President Trump's rally in Pennsylvania

So were you ecstatic when Obama achieved a 1. 8% GDP? Our economy is better in two years than Obama's 8 years. I suspect that you're one of those welfare recipients that can't stand having to work.

No, I was not. Obama sucked...the 2nd worst POTUS ever. Why is that so hard for you fucking morons to understand?

I have held a job for every day of my life since I was 15 with the exception of 3.5 months I was unemployed in 2011.

Why is it the best you can ever say about Trump is that he is better than Obama.

That is like saying a QB is good because they were better than Ryan Leaf.
All of that has been going on for the last 5 years, it did not start in Jan of 2017.
That's not true at all and you know it....I tried....:dunno:

of course it is fucking true, do you think some magic switch just opened up the day Trump took office? Holy fuck dude.

The UE rate has drooped all of 1.1 percentage points since he took office, not that big of a difference.

Shit had been better for at least 3 years prior to the election, anyone that is not a 100% partisan sheep has to admit that.

Trump is not god, he does not change the water to wine as he is walking on it.
of course it is fucking true, do you think some magic switch just opened up the day Trump took office? Holy fuck dude.
I've heard so many people say that it was like someone flipped a was for me...Trump gave Americans what a liberal could never give them....confidence.....
Not a single one of the Trumpians can even bring themselves to say "yeah, that ain't good" about -.75 growth over 490 days...too fucking funny.

Well Slick, what's fucking funny is I provided you with a 12 month number of 9.46% for the fund, internet shows a YTD return of 15.18%, but somewhere you come up with a 4%. Guess I should have asked if you can read, dumbass.

Let me help you out.
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is it hard to hear him talk with your head so far up his ass?
All the losing is pissing you off isn't it?....:04:

Yes it is...

I hate all this losing by the markets.

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The market is above call that losing is to not understand the market...

The stock market is meaningless to the average person.

This is false. The average person has a 401k or some other retirement type account tied to the stock market most likely.

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That is not true. The benefits still largely accrue to the rich. Also the stock market works against the average person. The average person is seeing little or benefits from the massive tax cuts businesses received. Only a handful of companies have raised worker compensation in a meaningful way. Amazon and Target are the exceptions. Nor are businesses re-investing in their businesses.
LMAO You sure are a whiny little shit.

Guess you don't like a great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all across the country??

That obese orange filth has done a damned fine job.

Well enough Americans like him to get him elected and he will win in 2020. Buckle up you piece of filth. Its gonna be a bumpy ride. You will have four more years to moan, groan, complain and look for something to hang on Trump.

Filth is what you are.

The UE rate was 4.7% when Trump took over. The fact is that Republicans have gone over to the alt-right and independents will abandon Trump. You are the only piece of filth that I see.

Speaking of filth?? That would be you.

As I said. Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump improved on it greatly.

The current UE is 3.6 % That's better than 4.7%. Both are good and both Barry and Trump deserve the credit.

Go be a filthy bitch somewhere else.

Why do either deserve the credit? Why not give the credit to the companies actually hiring people.

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I didn't vote for either....but Obama did put measures to help the economy after he was handed a catastrophe. The orange, by all measures he is fucking it up, with his trade wars and unstable governing, and childish behaviors that can negatively affect the market.....but like you said the hard working men and women of this country are not going by what the toddler in chief is business as usual.

Well for fucking up the economy is doing pretty damned good.

As for Barry? He spent his first term and a half hanging the AOC around the necks of the tax payers. He never even looked at the economy till he got that done.

While he was POTUS the economy was in the toilet and UE was through the roof.

He finally decided to get off his dead ass and do something. Which he did. He left Trump a fair hand but Trump has improved on it greatly.

Oh and as for a negative market?? That seems to be doing quite well as well. Oh it has its days where its up and then down. But that's how the market works.

You really are quite stupid and biased.

Carry on dumbass.

You call 4.7% a fair hand. That is far more than fair. You are the one who is biased and stupid.

