President Trump's rally in Pennsylvania

LMAO You sure are a whiny little shit.

Guess you don't like a great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all across the country??

That obese orange filth has done a damned fine job.

Well enough Americans like him to get him elected and he will win in 2020. Buckle up you piece of filth. Its gonna be a bumpy ride. You will have four more years to moan, groan, complain and look for something to hang on Trump.

Filth is what you are.

The UE rate was 4.7% when Trump took over. The fact is that Republicans have gone over to the alt-right and independents will abandon Trump. You are the only piece of filth that I see.

Speaking of filth?? That would be you.

As I said. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump improved on it greatly.

The current UE is 3.6 % That's better than 4.7%. Both are good and both Barry and Trump deserve the credit.

Go be a filthy bitch somewhere else.

Why do either deserve the credit? Why not give the credit to the companies actually hiring people.

Sent from my iPhone using
I didn't vote for either....but Obama did put measures to help the economy after he was handed a catastrophe. The orange, by all measures he is fucking it up, with his trade wars and unstable governing, and childish behaviors that can negatively affect the market.....but like you said the hard working men and women of this country are not going by what the toddler in chief is business as usual.

Well for fucking up the economy is doing pretty damned good.

As for Barry? He spent his first term and a half hanging the AOC around the necks of the tax payers. He never even looked at the economy till he got that done.

While he was POTUS the economy was in the toilet and UE was through the roof.

He finally decided to get off his dead ass and do something. Which he did. He left Trump a fair hand but Trump has improved on it greatly.

Oh and as for a negative market?? That seems to be doing quite well as well. Oh it has its days where its up and then down. But that's how the market works.

You really are quite stupid and biased.

Carry on dumbass.
Show me what did the orange do , that curved the unemployment rate and economy that was different from the last 6 years. To on. I need numbers and graphs.
Is that why he lost in midterms by 9 million or so votes? And lost by 3 millions to hillary?
That says that most and I mean the majority of Americans dont care for the obese orange filth.

LMAO You sure are a whiny little shit.

Guess you don't like a great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all across the country??

That obese orange filth has done a damned fine job.

Well enough Americans like him to get him elected and he will win in 2020. Buckle up you piece of filth. Its gonna be a bumpy ride. You will have four more years to moan, groan, complain and look for something to hang on Trump.

Filth is what you are.

The UE rate was 4.7% when Trump took over. The fact is that Republicans have gone over to the alt-right and independents will abandon Trump. You are the only piece of filth that I see.

Speaking of filth?? That would be you.

As I said. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump improved on it greatly.

The current UE is 3.6 % That's better than 4.7%. Both are good and both Barry and Trump deserve the credit.

Go be a filthy bitch somewhere else.

Why do either deserve the credit? Why not give the credit to the companies actually hiring people.

Sent from my iPhone using

Cmon Golfer. If you are so damn smart, you know better!

Presidents do NOT hire people in the private sector. But, what they do, is create POLICIES that give the private sector confidence to expand. Expansion is the mothers milk of the economy, because not only does it increase GDP, and because if it is manufacturing, this means the machinery is now newer, raising productivity, thus our standard of living. This is EXACTLY why almost 50% of our population used to work in farming, and now it is less than 7%! It is also why we now enjoy such cheap food!

What Trump has done, is created a rush due to pent up demand for rapid expansion by killing regs, and lowering corporate taxes. If you are as smart as you claim, YOU KNOW THIS! By fast tracking everything he can that government used to hold up, he has added to the economy by just allowing projects that were held in limbo waiting for approval.

Know why your neck of the woods FLORIDA booms, while California stagnates?

Because in Florida, it takes less than 2 years to get approval for a sub-division. In some parts, less than 18 months. In California, it takes almost 10 YEARS! To build a damn road in California, almost 15 YEARS!

Now this is the power of TRUMP! Not in the states, that is up to them. But those who wish to participate in the expansion can, if they want to get the hell out of the peoples way. If they do NOT, then their people flee to greener pastures, and as we can see from New Jersey, Illinois, and California; that is exactly what people are doing!
Florida? Lol
California's GDP growth In the last 10 years outpaced Florida's by 6 times. So much for less bureaucracy.


