President Trump's rally in Pennsylvania

The UE rate was 4.7% when Trump took over. The fact is that Republicans have gone over to the alt-right and independents will abandon Trump. You are the only piece of filth that I see.

Speaking of filth?? That would be you.

As I said. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump improved on it greatly.

The current UE is 3.6 % That's better than 4.7%. Both are good and both Barry and Trump deserve the credit.

Go be a filthy bitch somewhere else.

Why do either deserve the credit? Why not give the credit to the companies actually hiring people.

Sent from my iPhone using

Cmon Golfer. If you are so damn smart, you know better!

Presidents do NOT hire people in the private sector. But, what they do, is create POLICIES that give the private sector confidence to expand. Expansion is the mothers milk of the economy, because not only does it increase GDP, and because if it is manufacturing, this means the machinery is now newer, raising productivity, thus our standard of living. This is EXACTLY why almost 50% of our population used to work in farming, and now it is less than 7%! It is also why we now enjoy such cheap food!

What Trump has done, is created a rush due to pent up demand for rapid expansion by killing regs, and lowering corporate taxes. If you are as smart as you claim, YOU KNOW THIS! By fast tracking everything he can that government used to hold up, he has added to the economy by just allowing projects that were held in limbo waiting for approval.

Know why your neck of the woods FLORIDA booms, while California stagnates?

Because in Florida, it takes less than 2 years to get approval for a sub-division. In some parts, less than 18 months. In California, it takes almost 10 YEARS! To build a damn road in California, almost 15 YEARS!

Now this is the power of TRUMP! Not in the states, that is up to them. But those who wish to participate in the expansion can, if they want to get the hell out of the peoples way. If they do NOT, then their people flee to greener pastures, and as we can see from New Jersey, Illinois, and California; that is exactly what people are doing!
Florida? Lol
California's GDP growth In the last 10 years outpaced Florida's by 6 times. So much for less bureaucracy.


1- fifth largest economy, we compete with big countries.

2. California outpaced the US GDP growth.

3. Creation of jobs we outpaced most of the states.

And that's despite doing the opposite of everything the idiot in chief suggests...we going green and concentrating on the future.

Good for you. Hope Trump dumps thousands of illegals in your sanctuary State.

Oh and go green. It will cost you millions. Not all Cali taxpayers are interested in your green shit.

I live in Florida and my State is doing great. We have a great Governor who knows how to get things done. Your Governor is a lefty loon who doesn't care about anyone in his State.

Oh and the idiot in chief is doing a great job. He will win in 2020 and give your stupid ass four more years to moan, groan and complain.

Lol all you do is ramble, no substance.
Florida is ranked as the third state when it comes to illegals because it also has sanctuary cities and that's under the GOO radar. You didnt know that I guess.
So you don't think UE and the economy improved after Trump took office??

Trump will get the credit because he's POTUS. Just as Barry would have gotten the credit because he was POTUS.

I give both credit. Barry left Trump a fair had but things improved Greatly after he took office.

The UE and the rest of the economy kept moving in the same direction it was when Trump took over...that is what I know to be a fact. There was no big change of anything.

Of course it was improving and I give both men credit for it.

The fact that it changed positively is more than enough for me.
You call 4.7% a fair hand. That is far more than fair. You are the one who is biased and stupid.

3.6% is better than 4.7% in case your math is rusty. That's UE. The economy wasn't doing that great when he left office. Its doing great now though. Both deserve the credit and unlike your stupid ass I give both credit.
Lol UE as you like it to call has been going down so nothing changed...thanks for confirming my point. And the economy was doing good and going upward as well. ;)

Sure it was. Whatever floats your leaky blue boat.

Name one economic indicator that changed direction after the election of Trump...just one...
Trump's Economic Scorecard: One Year Since Election

there's a few. "not as strong as billed" is still an uptick also.

Nothing on that list was a change with maybe the exception of manufacturing jobs created, which is really not an economic indicator
3.6% is better than 4.7% in case your math is rusty. That's UE. The economy wasn't doing that great when he left office. Its doing great now though. Both deserve the credit and unlike your stupid ass I give both credit.
Lol UE as you like it to call has been going down so nothing changed...thanks for confirming my point. And the economy was doing good and going upward as well. ;)

Sure it was. Whatever floats your leaky blue boat.

Name one economic indicator that changed direction after the election of Trump...just one...
Trump's Economic Scorecard: One Year Since Election

there's a few. "not as strong as billed" is still an uptick also.

Nothing on that list was a change with maybe the exception of manufacturing jobs created, which is really not an economic indicator
gdp did rise, but it wasn't as strong as billed.

is that not still growth?
Show me what did the orange do , that curved the unemployment rate and economy that was different from the last 6 years. To on. I need numbers and graphs.

This is the UE graph for the last few years with all the data removed, just the line. Can anyone show me the sudden amazing change that took place after the election? Can you even point out when Trump took over?

View attachment 261950
That's what I have been to explain to the dumb sheep lady.....even if we put Mickey mouse in charge, the result wouldve been the same.
Speaking of filth?? That would be you.

As I said. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump improved on it greatly.

The current UE is 3.6 % That's better than 4.7%. Both are good and both Barry and Trump deserve the credit.

Go be a filthy bitch somewhere else.

Why do either deserve the credit? Why not give the credit to the companies actually hiring people.

