President Trump's Morning Tweet 6-5-17: "I'm Calling It What We Need And What It Is, A TRAVEL BAN"

Thank you Mr. President! It's the only way to protect our Citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790.

Maybe we should ban travel by American citizens since American citizens have committed acts of terror.
What acts of terror?

Name them. For example:

Miami nightclub shooting - American citizens
Maj Hassan - American citizen
San Bernardino - American citizens
Boston Marathon Bombing - Eastern Europe
9/11 - Mostly Saudis
The DHS tells us we don't need a travel ban unless it restricts the movement of white supremacists from state to state in our country.

All that is required is a modern-day Edict of Expulsion.

All Muzzies out... even if you're born here... tough $hit... get the phukk out.

Starting with the Deputy Chair of the DNC.

The fact that these Losers (Dems) served-up a Muzzie as their Deputy Chair, after getting their asses kicked in the 2016 General, tells us a great deal about their Stupidity.

Of course, you'd probably have to find a reason (good or not) to kick him out of Congress.

But what about Constitutional protections for all religions?

Not a problem.

Two easy steps...

First... DE-recognize Islam as a religion, at-law, and re-designate it as a dangerous political ideology (plenty of justifications that should withstand a 5-4 SCOTUS review); thereby depriving it of Constitutional protections in a 'religious' context...

Second... issue the Edict... directed against followers of a dangerous political ideology committed to destroying Western Civilization.

All strictly legal.

In reality, that's very unlikely to actually materialize, but, it would be great fun, to wipe that smug, arrogant look off those bastards faces...

As well was belly-laughing, while Libs put-on and tore their hair shirts, and pour earth over their heads, and wail, and gnash their teeth, and foam at the mouth.

Maybe we should also send out all black and hispanic people. Give 'em the business!

Just nasty Muzzies who drive airplanes into buildings and bomb marathon runners and subway riders and innocent children at pop concerts...

Was there anything else?

If non-Muslim Black Folk and Hispanics start doing that, I might reconsider.

But that won't happen, because they're just-as-good Americans as anyone else.

I'm glad you further clarified that you would send "just NASTY muzzies".

There are millions of law-abiding Americans who are breathing a sigh of relief.
Thank you Mr. President! It's the only way to protect our Citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790.

Maybe we should ban travel by American citizens since American citizens have committed acts of terror.
What acts of terror?

Name them. For example:

Miami nightclub shooting - American citizens
Maj Hassan - American citizen
San Bernardino - American citizens
Boston Marathon Bombing - Eastern Europe
9/11 - Mostly Saudis

And don't forget about the Bowling Green massacre.
The DHS tells us we don't need a travel ban unless it restricts the movement of white supremacists from state to state in our country.

All that is required is a modern-day Edict of Expulsion.

All Muzzies out... even if you're born here... tough $hit... get the phukk out.

Starting with the Deputy Chair of the DNC.

The fact that these Losers (Dems) served-up a Muzzie as their Deputy Chair, after getting their asses kicked in the 2016 General, tells us a great deal about their Stupidity.

Of course, you'd probably have to find a reason (good or not) to kick him out of Congress.

But what about Constitutional protections for all religions?

Not a problem.

Two easy steps...

First... DE-recognize Islam as a religion, at-law, and re-designate it as a dangerous political ideology (plenty of justifications that should withstand a 5-4 SCOTUS review); thereby depriving it of Constitutional protections in a 'religious' context...

Second... issue the Edict... directed against followers of a dangerous political ideology committed to destroying Western Civilization.

All strictly legal.

In reality, that's very unlikely to actually materialize, but, it would be great fun, to wipe that smug, arrogant look off those bastards faces...

As well was belly-laughing, while Libs put-on and tore their hair shirts, and pour earth over their heads, and wail, and gnash their teeth, and foam at the mouth.

Maybe we should also send out all black and hispanic people. Give 'em the business!

Just nasty Muzzies who drive airplanes into buildings and bomb marathon runners and subway riders and innocent children at pop concerts...

Was there anything else?

If non-Muslim Black Folk and Hispanics start doing that, I might reconsider.

But that won't happen, because they're just-as-good Americans as anyone else.

I'm glad you further clarified that you would send "just NASTY muzzies".

There are millions of law-abiding Americans who are breathing a sigh of relief.

ALL Muzzies are Nasty Muzzies.

Presently, or with that easily-stimulated potential.

And it's not even them, as people, but their so-called belief-system; the last of the old-time Warrior Religions.

Aggressive, intolerant, misogynistic, with changes locked-out (dogmatically incapable of global reform), bloodthirsty, and founded by a self-excusing, hallucinating pedophile.

Islam is a cancer which is programmed to attack healthy Western Civilization.

