President Trump's Morning Tweet 6-5-17: "I'm Calling It What We Need And What It Is, A TRAVEL BAN"

So stupid to think that the travel ban is going to stop anyone when it just looks like a travel ban...

How hard will it be for a terrorist to come in via a Country where there is Not a Travel Ban in Syria?.....

And all of a sudden we see Extreme Vetting again...haaaa I think that he may be reading my threads ...

Nothing will change in the Vetting...
Only two years of vetting - that's not vetting...there should be no less than a dozen years of vetting.
You watch we're gonna pay the price for letting Just anyone into this country.
We have already paid a price, but apparently many on the Left have forgotten 9/11, DC sniper, Boston, Orlando, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, etc.....................

9/11 happened under Bush's watch and the majority of the terrorist were from Syria who would get in anyway under Trumps stupid Ban..
You mean to state Saudi Arabia right?

Liberal Logic:

To stop Islamic terror, we need to import thousands...even tens of thousands of Muslims from the ME.

Oh oops yes, Saudi Arabia... and no, even letting 1 wrong person in is not good..

To me his selective ban is like throwing water onto an electric fire..

So, you want a far wider ban? Please, tell me more.
So stupid to think that the travel ban is going to stop anyone when it just looks like a travel ban...

How hard will it be for a terrorist to come in via a Country where there is Not a Travel Ban in Syria?.....

And all of a sudden we see Extreme Vetting again...haaaa I think that he may be reading my threads ...

Nothing will change in the Vetting...
Only two years of vetting - that's not vetting...there should be no less than a dozen years of vetting.
You watch we're gonna pay the price for letting Just anyone into this country.

So what , they shouldn't be let in for 12 years , or what?
Most of them would give up… The ones that want to be here for good reasons would stick to it.

Look at the time, money and energy these 9/11 terrorist put out because they could see the prize of killing so many Americans..Not only that, they fit into the everyday life's of Americans while going to Air traffic school and planning .

In Trumps ban, they would still get through.

What would have stopped them then, that you would support?

I supported the backing off of letting them in until we know 100% that the Vetting is keeping the ones out that we don't want in..He ran on this platform last summer.. but is doing exactly what he slammed Obama for.

Extreme Vetting and Selective Banning is nothing but pretend protection, that some are just fine with.
The DHS tells us we don't need a travel ban unless it restricts the movement of white supremacists from state to state in our country.

All that is required is a modern-day Edict of Expulsion.

All Muzzies out... even if you're born here... tough $hit... get the phukk out.

Starting with the Deputy Chair of the DNC.

The fact that these Losers (Dems) served-up a Muzzie as their Deputy Chair, after getting their asses kicked in the 2016 General, tells us a great deal about their Stupidity.

Of course, you'd probably have to find a reason (good or not) to kick him out of Congress.

But what about Constitutional protections for all religions?

Not a problem.

Two easy steps...

First... DE-recognize Islam as a religion, at-law, and re-designate it as a dangerous political ideology (plenty of justifications that should withstand a 5-4 SCOTUS review); thereby depriving it of Constitutional protections in a 'religious' context...

Second... issue the Edict... directed against followers of a dangerous political ideology committed to destroying Western Civilization.

All strictly legal.

In reality, that's very unlikely to actually materialize, but, it would be great fun, to wipe that smug, arrogant look off those bastards faces...

As well was belly-laughing, while Libs put-on and tore their hair shirts, and pour earth over their heads, and wail, and gnash their teeth, and foam at the mouth.

Maybe we should also send out all black and hispanic people. Give 'em the business!
Only two years of vetting - that's not vetting...there should be no less than a dozen years of vetting.
You watch we're gonna pay the price for letting Just anyone into this country.

So what , they shouldn't be let in for 12 years , or what?
Most of them would give up… The ones that want to be here for good reasons would stick to it.

Look at the time, money and energy these 9/11 terrorist put out because they could see the prize of killing so many Americans..Not only that, they fit into the everyday life's of Americans while going to Air traffic school and planning .

In Trumps ban, they would still get through.

What would have stopped them then, that you would support?

I supported the backing off of letting them in until we know 100% that the Vetting is keeping the ones out that we don't want in..He ran on this platform last summer.. but is doing exactly what he slammed Obama for.