A Biden Rally Draws about 100 People

Biden in a landslide!!!!!!!

The size of the rally does not matter. Many independents will never attend a rally but will vote against Trump.
14000 people Bee...10000 inside 4000 outside....there is no food or booze they just want to see Trump....when have you ever seen that for a third year president?...I assure you that Joe and the dems are freaking out....even if you are not...
/—-/ Rambunctious is correct. You don’t understand the market or how investors make money, up, down or sideways. Keep your money in CDs, and I don’t mean Kelly Clarkson.

I understand how investors make money, up, down or sideways, this has never been about me.

I also understand how 401ks and other retirement accounts work. They do not grow when the market does not grow. your average American is not an investor like you, but they do have their retirements tied into the markets
/——/ It depends on what you’re investing in. Regardless, investing in your retirement isn’t a passive activity.

Well, thinker was bragging about a mutual fund, one of the most popular and it grew all of 4% in the past 12 months, a full 75% below its average from the previous 4 years.

Whether you like to admit it or not, the average American does better when the markets are growing, not sitting stagnant. But you cannot admit that, because that would be a negative thing about your god in the White House
/—-/ Why can’t a MF grow in a stagnant market? They are managed by Pros. More proof you don’t understand investing.

Ask the people at Vanguard! :21::21::21::21:
/—-/ Keep your coins in a passbook savings account earning 2%

A Biden Rally Draws about 100 People

Biden in a landslide!!!!!!!

The size of the rally does not matter. Many independents will never attend a rally but will vote against Trump.
14000 people Bee...10000 inside 4000 outside....there is no food or booze they just want to see Trump....when have you ever seen that for a third year president?...I assure you that Joe and the dems are freaking out....even if you are not...

Who cares. Again a vast majority of the independents and moderates will never attend a rally. They will turn out and vote.

So, in the past 12 months this fund has grown 4%, in the 4 year prior to that it averaged 16% per year...would it be fair to say this fund has been pretty stagnant over the last year compared to its history?

Cmon, you started with stagnant, now we're at pretty stagnant, would you prefer kinda stagnant or resembles stagnant. You don't like some of my investments, such is life, stick with the day trading.

So, you are happy with 4% growth over 12 months, is that what you are saying?

It has to suck being such a mindless partisan, you cannot even admit the truth when it might mean a negative towards you guy in the White House.

I truly pity you.

If that fund has done 4% over the last 12 months, I'm fine with it. Others have done better, one has done worse. Do I care if you pity me, absolutely not, I find it funny if anything....dumbass.

you are fine with 4% when it normally averages 16%? Aren't you a sucker! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

if Obama were POTUS you would not be happy with 4%...but now you have to be! Sucks to be you! It really does
/——/ explain why this fund had a 25% return: T. Rowe Price Comm & Tech Investor - n.a.:PRMTX Buy, Sell and Hold Ratings - TheStreet

A Biden Rally Draws about 100 People

Biden in a landslide!!!!!!!

The size of the rally does not matter. Many independents will never attend a rally but will vote against Trump.
14000 people Bee...10000 inside 4000 outside....there is no food or booze they just want to see Trump....when have you ever seen that for a third year president?...I assure you that Joe and the dems are freaking out....even if you are not...

Who cares. Again a vast majority of the independents and moderates will never attend a rally. They will turn out and vote.
And they will turn out to vote for what? MAGA or socialism? MAGA or abortion at birth?

What do you think they will be voting for?
/—-/ Rambunctious is correct. You don’t understand the market or how investors make money, up, down or sideways. Keep your money in CDs, and I don’t mean Kelly Clarkson.

I understand how investors make money, up, down or sideways, this has never been about me.

