President Trump's audience laughs at him at UN General Assembly

This is one of the smaller, more subtle characteristics of this guy that concern me.

He's in his seventies, and he still doesn't understand that he's speaking to a group of international diplomats who are smart, savvy, experienced and cynical.

This isn't a campaign rally. You can't just say anything and get cheers. It's stunning to me that he doesn't see that.

Don’t think he cares. I’m good with that. He was speaking to a useless body of people. At some point every one of those “smart” people will be sent to the American table to ask for money and US military power to keep their dictators in power. Presidant was no elected to be liked by the UN. This is really a nonissue.
It's very important to these leftist zombies.
They need to feel that Obama was loved and Trump is laughed at.
The truth is just the opposite.

That’s what they are used to at the UN. Token negro payed them not to laugh.
Racism seems to be the "goto" for far too many Trumpers

Cowardly and gay. I said nothing remotely close to being racist, yet here you are in typical libtard fashion screaming racism.
Cowardly and gay. I said nothing remotely close to being racist, yet here you are in typical libtard fashion screaming racism.

We'll ignore your homophobic nonsense and point out your use of the phrase "token negro" in reference to Obama.

To a racist...that's just descriptive. To anyone's racist
Cowardly and gay. I said nothing remotely close to being racist, yet here you are in typical libtard fashion screaming racism.

We'll ignore your homophobic nonsense and point out your use of the phrase "token negro" in reference to Obama.

To a racist...that's just descriptive. To anyone's racist

Yet another excamplenof the cowardly and narrow minded thought process of a typical leftward. Racist, homophobe, you retards used this so much that they cease to carry any meaning. Basically, when you say those words your just agreeing with me.
Another Snowflake Trump-Hating enabling thread, allowing them to come together, console themselves from the continuous stinging loss by Hillary... :p

I have found it most entertaining watching and reading all the globalists who hang on the opinions of the nations who either have and continue to rely on the Unites States and our generosity for their existence or those who hate us...yet still rely on the United States and our generosity for their existence.

Gone are the days when the most powerful country in the world, who has done more for the world than any other nation, comes before the UN and other nations, humble, apologetic - apologizing for who we are. Instead we have a President who is actually proud of this nation, of what we have accomplished, of what our current success, and the direction we are now heading ... and the America-hating, socialist-embracing, globalist-approval-seeking snowflakes can not stand it.

Trump appeared before the UN and touted the success we have experienced in the last 2 years, bragging how his administration has accomplished more in the last 2 years than not only the former administration but almost as much as any other administration in our history. People laughed. Snowflakes laugh. If you look at what has been accomplished in the last 2 years, it is not the President whose actions you question but those who laugh.

The Trump administration has overseen / delivered:
- The strongest US economy in decades
- The lowest Unemployment in decades
- The lowest Unemployment for minorities IN RECORDED HISTORY
- The most citizens working at one time EVER
- A return of manufacturing plants Obama said would NEVER return
- More jobs - More FULL-TIME Jobs
- Higher wages / raises
- Bonuses
- Fewer Americans dependent on Welfare, Food Stamps, Unemployment...and on Govt / Democrats
- Record Consumer Confidence
- Record Stock Market

The vast majority of the nations who laughed when the President touted these accomplishments can only WISH their nations' economies were doing so well!

The President boasted of a strong, proud America rather than appear meek, humble, and apologetic to the world, as his predecessor did. This President was rejected by a 'country club' full of globalist elitists who embraced Barak Obama and his vision of making the United States one of the 'globalist collective' and who put the welfare of the globalist view above what was best for his own nation, the United States. President Trump made it clear to the rest of the world, the United States - its safety, success, protection, and welfare - is his #1 priority, that we are here for the rest of the world but not at the expense of the safety, security, and welfare of the United States.

They didn't like that....they miss Barry. F* 'em!

In the audience, some of those laughing, were the same people / countries who had not been pulling their weight in NATO, who had been more than happy to take advantage of the United States and allow them to bear the lion's share of THEIR defense...nation's President Trump called out and who responded (reluctantly) to his challenge to step up to pay their fair share by doing so, by honoring their promises...something Barry would not do and something his followers warned Trump not to do for fear of failure.

These same people who laughed at him while in the safety and security of their large numbers have individually complied, responded by stepping up when challenged when meeting individually or in smaller numbers. They have responded to strong leadership. Unlike his predecessor, this President has proven he will not accept the United States being taken advantage of any more.

They don't like that...they miss 'doormat Barry'. F* 'em!

...and snowflakes create a thread where they can join in with the America-hating, US-generosity-abusing globalists to mock the United States President who has overseen the greatest economy / success in DECADES, EVER in some cases, a President who is proud of this country and who refuses to bow, scrape, grovel, and apologize to anyone / any nation like Obama did.