Sent from my iPhone using

Cmon Golfer. If you are so damn smart, you know better!

Presidents do NOT hire people in the private sector. But, what they do, is create POLICIES that give the private sector confidence to expand. Expansion is the mothers milk of the economy, because not only does it increase GDP, and because if it is manufacturing, this means the machinery is now newer, raising productivity, thus our standard of living. This is EXACTLY why almost 50% of our population used to work in farming, and now it is less than 7%! It is also why we now enjoy such cheap food!

What Trump has done, is created a rush due to pent up demand for rapid expansion by killing regs, and lowering corporate taxes. If you are as smart as you claim, YOU KNOW THIS! By fast tracking everything he can that government used to hold up, he has added to the economy by just allowing projects that were held in limbo waiting for approval.

Know why your neck of the woods FLORIDA booms, while California stagnates?

Because in Florida, it takes less than 2 years to get approval for a sub-division. In some parts, less than 18 months. In California, it takes almost 10 YEARS! To build a damn road in California, almost 15 YEARS!

Now this is the power of TRUMP! Not in the states, that is up to them. But those who wish to participate in the expansion can, if they want to get the hell out of the peoples way. If they do NOT, then their people flee to greener pastures, and as we can see from New Jersey, Illinois, and California; that is exactly what people are doing!
Florida? Lol
California's GDP growth In the last 10 years outpaced Florida's by 6 times. So much for less bureaucracy.


1- fifth largest economy, we compete with big countries.

2. California outpaced the US GDP growth.

3. Creation of jobs we outpaced most of the states.

And that's despite doing the opposite of everything the idiot in chief suggests...we going green and concentrating on the future.

Good for you. Hope Trump dumps thousands of illegals in your sanctuary State.

Oh and go green. It will cost you millions. Not all Cali taxpayers are interested in your green shit.

I live in Florida and my State is doing great. We have a great Governor who knows how to get things done. Your Governor is a lefty loon who doesn't care about anyone in his State.

Oh and the idiot in chief is doing a great job. He will win in 2020 and give your stupid ass four more years to moan, groan and complain.

Lol all you do is ramble, no substance.
Florida is ranked as the third state when it comes to illegals because it also has sanctuary cities and that's under the GOO radar. You didnt know that I guess.

No rambling on my end. And yes. I know it quite well. We have loads of illegals in this State.

I hope Trump busses thousands of illegals to any sanctuary cities in Florida. We'll see how long their tax payers want to pay for their useless asses.
Lol UE as you like it to call has been going down so nothing changed...thanks for confirming my point. And the economy was doing good and going upward as well. ;)

Sure it was. Whatever floats your leaky blue boat.

Name one economic indicator that changed direction after the election of Trump...just one...
Trump's Economic Scorecard: One Year Since Election

there's a few. "not as strong as billed" is still an uptick also.

Nothing on that list was a change with maybe the exception of manufacturing jobs created, which is really not an economic indicator
gdp did rise, but it wasn't as strong as billed.

is that not still growth?

yes that is growth, but is it all that different than the previous years, with again the possible exception of 2016.

I do not think it is an insult to Trump to say things kept going the way they had been.
Sure it was. Whatever floats your leaky blue boat.

Name one economic indicator that changed direction after the election of Trump...just one...
Trump's Economic Scorecard: One Year Since Election

there's a few. "not as strong as billed" is still an uptick also.

Nothing on that list was a change with maybe the exception of manufacturing jobs created, which is really not an economic indicator
gdp did rise, but it wasn't as strong as billed.

is that not still growth?

yes that is growth, but is it all that different than the previous years, with again the possible exception of 2016.

I do not think it is an insult to Trump to say things kept going the way they had been.
not at all. i was just looking for ONE thing. :) i don't know economics enough to dive in as deep as y'all have gone.
Why do either deserve the credit? Why not give the credit to the companies actually hiring people.

Sent from my iPhone using

Cmon Golfer. If you are so damn smart, you know better!

Presidents do NOT hire people in the private sector. But, what they do, is create POLICIES that give the private sector confidence to expand. Expansion is the mothers milk of the economy, because not only does it increase GDP, and because if it is manufacturing, this means the machinery is now newer, raising productivity, thus our standard of living. This is EXACTLY why almost 50% of our population used to work in farming, and now it is less than 7%! It is also why we now enjoy such cheap food!

What Trump has done, is created a rush due to pent up demand for rapid expansion by killing regs, and lowering corporate taxes. If you are as smart as you claim, YOU KNOW THIS! By fast tracking everything he can that government used to hold up, he has added to the economy by just allowing projects that were held in limbo waiting for approval.

Know why your neck of the woods FLORIDA booms, while California stagnates?

Because in Florida, it takes less than 2 years to get approval for a sub-division. In some parts, less than 18 months. In California, it takes almost 10 YEARS! To build a damn road in California, almost 15 YEARS!

Now this is the power of TRUMP! Not in the states, that is up to them. But those who wish to participate in the expansion can, if they want to get the hell out of the peoples way. If they do NOT, then their people flee to greener pastures, and as we can see from New Jersey, Illinois, and California; that is exactly what people are doing!
Florida? Lol
California's GDP growth In the last 10 years outpaced Florida's by 6 times. So much for less bureaucracy.


1- fifth largest economy, we compete with big countries.