I also understand how 401ks and other retirement accounts work. They do not grow when the market does not grow. your average American is not an investor like you, but they do have their retirements tied into the markets
/——/ Here ya go Spanky list-of-20-best-mutual-investment-funds | Top-Rated Mutual Funds | | TheStreet
of course it is fucking true, do you think some magic switch just opened up the day Trump took office? Holy fuck dude.
I've heard so many people say that it was like someone flipped a was for me...Trump gave Americans what a liberal could never give them....confidence.....

How sad you need the president to give you confidence. For most of is it comes from our own accomplishments, not the government

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Well Slick, what's fucking funny is I provided you with a 12 month number of 9.46% for the fund, internet shows a YTD return of 15.18%, but somewhere you come up with a 4%. Guess I should have asked if you can read, dumbass.

I am sorry you do not know how to do basic math, but let me help you out...

One year ago the fund was at 252.24, today it is at 262.84.

Rate of growth is calculated by present-past/past...

or 262.84-252.24 = 10.6 then 10.6/252.24 = 0.042 or 4.2%. That is the rate of growth for this fun for the last year.


But hey, do not feel bad that you are too stupid to do basic math, you know how to post memes so you have that going for you.
So, in the past 12 months this fund has grown 4%, in the 4 year prior to that it averaged 16% per year...would it be fair to say this fund has been pretty stagnant over the last year compared to its history?

Cmon, you started with stagnant, now we're at pretty stagnant, would you prefer kinda stagnant or resembles stagnant. You don't like some of my investments, such is life, stick with the day trading.

So, you are happy with 4% growth over 12 months, is that what you are saying?

It has to suck being such a mindless partisan, you cannot even admit the truth when it might mean a negative towards you guy in the White House.

I truly pity you.

If that fund has done 4% over the last 12 months, I'm fine with it. Others have done better, one has done worse. Do I care if you pity me, absolutely not, I find it funny if anything....dumbass.

you are fine with 4% when it normally averages 16%? Aren't you a sucker! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

if Obama were POTUS you would not be happy with 4%...but now you have to be! Sucks to be you! It really does
/——/ explain why this fund had a 25% return: T. Rowe Price Comm & Tech Investor - n.a.:PRMTX Buy, Sell and Hold Ratings - TheStreet

It has has a 12% return over the last 12 months. 12 months ago it was 101.4 today it is 113.46...a rate of growth of 12.2%...which is below its average for the last 5 years. So even the best of funds are not doing as well as they normally would in this stagnant market.

It is showing 25% YTD because of how much it drooped right before the new year.
of course it is fucking true, do you think some magic switch just opened up the day Trump took office? Holy fuck dude.
I've heard so many people say that it was like someone flipped a was for me...Trump gave Americans what a liberal could never give them....confidence.....

How sad you need the president to give you confidence. For most of is it comes from our own accomplishments, not the government

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That's the presidents job pave a path of make it possible for us to succeed....the presidents job is not to tell us we can't do any Obama did and what is sad is how you can't see the truth because you have been so propagandized.....and poorly educated in our public really should read more....
That's the presidents job pave a path of make it possible for us to succeed....the presidents job is not to tell us we can't do any Obama did and what is sad is how you can't see the truth because you have been so propagandized.....and poorly educated in our public really should read more....

Look, if you need some elected official to give you confidence and hope, that is all on you. Do not bring me into that situation. I make my own confidence and own success, I do not rely on the government to give it to me.
Not a single one of the Trumpians can even bring themselves to say "yeah, that ain't good" about -.75 growth over 490 days...too fucking funny.

Like I stated earlier, one set of numbers does not an economy make. But, lets concede your point. The question becomes, will it be better in the long run for America if Trumps tariffs work? Would we have been better off allowing the Chinese to steal our technology, and dump their goods on us? Don't we need those jobs here in America as well? People talk about technology but there are millions of Americans that simply aren't cut out for that kind of work. Farming out our manufacturing has been a disaster. Unless we stop it, we will have a nation full of smart people, babysitters, and burger flippers with no middle class.

Bottom line? I could give a fuck about the stock market. Unless we can help our own citizens nothing else matters.


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