1- fifth largest economy, we compete with big countries.

2. California outpaced the US GDP growth.

3. Creation of jobs we outpaced most of the states.

And that's despite doing the opposite of everything the idiot in chief suggests...we going green and concentrating on the future.
LMAO You sure are a whiny little shit.

Guess you don't like a great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all across the country??

That obese orange filth has done a damned fine job.

Well enough Americans like him to get him elected and he will win in 2020. Buckle up you piece of filth. Its gonna be a bumpy ride. You will have four more years to moan, groan, complain and look for something to hang on Trump.

Filth is what you are.

The UE rate was 4.7% when Trump took over. The fact is that Republicans have gone over to the alt-right and independents will abandon Trump. You are the only piece of filth that I see.

Speaking of filth?? That would be you.

As I said. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump improved on it greatly.

The current UE is 3.6 % That's better than 4.7%. Both are good and both Barry and Trump deserve the credit.

Go be a filthy bitch somewhere else.

Why do either deserve the credit? Why not give the credit to the companies actually hiring people.

Sent from my iPhone using

Cmon Golfer. If you are so damn smart, you know better!

Presidents do NOT hire people in the private sector. But, what they do, is create POLICIES that give the private sector confidence to expand. Expansion is the mothers milk of the economy, because not only does it increase GDP, and because if it is manufacturing, this means the machinery is now newer, raising productivity, thus our standard of living. This is EXACTLY why almost 50% of our population used to work in farming, and now it is less than 7%! It is also why we now enjoy such cheap food!

What Trump has done, is created a rush due to pent up demand for rapid expansion by killing regs, and lowering corporate taxes. If you are as smart as you claim, YOU KNOW THIS! By fast tracking everything he can that government used to hold up, he has added to the economy by just allowing projects that were held in limbo waiting for approval.

Know why your neck of the woods FLORIDA booms, while California stagnates?

Because in Florida, it takes less than 2 years to get approval for a sub-division. In some parts, less than 18 months. In California, it takes almost 10 YEARS! To build a damn road in California, almost 15 YEARS!

Now this is the power of TRUMP! Not in the states, that is up to them. But those who wish to participate in the expansion can, if they want to get the hell out of the peoples way. If they do NOT, then their people flee to greener pastures, and as we can see from New Jersey, Illinois, and California; that is exactly what people are doing!

People are Fleeing California The Lib Tards have it so fucked up there. Texas and Florida are experiencing Population Growth because of it.
Pohahahaha fake news.
Is that why he lost in midterms by 9 million or so votes? And lost by 3 millions to hillary?
That says that most and I mean the majority of Americans dont care for the obese orange filth.

LMAO You sure are a whiny little shit.

Guess you don't like a great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all across the country??

That obese orange filth has done a damned fine job.

Well enough Americans like him to get him elected and he will win in 2020. Buckle up you piece of filth. Its gonna be a bumpy ride. You will have four more years to moan, groan, complain and look for something to hang on Trump.

Filth is what you are.

The UE rate was 4.7% when Trump took over. The fact is that Republicans have gone over to the alt-right and independents will abandon Trump. You are the only piece of filth that I see.

Speaking of filth?? That would be you.

As I said. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump improved on it greatly.

The current UE is 3.6 % That's better than 4.7%. Both are good and both Barry and Trump deserve the credit.

Go be a filthy bitch somewhere else.
You are anything but a woman....i'm sorry to say, but a woman that speaks like is a classless lowlife.
And you just admit it that the economy was well under Obama and it continues to be well, thanks to us hard working americans....because the obese orange filth, all he does he spews hate and insults like you do.
I'm a migrant who works hard and provide jobs on daily basis unlike you. Off to making the economy great as I can bounce between forums spreading your filth and hate which doesn't lower employment by any means.

And listen to how these people think! Come here to make money, then trash Americans who disagree with them.

Fascinating, and the Left promotes them.
Trash the bigots and the racists...most Americans are decent people...trump cult not so much .
Cmon, you started with stagnant, now we're at pretty stagnant, would you prefer kinda stagnant or resembles stagnant. You don't like some of my investments, such is life, stick with the day trading.