2. California outpaced the US GDP growth.

3. Creation of jobs we outpaced most of the states.

And that's despite doing the opposite of everything the idiot in chief suggests...we going green and concentrating on the future.

Good for you. Hope Trump dumps thousands of illegals in your sanctuary State.

Oh and go green. It will cost you millions. Not all Cali taxpayers are interested in your green shit.

I live in Florida and my State is doing great. We have a great Governor who knows how to get things done. Your Governor is a lefty loon who doesn't care about anyone in his State.

Oh and the idiot in chief is doing a great job. He will win in 2020 and give your stupid ass four more years to moan, groan and complain.

Lol all you do is ramble, no substance.
Florida is ranked as the third state when it comes to illegals because it also has sanctuary cities and that's under the GOO radar. You didnt know that I guess.

No rambling on my end. And yes. I know it quite well. We have loads of illegals in this State.

I hope Trump busses thousands of illegals to any sanctuary cities in Florida. We'll see how long their tax payers want to pay for their useless asses.
Lol he just promised your governor he wont do that. What's your take now ?
/——/ You keep turning investing 101 into something about Trump. And you ignored my response about the S&P and Russell proving you have no idea what I was talking about.

your response ignored the question, so yep I did ignore your response.

This is not about your or mine investing, this is about market performance, nothing else. you can make all the claims you like about being the most awesome investor ever, but it is all just talk on the internet since you cannot provide any evidence to support it.

Market performance on the other hand we can look at actual facts and compare the performance for one time period to another or to its historical performance, but you will not do that. You cannot do that.

You told me to look at the S&P and the Russell 2000...I gave you the performance for each over the last 16 months and you changed the subject because it did not fit your narrative that Trump is god.

So, one more time...

Is 1.92% growth over 16 months good performance from the S&P? A simple yes or no will do.

Is a loss of 3.7% over the last 16 months good performance for the Russell 2000? A simple yes or no will do.
/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?
/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.
/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

But Trump is not a god and yet you worship seem very confused.
/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

But Trump is not a god and yet you worship seem very confused.

Golfing is using semantics. He is obviously a LEFTIST, who pretends to be a Libertarian!

The fact remains-----------------> Simple question...……...what was the average of the last 2 years of Obama/Biden? What is it the 1st 2 years of Trump/Pence?

Now Golfing is going to tell you...……...along with Leftists, that the Obama growth in % was way bigger, from where they started...…….and that is true! But what they do NOT tell you is---------->what is harder----------------->to LOWER unemployment from 10 or 12% to 5 or 6, or lower 5 or 6 to 3 or 4! The lower the number, the harder it is, just as if you were bailing a boat full of water. To get it out of the bottom, is far more difficult then just using a pail to throw water out at the top!

Where these people do NOT want you to look, is the statistics on people who were claiming S.S. disability, and now magically they are cured. Or the amount of people who were on foodstamps when Obama left office, and now because of better employment, magically they too have disappeared. They don't want you to look at the poll that says...…..71% of Americans think it is an excellent time to get a BETTER JOB; and that number hasn't been seen for over 45 years. That number highlights the confidence in the economy.

Now they want to tell you all about how this is REALLY the Obama economy, lol. Make them tell you where the money came from for these businesses to expand and hire people-) What did Obama DO for business in his last 4 years, to help them expand?!?!?!

And then we have the Mighty Golfer, who talks about the stockmarket.

Lets see how SMART you conservatives are, which if you are correct, will make the Mighty Golfer cringe in despair!

QUESTION--------------> Who REMEMBERS the QE program, you know the one where the Feds were printing money hand over fist during the Obama years for the purpose of buying up bad debts, and supposedly supplying capital for expansion?

Now then Conservatives------------------>where did EVERY financial publication from Left or Right, REPORT where most of that QE money was going? You know, the untold BILLIONS they were printing quarterly!

WINNER, WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER...…...that is correct, the STOCK MARKET! And when you have BILLIONS chasing stocks, what happens? Does it go UP, or does it go DOWN-) Law of supply and demand you know; economics 101-)

And yet, Trump takes over, and the market continued to rise, even AFTER there was no more QE! Why is that, without the MASSIVE INFLUX of money from the Fed?

I don't have to tell you, but if I was you, I would ask the Charming and Delightful Gator why he neglected to bring up all the puffing of the market with QE when he started his rant, lol! Not to mention, did he REMIND you that until Trump put his foot down, interest rates BEGAN TO RISE because of the Fed?!?!?!

And, what EXACTLY does rising interest rates do to the markets, especially stocks? Look up the historical data, lol.

So when these people try and tell you that Obama did this, LAUGH at them hysterically! Obama's economy was sooooooooo bad, the Fed did much of NOTHING with interest rates for 8 years, because it would TANK the economy! It was soooooooo bad, they kept QE going infinitum to bolster the markets, and keep liquidity in the economy. This is NOT a guess, this is FACT!

CONSIDER-------------> With the removal of QE, the Market SHOULD have settled back to reality, and the REAL cost evaluation should have taken over; and yet it did NOT. WHY NOT? Because Trumps policies PUSHED the markets HIGHER as confidence returned.

Golfing is correct, the markets TELL the story! It is just you have to know the variables to look at, lol. Either he doesn't know, or he DOES know, and is hoping he can pull the wool over your eyes-)
/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

But Trump is not a god and yet you worship seem very confused.

Golfing is using semantics. He is obviously a LEFTIST, who pretends to be a Libertarian!

