President Trump's audience laughs at him at UN General Assembly

Once again libtards cannot read. He was talking about the speech in general, not the specific claims he made, which happens to be true to anyone with an IQ north of room temperature. you claim his whole fucking speech was meant as a joke?

It was a joke...but not an intentional one

Yet again, you cannot read at a third grade level. Show me where he used the word "joke" to refer to his speech, dumbass!
What is laughable is this topic is already on the board. Yet the OP feels the need to start another.
OP Had one closed yesterday for repeating topics.

Some folks never learn.
Topic avoidance syndrome.
he was talking to a bunch of do-nothing leeches who have been stealing our money for decades. I don't give a shit if they like him or not, they will all come to him begging for their next handouts in the very near future. He made it clear that we will expect something in return for our money and aid in the future, WTF is wrong with that?
The only people who got a wake up are the arrogant assholes who have been taking our money and then shitting on us for decades, screw em, go Trump. America first!
President Donald Trump claimed that he meant to make world leaders laugh during his address to the United Nations on Tuesday.
  • World leaders and diplomats laughed after Trump boasted that his administration had accomplished more than almost any other in US history.
  • At the time, Trump seemed surprised by the reaction, but he later said it "was meant to get some laughter."
  • "Well, that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great," Trump said of the moment, which went viral on social media.

Trump says he meant to make world leaders laugh during UN speech when he claimed his administration was the most successful in US history

Trump is one of the greatest straight faced serious looking comedians of all time apparently.
In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder

From the transcript of Trump's speech:

In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.

America’s — so true. (Laughter.) Didn’t expect that reaction, but that’s okay. (Laughter and applause.)

America’s economy is booming like never before. Since my election, we’ve added $10 trillion in wealth. The stock market is at an all-time high in history, and jobless claims are at a 50-year low. African American, Hispanic American, and Asian American unemployment have all achieved their lowest levels ever recorded. We’ve added more than 4 million new jobs, including half a million manufacturing jobs.

We have passed the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history. We’ve started the construction of a major border wall, and we have greatly strengthened border security.

We have secured record funding for our military — $700 billion this year, and $716 billion next year. Our military will soon be more powerful than it has ever been before.

In other words, the United States is stronger, safer, and a richer country than it was when I assumed office less than two years ago.

We are standing up for America and for the American people. And we are also standing up for the world.

Read entire speech here: Read Trump’s speech to the UN General Assembly

I thought they just kinda groaned after President Trump said this ...

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country. (he certainly put Obama to shame)

Trump just turned it into a laugh after that.... the real problem is liberals are anal retentive and humor less now, just like their fake media bobbleheads...

Sheesh .. even the UN general counsel got it .. and they have interpreters.. :lol:
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President Donald Trump claimed that he meant to make world leaders laugh during his address to the United Nations on Tuesday.
  • World leaders and diplomats laughed after Trump boasted that his administration had accomplished more than almost any other in US history.
  • At the time, Trump seemed surprised by the reaction, but he later said it "was meant to get some laughter."
  • "Well, that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great," Trump said of the moment, which went viral on social media.
Trump says he meant to make world leaders laugh during UN speech when he claimed his administration was the most successful in US history

Trump is one of the greatest straight faced serious looking comedians of all time apparently.

Once again libtards cannot read. He was talking about the speech in general, not the specific claims he made, which happens to be true to anyone with an IQ north of room temperature. you claim his whole fucking speech was meant as a joke?

It was a joke...but not an intentional one

Yet again, you cannot read at a third grade level. Show me where he used the word "joke" to refer to his speech, dumbass!
Trump on laughter at UN during speech: “Oh it was great. Well that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great.

"It was meant to get laughter".
he was talking to a bunch of do-nothing leeches who have been stealing our money for decades. I don't give a shit if they like him or not, they will all come to him begging for their next handouts in the very near future. He made it clear that we will expect something in return for our money and aid in the future, WTF is wrong with that?

We've always expected something in return for our aid. And some of that aid goes to places we ruined because we decided we could colonize them.
This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.

He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.

This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.

Of course he sees it. He's not a politician and if you are waiting for him to act like one you have a long wait.

This man has been a business man around the world and he knows what he needs to say and he doesn't care if they like it or not.

