President Trump's Budget Proposal


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Item after item appears on the internet about this proposal. Instead of spacing them out on one thread after another, I propose we keep them to this single thread. With that in mind, I'm posting the following items:

President Trump Wants to End 21st Century Community Learning Centers

This is a $1.2 a year federal program that, despite this lofty goal, the program has been proven to be ineffective and wasteful. Not only did the program fail to affect academic achievement, but an experimental impact evaluation at multiple sites in 2007 found a whole host of harmful effects.

And Congress continues to fund it. Read the story @ Trump Right to End After-School Program That Harms Kids

Latest Projections Show Farm ā€˜Safety Netā€™ Is Going to Cost More Than Originally Projected @ Projections: Farm ā€˜Safety Netā€™ to Cost More Than Expected

House Conservatives Back Trumpā€™s Border Wall Request @ House Conservatives Back Trumpā€™s Border Wall Request
Trumpā€™s Budget Takes a Cleaver to Cronyism and Waste at the Energy Department

We constantly hear that the momentum green energy revolution is irreversibleā€”that lower costs and market forces are going to drive more investment in renewable technologies. Hereā€™s an opportunity to prove it.

When the federal government withdraws its artificial support and favoritism, the renewable technologies that survive will be the ones that are truly competitive with other sources of energy.

More @ Trump's Budget Takes on Cronyism and Waste at DOE

BUSTED: Washington Post Attacks Trump Budgetā€¦ With FAKE NEWS

The Washington Post made fake news history Thursday by publishing a completely contrived story detailing a ā€œworst-case scenarioā€ of how President Donald Trumpā€™s otherwise spectacular budget might affect a poor American family.

More @ BUSTED: Washington Post Attacks Trump Budget... With FAKE NEWS

Shrinking the Federal Bureaucracy

Letā€™s remember that the vast majority of the federal budget is non-discretionary, which means itā€™s mandatory spending. We have to pay certain bills, and we donā€™t have a choice about it. Among them is entitlement spending, such as Social Security. It is spent based on existing laws rather than the budgeting process, and without actual entitlement reform, we must pay it. Discretionary spending constitutes a pretty small portion of the federal budget, which means we need to be judicious about how we spend that money, which includes funding for our military, education, international affairs, environment, etc.

More of this good essay @ Shrinking the Federal Bureaucracy

Disgraced News Hack Dan Rather: ā€œPeople Will Dieā€ From Trump Budget Planā€¦ @ Disgraced News Hack Dan Rather: ā€œPeople Will Dieā€ From Trump Budget Planā€¦ | Weasel Zippers He just can't keep his yap shut.

Trump Budget Director On Climate Change Research: ā€œWeā€™re Not Spending Money On That Anymore. We Consider That A Waste Of Your Moneyā€ā€¦ @ Trump Budget Director On Climate Change Research: ā€œWeā€™re Not Spending Money On That Anymore. We Consider That A Waste Of Your Moneyā€ā€¦ | Weasel Zippers
Four key points on Trumpā€™s budget proposal

From the Brookings Institute comes this:

As has been widely reported in the press, the Trump administration has proposed very significant cuts to many non-defense discretionary programs, with the Environmental Protection Agency, the State Department and related international programs, the Department of Agriculture, and the Department of Labor facing the largest proposed reductions. In many cases, however, the document does not provide a full accounting of exactly what cuts would make up each department or agencyā€™s total reductions. For the Department of Defenseā€”for which funding would be increased, unlike many items on the non-defense side of the budgetā€”the proposal similarly does not contain information on exactly which programs and accounts would benefit. Importantly, these proposals, both the aggregate levels and the specific program-level changes that are included, are just thatā€”proposals. They are articulations of what the Trump administration would like to see Congressā€”to whom the proposal goes nextā€”spend in each of these areas.

More @ Four key points on Trumpā€™s budget proposal | Brookings Institution

Trump's New 'Hard Power' Budget: What's on the Chopping Block @ Trump's New 'Hard Power' Budget: What's on the Chopping Block

"Foreign aid is probably the single most wasteful spending item in the federal budget," he told CBN News.

"We've spent tens of billions of dollars over the last 30 or 40 years, for example, on development aid to Africa," he said. "We all want to help people that are poor or hungry in Africa, but there's no evidence that any of those programs have worked."

The Director's absolutely right. The money we send NEVER gets
to the people in need. It always ends up in the pockets of the leaders/dictators.
Nancy Pelosi says Trumpā€™s budget is a ā€œslap in the face.ā€ Good. @ Nancy Pelosi says Trumpā€™s budget is a ā€œslap in the face.ā€ Good.

If that sleaze bitch doesn't like it, it's got to be a great proposal.

And here comes another whiny Libturd response:

Gutting the Meals on Wheels program would devastate millions, including 500,000 vets who rely on it @ Gutting the Meals on Wheels program would devastate millions, including 500,000 vets who rely on it

Kimmel claims Trump cuts will kill Big Bird, but PBS doesnā€™t produce the show

The show moved to HBO in 2015! These Hollyweird types are clueless. Story @ Kimmel claims Trump cuts will kill Big Bird, but PBS doesn't produce the show

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