The fact remains-----------------> Simple question...……...what was the average of the last 2 years of Obama/Biden? What is it the 1st 2 years of Trump/Pence?

Now Golfing is going to tell you...……...along with Leftists, that the Obama growth in % was way bigger, from where they started...…….and that is true! But what they do NOT tell you is---------->what is harder----------------->to LOWER unemployment from 10 or 12% to 5 or 6, or lower 5 or 6 to 3 or 4! The lower the number, the harder it is, just as if you were bailing a boat full of water. To get it out of the bottom, is far more difficult then just using a pail to throw water out at the top!

Where these people do NOT want you to look, is the statistics on people who were claiming S.S. disability, and now magically they are cured. Or the amount of people who were on foodstamps when Obama left office, and now because of better employment, magically they too have disappeared. They don't want you to look at the poll that says...…..71% of Americans think it is an excellent time to get a BETTER JOB; and that number hasn't been seen for over 45 years. That number highlights the confidence in the economy.

Now they want to tell you all about how this is REALLY the Obama economy, lol. Make them tell you where the money came from for these businesses to expand and hire people-) What did Obama DO for business in his last 4 years, to help them expand?!?!?!

And then we have the Mighty Golfer, who talks about the stockmarket.

Lets see how SMART you conservatives are, which if you are correct, will make the Mighty Golfer cringe in despair!

QUESTION--------------> Who REMEMBERS the QE program, you know the one where the Feds were printing money hand over fist during the Obama years for the purpose of buying up bad debts, and supposedly supplying capital for expansion?

Now then Conservatives------------------>where did EVERY financial publication from Left or Right, REPORT where most of that QE money was going? You know, the untold BILLIONS they were printing quarterly!

WINNER, WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER...…...that is correct, the STOCK MARKET! And when you have BILLIONS chasing stocks, what happens? Does it go UP, or does it go DOWN-) Law of supply and demand you know; economics 101-)

And yet, Trump takes over, and the market continued to rise, even AFTER there was no more QE! Why is that, without the MASSIVE INFLUX of money from the Fed?

I don't have to tell you, but if I was you, I would ask the Charming and Delightful Gator why he neglected to bring up all the puffing of the market with QE when he started his rant, lol! Not to mention, did he REMIND you that until Trump put his foot down, interest rates BEGAN TO RISE because of the Fed?!?!?!

And, what EXACTLY does rising interest rates do to the markets, especially stocks? Look up the historical data, lol.

So when these people try and tell you that Obama did this, LAUGH at them hysterically! Obama's economy was sooooooooo bad, the Fed did much of NOTHING with interest rates for 8 years, because it would TANK the economy! It was soooooooo bad, they kept QE going infinitum to bolster the markets, and keep liquidity in the economy. This is NOT a guess, this is FACT!

CONSIDER-------------> With the removal of QE, the Market SHOULD have settled back to reality, and the REAL cost evaluation should have taken over; and yet it did NOT. WHY NOT? Because Trumps policies PUSHED the markets HIGHER as confidence returned.

Golfing is correct, the markets TELL the story! It is just you have to know the variables to look at, lol. Either he doesn't know, or he DOES know, and is hoping he can pull the wool over your eyes-)

you mean the QE program that Trump keeps begging for from the Fed? That QE program?
/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

But Trump is not a god and yet you worship seem very confused.

Golfing is using semantics. He is obviously a LEFTIST, who pretends to be a Libertarian!

The fact remains-----------------> Simple question...……...what was the average of the last 2 years of Obama/Biden? What is it the 1st 2 years of Trump/Pence?

Now Golfing is going to tell you...……...along with Leftists, that the Obama growth in % was way bigger, from where they started...…….and that is true! But what they do NOT tell you is---------->what is harder----------------->to LOWER unemployment from 10 or 12% to 5 or 6, or lower 5 or 6 to 3 or 4! The lower the number, the harder it is, just as if you were bailing a boat full of water. To get it out of the bottom, is far more difficult then just using a pail to throw water out at the top!

Where these people do NOT want you to look, is the statistics on people who were claiming S.S. disability, and now magically they are cured. Or the amount of people who were on foodstamps when Obama left office, and now because of better employment, magically they too have disappeared. They don't want you to look at the poll that says...…..71% of Americans think it is an excellent time to get a BETTER JOB; and that number hasn't been seen for over 45 years. That number highlights the confidence in the economy.

Now they want to tell you all about how this is REALLY the Obama economy, lol. Make them tell you where the money came from for these businesses to expand and hire people-) What did Obama DO for business in his last 4 years, to help them expand?!?!?!

And then we have the Mighty Golfer, who talks about the stockmarket.

Lets see how SMART you conservatives are, which if you are correct, will make the Mighty Golfer cringe in despair!

QUESTION--------------> Who REMEMBERS the QE program, you know the one where the Feds were printing money hand over fist during the Obama years for the purpose of buying up bad debts, and supposedly supplying capital for expansion?

Now then Conservatives------------------>where did EVERY financial publication from Left or Right, REPORT where most of that QE money was going? You know, the untold BILLIONS they were printing quarterly!

WINNER, WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER...…...that is correct, the STOCK MARKET! And when you have BILLIONS chasing stocks, what happens? Does it go UP, or does it go DOWN-) Law of supply and demand you know; economics 101-)

And yet, Trump takes over, and the market continued to rise, even AFTER there was no more QE! Why is that, without the MASSIVE INFLUX of money from the Fed?