He doesn't play games. What you see is what you get.

I like the man and his no nonsense style. I'm sick of wishy washy politicians who tell people what they want to hear.

If you are waiting for him to change that style then good luck. You have a long wait.
I wondered where all the left wing lunatics were hiding on this board now that the Kavanaugh bullshit is unraveling.

They are in here, more worried about what their neighbors think than about the activists going on in their own house.

The world lived Obama because he sent pallets of cash to Iran and bent over to the world and took it up the keister.

Are you, like Trump, supremely confident in showing the world your ignorance?
He was MOCKED for his absurd statements and then claimed those absurd statements were meant as a joke

You however have been swallowing those absurd statements for three years and NOT laughing...although you should have been
President Donald Trump claimed that he meant to make world leaders laugh during his address to the United Nations on Tuesday.
  • World leaders and diplomats laughed after Trump boasted that his administration had accomplished more than almost any other in US history.
  • At the time, Trump seemed surprised by the reaction, but he later said it "was meant to get some laughter."
  • "Well, that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great," Trump said of the moment, which went viral on social media.
Trump says he meant to make world leaders laugh during UN speech when he claimed his administration was the most successful in US history

Trump is one of the greatest straight faced serious looking comedians of all time apparently.


Since we are a founding member of the UN, you might want to pull back on the ignorance. Trump is not doing a great job for this country. But you will learn.

He was MOCKED for his absurd statements and then claimed those absurd statements were meant as a joke

You however have been swallowing those absurd statements for three years and NOT laughing...although you should have been

Lesh... :chillpill:
This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.

He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.

This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.

Of course he sees it. He's not a politician and if you are waiting for him to act like one you have a long wait.

This man has been a business man around the world and he knows what he needs to say and he doesn't care if they like it or not.

He doesn't play games. What you see is what you get.

I like the man and his no nonsense style. I'm sick of wishy washy politicians who tell people what they want to hear.

If you are waiting for him to change that style then good luck. You have a long wait.

Trump is a inheritance boy. He was handed daddy's business. This is not the real estate business.
The rest of the world can kiss our ass, we are done being ripped off by them.
Oh yes...isolationist America

If anything happens around the world, we are on our own
Trump wants a treaty with N Korea but is left out of negotiations
Trade wars? You conduct trade wars with an isolated country, you don’t declare war on the rest of the world

Blow it out your ass lib traitor, do us a favor and move to China while we MAGA!
you waving your flag again traitor? trump is scum ,a friend of Putin You and repubs are no better

Eddie, Eddie, Eddie I told you, you lost, we won, we crushed Hillary and made millions of Dem's cry. Now just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we MAGA!
When will you stupid trump fools know that America was always great? and obama made it greater while you and trump make us look like fools

He was MOCKED for his absurd statements and then claimed those absurd statements were meant as a joke

You however have been swallowing those absurd statements for three years and NOT laughing...although you should have been

Oh so you pray at the almighty UN alter??

What a jackass you are. The UN isn't worth the powder it would take to blow em all to hell. They have been irrelevant for years. No one cares what they think except lefty loons like you.

Trump says what he thinks and he doesn't give shit one if you or others like or not.

Carry on jackass
Never mind the UN morons laughed.....

When the money stops coming ....they will laugh no more! :wink_2:

He who laughs last laughs better!

GOD BLESS President Trump!:clap:

When Trump slapped sanctions on the EU they laughed for about 2 weeks, then they squealed like stuck pigs while Trump mocked them. :auiqs.jpg:
The world is not laughing at the EU, they are laughing at Trump and idiots like you.

Do something about it, for example stop getting your ass whooped in elections.
This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.

He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.

This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.

Of course he sees it. He's not a politician and if you are waiting for him to act like one you have a long wait.

This man has been a business man around the world and he knows what he needs to say and he doesn't care if they like it or not.

He doesn't play games. What you see is what you get.

I like the man and his no nonsense style. I'm sick of wishy washy politicians who tell people what they want to hear.

If you are waiting for him to change that style then good luck. You have a long wait.

Trump is a inheritance boy. He was handed daddy's business. This is not the real estate business.

Yup and he made it bigger and more profitable.

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