Extreme Vetting and Selective Banning is nothing but pretend protection, that some are just fine with.

So, an actual MUSLIM ban?
So what , they shouldn't be let in for 12 years , or what?
Most of them would give up… The ones that want to be here for good reasons would stick to it.

Look at the time, money and energy these 9/11 terrorist put out because they could see the prize of killing so many Americans..Not only that, they fit into the everyday life's of Americans while going to Air traffic school and planning .

In Trumps ban, they would still get through.

What would have stopped them then, that you would support?

I supported the backing off of letting them in until we know 100% that the Vetting is keeping the ones out that we don't want in..He ran on this platform last summer.. but is doing exactly what he slammed Obama for.

Extreme Vetting and Selective Banning is nothing but pretend protection, that some are just fine with.

So, an actual MUSLIM ban?

Do you recall how Trump got many of the democrats on board this time last year? He called for a temp stop in anyone coming in until we know that the Vetting is 100% working..

This is what he slammed Obama for...especially after the Paris attack last summer..

But we now know that there is no 100% Vetting system..

I was another one of Trumps sales scams..
Most of them would give up… The ones that want to be here for good reasons would stick to it.

Look at the time, money and energy these 9/11 terrorist put out because they could see the prize of killing so many Americans..Not only that, they fit into the everyday life's of Americans while going to Air traffic school and planning .

In Trumps ban, they would still get through.

What would have stopped them then, that you would support?

I supported the backing off of letting them in until we know 100% that the Vetting is keeping the ones out that we don't want in..He ran on this platform last summer.. but is doing exactly what he slammed Obama for.

Extreme Vetting and Selective Banning is nothing but pretend protection, that some are just fine with.

So, an actual MUSLIM ban?

Do you recall how Trump got many of the democrats on board this time last year? He called for a temp stop in anyone coming in until we know that the Vetting is 100% working..

This is what he slammed Obama for...especially after the Paris attack last summer..

But we now know that there is no 100% Vetting system..

I was another one of Trumps sales scams..

So, do you support an actual MUSLIM BAN?
"When we use the words 'travel ban', we misrepresent what it is." Sean Spicer.

Trump's tweets are just insane! Don't know what he's on, at 2am, that makes him spew this shit.
It's a big headache for his minders. They never know what they'll be coming into tomorrow, only that it will be another snafu.
Reality TV, come to the White House...

Yeah, his plan is much more insane than building bridges and then letting people die on said bridges.

How about this, build some walls.

Walls don't work. The Chinese were overrun by the Mongols, wall or no wall.
Trump's tweets are just insane! Don't know what he's on, at 2am, that makes him spew this shit.
It's a big headache for his minders. They never know what they'll be coming into tomorrow, only that it will be another snafu.
Reality TV, come to the White House...

Yeah, his plan is much more insane than building bridges and then letting people die on said bridges.

How about this, build some walls.

Walls don't work. The Chinese were overrun by the Mongols, wall or no wall.

China is still one of the largest nation on earth, probably because they have walls. Even communism didn't manage to screw it all up.

Here is a picture, it's modest compared to the Trump's wall yet to be built.


Worked for thousands of years!
Thank you Mr. President! It's the only way to protect our Citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790.


Thank you for your moronic opinion Inspector Clouseau. How many terrorist attacks have occurred from these countries? Maybe we should ban travel by American citizens since American citizens have committed acts of terror.
Thank you Mr. President! It's the only way to protect our Citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790.


So stupid to think that the travel ban is going to stop anyone when it just looks like a travel ban...

How hard will it be for a terrorist to come in via a Country where there is Not a Travel Ban in Syria?.....

And all of a sudden we see Extreme Vetting again...haaaa I think that he may be reading my threads ...

Nothing will change in the Vetting...
Only two years of vetting - that's not vetting...there should be no less than a dozen years of vetting.
You watch we're gonna pay the price for letting Just anyone into this country.

So what , they shouldn't be let in for 12 years , or what?
Most of them would give up… The ones that want to be here for good reasons would stick to it.

Look at the time, money and energy these 9/11 terrorist put out because they could see the prize of killing so many Americans..Not only that, they fit into the everyday life's of Americans while going to Air traffic school and planning .

In Trumps ban, they would still get through.