So, you are happy with 4% growth over 12 months, is that what you are saying?

It has to suck being such a mindless partisan, you cannot even admit the truth when it might mean a negative towards you guy in the White House.

I truly pity you.

If that fund has done 4% over the last 12 months, I'm fine with it. Others have done better, one has done worse. Do I care if you pity me, absolutely not, I find it funny if anything....dumbass.

you are fine with 4% when it normally averages 16%? Aren't you a sucker! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

if Obama were POTUS you would not be happy with 4%...but now you have to be! Sucks to be you! It really does
/——/ explain why this fund had a 25% return: T. Rowe Price Comm & Tech Investor - n.a.:PRMTX Buy, Sell and Hold Ratings - TheStreet

It has has a 12% return over the last 12 months. 12 months ago it was 101.4 today it is 113.46...a rate of growth of 12.2%...which is below its average for the last 5 years. So even the best of funds are not doing as well as they normally would in this stagnant market.

It is showing 25% YTD because of how much it drooped right before the new year.
/——/ OK Mr Wizard. So 12% isn’t better than it he 4% you whined about? I also posted a link for the top 10. You take your money and divide it equally over the top 5 or 6 and keep adjusting every 6 months. Geeeeze.
/——/ OK Mr Wizard. So 12% isn’t better than it he 4% you whined about? I also posted a link for the top 10. You take your money and divide it equally over the top 5 or 6 and keep adjusting every 6 months. Geeeeze.

while it is sort of cute that you keep trying to make this about me, it is not about me. It is about the market. If you were not such a mindless drone you could admit that the DJI being down just about 1% over 490 days is not a good thing, but you cannot do that.
The UE rate was 4.7% when Trump took over. The fact is that Republicans have gone over to the alt-right and independents will abandon Trump. You are the only piece of filth that I see.

Speaking of filth?? That would be you.

As I said. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump improved on it greatly.

The current UE is 3.6 % That's better than 4.7%. Both are good and both Barry and Trump deserve the credit.

Go be a filthy bitch somewhere else.

Why do either deserve the credit? Why not give the credit to the companies actually hiring people.

Sent from my iPhone using
I didn't vote for either....but Obama did put measures to help the economy after he was handed a catastrophe. The orange, by all measures he is fucking it up, with his trade wars and unstable governing, and childish behaviors that can negatively affect the market.....but like you said the hard working men and women of this country are not going by what the toddler in chief is business as usual.

Well for fucking up the economy is doing pretty damned good.

As for Barry? He spent his first term and a half hanging the AOC around the necks of the tax payers. He never even looked at the economy till he got that done.

While he was POTUS the economy was in the toilet and UE was through the roof.

He finally decided to get off his dead ass and do something. Which he did. He left Trump a fair hand but Trump has improved on it greatly.

Oh and as for a negative market?? That seems to be doing quite well as well. Oh it has its days where its up and then down. But that's how the market works.

You really are quite stupid and biased.

Carry on dumbass.

You call 4.7% a fair hand. That is far more than fair. You are the one who is biased and stupid.

3.6% is better than 4.7% in case your math is rusty. That's UE. The economy wasn't doing that great when he left office. Its doing great now though. Both deserve the credit and unlike your stupid ass I give both credit.
The UE rate was 4.7% when Trump took over. The fact is that Republicans have gone over to the alt-right and independents will abandon Trump. You are the only piece of filth that I see.

Speaking of filth?? That would be you.

As I said. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump improved on it greatly.

The current UE is 3.6 % That's better than 4.7%. Both are good and both Barry and Trump deserve the credit.

Go be a filthy bitch somewhere else.

Why do either deserve the credit? Why not give the credit to the companies actually hiring people.

Sent from my iPhone using
I didn't vote for either....but Obama did put measures to help the economy after he was handed a catastrophe. The orange, by all measures he is fucking it up, with his trade wars and unstable governing, and childish behaviors that can negatively affect the market.....but like you said the hard working men and women of this country are not going by what the toddler in chief is business as usual.

Well for fucking up the economy is doing pretty damned good.

