Presidential Rankings........Obama: Tenth......Trump: last


The south was no better than Nazi Germany and we bombed the hell out of their civilians
I would leave morals out of this, that is a losing argument from your side.

The south was a society built on enslavement of half their population
Source that bullshitter.
No need to source the 4 million blacks in captivity
There was a reason we didn't want them freed! (joke) But it is the truth. Even folks without slaves feared emancipation.
Poor whites wanted a class of people they were better than
Lincoln ranked #1?
Lincoln trashed the 1st Amendment by shutting down newspapers who dared to speak out against him and in some cases had the editors and owners arrested. And these were Northern/Union newspapers.
Ignorance is bliss.
Greatest American President for 150 years
A "beating" by 77.000 votes in three states after 2 Comey announcements within 11 days of the election and 2 years of help from Putin.

It was YUUUGE!! ;)

Your stupid talking points are meaningless, great Americans in 30 states chose Trump over Hillary, tissue?

lol... he 'won' the electoral vote. but not the popular vote. he lost by 3,000,000 votes & it still irked captain crazy pants so much, that he tried to get an investigation going as to why.... poor buttercup.

There was a popular vote election and campaign? Wait, no there wasn't. Tissue?

lol... it's not me who is still obsessed to this day about losing that popular vote. & his inaugural crowd size. poor donny. he's such a whiny little diaper baby. oh & as far as needing a tissue?

there won't be nearly enough to go around for all the wailing & hissy fits that no doubt will occur from his little deplorables when mueller ramps up the indictments soon to infiltrate donny's inner circle. i think jarod is next.

I'm sorry, I was busy reading about Trump offering low priced healthcare plans to gut Obamacare, what were you yapping about?

back to the good ol days of complete POS policies that people will be lulled into thinking they are covered until they find out they aren't? lol.................. dupe.
I didn't send Trump to Washington to win a popularity contest, I sent him there to drain the swamp and MAGA! :muahaha:

lol swamp rats are running wild even more. all wall street hustlers. btw #MAGA = russian trolls.

I didn't send Trump to Washington to win a popularity contest, I sent him there to drain the swamp and MAGA! :muahaha:

lol swamp rats are running wild even more. all wall street hustlers. btw #MAGA = russian trolls.

You and the MSM are the dupes. Everyday it is more apparent.

you just go ahead & stay in your little methane filled fox news/gateway pundit/ breitbart bubble. what a rude rude awakening you experience in due time.... & what's gonna happen when trump's west wing starts falling like a house of cards? a mass stroke out of the deplorables will be a nice start.
"I have no purpose, …to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. …I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
...Abe Lincoln. From his inaugural address.
I know

Can you believe the south seceded after he said that

there were more slaves in Illinois than in Alabama. You know, Illinois, land of Lincoln, northern state. Home to the ghetto of Chicago where more black kids die every day than anywhere else in the country.
"I have no purpose, …to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. …I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
...Abe Lincoln. From his inaugural address.
I know

Can you believe the south seceded after he said that

there were more slaves in Illinois than in Alabama. You know, Illinois, land of Lincoln, northern state. Home to the ghetto of Chicago where more black kids die every day than anywhere else in the country.
"I have no purpose, …to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. …I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
...Abe Lincoln. From his inaugural address.
I know

Can you believe the south seceded after he said that

there were more slaves in Illinois than in Alabama. You know, Illinois, land of Lincoln, northern state. Home to the ghetto of Chicago where more black kids die every day than anywhere else in the country.

the black murder rate in Chicago is common knowledge, no link needed.
"I have no purpose, …to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. …I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
...Abe Lincoln. From his inaugural address.
I know

Can you believe the south seceded after he said that

there were more slaves in Illinois than in Alabama. You know, Illinois, land of Lincoln, northern state. Home to the ghetto of Chicago where more black kids die every day than anywhere else in the country.

on the slave count, it was Maryland, not Illinois that had more slaves than Alabama. My mistake. Maryland, home to Baltimore which has almost as high a black murder rate is Chicago.

See, unlike you, I admit it when I err
"I have no purpose, …to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. …I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
...Abe Lincoln. From his inaugural address.
I know

Can you believe the south seceded after he said that

there were more slaves in Illinois than in Alabama. You know, Illinois, land of Lincoln, northern state. Home to the ghetto of Chicago where more black kids die every day than anywhere else in the country.

the black murder rate in Chicago is common knowledge, no link needed.

