President Trump's audience laughs at him at UN General Assembly

And Merkel has Putin’s cock in her ass to.
What money does the US give Germany every year?
And Merkel has Putin’s cock in her ass to.
What money does the US give Germany every year?

Go find it yourself. But a shitton go’s to the military in the form of weapons and weapon systems as well as the fact we have a shit ton of US soldiers who have been there since the last war Germany started. Same with most of Europe. Germany hates it I know, that’s why Merkel is getting cozy with Putin.
Once again libtards cannot read. He was talking about the speech in general, not the specific claims he made, which happens to be true to anyone with an IQ north of room temperature. you claim his whole fucking speech was meant as a joke?

It was a joke...but not an intentional one

Yet again, you cannot read at a third grade level. Show me where he used the word "joke" to refer to his speech, dumbass!
Trump on laughter at UN during speech: “Oh it was great. Well that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great.

"It was meant to get laughter".

You still can't find the word "joke" that you keep claiming he used. You are an imbecile.
Rump stood on a stage and said, with a straight face, that he had got more done than anybody in history, which is FUCKING LAUGHABLE unless you're using "number of outright lies" as some kind of "accomplishment".

How many other world leaders in that room have done more than Trump in the same time period?
It's the author's opinion.
Trump is quoted, you unbelievably dense hick.
I'm sure they claim that.
I see no proof other than the authors word, which these days cannot be trusted.
I just remembered what Trump said in his speech, not what some Trump hating journalist's opinion of what it meant afterwards means, you pathetic hack.
Ah yes.....nothing worse for trumpanzees than having their orange lord and master actually quoted......must.....deny......
It's the author's opinion.
Trump is quoted, you unbelievably dense hick.
I'm sure they claim that.
I see no proof other than the authors word, which these days cannot be trusted.
I just remembered what Trump said in his speech, not what some Trump hating journalist's opinion of what it meant afterwards means, you pathetic hack.
Ah yes.....nothing worse for trumpanzees than having their orange lord and master actually quoted......must.....deny......

Hell, you know. Where was it that they needed the plywood really bad?
Don’t forget the cash the U.N. Receives. But I wonder, do they get the money in cash on pallets?
On unmarked planes in the middle of the night? Naw...that was Barry when paying for the release of hostages....
Rump stood on a stage and said, with a straight face, that he had got more done than anybody in history, which is FUCKING LAUGHABLE unless you're using "number of outright lies" as some kind of "accomplishment".

How many other world leaders in that room have done more than Trump in the same time period?
What has trump done except remove us from relations with the world ? Canada our trading partner mocked belittled by the scumbag?? Oh yeah he gave millionaires tax breaks and the middle class got Bupkus And even that he took away with his tariffs and trade wars Trump was a lucky man following Obama NOT GWB
Rump stood on a stage and said, with a straight face, that he had got more done than anybody in history, which is FUCKING LAUGHABLE unless you're using "number of outright lies" as some kind of "accomplishment".

How many other world leaders in that room have done more than Trump in the same time period?
Everything Trump has done will be quickly erased very soon.
Pass it around boys, Trump's compliments!

So this is what putin lubes him up thanks we don't want any.
Go get yourself fucked with his special lube....

This will probably end in 2020.
Yes, that crazy Joe Biden/socialist AOC ticket is a sure winner....ROTFLMFAO
Rump stood on a stage and said, with a straight face, that he had got more done than anybody in history, which is FUCKING LAUGHABLE unless you're using "number of outright lies" as some kind of "accomplishment".

How many other world leaders in that room have done more than Trump in the same time period?
Everything Trump has done will be quickly erased very soon.

Nope, but most of O's worthless policies have been removed.
Trump is a buffoon and the whole world knows it. His Republican supporters are too embarrassed to admit it.

Respected, no

Liked, no

Mocked, yes

Laughed at, yes
Only brain dead dolts rush to his aid The sooner he's gone the sooner America can gain the respect we had with Obama and lost with trump

Respect with O. Now thats funny. No, when O types are in office, third world dictators get busy with their nukes.
Kim did not test his ICBM or his Hydrogen Bomb until Obama was out of office and Trump was in. He waited for a doofus to become President.
The General assembly laughed??

No one but a lefty loon would congratulate them.

I'm sure Trump couldn't dare less either.

Kick the UN out of America. Let someone else babysit those idiots.

The UN building is sitting on prime NYC real estate. Turn it into stores, shops and apartments. NYC would make a fortune.

No one but a lefty loon would care what the GA thought. I sure don't.

Carry on dumbasses.
The world laughs at your pres and those who voted for him. It is ok you do not care we laugh any way! The only thing funnier than an idiot getting laughed at is when the idiot does not know why!

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