As for Barry? He spent his first term and a half hanging the AOC around the necks of the tax payers. He never even looked at the economy till he got that done.

While he was POTUS the economy was in the toilet and UE was through the roof.

He finally decided to get off his dead ass and do something. Which he did. He left Trump a fair hand but Trump has improved on it greatly.

Oh and as for a negative market?? That seems to be doing quite well as well. Oh it has its days where its up and then down. But that's how the market works.

You really are quite stupid and biased.

Carry on dumbass.
Show me what did the orange do , that curved the unemployment rate and economy that was different from the last 6 years. To on. I need numbers and graphs.

You want em. Go look em up your self dumbass. I'm not your secretary.
LMAO You sure are a whiny little shit.

Guess you don't like a great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all across the country??

That obese orange filth has done a damned fine job.

Well enough Americans like him to get him elected and he will win in 2020. Buckle up you piece of filth. Its gonna be a bumpy ride. You will have four more years to moan, groan, complain and look for something to hang on Trump.

Filth is what you are.

The UE rate was 4.7% when Trump took over. The fact is that Republicans have gone over to the alt-right and independents will abandon Trump. You are the only piece of filth that I see.

Speaking of filth?? That would be you.

As I said. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump improved on it greatly.

The current UE is 3.6 % That's better than 4.7%. Both are good and both Barry and Trump deserve the credit.

Go be a filthy bitch somewhere else.

Why do either deserve the credit? Why not give the credit to the companies actually hiring people.

Sent from my iPhone using

Cmon Golfer. If you are so damn smart, you know better!

Presidents do NOT hire people in the private sector. But, what they do, is create POLICIES that give the private sector confidence to expand. Expansion is the mothers milk of the economy, because not only does it increase GDP, and because if it is manufacturing, this means the machinery is now newer, raising productivity, thus our standard of living. This is EXACTLY why almost 50% of our population used to work in farming, and now it is less than 7%! It is also why we now enjoy such cheap food!

What Trump has done, is created a rush due to pent up demand for rapid expansion by killing regs, and lowering corporate taxes. If you are as smart as you claim, YOU KNOW THIS! By fast tracking everything he can that government used to hold up, he has added to the economy by just allowing projects that were held in limbo waiting for approval.

Know why your neck of the woods FLORIDA booms, while California stagnates?

Because in Florida, it takes less than 2 years to get approval for a sub-division. In some parts, less than 18 months. In California, it takes almost 10 YEARS! To build a damn road in California, almost 15 YEARS!

Now this is the power of TRUMP! Not in the states, that is up to them. But those who wish to participate in the expansion can, if they want to get the hell out of the peoples way. If they do NOT, then their people flee to greener pastures, and as we can see from New Jersey, Illinois, and California; that is exactly what people are doing!
Florida? Lol
California's GDP growth In the last 10 years outpaced Florida's by 6 times. So much for less bureaucracy.


1- fifth largest economy, we compete with big countries.

2. California outpaced the US GDP growth.

3. Creation of jobs we outpaced most of the states.

And that's despite doing the opposite of everything the idiot in chief suggests...we going green and concentrating on the future.

Good for you. Hope Trump dumps thousands of illegals in your sanctuary State.

Oh and go green. It will cost you millions. Not all Cali taxpayers are interested in your green shit.

I live in Florida and my State is doing great. We have a great Governor who knows how to get things done. Your Governor is a lefty loon who doesn't care about anyone in his State.

Oh and the idiot in chief is doing a great job. He will win in 2020 and give your stupid ass four more years to moan, groan and complain.

Show me what did the orange do , that curved the unemployment rate and economy that was different from the last 6 years. To on. I need numbers and graphs.

This is the UE graph for the last few years with all the data removed, just the line. Can anyone show me the sudden amazing change that took place after the election? Can you even point out when Trump took over?