You claimed slaves

Show more slaves in Illinois than Alabama
"I have no purpose, …to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. …I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
...Abe Lincoln. From his inaugural address.
I know

Can you believe the south seceded after he said that

there were more slaves in Illinois than in Alabama. You know, Illinois, land of Lincoln, northern state. Home to the ghetto of Chicago where more black kids die every day than anywhere else in the country.

on the slave count, it was Maryland, not Illinois that had more slaves than Alabama. My mistake. Maryland, home to Baltimore which has almost as high a black murder rate is Chicago.

See, unlike you, I admit it when I err


In the 1860 census Alabama had 435,000 slaves and a population of 964,000
45% of their population was slaves

1860 Census Results
"I have no purpose, …to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. …I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
...Abe Lincoln. From his inaugural address.
I know

Can you believe the south seceded after he said that

there were more slaves in Illinois than in Alabama. You know, Illinois, land of Lincoln, northern state. Home to the ghetto of Chicago where more black kids die every day than anywhere else in the country.

the black murder rate in Chicago is common knowledge, no link needed.

You claimed slaves

Show more slaves in Illinois than Alabama

post #411
"I have no purpose, …to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. …I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
...Abe Lincoln. From his inaugural address.
I know

Can you believe the south seceded after he said that

there were more slaves in Illinois than in Alabama. You know, Illinois, land of Lincoln, northern state. Home to the ghetto of Chicago where more black kids die every day than anywhere else in the country.
on the slave count, it was Maryland, not Illinois that had more slaves than Alabama. My mistake. Maryland, home to Baltimore which has almost as high a black murder rate is Chicago.

See, unlike you, I admit it when I err


In the 1860 census Alabama had 435,000 slaves and a population of 964,000
45% of their population was slaves

1860 Census Results

I know

Can you believe the south seceded after he said that

there were more slaves in Illinois than in Alabama. You know, Illinois, land of Lincoln, northern state. Home to the ghetto of Chicago where more black kids die every day than anywhere else in the country.
on the slave count, it was Maryland, not Illinois that had more slaves than Alabama. My mistake. Maryland, home to Baltimore which has almost as high a black murder rate is Chicago.

See, unlike you, I admit it when I err


In the 1860 census Alabama had 435,000 slaves and a population of 964,000
45% of their population was slaves

1860 Census Results


In 1820 Alabama was hardly settled

Why don't you give us numbers from 1860 while cotton was king?
there were more slaves in Illinois than in Alabama. You know, Illinois, land of Lincoln, northern state. Home to the ghetto of Chicago where more black kids die every day than anywhere else in the country.
on the slave count, it was Maryland, not Illinois that had more slaves than Alabama. My mistake. Maryland, home to Baltimore which has almost as high a black murder rate is Chicago.

See, unlike you, I admit it when I err


In the 1860 census Alabama had 435,000 slaves and a population of 964,000
45% of their population was slaves

1860 Census Results


In 1820 Alabama was hardly settled

Why don't you give us numbers from 1860 while cotton was king?

we all cherry pick data to make our points, lets not delude ourselves. You are expert at it, I am just learning :2up::2up:
back to the OP. A "study" done by a bunch of far left "professors" in the liberal bastions of our colleges. totally meaningless propaganda, nothing more.
Lincoln's army waged war against civilians. We call that Terrorism now days.
War is hell

The confederates waged war on their black population

bullshit, where do you get this crap?

The south was no better than Nazi Germany and we bombed the hell out of their civilians
I would leave morals out of this, that is a losing argument from your side.

Good point...The USA had slavery from its first existence until after the Civil War was over. Then they sent their army to eliminate the Indians. Morals? That's funny.
Thomas Jefferson, Dead White Male

"He [the multicultie hereditary ruler] has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguishing destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions."
back to the OP. A "study" done by a bunch of far left "professors" in the liberal bastions of our colleges. totally meaningless propaganda, nothing more.
"If You Want a Reward, First You Must Let Us Punish You"

But somehow that does not discredit college education in general. Pseudo-conservative businessmen mandate it, despite pretending to be outraged by what their future employees are subjected to. In order to put us in our place, they love to see us suffer.
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