Presidential Rankings........Obama: Tenth......Trump: last

back to the OP. A "study" done by a bunch of far left "professors" in the liberal bastions of our colleges. totally meaningless propaganda, nothing more.
But somehow that does not discredit college education in general. Pseudo-conservative businessman mandate it, despite pretending to be outraged by what their future employees are subjected to. They love to see us suffer.
Education ... oh, the horror. LOL
The same poll of "presidential historians" that found that Trump was dead-last and Willian Henry Harrison of 30-days was third from last, also found that five of said historians decided Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt or George Washington should be next on Mount Rushmore and Obama was only next to FDR for that honor:

When asked which presidents should be the next to be placed on Mount Rushmore, five of these so-called politics experts listed Lincoln, Washington, and Theodore Roosevelt, whose visages are all already carved into Mount Rushmore.

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Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
The same poll of "presidential historians" that found that Trump was dead-last and Willian Henry Harrison of 30-days was third from last, also found that five of said historians decided Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt or George Washington should be next on Mount Rushmore and Obama was only next to FDR for that honor:

When asked which presidents should be the next to be placed on Mount Rushmore, five of these so-called politics experts listed Lincoln, Washington, and Theodore Roosevelt, whose visages are all already carved into Mount Rushmore.

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you've mastered the skill of cut and paste!
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
The same poll of "presidential historians" that found that Trump was dead-last and Willian Henry Harrison of 30-days was third from last, also found that five of said historians decided Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt or George Washington should be next on Mount Rushmore and Obama was only next to FDR for that honor:

When asked which presidents should be the next to be placed on Mount Rushmore, five of these so-called politics experts listed Lincoln, Washington, and Theodore Roosevelt, whose visages are all already carved into Mount Rushmore.

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you've mastered the skill of cut and paste!
Wtf did you want me to do? Re-write and re-paste the whole thing again?
back to the OP. A "study" done by a bunch of far left "professors" in the liberal bastions of our colleges. totally meaningless propaganda, nothing more.
"If You Want a Reward, First You Must Let Us Punish You"

But somehow that does not discredit college education in general. Pseudo-conservative businessmen mandate it, despite pretending to be outraged by what their future employees are subjected to. In order to put us in our place, they love to see us suffer.

no it doesn't discredit it, but most colleges have gone far left over the last 20 or so years. That is wrong, education should present all viewpoints equally without taking a stand on which is right or wrong, good or bad. Many of our colleges have become nothing more that indoctrination centers of left wing philosophy. the same left wing philosophy that has failed every time and every place it has ever been tried.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.

the Bush family showed their true colors when Jebby did not get the nomination in 16. They are only slightly better than the Clinton crime family
The same poll of "presidential historians" that found that Trump was dead-last and Willian Henry Harrison of 30-days was third from last, also found that five of said historians decided Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt or George Washington should be next on Mount Rushmore and Obama was only next to FDR for that honor:

When asked which presidents should be the next to be placed on Mount Rushmore, five of these so-called politics experts listed Lincoln, Washington, and Theodore Roosevelt, whose visages are all already carved into Mount Rushmore.

View image on Twitter

Looks like they overwhelmingly support FDR being the most Rushmore worthy....I would have to agree with them
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.
The same poll of "presidential historians" that found that Trump was dead-last and Willian Henry Harrison of 30-days was third from last, also found that five of said historians decided Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt or George Washington should be next on Mount Rushmore and Obama was only next to FDR for that honor:

When asked which presidents should be the next to be placed on Mount Rushmore, five of these so-called politics experts listed Lincoln, Washington, and Theodore Roosevelt, whose visages are all already carved into Mount Rushmore.

View image on Twitter

Looks like they overwhelmingly support FDR being the most Rushmore worthy....I would have to agree with them

FDR started the downward slide into failed liberalism and the nanny state. He should be at the bottom of the list for destroying the constitution and American individual freedom and responsibility.
bullshit, where do you get this crap?

The south was no better than Nazi Germany and we bombed the hell out of their civilians
I would leave morals out of this, that is a losing argument from your side.

Good point...The USA had slavery from its first existence until after the Civil War was over. Then they sent their army to eliminate the Indians. Morals? That's funny.
No Wonder It's Called "New England"

Too cheap to fund a standing army big enough to protect and expand the frontier, the Northeastern plutocrats let the far-outnumbered pioneers defend themselves with their pathetic 2d Amendment rights. After the Civil War, the military was reduced to 25,000 men.

Well the Union army had over 300,000 soldiers dead from the Civil War.
Double Race Treason

After liberating one race of savages, the Feds naturally let thousands of pioneers die without adequate protection from the other race of savages.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
I think Iraq was directly responsible for ISIS and the terror in Europe with the arab migrations. But even if I'm right about that, when we went into that idiotic war, there was Yuuge popular support. W got his war. Kudos from the raters.