/——/ OK Mr Wizard. So 12% isn’t better than it he 4% you whined about? I also posted a link for the top 10. You take your money and divide it equally over the top 5 or 6 and keep adjusting every 6 months. Geeeeze.

while it is sort of cute that you keep trying to make this about me, it is not about me. It is about the market. If you were not such a mindless drone you could admit that the DJI being down just about 1% over 490 days is not a good thing, but you cannot do that.
/——-/ One more time for you Public School Educated Morin’s. The DOW represents 30 stocks out of thousands. Pros look at the S&P 500 or the Russell 2000. Geeeze what a dolt.
a "democrat" friend of mine (more old school democrat, not liberalpanicdrivenbullshit democrat) went to this rally. she said trump was NOTHING like the media portrayed him. he was well spoken and working through the issues but he did seem to not really have a long term plan. it was more "whatever challenges come we'll face".

and face it - NO ONE is making long term plans today cause that requires teamwork and we're so far from that.

but she did say she won't ever listen to the media about trump again. maybe for those who only rely on the media to judge him - stop?
/——/ OK Mr Wizard. So 12% isn’t better than it he 4% you whined about? I also posted a link for the top 10. You take your money and divide it equally over the top 5 or 6 and keep adjusting every 6 months. Geeeeze.

while it is sort of cute that you keep trying to make this about me, it is not about me. It is about the market. If you were not such a mindless drone you could admit that the DJI being down just about 1% over 490 days is not a good thing, but you cannot do that.
/——-/ One more time for you Public School Educated Morin’s. The DOW represents 30 stocks out of thousands. Pros look at the S&P 500 or the Russell 2000. Geeeze what a dolt.

The S&P is up 1.92% over those same 490 plus days...but your religion will not allow you to admit that sucks either. You have to pretend that 1.92% growth over more than 16 months is amazing and what we would all hope for.

The Russell 2000 is down 3.7% over that same time frame...but again you think that is good, you think negative growth is what we should be shooting for, because you are not allowed to say anything that might be a negative towards your god in the White House
/——/ OK Mr Wizard. So 12% isn’t better than it he 4% you whined about? I also posted a link for the top 10. You take your money and divide it equally over the top 5 or 6 and keep adjusting every 6 months. Geeeeze.

while it is sort of cute that you keep trying to make this about me, it is not about me. It is about the market. If you were not such a mindless drone you could admit that the DJI being down just about 1% over 490 days is not a good thing, but you cannot do that.
/——-/ One more time for you Public School Educated Morin’s. The DOW represents 30 stocks out of thousands. Pros look at the S&P 500 or the Russell 2000. Geeeze what a dolt.

The S&P is up 1.92% over those same 490 plus days...but your religion will not allow you to admit that sucks either. You have to pretend that 1.92% growth over more than 16 months is amazing and what we would all hope for.

The Russell 2000 is down 3.7% over that same time frame...but again you think that is good, you think negative growth is what we should be shooting for, because you are not allowed to say anything that might be a negative towards your god in the White House
/——/ OK Spanky.
/——/ OK Mr Wizard. So 12% isn’t better than it he 4% you whined about? I also posted a link for the top 10. You take your money and divide it equally over the top 5 or 6 and keep adjusting every 6 months. Geeeeze.

while it is sort of cute that you keep trying to make this about me, it is not about me. It is about the market. If you were not such a mindless drone you could admit that the DJI being down just about 1% over 490 days is not a good thing, but you cannot do that.
/——-/ One more time for you Public School Educated Morin’s. The DOW represents 30 stocks out of thousands. Pros look at the S&P 500 or the Russell 2000. Geeeze what a dolt.

The S&P is up 1.92% over those same 490 plus days...but your religion will not allow you to admit that sucks either. You have to pretend that 1.92% growth over more than 16 months is amazing and what we would all hope for.

The Russell 2000 is down 3.7% over that same time frame...but again you think that is good, you think negative growth is what we should be shooting for, because you are not allowed to say anything that might be a negative towards your god in the White House
/——/ OK Spanky.

Thanks for admitting you are not capable of posting anything that might be even slight negative towards Trump...that small bit of honesty from you is refreshing.
/——/ OK Mr Wizard. So 12% isn’t better than it he 4% you whined about? I also posted a link for the top 10. You take your money and divide it equally over the top 5 or 6 and keep adjusting every 6 months. Geeeeze.

while it is sort of cute that you keep trying to make this about me, it is not about me. It is about the market. If you were not such a mindless drone you could admit that the DJI being down just about 1% over 490 days is not a good thing, but you cannot do that.
/——-/ One more time for you Public School Educated Morin’s. The DOW represents 30 stocks out of thousands. Pros look at the S&P 500 or the Russell 2000. Geeeze what a dolt.