I don't have to tell you, but if I was you, I would ask the Charming and Delightful Gator why he neglected to bring up all the puffing of the market with QE when he started his rant, lol! Not to mention, did he REMIND you that until Trump put his foot down, interest rates BEGAN TO RISE because of the Fed?!?!?!

And, what EXACTLY does rising interest rates do to the markets, especially stocks? Look up the historical data, lol.

So when these people try and tell you that Obama did this, LAUGH at them hysterically! Obama's economy was sooooooooo bad, the Fed did much of NOTHING with interest rates for 8 years, because it would TANK the economy! It was soooooooo bad, they kept QE going infinitum to bolster the markets, and keep liquidity in the economy. This is NOT a guess, this is FACT!

CONSIDER-------------> With the removal of QE, the Market SHOULD have settled back to reality, and the REAL cost evaluation should have taken over; and yet it did NOT. WHY NOT? Because Trumps policies PUSHED the markets HIGHER as confidence returned.

Golfing is correct, the markets TELL the story! It is just you have to know the variables to look at, lol. Either he doesn't know, or he DOES know, and is hoping he can pull the wool over your eyes-)

Food stamp usage peaked in 2013 and has been coming down ever since, it did not speed up under Trump...

/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

But Trump is not a god and yet you worship seem very confused.

Golfing is using semantics. He is obviously a LEFTIST, who pretends to be a Libertarian!

The fact remains-----------------> Simple question...……...what was the average of the last 2 years of Obama/Biden? What is it the 1st 2 years of Trump/Pence?

Now Golfing is going to tell you...……...along with Leftists, that the Obama growth in % was way bigger, from where they started...…….and that is true! But what they do NOT tell you is---------->what is harder----------------->to LOWER unemployment from 10 or 12% to 5 or 6, or lower 5 or 6 to 3 or 4! The lower the number, the harder it is, just as if you were bailing a boat full of water. To get it out of the bottom, is far more difficult then just using a pail to throw water out at the top!

Where these people do NOT want you to look, is the statistics on people who were claiming S.S. disability, and now magically they are cured. Or the amount of people who were on foodstamps when Obama left office, and now because of better employment, magically they too have disappeared. They don't want you to look at the poll that says...…..71% of Americans think it is an excellent time to get a BETTER JOB; and that number hasn't been seen for over 45 years. That number highlights the confidence in the economy.

Now they want to tell you all about how this is REALLY the Obama economy, lol. Make them tell you where the money came from for these businesses to expand and hire people-) What did Obama DO for business in his last 4 years, to help them expand?!?!?!

And then we have the Mighty Golfer, who talks about the stockmarket.

Lets see how SMART you conservatives are, which if you are correct, will make the Mighty Golfer cringe in despair!

QUESTION--------------> Who REMEMBERS the QE program, you know the one where the Feds were printing money hand over fist during the Obama years for the purpose of buying up bad debts, and supposedly supplying capital for expansion?

Now then Conservatives------------------>where did EVERY financial publication from Left or Right, REPORT where most of that QE money was going? You know, the untold BILLIONS they were printing quarterly!

WINNER, WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER...…...that is correct, the STOCK MARKET! And when you have BILLIONS chasing stocks, what happens? Does it go UP, or does it go DOWN-) Law of supply and demand you know; economics 101-)

And yet, Trump takes over, and the market continued to rise, even AFTER there was no more QE! Why is that, without the MASSIVE INFLUX of money from the Fed?

I don't have to tell you, but if I was you, I would ask the Charming and Delightful Gator why he neglected to bring up all the puffing of the market with QE when he started his rant, lol! Not to mention, did he REMIND you that until Trump put his foot down, interest rates BEGAN TO RISE because of the Fed?!?!?!

And, what EXACTLY does rising interest rates do to the markets, especially stocks? Look up the historical data, lol.

So when these people try and tell you that Obama did this, LAUGH at them hysterically! Obama's economy was sooooooooo bad, the Fed did much of NOTHING with interest rates for 8 years, because it would TANK the economy! It was soooooooo bad, they kept QE going infinitum to bolster the markets, and keep liquidity in the economy. This is NOT a guess, this is FACT!

CONSIDER-------------> With the removal of QE, the Market SHOULD have settled back to reality, and the REAL cost evaluation should have taken over; and yet it did NOT. WHY NOT? Because Trumps policies PUSHED the markets HIGHER as confidence returned.

Golfing is correct, the markets TELL the story! It is just you have to know the variables to look at, lol. Either he doesn't know, or he DOES know, and is hoping he can pull the wool over your eyes-)

SS disability...peaked in 2012, coming down every since. did not speed up under Trump

/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

But Trump is not a god and yet you worship seem very confused.

Golfing is using semantics. He is obviously a LEFTIST, who pretends to be a Libertarian!

The fact remains-----------------> Simple question...……...what was the average of the last 2 years of Obama/Biden? What is it the 1st 2 years of Trump/Pence?

Now Golfing is going to tell you...……...along with Leftists, that the Obama growth in % was way bigger, from where they started...…….and that is true! But what they do NOT tell you is---------->what is harder----------------->to LOWER unemployment from 10 or 12% to 5 or 6, or lower 5 or 6 to 3 or 4! The lower the number, the harder it is, just as if you were bailing a boat full of water. To get it out of the bottom, is far more difficult then just using a pail to throw water out at the top!