Islam is entirely and hopelessly incompatible with Western democracy and spirituality and philosophy; we have admitted vipers and potential vipers into our midst.

The sooner Liberals get their heads out of their asses and figure that out, the safer The West will be.
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Trump's tweets are just insane! Don't know what he's on, at 2am, that makes him spew this shit.
It's a big headache for his minders. They never know what they'll be coming into tomorrow, only that it will be another snafu.
Reality TV, come to the White House...
I think he genuinely believes this travel ban will help. I believe his thinking is flawed, but he really feels this is his contribution to keeping us safer. So yes, every time there is an attack, he will revert to this.

I think Steve Bannon believes this travel ban will help. To help what? Thats the Question...
Cut the personal crap in this thread and respect the topic.

If you get a post deletion alert from this thread -- consider yourself PRE-warned.
The DHS tells us we don't need a travel ban unless it restricts the movement of white supremacists from state to state in our country.

All that is required is a modern-day Edict of Expulsion.

All Muzzies out... even if you're born here... tough $hit... get the phukk out.

Starting with the Deputy Chair of the DNC.

The fact that these Losers (Dems) served-up a Muzzie as their Deputy Chair, after getting their asses kicked in the 2016 General, tells us a great deal about their Stupidity.

Of course, you'd probably have to find a reason (good or not) to kick him out of Congress.

But what about Constitutional protections for all religions?

Not a problem.

Two easy steps...

First... DE-recognize Islam as a religion, at-law, and re-designate it as a dangerous political ideology (plenty of justifications that should withstand a 5-4 SCOTUS review); thereby depriving it of Constitutional protections in a 'religious' context...

Second... issue the Edict... directed against followers of a dangerous political ideology committed to destroying Western Civilization.

All strictly legal.

In reality, that's very unlikely to actually materialize, but, it would be great fun, to wipe that smug, arrogant look off those bastards faces...

As well was belly-laughing, while Libs put-on and tore their hair shirts, and pour earth over their heads, and wail, and gnash their teeth, and foam at the mouth.

Maybe we should also send out all black and hispanic people. Give 'em the business!

Just nasty Muzzies who drive airplanes into buildings and bomb marathon runners and subway riders and innocent children at pop concerts...

Was there anything else?

If non-Muslim Black Folk and Hispanics start doing that, I might reconsider.

But that won't happen, because they're just-as-good Americans as anyone else.

I'm glad you further clarified that you would send "just NASTY muzzies".

There are millions of law-abiding Americans who are breathing a sigh of relief.

ALL Muzzies are Nasty Muzzies.

Presently, or with that easily-stimulated potential.

And it's not even them, as people, but their so-called belief-system; the last of the old-time Warrior Religions.

Aggressive, intolerant, misogynistic, with changes locked-out (dogmatically incapable of global reform), bloodthirsty, and founded by a self-excusing, hallucinating pedophile.

Islam is a cancer which is programmed to attack healthy Western Civilization.

Islam is entirely and hopelessly incompatible with Western democracy and spirituality and philosophy; we have admitted vipers and potential vipers into our midst.

The sooner Liberals get their heads out of their asses and figure that out, the safer The West will be.

I think that your attitude is rather un-American.
...I think that your attitude is rather un-American.
If I failed to articulate existential threats and failed to contemplate modes of remediation, then THAT would be rather un-American.

And that's what Islam is to The West (and the United States, as part of modern-day Christendom), an existential threat... today, and more so as time goes by.

But thank you for your feedback.
...I think that your attitude is rather un-American.
If I failed to articulate existential threats and failed to contemplate modes of remediation, then THAT would be rather un-American.

And that's what Islam is to The West (and the United States, as part of modern-day Christendom), an existential threat... today, and more so as time goes by.

But thank you for your feedback.

No. Your plan is un-American. In America, citizens cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Your plan would do this.

You are a failure in all realms of your life.
...I think that your attitude is rather un-American.
If I failed to articulate existential threats and failed to contemplate modes of remediation, then THAT would be rather un-American.

And that's what Islam is to The West (and the United States, as part of modern-day Christendom), an existential threat... today, and more so as time goes by.

But thank you for your feedback.

No. Your plan is un-American. In America, citizens cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Your plan would do this.

You are a failure in all realms of your life.
Ahhhhh... but I've just shown you the 'due process of law', as in, what would be required, to make such activity Constitutional.

It's not going to happen, mind you, but if it did, that would be the harbinger... DE-recognizing Islam as a religion; thereby stripping it of Constitutional protections.

You, on the other hand, either (a) need a crash-course in Existential Threat Recognition, or (b) are a Muzzie sympathizer, playing your cards.

Both of which are always quite possible, when dealing with LibTards defending Islam, post 9-11.

You may safely be ignored.
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Thank you Mr. President! It's the only way to protect our Citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790.

