President Trump's audience laughs at him at UN General Assembly

Even though both sides of the swamp are opposed to him, he's still done more than any other administration in my lifetime. Trump is correct and the opinions of a bunch of left wing losers over seas is meaningless.
The world laughs at your pres and you still stay your course. I do not get it pred.
The world isn't laughing at him.
At least that's not the impression people who were there got.
You're just repeating media spin.
In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder

Your FAKE NEWS doesn't work any more....

Your WAKE UP CALL is coming in November.....

Is life good or what?
Maybe, but it’s true.
No it isn't, it's a load of American, self aggrandising, bullshit.
At some point every one of those “smart” people will be sent to the American table to ask for money and US military power to keep their dictators in power
Complete bullshit. The parochial US view.
And an accurate view. Sorry, but that’s just how it is. We don’t need the UN, the UN needs us.
Absolute self aggrandising American bullshit. For instance, when will Norway require American money and military power to keep its dictators in power?
I fail to see the problem. America is not run on the emotion of foreigners. Trump puts forth a super positive message.
Then why does Trump emphasise that the US was being laughed at? And why is it not a problem when the US actually is being laughed at?

Laughed at by who? Probubly folks from Africa and the Middle East? Lots of US taxpayer dollars go there. Lots of American blood spilled there. It’s the same all over. The world laughs on the news, but every day the UN countries slither up to Niki H, lick her boot heel and ask her to beg Trump for money and troops.
Even though both sides of the swamp are opposed to him, he's still done more than any other administration in my lifetime. Trump is correct and the opinions of a bunch of left wing losers over seas is meaningless.
The world laughs at your pres and you still stay your course. I do not get it pred.
The world isn't laughing at him.
At least that's not the impression people who were there got.
You're just repeating media spin.
There is video so take the spin and put it where the sun don't shine. We laugh at you.
I haven't watched it. I don't want to watch it. I'm not going to watch it.

Imagining it is plenty.

Watch w/the sound off & make your own speech up using a donald duck voice Mac



Can't do it


Just watch it for the blush when he realizes the bridge didn't sell.

It's worth the price of admission to watch an orange face turn oranger.
In Trump's United Nations Speech

He lied to the General Assembly about having had the "most successful Administration" ever.

The world leaders LAUGHED.

And what was Trump's response?

HE claims it was a joke. Of COURSE he hasn't had the most successful administration! That's absurd. But he makes claims like that to his base at rallies and they CHEER. They believe his he lies to them over and over.

He just admitted it. Do they care? I wonder

Trump claimed of unprecedented success
- Strongest economy in decades
- Lowest unemployment in decades
- Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history
- Most Americans working ever
- Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back are back
- More Jobs, more Full-Time Jobs, Higher wages, Raises, Bonuses
- Fewer Americans dependent on Welfare, Food Stamps, Unemployment, Govt, & on DEMOCRATS
- Highest Consumer Confidence in decades
- Record Stock Market

...much like the majority of the nations who laughed at Trump for touting this success, Barak Obama can only WISH he could boast of having all of that!

Most of these nations who laughed rely on the 'generosity' of this country to exist.

Several of the countries' leaders who laughed are the same ones who, when challenged one-on-one or in smaller groups, stepped up and started pulling their weight when before they were content to allow the United States to bear the lion's share of the burden for THEIR defense. I guess they found courage in larger global elitist numbers there at the UN.

The UN, a 'globalist elitist country club', had become accustom to Barry, who often showed up with his hat in his hand, humble, bowing, and apologetic - always apologizing for the United States. They miss him......

Trump made it clear that the United States has nothing to apologize for, is more successful not than it has been in decades (despite the conspiracies and treason of those attempting to undermine the United States from within), that the United States is here for the rest of the world but no longer at the expense of the United States. The US will no longer be taken advantage of, will no longer put globalism and its goals ahead of the safety, security, and success of our nation.

Barry would not have said that. Barry would not have done this. They miss Barry.

F* 'em. 'There's a new sheriff in town.' Get used to it.
-- The same applies to butt-hurt, disloyal Liberals, Democrats, and snowflakes.
Na, it’s true. If it weren’t you wouldn’t feel such a need to respond. You just need to deal with it.
I am quite happy with true stuff. Self aggrandising lies will provoke a response from me.
And an accurate view. Sorry, but that’s just how it is. We don’t need the UN, the UN needs us.
Now you're changing your statement after being called on your parochial lying.
Maybe, but it’s true.
No it isn't, it's a load of American, self aggrandising, bullshit.
At some point every one of those “smart” people will be sent to the American table to ask for money and US military power to keep their dictators in power
Complete bullshit. The parochial US view.
And an accurate view. Sorry, but that’s just how it is. We don’t need the UN, the UN needs us.
Absolute self aggrandising American bullshit. For instance, when will Norway require American money and military power to keep its dictators in power?

No one gives a damn about Norway. I mean, they let their Muslim trash rape women. Norway don’t have a say.
No, the media claims that.
I have seen no evidence that he made such a claim.

Trump claims he wanted the UN to laugh at his speech, calls it 'great'

Trumpers have a problem with reality apparently.

You can't see what you refuse to look at
Nice to know you didn’t read your own Link.

Maybe you ought to illustrate hat you think you're talking about
Maybe you ought to learn how to read an “opinion” vs a fact.
Several of the countries' leaders who laughed are the same ones who, when challenged one-on-one or in smaller groups, stepped up and started pulling their weight when before they were content to allow the United States to bear the lion's share of the burden for THEIR defense.
The usual Trumpeter bullshit. Agreements had been made prior to Trump about targets of gdp expenditure on defence. Nothing's changed.

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