The S&P is up 1.92% over those same 490 plus days...but your religion will not allow you to admit that sucks either. You have to pretend that 1.92% growth over more than 16 months is amazing and what we would all hope for.

The Russell 2000 is down 3.7% over that same time frame...but again you think that is good, you think negative growth is what we should be shooting for, because you are not allowed to say anything that might be a negative towards your god in the White House
/——/ OK Spanky.

Thanks for admitting you are not capable of posting anything that might be even slight negative towards Trump...that small bit of honesty from you is refreshing.
/——-/ What does finding high yield funds for retirement have to do with Trump?
while it is sort of cute that you keep trying to make this about me, it is not about me. It is about the market. If you were not such a mindless drone you could admit that the DJI being down just about 1% over 490 days is not a good thing, but you cannot do that.
/——-/ One more time for you Public School Educated Morin’s. The DOW represents 30 stocks out of thousands. Pros look at the S&P 500 or the Russell 2000. Geeeze what a dolt.

The S&P is up 1.92% over those same 490 plus days...but your religion will not allow you to admit that sucks either. You have to pretend that 1.92% growth over more than 16 months is amazing and what we would all hope for.

The Russell 2000 is down 3.7% over that same time frame...but again you think that is good, you think negative growth is what we should be shooting for, because you are not allowed to say anything that might be a negative towards your god in the White House
/——/ OK Spanky.

Thanks for admitting you are not capable of posting anything that might be even slight negative towards Trump...that small bit of honesty from you is refreshing.
/——-/ What does finding high yield funds for retirement have to do with Trump?

Let's try this, a simple yes or no...

Is 1.92% growth over 16 months considered good for the S&P?

Is a loss of 3.7% over 16 months considered good for the Russell 2000?
/——-/ One more time for you Public School Educated Morin’s. The DOW represents 30 stocks out of thousands. Pros look at the S&P 500 or the Russell 2000. Geeeze what a dolt.

The S&P is up 1.92% over those same 490 plus days...but your religion will not allow you to admit that sucks either. You have to pretend that 1.92% growth over more than 16 months is amazing and what we would all hope for.

The Russell 2000 is down 3.7% over that same time frame...but again you think that is good, you think negative growth is what we should be shooting for, because you are not allowed to say anything that might be a negative towards your god in the White House
/——/ OK Spanky.

Thanks for admitting you are not capable of posting anything that might be even slight negative towards Trump...that small bit of honesty from you is refreshing.
/——-/ What does finding high yield funds for retirement have to do with Trump?

Let's try this, a simple yes or no...

Is 1.92% growth over 16 months considered good for the S&P?

Is a loss of 3.7% over 16 months considered good for the Russell 2000?
/——-/ Not if you invest 100% in the S&P or Russell indexes without selling covered calls. But who is dumb enough to do that when there are so many other options?
The S&P is up 1.92% over those same 490 plus days...but your religion will not allow you to admit that sucks either. You have to pretend that 1.92% growth over more than 16 months is amazing and what we would all hope for.

The Russell 2000 is down 3.7% over that same time frame...but again you think that is good, you think negative growth is what we should be shooting for, because you are not allowed to say anything that might be a negative towards your god in the White House
/——/ OK Spanky.

Thanks for admitting you are not capable of posting anything that might be even slight negative towards Trump...that small bit of honesty from you is refreshing.
/——-/ What does finding high yield funds for retirement have to do with Trump?

Let's try this, a simple yes or no...

Is 1.92% growth over 16 months considered good for the S&P?

Is a loss of 3.7% over 16 months considered good for the Russell 2000?
/——-/ Not if you invest 100% in the S&P or Russell indexes without selling covered calls. But who is dumb enough to do that when there are so many other options?

You just cannot do it. Your religion is so strong that you cannot say anything remotely negative about your god in the White house...

too fucking funny.

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