Snowflakes don't like that...they miss Barry. F* 'em!
It's the author's opinion.
Trump is quoted, you unbelievably dense hick.
I'm sure they claim that.
I see no proof other than the authors word, which these days cannot be trusted.
I just remembered what Trump said in his speech, not what some Trump hating journalist's opinion of what it meant afterwards means, you pathetic hack.
Cowardly and gay. I said nothing remotely close to being racist, yet here you are in typical libtard fashion screaming racism.

We'll ignore your homophobic nonsense and point out your use of the phrase "token negro" in reference to Obama.

To a racist...that's just descriptive. To anyone's racist

Yet another excamplenof the cowardly and narrow minded thought process of a typical leftward. Racist, homophobe, you retards used this so much that they cease to carry any meaning. Basically, when you say those words your just agreeing with me.
The world laughs at you along with your idiot president. What a fucking retard you are.
Even though both sides of the swamp are opposed to him, he's still done more than any other administration in my lifetime. Trump is correct and the opinions of a bunch of left wing losers over seas is meaningless.
The world laughs at your pres and you still stay your course. I do not get it pred.
/----/Those thugs can laugh all they want. We don't care.
I bet you get laughed at alot.
/----/only by socialist scum and I don't mind a bit
Cowardly and gay. I said nothing remotely close to being racist, yet here you are in typical libtard fashion screaming racism.

We'll ignore your homophobic nonsense and point out your use of the phrase "token negro" in reference to Obama.

To a racist...that's just descriptive. To anyone's racist

Yet another excamplenof the cowardly and narrow minded thought process of a typical leftward. Racist, homophobe, you retards used this so much that they cease to carry any meaning. Basically, when you say those words your just agreeing with me.
The world laughs at you along with your idiot president. What a fucking retard you are.

What a lame troll you are. You need to try harder son. You ain’t big enough to hang yet.
He goes a bit overboard with the pep trying to pump everyone up and spread that positive vibe.

What a scandal huh?
Not really, it just makes a mockery of his claim that no one's laughing at America now, when it's the only time I can recall a POTUS being laughed at in the General Assembly of the UN.
You don't remember any speech that was engaging either.

This is just another media fabrication.

Making something out of nothing.

Liberal journalists attempting to project their hatred upon everyone else.
Maybe, but it’s true.
No it isn't, it's a load of American, self aggrandising, bullshit.
At some point every one of those “smart” people will be sent to the American table to ask for money and US military power to keep their dictators in power
Complete bullshit. The parochial US view.

And an accurate view. Sorry, but that’s just how it is. We don’t need the UN, the UN needs us.
I fail to see the problem. America is not run on the emotion of foreigners. Trump puts forth a super positive message.
Then why does Trump emphasise that the US was being laughed at? And why is it not a problem when the US actually is being laughed at?
  • Thanks
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President Donald Trump claimed that he meant to make world leaders laugh during his address to the United Nations on Tuesday.
  • World leaders and diplomats laughed after Trump boasted that his administration had accomplished more than almost any other in US history.
  • At the time, Trump seemed surprised by the reaction, but he later said it "was meant to get some laughter."
  • "Well, that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great," Trump said of the moment, which went viral on social media.
Trump says he meant to make world leaders laugh during UN speech when he claimed his administration was the most successful in US history

Trump is one of the greatest straight faced serious looking comedians of all time apparently.


Since we are a founding member of the UN, you might want to pull back on the ignorance. Trump is not doing a great job for this country. But you will learn.


What has the UN done for the USA? Besides take our money, vote against our interests, and fill NYC with corrupt "diplomats"?

sorry dude, but presidents get credit or blame for what happens during their administrations, Obozo never got close to 4% GDP growth, Trump has exceeded it in less than 2 years. shall we talk about the unemployment rate? the black unemployment rate? the Hispanic unemployment rate? the female unemployment rate? North Korea? Iran? Russian sanctions? No? you don't want to talk about any of that do you? partisan asshole!


Trump inherited a growing economy at full employment. Obama a dead one facing depression. And even with that Obama went over 4 percent GDP several times and even over 5. With all the positives he inherited created by Obama, Trump has had one quarter at 4 percent GDP and you are talking stupid.

And the 1 percent drop in unemployment during Trump shows that he work was done by Obama. And the black unemployment rate dropped 10 percent during Obama but just 1 percent with Trump.


The ‘Trump economy’ vs. the ‘Obama economy’

Meg Kelly
September 18

Analysis | The ‘Trump economy’ vs. the ‘Obama economy’



And you really don't want to talk about North Korea, Russia or Iran. You are the partisan hack.

Maybe, but it’s true.
No it isn't, it's a load of American, self aggrandising, bullshit.
At some point every one of those “smart” people will be sent to the American table to ask for money and US military power to keep their dictators in power
Complete bullshit. The parochial US view.

And an accurate view. Sorry, but that’s just how it is. We don’t need the UN, the UN needs us.

You are insane.

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