President Trump's audience laughs at him at UN General Assembly

This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.

He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.

This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.

Don’t think he cares. I’m good with that. He was speaking to a useless body of people. At some point every one of those “smart” people will be sent to the American table to ask for money and US military power to keep their dictators in power. Presidant was no elected to be liked by the UN. This is really a nonissue.
This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.

He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.

This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.
Should I be surprised a Hillary voter, who thinks he's middle of the road, respects FOREIGN diplomats while be living the APRESIDEMT he didn't vote for is a dunce? No, not surprised.

The reason we got Trump is because he doesn't play politics. It never ceases to amaze me that people are still shocked when Trump doesn't play politics. Trump knows, as many of us do, that we don't need them to like us. We don't need to kiss their asses. Quite the opposite is true. I like the fact that he said fuck them, they aren't going to like anything I say so I'll just do a campaign speech. Those assholes over there, are typical left, you aren't going to win no matter what you do or say. Trump knows that.
It's not of matter of politics. It's much deeper than that.

I know you'll support him no matter what, that's fine.

what is deeper than a booming economy, low unemployment, strong military, good GDP growth, fair trade deals, enforcing our borders, enforcing our laws, and keeping americans safe?

I don't give a shit that he is sometimes arrogant and brash and talks like a typical new Yorker, he is doing the job of president better than any president in my lifetime and I have been here a long time.
He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.
You lie.

You’re linking to a blog site for opinion piece to back up this ridiculous claim? No wonder you voted for Trump.

And no, the tax cuts are NOT the biggest in US history. The only thing that Trump has done that’s that “biggest in history””, is the biggest budget deficit in US history.

World leaders are laughing at Trump and his hyperbolic claims.
No wonder you voted for Hillary. You think I provided a link. Maybe you should try being more accurate instead of constantly rushing to a false assumption.
In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder
He didn't claim it was a you're the one who's lying.
He said he didn't expect that reaction.
Course your willingness to swallow media spin is predictable.

You are, as always, uninformed. You will be shown the clip where he said that the comments were meant to get a laugh. You will then refuse to believe it.
Then do it. Show me where Trump said it was meant to get a laugh.
How can you reconcile that when he said while giving that speech that he didn't expect that reaction?

You see, this is how you lying leftists work.
You constantly take the word of the media and refuse to believe your own eyes.
This is now the THIRD fucking time I have shown you this

Trump claims he wanted the UN to laugh at his speech, calls it 'great'

He called his speech great, which it was. He wanted them to laugh at the speech, not the particular instance you claim. That is why you have the reading comprehension found in most elementary schools.
In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder

which one was more successful in its first two years? Try to be honest and factual when you reply. I know that will be hard for you, but give it a shot.


Not Trump.
At some point every one of those “smart” people will be sent to the American table to ask for money and US military power to keep their dictators in power
What a load of American, self aggrandising, bullshit.
In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder
He didn't claim it was a you're the one who's lying.
He said he didn't expect that reaction.
Course your willingness to swallow media spin is predictable.

You are, as always, uninformed. You will be shown the clip where he said that the comments were meant to get a laugh. You will then refuse to believe it.
Then do it. Show me where Trump said it was meant to get a laugh.
How can you reconcile that when he said while giving that speech that he didn't expect that reaction?

You see, this is how you lying leftists work.
You constantly take the word of the media and refuse to believe your own eyes.
This is now the THIRD fucking time I have shown you this

Trump claims he wanted the UN to laugh at his speech, calls it 'great'

He called his speech great, which it was. He wanted them to laugh at the speech, not the particular instance you claim. That is why you have the reading comprehension found in most elementary schools.

This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.

He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.

This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.
He speaks about America in a positive light. He goes a bit overboard with the pep trying to pump everyone up and spread that positive vibe.

What a scandal huh?

People pick the dumbest shit to cry about.
This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.

He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.

This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.

Don’t think he cares. I’m good with that. He was speaking to a useless body of people. At some point every one of those “smart” people will be sent to the American table to ask for money and US military power to keep their dictators in power. Presidant was no elected to be liked by the UN. This is really a nonissue.
It's very important to these leftist zombies.
They need to feel that Obama was loved and Trump is laughed at.
The truth is just the opposite.
No...I'm simply relating the truth as I have seen it.
You're just repeating media spin.
The media is saying that all of those countries were laughing at Trump.
Now, Nikey Haley is on Fox saying that everyone was reacting to his honesty in a favorable way.
Everything you see is through a media filter.
You think Trump is shit so your attitude about everything he says or does is shitty.

Unfortunately your "truth" is not based in reality.

Nikki Haley can spin any way she wants but there is no doubt that the world leaders were laughing at Trump's absurd claim...and Trump later claimed he said it AS A FUCKING JOKE. It was the only thing he COULD say at that point

You say absurd. What was absurd? You can't say, can you?
He goes a bit overboard with the pep trying to pump everyone up and spread that positive vibe.

What a scandal huh?
Not really, it just makes a mockery of his claim that no one's laughing at America now, when it's the only time I can recall a POTUS being laughed at in the General Assembly of the UN.
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This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.

He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.

This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.

Don’t think he cares. I’m good with that. He was speaking to a useless body of people. At some point every one of those “smart” people will be sent to the American table to ask for money and US military power to keep their dictators in power. Presidant was no elected to be liked by the UN. This is really a nonissue.
It's very important to these leftist zombies.
They need to feel that Obama was loved and Trump is laughed at.
The truth is just the opposite.

Trump was laughed at.

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