President Trumps military parade

Will you attend the military parade?

  • yes

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • no

    Votes: 11 64.7%

  • Total voters
Why, because I am not a Trump butt sniffer?

No, because you have an attitude I've not seen in other Marines I've known.

And say ... how do we know those certs are yours?

If I block the name, does it make me a sniper?

Now that we have that out of the way, explain what it is about my attitude that does not seem "Marine" like to you
Why, because I am not a Trump butt sniffer?

No, because you have an attitude I've not seen in other Marines I've known.

And say ... how do we know those certs are yours?

If I block the name, does it make me a sniper?


You know, attitudes have changed a great deal in the military since I first joined up. Maybe the reason you don't know any Marines with Gator's attitude is because you both served at very different times.

With that being said, I don't think it's very respectful for one vet to call out another vet. I've known many different people over my 20 years in the Navy ('82 to '02), and I also saw attitudes change a great deal in that time I served. Not everyone has a radical "America First" attitude. If you run around with a radical "America First" attitude overseas, you usually get labeled by the natives as an Ugly American.

Me? Whenever I showed up in another country, I knew that I was the foreigner, and should try to do things along the lines of what they did. And, because I had that attitude, I found out by using a phrase book of the local language that if I tried to speak to them in their language, they were more than helpful, and most of them spoke English. If they were asked in a loud slow voice "do you speak English or American", they gave you a blank stare. Repeating it slower and louder didn't help.

I'm not a vet, but I know quite a number of them.
Why, because I am not a Trump butt sniffer?

No, because you have an attitude I've not seen in other Marines I've known.

And say ... how do we know those certs are yours?

If I block the name, does it make me a sniper?

Here it is straight off my wall with a little note to you...
View attachment 205971
And good lucking finding one of these on line..
View attachment 205972
Or this...
View attachment 205973

See how easy that was? :auiqs.jpg:

Thank you for your service.
Military parade requested by Trump initially estimated to cost $12M, official says
Will you attend? I live in Georgia but I will DEFINITELY be coming to DC to watch this! Might bring my dad or my wife...
I see you’re all in for Trump being a full fledged dictator.
All that money just to inflate fat boy’s immense ego instead of putting it in education, infrastructure, Puerto Rico... I can think of a hundred better uses for that money. Every absurd idea by fat boi you’re always for it.
No.............The military would rather be drinking beer than marching down the street.........
Guess who else had a military parade.


  • 711DC732-4BA2-4861-BC4A-065546E8C6EE.jpeg
    86.1 KB · Views: 19
I don't remember that I carried 70 lbs. We used to do 20 mile forced march to keep in shape. Force march means you run down the hill and walk up them at a forced pace. The heaviest thing I remember was the rifle. And of course we carried a pack. Half a tent, miniature shovel, clean shorts and socks and a few other things. But after hours of carrying that rifle, your arms were killing you. And they would throw tear gas at us. We had to stop, take off our helmut, put on your protective mask, blow out the contaminated air, then put the helmet back on. Guys that ran off did guard duty for ever.

This would be a good topic of its own. Particularly if discussed among servicemen of different eras.I don't know that the general public knows what a soldier carries around. Or if a soldier who served 40 years ago knows what a soldier today carries. Of course, that varies depending on one's function and even era is particularly germane. For instance, a soldier in Afghanistan carried a heck of lot more weight than, say, Vietnam. A jacket alone weighs 30 pounds. Though, I donlt know if they've thinned down since. Likely not much, if so. A full one anyway with front, back, and sides. Batteries. Communications. Water. Ammunition. A hundred rounds of ammunition was 6 and a half pounds. A gunner is carrying a hundred pounds of ammo himself versus around the average 70 pounds or so if you're carrying more than 500 rounds. Well, that's getting into the 600 round range, but you get the idea.

Anyway. That'd be a good topic of its own. Officialdom is bull pucky for the most part. Everybody knows that. Ask a gunner who served in Afghanistan how much weight he was carrying around and I'm fairly confident it's a tad bit more than one back home might be told. lol.
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Military parade requested by Trump initially estimated to cost $12M, official says
Will you attend? I live in Georgia but I will DEFINITELY be coming to DC to watch this! Might bring my dad or my wife...
I see you’re all in for Trump being a full fledged dictator.
All that money just to inflate fat boy’s immense ego instead of putting it in education, infrastructure, Puerto Rico... I can think of a hundred better uses for that money. Every absurd idea by fat boi you’re always for it.
--------------------------------------- you ain't President Reasonable . Are you 'puerto rican' though ??
Military parade requested by Trump initially estimated to cost $12M, official says
Will you attend? I live in Georgia but I will DEFINITELY be coming to DC to watch this! Might bring my dad or my wife...
I see you’re all in for Trump being a full fledged dictator.
All that money just to inflate fat boy’s immense ego instead of putting it in education, infrastructure, Puerto Rico... I can think of a hundred better uses for that money. Every absurd idea by fat boi you’re always for it.
Macron is a dictator? News to me since that's when President Trump came up with the idea for a military parade I pretty clearly remember Macron being ELECTED by the idiots in keep crying.
Why, because I am not a Trump butt sniffer?

No, because you have an attitude I've not seen in other Marines I've known.

And say ... how do we know those certs are yours?

If I block the name, does it make me a sniper?


You know, attitudes have changed a great deal in the military since I first joined up. Maybe the reason you don't know any Marines with Gator's attitude is because you both served at very different times.