Umm considering that Saudi Arabia is not on the Travel Ban list, of course it would do exactly zero to stop them.
How many American women and children must die so that the left can pat themselves on the back for befriending Muslims?
Shouldn't a "true ban"; ban every Muslim, even in States where our Merchant in Commerce (clause) in Chief, is getting a fine art of a fine deal?
Thank you Mr. President! It's the only way to protect our Citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790.

Everyone challenging Trump's EO is thanking the apprentice President for that tweet, too.
The DHS tells us we don't need a travel ban unless it restricts the movement of white supremacists from state to state in our country.

All that is required is a modern-day Edict of Expulsion.

All Muzzies out... even if you're born here... tough $hit... get the phukk out.

Starting with the Deputy Chair of the DNC.

The fact that these Losers (Dems) served-up a Muzzie as their Deputy Chair, after getting their asses kicked in the 2016 General, tells us a great deal about their Stupidity.

Of course, you'd probably have to find a reason (good or not) to kick him out of Congress.

But what about Constitutional protections for all religions?

Not a problem.

Two easy steps...

First... DE-recognize Islam as a religion, at-law, and re-designate it as a dangerous political ideology (plenty of justifications that should withstand a 5-4 SCOTUS review); thereby depriving it of Constitutional protections in a 'religious' context...

Second... issue the Edict... directed against followers of a dangerous political ideology committed to destroying Western Civilization.

All strictly legal.

In reality, that's very unlikely to actually materialize, but, it would be great fun, to wipe that smug, arrogant look off those bastards faces...

As well was belly-laughing, while Libs put-on and tore their hair shirts, and pour earth over their heads, and wail, and gnash their teeth, and foam at the mouth.
With all respect, YOU'RE the one who ought to get kicked out for not respecting America's values.
I do, indeed, respect American values.

Values like speaking your mind, and identifying America's (and Western culture's) enemies...

Without sweating the brickbats from limp-wristed unicorn-butt-sniffing moonbat LibTards who hide their heads in the sand and engage in self-delusion about Islam.
Trump's tweets prove that he doesn't understand the role he is playing. He needs to give that iPhone to Jared and hire more advisors/tutors, because he is hurting the cause more than helping.
Hurting who's cause? The people that voted for him to keep these people out?
The DHS tells us we don't need a travel ban unless it restricts the movement of white supremacists from state to state in our country.

All that is required is a modern-day Edict of Expulsion.

All Muzzies out... even if you're born here... tough $hit... get the phukk out.

Starting with the Deputy Chair of the DNC.

The fact that these Losers (Dems) served-up a Muzzie as their Deputy Chair, after getting their asses kicked in the 2016 General, tells us a great deal about their Stupidity.

Of course, you'd probably have to find a reason (good or not) to kick him out of Congress.

But what about Constitutional protections for all religions?

Not a problem.

Two easy steps...

First... DE-recognize Islam as a religion, at-law, and re-designate it as a dangerous political ideology (plenty of justifications that should withstand a 5-4 SCOTUS review); thereby depriving it of Constitutional protections in a 'religious' context...

Second... issue the Edict... directed against followers of a dangerous political ideology committed to destroying Western Civilization.

All strictly legal.

In reality, that's very unlikely to actually materialize, but, it would be great fun, to wipe that smug, arrogant look off those bastards faces...

As well was belly-laughing, while Libs put-on and tore their hair shirts, and pour earth over their heads, and wail, and gnash their teeth, and foam at the mouth.

Maybe we should also send out all black and hispanic people. Give 'em the business!

Just nasty Muzzies who drive airplanes into buildings and bomb marathon runners and subway riders and innocent children at pop concerts...

Was there anything else?

If non-Muslim Black Folk and Hispanics start doing that, I might reconsider.

But that won't happen, because they're just-as-good Americans as anyone else.
Trump's tweets are just insane! Don't know what he's on, at 2am, that makes him spew this shit.
It's a big headache for his minders. They never know what they'll be coming into tomorrow, only that it will be another snafu.
Reality TV, come to the White House...

Yeah, his plan is much more insane than building bridges and then letting people die on said bridges.

How about this, build some walls.

We going to build walls on all 4 borders?

Do we build one for the gulf coast?
You aren't very engineer inclined are you?

We have a couple oceans for walls you know.

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