Presidential Candidates Pass or Flunk Basic Leadership Test


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Real Clear Politics Ranks them:


Number One at 91%


#6 @ 55%


Guess where? 37%!!!

Read article @ You Might Be Surprised at Which Presidential Candidates Pass or Flunk a Basic Leadership Test
Rubio may have the highest "score" on the "basic" leadership test, but Trump is a master of true leadership. Most of the others don't lead, they just follow whatever they perceive as current public opinion.

Okay. Thanks for the correction. Does it make a difference?

Well... Leadership Project for America is a conservative political action committee, so their criteria for leadership is probably based on conservative philosophy and principles. This explains why Clinton and Sanders scored so poorly, I would imagine. But I think they are off their rockers if they think Rubio beats Cruz on conservative leadership. I don't think anyone beats Cruz. And Rubio have proven time and again that he is not a leader, he is a follower. He followed the Gang of 8 right straight to an amnesty bill after campaigning that he would be tough on illegal immigration.

The thing is, any PAC can make a poll... BossPAC can make a poll of the most "presidential" candidates...

1. Ted Cruz
2. Ted Cruz
3. Donald Trump
4. Ted Cruz
5. Ben Carson

See how easy that was? ;)

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