With that being said, I don't think it's very respectful for one vet to call out another vet. I've known many different people over my 20 years in the Navy ('82 to '02), and I also saw attitudes change a great deal in that time I served. Not everyone has a radical "America First" attitude. If you run around with a radical "America First" attitude overseas, you usually get labeled by the natives as an Ugly American.

Me? Whenever I showed up in another country, I knew that I was the foreigner, and should try to do things along the lines of what they did. And, because I had that attitude, I found out by using a phrase book of the local language that if I tried to speak to them in their language, they were more than helpful, and most of them spoke English. If they were asked in a loud slow voice "do you speak English or American", they gave you a blank stare. Repeating it slower and louder didn't help.

I'm not a vet, but I know quite a number of them.

You're not a vet, but you know quite a few of them? Sorry dude, but knowing a vet ISN'T the same thing as being one.
yeah , you guys are SPECIAL eh ?? And thats exactly what i disrespect most about the modern volunteer military BSailor .
Why, because I am not a Trump butt sniffer?

No, because you have an attitude I've not seen in other Marines I've known.

And say ... how do we know those certs are yours?

If I block the name, does it make me a sniper?


You know, attitudes have changed a great deal in the military since I first joined up. Maybe the reason you don't know any Marines with Gator's attitude is because you both served at very different times.

With that being said, I don't think it's very respectful for one vet to call out another vet. I've known many different people over my 20 years in the Navy ('82 to '02), and I also saw attitudes change a great deal in that time I served. Not everyone has a radical "America First" attitude. If you run around with a radical "America First" attitude overseas, you usually get labeled by the natives as an Ugly American.

Me? Whenever I showed up in another country, I knew that I was the foreigner, and should try to do things along the lines of what they did. And, because I had that attitude, I found out by using a phrase book of the local language that if I tried to speak to them in their language, they were more than helpful, and most of them spoke English. If they were asked in a loud slow voice "do you speak English or American", they gave you a blank stare. Repeating it slower and louder didn't help.

I'm not a vet, but I know quite a number of them.

You're not a vet, but you know quite a few of them? Sorry dude, but knowing a vet ISN'T the same thing as being one.

I thought my football days analogy had perfect relevance.
You dont need to be in the military to understand harsh conditions.
Not including combat of course.
and concerning COMBAT but exactly , what is the percentage of military that sees combat . And how many soldiers / or employees in uniform support combat fighters yet never see combat ?? Yet everyone claims to be a 'vet' if they signed up to be volunteer military . How many 'navy' vets see combat eh ??
yeah , you guys are SPECIAL eh ?? And thats exactly what i disrespect most about the modern volunteer military BSailor .

Do I think our military is special? You bet I do. Do I think they are a cut above the general population? Again, the answer is yes. But why do I think that? Because of all the age eligible people in this country who could join the military, only 30 percent of them are qualified. Many are disqualified because of lack of education, physical things that disqualify them, or civil convictions, drug abuse or obesity. I know this because I worked in recruiting for several years. And, because of the education requirements, many of them who are allowed to enlist are better educated than most. In order to get in the military, you must have a HS diploma. If you don't have that, then you need a GED and have to score over 50 on the ASVAB. Combine that with the fact that every one of us knows there is a chance we won't come home, and yeah, I'd say the all volunteer military is kinda special.
and concerning COMBAT but exactly , what is the percentage of military that sees combat . And how many soldiers / or employees in uniform support combat fighters yet never see combat ?? Yet everyone claims to be a 'vet' if they signed up to be volunteer military . How many 'navy' vets see combat eh ??

Me and most of the people I served with. I was in Beruit back in '83 when the Marines got hit in their barracks. I was also part of Desert Storm, parts 1 and 2, and finally, was up in the Adriatic during Kosovo in the late 90's. All of them were qualified as war zones, and we got combat pay.

And yeah, I've been on a ship that has been shot at by artillery. They missed, but we were shot at. Happened back in Beruit.

So, you can imagine all that you wish to imagine, but what you have wrong is that parades are not a show of strength, strength is shown on the battlefield, not the parade deck.

But you were never on a a battlefield either, as you once admitted, so you don't speak for USMC or anybody but pussy REMFers.
and concerning COMBAT but exactly , what is the percentage of military that sees combat . And how many soldiers / or employees in uniform support combat fighters yet never see combat ?? Yet everyone claims to be a 'vet' if they signed up to be volunteer military . How many 'navy' vets see combat eh ??

From what I gather less than ten percent ever see actual combat.
The rest are in support rolls.
well , you ain't special and as a volunteer you got paid and many can be replaced by a 'mexican' looking for citizenship and other perks and favors from USA Taxpayers / Government . Now being a VET might have meant something to brag about years ago but those old guys never bragged. They just came home and got back to being Americans and never considered that they were SPECIAL vets wearing advertising material that they are 'vets' - BSailor .
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I imagine the liberals will watch the parade just out of curiosity.Then after the gay and lesbian soldiers march by they will go back to watching The View.
For instance, a soldier in Afghanistan carried a heck of lot more weight than, say, Vietnam. .

STFU....fully-outfitted our rucks alone were over 90lbs, plus your main weapon (CAR-15/M-16/Ithaca #37) ammo belt for the Pig, grenades, and a second weapon, 4 canteens and whatever the fuck else was required on a mission (Claymores). And if you think the summer heat in Afghanistan is anywhere near what we had in Vietnam you're totally full of shit.

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