The south was no better than Nazi Germany and we bombed the hell out of their civilians
I would leave morals out of this, that is a losing argument from your side.

Good point...The USA had slavery from its first existence until after the Civil War was over. Then they sent their army to eliminate the Indians. Morals? That's funny.
No Wonder It's Called "New England"

Too cheap to fund a standing army big enough to protect and expand the frontier, the Northeastern plutocrats let the far-outnumbered pioneers defend themselves with their pathetic 2d Amendment rights. After the Civil War, the military was reduced to 25,000 men.

Well the Union army had over 300,000 soldiers dead from the Civil War.
Double Race Treason

After liberating one race of savages, the Feds naturally let thousands of pioneers die without adequate protection from the other race of savages.
I think we kicked the asses of the native americans. (-: Mah family took some of the Sioux's land.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.

LBJ is personally responsible for around 50,000 American deaths in the fiasco known as the Viet Nam war. He is most likely the reason that the Warren commission sealed the Kennedy assignation files for 75 years. He is known to have waved his dick at female reporters on airforce one. he was a terrible human being, corrupt, and incompetent.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.

I can't see how W could rise to 30

His overreaction to 9-11 in launching two unnecessary invasions should be enough evidence. Add in a collapsed economy in which he sat idly by and he is easily among the worst

As much as I despise Trump, I'd still put him above W

LBJ is an odd case. He was among the greatest ever in passing Civil Rights legislation and his poverty programs but allowing us to get mired in Vietnam was a disaster. I still think that if JFK had lived....he would have made the same mistakes as LBJ
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
I think Iraq was directly responsible for ISIS and the terror in Europe with the arab migrations. But even if I'm right about that, when we went into that idiotic war, there was Yuuge popular support. W got his war. Kudos from the raters.

W went into Iraq because Saddam had tried to kill his father. it was a personal revenge war that cost American lives and a lot of money
And Trump has only been in office for a year. The whole study is ridiculous and is just propaganda against Trump.
It is to soon to respect any results concerning his presidency. Historians who do not know that are hardly worth listening to.

For some reason......Conservatives dismiss Newsmen, Scientists and Historians because they contradict rightwing propaganda

We dismiss newsmen who keep apologizing for lying, and then continue to lie and scientists who lie to keep gov. grants coming in. We dismiss historians who, like Obama said, can write a NEW history for our children, filled with Muslims and gay people as founding fathers.
And you forgot one. We dismiss Nobel prizes. Guess why...
Did you know that Islam forbids homosexuality.? A gay muslim can only be a dead muslim.

Lying scientists? All their reports are peer reviewed. They get the most credit by debunking other scientists' work. All of them can earn more money if they move to private sector, yet many dont don't.
Me, Myself, and Ivory Tower

Academics are narrow-minded conformists within their authoritarian echo chamber. Deservedly lonely, these escapist misfits desperately follow the latest New Age fad in order to feel like they belong to that pushy but comforting clique.
You might want to look at the criteria for the rankings, and not all are "left leaning," but thanks for sharing your ignorance.

It must be comforting to say that anyone who ignores your professorial father-figures must be "ignorant."
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.

I can't see how W could rise to 30

His overreaction to 9-11 in launching two unnecessary invasions should be enough evidence. Add in a collapsed economy in which he sat idly by and he is easily among the worst

As much as I despise Trump, I'd still put him above W

LBJ is an odd case. He was among the greatest ever in passing Civil Rights legislation and his poverty programs but allowing us to get mired in Vietnam was a disaster. I still think that if JFK had lived....he would have made the same mistakes as LBJ

LBJ was almost as corrupt as Clinton, and more incompetent than Bush or Obama. Kennedy understood how the country worked and did many things right, that's why he was killed. I hope Trump has very good security, because he too is doing things the right way.
The same poll of "presidential historians" that found that Trump was dead-last and Willian Henry Harrison of 30-days was third from last, also found that five of said historians decided Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt or George Washington should be next on Mount Rushmore and Obama was only next to FDR for that honor:

When asked which presidents should be the next to be placed on Mount Rushmore, five of these so-called politics experts listed Lincoln, Washington, and Theodore Roosevelt, whose visages are all already carved into Mount Rushmore.

View image on Twitter

Looks like they overwhelmingly support FDR being the most Rushmore worthy....I would have to agree with them

FDR started the downward slide into failed liberalism and the nanny state. He should be at the bottom of the list for destroying the constitution and American individual freedom and responsibility.
FDR-Hating Buttboys for the Bosses

In order to finance their degenerate luxury, the lazy fairies of laissez-faire desperately needed their easy looting.

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