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Presidential awesomeness in action

Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.
Wow defending the Most wanted man in the world
Odd..I read no defense? I heard him mocking Trump's over the top BS---perhaps you could show me the part where he defended the terrorist?
For the kazillionth time, Trump is a liar and Trumpsters are gullible.

Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.
Wow defending the Most wanted man in the world
You are defending Trump.......
Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.
Wow defending the Most wanted man in the world
You are defending Trump.......
Well he’s the president of the United States of America and the best one we ever had of course I am
Oh yeah?

Who do you think is going to declare war on the U.S.
The Simpsons.....:113:. Very impressive.

China, for the obvious one. Any number of third party nations could get in on the action.

And I don't need to convince you of anything. The fact is isolationism is a very bad policy that insures
a dangerous future.
I don't think we are in any threat of "isolationism" if a person advocates for NON-INTERVENTIONISM.

I am beginning to get a sense that you are too dumb to understand the difference.

Where in the World Is the U.S. Military?
That same tired argument made against Ron Paul for his non interventionist position. How can you possible be isolating when you’re trying to literally trade with the whole world?

Thanks. Trying to have a conversation with Eric about this is like trying to have a conversation with a parrot that has been sitting in from of Fox News, CNN and Network News. It is pointless at this point.


Bush the younger changed the whole face of foreign policy, he made it okay for the U.S. to violate international law and norms if it was good for the international banking cabal and the western powers. . .just so long as it is good for the bottom line.

Most folks these days don't care about morality and ethics. They have been brain-washed by the Neo-conservatives of the 9/11 era and the PNAC monsters. It is why we have never ending war, and it will lead to WWIII.

"Terrorism," seems to be used as carte blanche to do anything states wish, even though they do not prove the existence of such, and are more often than not, the principle funders, trainers, and exporters of this very scourge as a primary excuse to get around international norms. Indeed, they have been doing it since before I was born.

Sovereignty - Sovereignty and international law
". . . During the 20th century important restrictions on the freedom of action of states began to appear. The Hague conventions of 1899 and 1907 established detailed rules governing the conduct of wars on land and at sea. The Covenant of the League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations (UN), restricted the right to wage war, and the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 condemned recourse to war for the solution of international controversies and its use as an instrument of national policy. They were followed by the UN Charter, which imposed the duty on member states to “settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered” and supplemented it with the injunction that all members “shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force” (Article 2). However, the Charter also stated that the UN is “based on the principle of sovereign equality of all its Members.”

In consequence of such developments, sovereignty ceased to be considered as synonymous with unrestricted power. States have accepted a considerable body of law limiting their sovereign right to act as they please. Those restrictions on sovereignty are usually explained as deriving from consent or autolimitation, but it can easily be demonstrated that in some cases states have been considered as bound by certain rules of international law despite the lack of satisfactory proof that these rules were expressly or implicitly accepted by them. Conversely, new rules cannot ordinarily be imposed upon a state, without its consent, by the will of other states. In this way a balance has been achieved between the needs of the international society and the desire of states to protect their sovereignty to the maximum possible extent.. . ."
Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.

What is sad is you and your country sits on their asses, waiting for the U.S. to do something and then when we do, you bitch about it. I am all for pulling American troops out of the Middle East and then you can bitch about us NOT being there. At least we won't be risking American lives. I know if it came to helping America you wouldn't lift a finger. Best to you and your country, but I don't want or expect the same from evil such as yourself.
You dragged us into the Iraq oil war on the back of a parcel of lies. We wont make that mistake again.

We defended you in WWII, we won’t make that mistake again. When we were hit in 911 you celebrated long into the night. You celebrate when we have adversity, you aren’t an ally, you are not our friend, you are evil.

You talk some shit. Nobody celebrated 9/11 over here. In fact I remember flags flying at half mast and crowds standing for a minutes silence as a mark of respect for the fallen. Why do you need to lie like this ?

What is this obsession with masts?

Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.

What is sad is you and your country sits on their asses, waiting for the U.S. to do something and then when we do, you bitch about it. I am all for pulling American troops out of the Middle East and then you can bitch about us NOT being there. At least we won't be risking American lives. I know if it came to helping America you wouldn't lift a finger. Best to you and your country, but I don't want or expect the same from evil such as yourself.
You dragged us into the Iraq oil war on the back of a parcel of lies. We wont make that mistake again.

We defended you in WWII, we won’t make that mistake again. When we were hit in 911 you celebrated long into the night. You celebrate when we have adversity, you aren’t an ally, you are not our friend, you are evil.

You talk some shit. Nobody celebrated 9/11 over here. In fact I remember flags flying at half mast and crowds standing for a minutes silence as a mark of respect for the fallen. Why do you need to lie like this ?

What is this obsession with masts?


He ran away from the thread, he knows he is lying and got caught.

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