The idiot totally undermined his ability to win in the courts.
Shoots himself in the foot again.
Nice going asshole!
Thank you Mr. President! It's the only way to protect our Citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790.

The idiot totally undermined his ability to win in the courts.
Shoots himself in the foot again.
Nice going asshole!
Drumpf's election was a tragedy.

Drumpf's own Big Mouth is the saving grace in that tragedy... his own worst enemy.

Rendering him, as it does, largely ineffective, a walking, talking political landmine, who will be impeached long before his first term is up.
...I think that your attitude is rather un-American.
If I failed to articulate existential threats and failed to contemplate modes of remediation, then THAT would be rather un-American.

And that's what Islam is to The West (and the United States, as part of modern-day Christendom), an existential threat... today, and more so as time goes by.

But thank you for your feedback.

No. Your plan is un-American. In America, citizens cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Your plan would do this.

You are a failure in all realms of your life.
Ahhhhh... but I've just shown you the 'due process of law', as in, what would be required, to make such activity Constitutional.

It's not going to happen, mind you, but if it did, that would be the harbinger... DE-recognizing Islam as a religion; thereby stripping it of Constitutional protections.

You, on the other hand, either (a) need a crash-course in Existential Threat Recognition, or (b) are a Muzzie sympathizer, playing your cards.

Both of which are always quite possible, when dealing with LibTards defending Islam, post 9-11.

You may safely be ignored.

You haven't shown anything...except that you are not an American.
...I think that your attitude is rather un-American.
If I failed to articulate existential threats and failed to contemplate modes of remediation, then THAT would be rather un-American.

And that's what Islam is to The West (and the United States, as part of modern-day Christendom), an existential threat... today, and more so as time goes by.

But thank you for your feedback.

No. Your plan is un-American. In America, citizens cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Your plan would do this.

You are a failure in all realms of your life.
Ahhhhh... but I've just shown you the 'due process of law', as in, what would be required, to make such activity Constitutional.

It's not going to happen, mind you, but if it did, that would be the harbinger... DE-recognizing Islam as a religion; thereby stripping it of Constitutional protections.

You, on the other hand, either (a) need a crash-course in Existential Threat Recognition, or (b) are a Muzzie sympathizer, playing your cards.

Both of which are always quite possible, when dealing with LibTards defending Islam, post 9-11.

You may safely be ignored.

You haven't shown anything...except that you are not an American.
You tell 'em, my little Internet Tiger-Princess...

Your inability to perceive the ease by which Islam may be DE-legitimized AT LAW in this (or any other) country, is your problem, not mine...

Draconian anti-Muslim steps are already being considered by our closest ally...

"Theresa May: UK will change human rights laws if needed for terror fight

Updated 4:04 AM ET, Wed June 7, 2017

(CNN)British Prime Minister Theresa May says human rights laws will be changed "if they get in the way" of the country's fight against terror..."


When Constitutionality and Safety are at odds, Safety oftentimes wins.

Just ask the poor bastards who spent 4 years in American internment camps during WWII.

"Throw 'em ALL under the bus, and let God sort 'em out."

Islam is the next big Existential Threat to The West.

And if the safety of our Nation and its People mean throwing the nasty Muzzies under the bus, then, under the bus they go... whatever it takes, to neutralize the threat.

Won't happen here?

Look again.

Starting with the UK, and today's pronouncements by their Prime Minister.

If the Brits act on that, France will not be far behind.

And with Drumpf in the White House, America will follow hard on the heels of Britain and France, because, by then, it will have become acceptable - even fashionable.

Will it actually happen that way here? The Muzzies had better hope not. But it's getting close... down to the wire... and it wouldn't take much to push America over the edge.

I show you one possible future - even a likely future, the way the Muzzies keep slaughtering innocent civilians on the streets and public places of Western cities.

Un-American? Pffffttt... hardly, child. More like history-aware... human-behavior -aware... pragmatic... realistic... and, in this instance, event (potentially) prophetic...

( not to be confused with the Muzzies' self-excusing, plagiaristic, bloodthirsty, hallucinating pedophile of a Founder... Peanutbutterandjelly Be Upon Him )


Next contestant, please.
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Thank you Mr. President! It's the only way to protect our Citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790.


So stupid to think that the travel ban is going to stop anyone when it just looks like a travel ban...

How hard will it be for a terrorist to come in via a Country where there is Not a Travel Ban in Syria?.....

And all of a sudden we see Extreme Vetting again...haaaa I think that he may be reading my threads ...

Nothing will change in the Vetting...
Only two years of vetting - that's not vetting...there should be no less than a dozen years of vetting.
You watch we're gonna pay the price for letting Just anyone into this country.
We have already paid a price, but apparently many on the Left have forgotten 9/11, DC sniper, Boston, Orlando, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, etc.....................