Where these people do NOT want you to look, is the statistics on people who were claiming S.S. disability, and now magically they are cured. Or the amount of people who were on foodstamps when Obama left office, and now because of better employment, magically they too have disappeared. They don't want you to look at the poll that says...…..71% of Americans think it is an excellent time to get a BETTER JOB; and that number hasn't been seen for over 45 years. That number highlights the confidence in the economy.

Now they want to tell you all about how this is REALLY the Obama economy, lol. Make them tell you where the money came from for these businesses to expand and hire people-) What did Obama DO for business in his last 4 years, to help them expand?!?!?!

And then we have the Mighty Golfer, who talks about the stockmarket.

Lets see how SMART you conservatives are, which if you are correct, will make the Mighty Golfer cringe in despair!

QUESTION--------------> Who REMEMBERS the QE program, you know the one where the Feds were printing money hand over fist during the Obama years for the purpose of buying up bad debts, and supposedly supplying capital for expansion?

Now then Conservatives------------------>where did EVERY financial publication from Left or Right, REPORT where most of that QE money was going? You know, the untold BILLIONS they were printing quarterly!

WINNER, WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER...…...that is correct, the STOCK MARKET! And when you have BILLIONS chasing stocks, what happens? Does it go UP, or does it go DOWN-) Law of supply and demand you know; economics 101-)

And yet, Trump takes over, and the market continued to rise, even AFTER there was no more QE! Why is that, without the MASSIVE INFLUX of money from the Fed?

I don't have to tell you, but if I was you, I would ask the Charming and Delightful Gator why he neglected to bring up all the puffing of the market with QE when he started his rant, lol! Not to mention, did he REMIND you that until Trump put his foot down, interest rates BEGAN TO RISE because of the Fed?!?!?!

And, what EXACTLY does rising interest rates do to the markets, especially stocks? Look up the historical data, lol.

So when these people try and tell you that Obama did this, LAUGH at them hysterically! Obama's economy was sooooooooo bad, the Fed did much of NOTHING with interest rates for 8 years, because it would TANK the economy! It was soooooooo bad, they kept QE going infinitum to bolster the markets, and keep liquidity in the economy. This is NOT a guess, this is FACT!

CONSIDER-------------> With the removal of QE, the Market SHOULD have settled back to reality, and the REAL cost evaluation should have taken over; and yet it did NOT. WHY NOT? Because Trumps policies PUSHED the markets HIGHER as confidence returned.

Golfing is correct, the markets TELL the story! It is just you have to know the variables to look at, lol. Either he doesn't know, or he DOES know, and is hoping he can pull the wool over your eyes-)

The Fed raised the rates twice since the market stagnated...Sept and Dec.

The one in Sept the DJI was up .61% 1 week after the rise.

The one in Dec the DJI was down 3.37 1 week after the rise.

Neither account for the 16 months of stagnation that we have experience in all of the financial markets.
/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

But Trump is not a god and yet you worship seem very confused.

Golfing is using semantics. He is obviously a LEFTIST, who pretends to be a Libertarian!

The fact remains-----------------> Simple question...……...what was the average of the last 2 years of Obama/Biden? What is it the 1st 2 years of Trump/Pence?

Now Golfing is going to tell you...……...along with Leftists, that the Obama growth in % was way bigger, from where they started...…….and that is true! But what they do NOT tell you is---------->what is harder----------------->to LOWER unemployment from 10 or 12% to 5 or 6, or lower 5 or 6 to 3 or 4! The lower the number, the harder it is, just as if you were bailing a boat full of water. To get it out of the bottom, is far more difficult then just using a pail to throw water out at the top!

Where these people do NOT want you to look, is the statistics on people who were claiming S.S. disability, and now magically they are cured. Or the amount of people who were on foodstamps when Obama left office, and now because of better employment, magically they too have disappeared. They don't want you to look at the poll that says...…..71% of Americans think it is an excellent time to get a BETTER JOB; and that number hasn't been seen for over 45 years. That number highlights the confidence in the economy.

Now they want to tell you all about how this is REALLY the Obama economy, lol. Make them tell you where the money came from for these businesses to expand and hire people-) What did Obama DO for business in his last 4 years, to help them expand?!?!?!

And then we have the Mighty Golfer, who talks about the stockmarket.

Lets see how SMART you conservatives are, which if you are correct, will make the Mighty Golfer cringe in despair!

QUESTION--------------> Who REMEMBERS the QE program, you know the one where the Feds were printing money hand over fist during the Obama years for the purpose of buying up bad debts, and supposedly supplying capital for expansion?

Now then Conservatives------------------>where did EVERY financial publication from Left or Right, REPORT where most of that QE money was going? You know, the untold BILLIONS they were printing quarterly!

WINNER, WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER...…...that is correct, the STOCK MARKET! And when you have BILLIONS chasing stocks, what happens? Does it go UP, or does it go DOWN-) Law of supply and demand you know; economics 101-)

And yet, Trump takes over, and the market continued to rise, even AFTER there was no more QE! Why is that, without the MASSIVE INFLUX of money from the Fed?

I don't have to tell you, but if I was you, I would ask the Charming and Delightful Gator why he neglected to bring up all the puffing of the market with QE when he started his rant, lol! Not to mention, did he REMIND you that until Trump put his foot down, interest rates BEGAN TO RISE because of the Fed?!?!?!

