no matter what you do or say. Trump knows that.
The problem here is that "that campaign speech" is full of lies...and not only has Trump admitted it...but you know that and don't care
In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder

Trump was performing his typical bloviation, BRAGGING, and the whole UN laughed at him like the 8 year old tool he is. :206:
That's rich. Obama usually says "I" over a hundred times in his speeches and nobody seems to mind.
I wondered where all the left wing lunatics were hiding on this board now that the Kavanaugh bullshit is unraveling.

They are in here, more worried about what their neighbors think than about the activists going on in their own house.

The world lived Obama because he sent pallets of cash to Iran and bent over to the world and took it up the keister.
This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.

He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.

This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.

Do you really think his base will think less of him if a bunch of international elite UN types acted like they did?

It would only help him.
In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder

Trump was performing his typical bloviation, BRAGGING, and the whole UN laughed at him like the 8 year old tool he is. :206:
That's rich. Obama usually says "I" over a hundred times in his speeches and nobody seems to mind.

Thread is about that jackass Trump @ the UN, not your hero Obama
This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.
He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.
This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.
Do you really think his base will think less of him if a bunch of international elite UN types acted like they did? It would only help him.
Oh, I agree, for sure.
Do you really think his base will think less of him if a bunch of international elite UN types acted like they did?

It would only help him.

The point is not that the world is laughing at Trump (and by extension America).

It's that Trump admitted they had a REASON to laugh at him.

HE claims he was "just kidding".

His minions seem to not get that. They believe his bullshit unquestioningly
Do you really think his base will think less of him if a bunch of international elite UN types acted like they did?

It would only help him.

The point is not that the world is laughing at Trump (and by extension America).

It's that Trump admitted they had a REASON to laugh at him.

HE claims he was "just kidding".

His minions seem to not get that. They believe his bullshit unquestioningly

Don't really care. Frankly the constant barrage of media picking on every little thing Trump does has finally made even me numb to it.
In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder
He didn't claim it was a you're the one who's lying.
He said he didn't expect that reaction.
Course your willingness to swallow media spin is predictable.

You are, as always, uninformed. You will be shown the clip where he said that the comments were meant to get a laugh. You will then refuse to believe it.
He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.
You lie.
He claimed after the speech that it was meant as a joke dummy.
No, the media claims that.
I have seen no evidence that he made such a claim.

You will see it. What will you say then?
This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.

He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.

This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.
Should I be surprised a Hillary voter, who thinks he's middle of the road, respects FOREIGN diplomats while be living the APRESIDEMT he didn't vote for is a dunce? No, not surprised.

The reason we got Trump is because he doesn't play politics. It never ceases to amaze me that people are still shocked when Trump doesn't play politics. Trump knows, as many of us do, that we don't need them to like us. We don't need to kiss their asses. Quite the opposite is true. I like the fact that he said fuck them, they aren't going to like anything I say so I'll just do a campaign speech. Those assholes over there, are typical left, you aren't going to win no matter what you do or say. Trump knows that.
The problem here is that "that campaign speech" is full of lies...and not only has Trump admitted it...but you know that and don't care
You can't prove that.
Trump didn't admit to jack squat.
You need to stop repeating the lies of the far left.
You are, as always, uninformed. You will be shown the clip where he said that the comments were meant to get a laugh. You will then refuse to believe it.

They were shown that on this thread...and of course didn't care
In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder
He didn't claim it was a you're the one who's lying.
He said he didn't expect that reaction.
Course your willingness to swallow media spin is predictable.

You are, as always, uninformed. You will be shown the clip where he said that the comments were meant to get a laugh. You will then refuse to believe it.
Then do it. Show me where Trump said it was meant to get a laugh.
How can you reconcile that when he said while giving that speech that he didn't expect that reaction?

You see, this is how you lying leftists work.
You constantly take the word of the media and refuse to believe your own eyes.

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