Oklahoma City, the KKK, Portland, Sandy Hook, the black Church where the White racist killed 8 black people, the hundreds of hate crimes against synagogues and mosques just this year alone.

First ban the racists and the right wing terrorists. There's more of them than Muslim terrorists.
Thank you Mr. President! It's the only way to protect our Citizens the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790.


So stupid to think that the travel ban is going to stop anyone when it just looks like a travel ban...

How hard will it be for a terrorist to come in via a Country where there is Not a Travel Ban in Syria?.....

And all of a sudden we see Extreme Vetting again...haaaa I think that he may be reading my threads ...

Nothing will change in the Vetting...
Only two years of vetting - that's not vetting...there should be no less than a dozen years of vetting.
You watch we're gonna pay the price for letting Just anyone into this country.
We have already paid a price, but apparently many on the Left have forgotten 9/11, DC sniper, Boston, Orlando, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, etc.....................

Oklahoma City, the KKK, Portland, Sandy Hook, the black Church where the White racist killed 8 black people, the hundreds of hate crimes against synagogues and mosques just this year alone.

First ban the racists and the right wing terrorists. There's more of them than Muslim terrorists.
I guess you haven't heard (no doubt kept in the dark by the DNC media) that the Portland asshole was a Sanders supporter and a LWNJ. None of the other incidents prove your point either.

Congrats! You just proved yourself a moron.

To the LWNJ a few incidents misstated by the DNC media, equate to the numerous deadly attacks by radical Islamists.

Can't fix STUPID!!!
...I think that your attitude is rather un-American.
If I failed to articulate existential threats and failed to contemplate modes of remediation, then THAT would be rather un-American.

And that's what Islam is to The West (and the United States, as part of modern-day Christendom), an existential threat... today, and more so as time goes by.

But thank you for your feedback.

No. Your plan is un-American. In America, citizens cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Your plan would do this.

You are a failure in all realms of your life.
Ahhhhh... but I've just shown you the 'due process of law', as in, what would be required, to make such activity Constitutional.

It's not going to happen, mind you, but if it did, that would be the harbinger... DE-recognizing Islam as a religion; thereby stripping it of Constitutional protections.

You, on the other hand, either (a) need a crash-course in Existential Threat Recognition, or (b) are a Muzzie sympathizer, playing your cards.

Both of which are always quite possible, when dealing with LibTards defending Islam, post 9-11.

You may safely be ignored.

You haven't shown anything...except that you are not an American.
You tell 'em, my little Internet Tiger-Princess...

Your inability to perceive the ease by which Islam may be DE-legitimized AT LAW in this (or any other) country, is your problem, not mine...

Draconian anti-Muslim steps are already being considered by our closest ally...

"Theresa May: UK will change human rights laws if needed for terror fight

Updated 4:04 AM ET, Wed June 7, 2017

(CNN)British Prime Minister Theresa May says human rights laws will be changed "if they get in the way" of the country's fight against terror..."


When Constitutionality and Safety are at odds, Safety oftentimes wins.

Just ask the poor bastards who spent 4 years in American internment camps during WWII.

"Throw 'em ALL under the bus, and let God sort 'em out."

Islam is the next big Existential Threat to The West.

And if the safety of our Nation and its People mean throwing the nasty Muzzies under the bus, then, under the bus they go... whatever it takes, to neutralize the threat.

Won't happen here?

Look again.

Starting with the UK, and today's pronouncements by their Prime Minister.

If the Brits act on that, France will not be far behind.

And with Drumpf in the White House, America will follow hard on the heels of Britain and France, because, by then, it will have become acceptable - even fashionable.

Will it actually happen that way here? The Muzzies had better hope not. But it's getting close... down to the wire... and it wouldn't take much to push America over the edge.

I show you one possible future - even a likely future, the way the Muzzies keep slaughtering innocent civilians on the streets and public places of Western cities.

Un-American? Pffffttt... hardly, child. More like history-aware... human-behavior -aware... pragmatic... realistic... and, in this instance, event (potentially) prophetic...

( not to be confused with the Muzzies' self-excusing, plagiaristic, bloodthirsty, hallucinating pedophile of a Founder... Peanutbutterandjelly Be Upon Him )


Next contestant, please.

Listen, twat. There is no possible way for the US Government to "DE-legitimize Islam". It would never happen. It could never happen. But thank for sharing your silly hopes and dreams.

But if somehow your fantasy became reality, how would de-legitimizing islam allow for the deportation of millions of natural-born American citizens?
Our Commerce Clause applies to tourism; the (for-Cause criteria) of Immigration, must be proved in our (natural rights regarding freedom of association and (at-will) (employment) Contract) States.

The tourism sector is the first, second, and third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

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