And, what EXACTLY does rising interest rates do to the markets, especially stocks? Look up the historical data, lol.

So when these people try and tell you that Obama did this, LAUGH at them hysterically! Obama's economy was sooooooooo bad, the Fed did much of NOTHING with interest rates for 8 years, because it would TANK the economy! It was soooooooo bad, they kept QE going infinitum to bolster the markets, and keep liquidity in the economy. This is NOT a guess, this is FACT!

CONSIDER-------------> With the removal of QE, the Market SHOULD have settled back to reality, and the REAL cost evaluation should have taken over; and yet it did NOT. WHY NOT? Because Trumps policies PUSHED the markets HIGHER as confidence returned.

Golfing is correct, the markets TELL the story! It is just you have to know the variables to look at, lol. Either he doesn't know, or he DOES know, and is hoping he can pull the wool over your eyes-)

you mean the QE program that Trump keeps begging for from the Fed? That QE program?

I read ALL of your posts to me, and I love how you are spinning, pretty good for a rookie-)

NOTICE folks, how he NEVER addressed the fact that the market was INFLATED by QE; even by his own Leftist financial people, lol.

So here is what he is basically avoiding telling you--------------> The MARKET WAS INFLATED by QE. The share price was outrageous by any historical norm.


ANSWER--------------->Because of the LOW interest rates, there was no where for the money to go. Since NOBODY (exaggeration, actually few) businesses were going to invest in expansion, the QE money went into the market, pushing it waaaaaaaaaay past historical norms in risk/return ratios, but it was the only game in town.

Logically, once QE was removed from the equation, the market SHOULD have dipped overall, back to its historical ratios. THAT DIDN'T happen!

Why not?

Because of the TRUMP POLICIES, and that is what Golfer doesn't want to tell you! Realistically, we should have LOST 10 to 15% on the correction, since Fed money was no longer being pumped in. The only money being pumped into the market, was no REAL money, REAL savings, not money created out of thin air in QE.

To understand the concept, you have to understand what QE was! What it was is simple------------------>the government PRINTING money to buy up bad debt, and also to add LIQUIDITY in the economy where there was little. People were afraid, very afraid, because nobody knew what the hell Obama was going to do next. His governance was the closest thing to anti business, and over regulation, that this country had ever seen. Instead of investing in new machines, people were investing in the market, since at any given moment, Obama could do ANYTHING, and their investment in machinery, could become a huge loss!

When Trump took office, he put us back on a more NORMAL way of doing things. Confidence in the government NOT changing policies (think Obysmalcare) returned, and people went back to the market, knowing what they were going to get.

The surprise is NOT that the market has grown, or stayed stagnant, but rather without QE, it didn't tank! That is a testimony that WE are on the correct path, for by removing BILLIONS of free influx dollars from the market, it did NOT retreat substantially.

The truth is-------------> total QE was massive, and virtually ALL financial experts; left and right, have stated that over 60% went into the market. NOW REMOVE THAT today, along with no more fed dollars bolstering that market, and where do you think we should have our markets?

Golfer says that Trump is begging for more QE! Maybe he is, and if it happened, where would our markets be now, lol.

And REMEMBER--------------->under the Obama Administration and QE, it has been reported REPEATEDLEY, that the rich got waaaaaaaaay richer, and income disparity rose.


Because the rich had ACCESS to QE financing, we regular people did not! And what did they do? Invest in the market, pushing it ever higher, because buying new machinery under Obama, was like buying a new car today, only to discover tomorrow, gasoline might be outlawed!

This Golfing guy is SPINNING like a top! Look into what I have stated, and you will shut him up faster than Helen Keller-)
/—-/ OK, to be clear, I don’t care about market performance. I can make money in any market. I don’t give a rat’s azz about market averages. Am I being clear? I don’t have any negative things to say about Trump. Savvy that?

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

I never asked what you cared about, why do you feel the need to tell me?

And yes, I savvy that you worship Trump and could never say an ill word about him
/—-/ I worship God, not any man. And you did ask me if I cared about market averages.

But Trump is not a god and yet you worship seem very confused.

Golfing is using semantics. He is obviously a LEFTIST, who pretends to be a Libertarian!

The fact remains-----------------> Simple question...……...what was the average of the last 2 years of Obama/Biden? What is it the 1st 2 years of Trump/Pence?

Now Golfing is going to tell you...……...along with Leftists, that the Obama growth in % was way bigger, from where they started...…….and that is true! But what they do NOT tell you is---------->what is harder----------------->to LOWER unemployment from 10 or 12% to 5 or 6, or lower 5 or 6 to 3 or 4! The lower the number, the harder it is, just as if you were bailing a boat full of water. To get it out of the bottom, is far more difficult then just using a pail to throw water out at the top!

Where these people do NOT want you to look, is the statistics on people who were claiming S.S. disability, and now magically they are cured. Or the amount of people who were on foodstamps when Obama left office, and now because of better employment, magically they too have disappeared. They don't want you to look at the poll that says...…..71% of Americans think it is an excellent time to get a BETTER JOB; and that number hasn't been seen for over 45 years. That number highlights the confidence in the economy.

Now they want to tell you all about how this is REALLY the Obama economy, lol. Make them tell you where the money came from for these businesses to expand and hire people-) What did Obama DO for business in his last 4 years, to help them expand?!?!?!

