Presidential Candidates - How Uncreative Are We?

yet, Hillary is a lock...?
...unless the media turns on her for whatever reason. Like if her shrill speeches aren't going over well with the public. They don't want to be caught supporting the wrong candidate.

So far the media is pretty angry at her right now, for trying to control the media.
Pretty good clue that if she wants to control the media, she will want to control all of us.
yet, Hillary is a lock...?
...unless the media turns on her for whatever reason. Like if her shrill speeches aren't going over well with the public. They don't want to be caught supporting the wrong candidate.

So far the media is pretty angry at her right now, for trying to control the media.
Pretty good clue that if she wants to control the media, she will want to control all of us.

She's just a Bitch! (oh...did I type that publicly....?)
It's all about the money IMO.
Money will back who they believe will win, period. Simple hegemony. No one else has a chance. The money controls it all. The people really have no choice until we push for a more level playing field.
Doesn't really matter - just a bunch of crooks anyway... they make it so hard to be civic minded in this regard....
... seriously? We can't come up with anything better/different than Jeb and Hillary?

The son and brother of Former President's (seriously... are we to the point where only a Bush can make it possible to have a Republican in the White House)....

And the wife of a Former President? (what shall we call Bill? Still Mr. President I guess....)

Please, other countries out there, don't take us seriously, we obviously don't take ourselves seriously either...
Well, we elected a guy who wasn't related to any former Presidents, twice, and he is a disaster.

The Democrats have made it clear they want somebody sleazy who is a smooth talker and wants to tax the rich more.

The Republican tards who have hijacked the party have made it clear they want somebody who is pissed off, hateful, and polarizing. Anyone who is reasonable, pragmatic, and can get things done will never survive the primaries. And if he does, he will not survive the election because the angry haters will have manufactured so much bullshit that a lot of rational voters will stay home.

I expect a very low voter turnout in 2016. Even if the potentially first woman president is on the ballot.
... seriously? We can't come up with anything better/different than Jeb and Hillary?

The son and brother of Former President's (seriously... are we to the point where only a Bush can make it possible to have a Republican in the White House)....

And the wife of a Former President? (what shall we call Bill? Still Mr. President I guess....)

Please, other countries out there, don't take us seriously, we obviously don't take ourselves seriously either...
Come on do you really think there are better candidates? Why aren't they running then? Have you seen house of cards? I wouldn't doubt for a second that the stuff that goes on in that tv show actually happen in real life. And I was unaware of that stuff too I watched the show. Now I wonder what else im missing. The people who become 'respectable' and acknowledgedable candidates deserve to be... Anyone who ain't either ain't ready or don't deserve it.
... seriously? We can't come up with anything better/different than Jeb and Hillary?

The son and brother of Former President's (seriously... are we to the point where only a Bush can make it possible to have a Republican in the White House)....

And the wife of a Former President? (what shall we call Bill? Still Mr. President I guess....)

Please, other countries out there, don't take us seriously, we obviously don't take ourselves seriously either...
Well, we elected a guy who wasn't related to any former Presidents, twice, and he is a disaster.

The Democrats have made it clear they want somebody sleazy who is a smooth talker and wants to tax the rich more.

The Republican tards who have hijacked the party have made it clear they want somebody who is pissed off, hateful, and polarizing. Anyone who is reasonable, pragmatic, and can get things done will never survive the primaries. And if he does, he will not survive the election because the angry haters will have manufactured so much bullshit that reasonable voters will stay home.

We already have a pissed off, hateful and polarizing President.
We don't need another one.
... seriously? We can't come up with anything better/different than Jeb and Hillary?

The son and brother of Former President's (seriously... are we to the point where only a Bush can make it possible to have a Republican in the White House)....

And the wife of a Former President? (what shall we call Bill? Still Mr. President I guess....)

Please, other countries out there, don't take us seriously, we obviously don't take ourselves seriously either...
Well, we elected a guy who wasn't related to any former Presidents, twice, and he is a disaster.

The Democrats have made it clear they want somebody sleazy who is a smooth talker and wants to tax the rich more.

The Republican tards who have hijacked the party have made it clear they want somebody who is pissed off, hateful, and polarizing. Anyone who is reasonable, pragmatic, and can get things done will never survive the primaries. And if he does, he will not survive the election because the angry haters will have manufactured so much bullshit that reasonable voters will stay home.

We already have a pissed off, hateful and polarizing President.
We don't need another one.
No. Obama is a lazy, laid back, don't give a shit President.
... seriously? We can't come up with anything better/different than Jeb and Hillary?

The son and brother of Former President's (seriously... are we to the point where only a Bush can make it possible to have a Republican in the White House)....

And the wife of a Former President? (what shall we call Bill? Still Mr. President I guess....)

Please, other countries out there, don't take us seriously, we obviously don't take ourselves seriously either...

Other countries? Yeah whatever. Hillary and Jeb are both very well qualified to be President. What is it you are looking for in a President...I'm guessing you'll look at their qualifications and go in another direction but seriously...what is the quality they are lacking?
yet, Hillary is a lock...?
...unless the media turns on her for whatever reason. Like if her shrill speeches aren't going over well with the public. They don't want to be caught supporting the wrong candidate.

I think if some "rockstar" moonbat is dredged up and promoted like another messiah, the media will turn on her.

Hell Bernie Sanders is batshit crazy and he's starting too look good to some democrooks.

... seriously? We can't come up with anything better/different than Jeb and Hillary?

The son and brother of Former President's (seriously... are we to the point where only a Bush can make it possible to have a Republican in the White House)....

And the wife of a Former President? (what shall we call Bill? Still Mr. President I guess....)

Please, other countries out there, don't take us seriously, we obviously don't take ourselves seriously either...

True, but not the first time in U.S. history a family attempted a dynasty... You had the Adam's family, and no not the show but actually John and John Q. Adams. Then you had the Roosevelt's with Teddy and FDR ( Distant Cousins ). Then the Kennedy's attempted but failed after John was killed in office and Robert was killed trying to run and Ted was drunk and ruined his chances.

So is it a surprise we have Political Royal Families?

Not the least and expect Jeb son to run for Texas Governor next time, and win it so he can poise himself for a run for the White House... ( We might as well had stayed with England seeing we relish the thought of a Monarchy ruling us... )

I expect Michelle Obama to run one day...
... seriously? We can't come up with anything better/different than Jeb and Hillary?

The son and brother of Former President's (seriously... are we to the point where only a Bush can make it possible to have a Republican in the White House)....

And the wife of a Former President? (what shall we call Bill? Still Mr. President I guess....)

Please, other countries out there, don't take us seriously, we obviously don't take ourselves seriously either...

Other countries? Yeah whatever. Hillary and Jeb are both very well qualified to be President. What is it you are looking for in a President...I'm guessing you'll look at their qualifications and go in another direction but seriously...what is the quality they are lacking?

Me personally?

It's impossible for the kind of leader we need for this country to be in the White House.

In order to get anything done, you have to be corrupt. I am not knowledgeable enough to speak to specifics, but, common sense dictates some things and the fact that we have to keep going back to the same old wells speaks volumes.
Come on do you really think there are better candidates? Why aren't they running then?
I will let Alexis de Tocqueville tell you exactly why:

On my arrival in the United States I was surprised to find so much distinguished talent among the citizens and so little among the heads of the government. It is a constant fact that at the present day the ablest men in the United States are rarely placed at the head of affairs; and it must be acknowledged that such has been the result in proportion as democracy has exceeded all its former limits. The race of American statesmen has evidently dwindled most remarkably in the course of the last fifty years.

Now pay attention to this next part, because he really nails it:

Several causes may be assigned for this phenomenon. It is impossible, after the most strenuous exertions, to raise the intelligence of the people above a certain level. Whatever may be the facilities of acquiring information, whatever may be the profusion of easy methods and cheap science, the human mind can never be instructed and developed without devoting considerable time to these objects.

The greater or lesser ease with which people can live without working is a sure index of intellectual progress. This boundary is more remote in some countries and more restricted in others, but it must exist somewhere as long as the people are forced to work in order to procure the means of subsistence; that is to say, as long as they continue to be the people. It is therefore quite as difficult to imagine a state in which all the citizens are very well informed as a state in which they are all wealthy; these two difficulties are correlative. I readily admit that the mass of the citizens sincerely wish to promote the welfare of the country; nay, more, I even grant that the lower classes mix fewer considerations of personal interest with their patriotism than the higher orders; but it is always more or less difficult for them to discern the best means of attaining the end which they sincerely desire. Long and patient observation and much acquired knowledge are requisite to form a just estimate of the character of a single individual. Men of the greatest genius often fail to do it, and can it be supposed that the common people will always succeed? The people have neither the time nor the means for an investigation of this kind. Their conclusions are hastily formed from a superficial inspection of the more prominent features of a question. Hence it often happens that mountebanks of all sorts are able to please the people, while their truest friends frequently fail to gain their confidence.

Moreover, democracy not only lacks that soundness of judgment which is necessary to select men really deserving of their confidence, but often have not the desire or the inclination to find them out. It cannot be denied that democratic institutions strongly tend to promote the feeling of envy in the human heart; not so much because they afford to everyone the means of rising to the same level with others as because those means perpetually disappoint the persons who employ them. Democratic institutions awaken and foster a passion for equality which they can never entirely satisfy. This complete equality eludes the grasp of the people at the very moment when they think they have grasped it, and "flies," as Pascal says, "with an eternal flight; the people are excited in the pursuit of an advantage, which is more precious because it is not sufficiently remote to be unknown or sufficiently near to be enjoyed. The lower orders are agitated by the chance of success, they are irritated by its uncertainty; and they pass from the enthusiasm of pursuit to the exhaustion of ill success, and lastly to the acrimony of disappointment. Whatever transcends their own limitations appears to be an obstacle to their desires, and there is no superiority, however legitimate it may be, which is not irksome in their sight.
I expect Michelle Obama to run one day...

I am starting to throw up a little bit in my mouth, I won't bother to vote if it's Jeb and Hillary , count me out.
Join me in voting third party, I couldn't vote for them, either.

This illustrates how our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck out politics. They avoid....

...having to beg for money and needing to raise a zillion dollars
...being a good little doggie for their campaign contributors
...traveling all over the place saying the same bullshit day in and day out on the stump
...playing games to avoid pissing off their loony "base"
...putting up with months or years of personal insults, lies, libel and slander
...watching their family put up with the same
...looking forward to working with a bunch of dishonest, paid-off thugs in Congress
...dealing with a media that has its own agendas in terror of That One Gaffe that tosses all that effort into the toilet

Fuck that. What successful, fulfilled, honest, satisfied person would want to go through that?


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