And then we have the Mighty Golfer, who talks about the stockmarket.

Lets see how SMART you conservatives are, which if you are correct, will make the Mighty Golfer cringe in despair!

QUESTION--------------> Who REMEMBERS the QE program, you know the one where the Feds were printing money hand over fist during the Obama years for the purpose of buying up bad debts, and supposedly supplying capital for expansion?

Now then Conservatives------------------>where did EVERY financial publication from Left or Right, REPORT where most of that QE money was going? You know, the untold BILLIONS they were printing quarterly!

WINNER, WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER...…...that is correct, the STOCK MARKET! And when you have BILLIONS chasing stocks, what happens? Does it go UP, or does it go DOWN-) Law of supply and demand you know; economics 101-)

And yet, Trump takes over, and the market continued to rise, even AFTER there was no more QE! Why is that, without the MASSIVE INFLUX of money from the Fed?

I don't have to tell you, but if I was you, I would ask the Charming and Delightful Gator why he neglected to bring up all the puffing of the market with QE when he started his rant, lol! Not to mention, did he REMIND you that until Trump put his foot down, interest rates BEGAN TO RISE because of the Fed?!?!?!

And, what EXACTLY does rising interest rates do to the markets, especially stocks? Look up the historical data, lol.

So when these people try and tell you that Obama did this, LAUGH at them hysterically! Obama's economy was sooooooooo bad, the Fed did much of NOTHING with interest rates for 8 years, because it would TANK the economy! It was soooooooo bad, they kept QE going infinitum to bolster the markets, and keep liquidity in the economy. This is NOT a guess, this is FACT!

CONSIDER-------------> With the removal of QE, the Market SHOULD have settled back to reality, and the REAL cost evaluation should have taken over; and yet it did NOT. WHY NOT? Because Trumps policies PUSHED the markets HIGHER as confidence returned.

Golfing is correct, the markets TELL the story! It is just you have to know the variables to look at, lol. Either he doesn't know, or he DOES know, and is hoping he can pull the wool over your eyes-)

you mean the QE program that Trump keeps begging for from the Fed? That QE program?

I read ALL of your posts to me, and I love how you are spinning, pretty good for a rookie-)

NOTICE folks, how he NEVER addressed the fact that the market was INFLATED by QE; even by his own Leftist financial people, lol.

So here is what he is basically avoiding telling you--------------> The MARKET WAS INFLATED by QE. The share price was outrageous by any historical norm.


ANSWER--------------->Because of the LOW interest rates, there was no where for the money to go. Since NOBODY (exaggeration, actually few) businesses were going to invest in expansion, the QE money went into the market, pushing it waaaaaaaaaay past historical norms in risk/return ratios, but it was the only game in town.

Logically, once QE was removed from the equation, the market SHOULD have dipped overall, back to its historical ratios. THAT DIDN'T happen!

Why not?

Because of the TRUMP POLICIES, and that is what Golfer doesn't want to tell you! Realistically, we should have LOST 10 to 15% on the correction, since Fed money was no longer being pumped in. The only money being pumped into the market, was no REAL money, REAL savings, not money created out of thin air in QE.

To understand the concept, you have to understand what QE was! What it was is simple------------------>the government PRINTING money to buy up bad debt, and also to add LIQUIDITY in the economy where there was little. People were afraid, very afraid, because nobody knew what the hell Obama was going to do next. His governance was the closest thing to anti business, and over regulation, that this country had ever seen. Instead of investing in new machines, people were investing in the market, since at any given moment, Obama could do ANYTHING, and their investment in machinery, could become a huge loss!

When Trump took office, he put us back on a more NORMAL way of doing things. Confidence in the government NOT changing policies (think Obysmalcare) returned, and people went back to the market, knowing what they were going to get.

The surprise is NOT that the market has grown, or stayed stagnant, but rather without QE, it didn't tank! That is a testimony that WE are on the correct path, for by removing BILLIONS of free influx dollars from the market, it did NOT retreat substantially.

The truth is-------------> total QE was massive, and virtually ALL financial experts; left and right, have stated that over 60% went into the market. NOW REMOVE THAT today, along with no more fed dollars bolstering that market, and where do you think we should have our markets?

Golfer says that Trump is begging for more QE! Maybe he is, and if it happened, where would our markets be now, lol.

And REMEMBER--------------->under the Obama Administration and QE, it has been reported REPEATEDLEY, that the rich got waaaaaaaaay richer, and income disparity rose.


Because the rich had ACCESS to QE financing, we regular people did not! And what did they do? Invest in the market, pushing it ever higher, because buying new machinery under Obama, was like buying a new car today, only to discover tomorrow, gasoline might be outlawed!

This Golfing guy is SPINNING like a top! Look into what I have stated, and you will shut him up faster than Helen Keller-)

QE 3, the final QE, ended in Oct 2014, after 10 months of tapering. There was a correction at that time, over the next 12 months the DJI lost 4.52%, the S&P lost 2.46% and the NASDAQ gained 3.56%. That had long ended before Trump even won the election let alone put any policies into place.

There was a nice big boost after Trump's win on the optimism of what he might do. After about a year, once Trump tired of playing golf and holding pep rallies and decided to start a trade war, that came to a screeching halt and we have had stagnation ever since in all of the markets.
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