Presidential Rankings........Obama: Tenth......Trump: last

Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.

I can't see how W could rise to 30

His overreaction to 9-11 in launching two unnecessary invasions should be enough evidence. Add in a collapsed economy in which he sat idly by and he is easily among the worst

As much as I despise Trump, I'd still put him above W

LBJ is an odd case. He was among the greatest ever in passing Civil Rights legislation and his poverty programs but allowing us to get mired in Vietnam was a disaster. I still think that if JFK had lived....he would have made the same mistakes as LBJ

LBJ was almost as corrupt as Clinton, and more incompetent than Bush or Obama. Kennedy understood how the country worked and did many things right, that's why he was killed. I hope Trump has very good security, because he too is doing things the right way.
LBJ was a great politician. He knew how to get things done, how to make deals, how to pressure someone for a vote and how to sweet talk them. I doubt if JFK could have gotten the Civil Rights laws, Medicare and poverty programs passed like LBJ did.
I remember when he was President. I hated him....most Americans did
But he knew how Washington worked

He had no desire to go into Vietnam, hardly knew where it was
But he was not going to allow them to turn Commie on his watch
It cost us 60,000 lives
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.

I can't see how W could rise to 30

His overreaction to 9-11 in launching two unnecessary invasions should be enough evidence. Add in a collapsed economy in which he sat idly by and he is easily among the worst

As much as I despise Trump, I'd still put him above W

LBJ is an odd case. He was among the greatest ever in passing Civil Rights legislation and his poverty programs but allowing us to get mired in Vietnam was a disaster. I still think that if JFK had lived....he would have made the same mistakes as LBJ

LBJ was almost as corrupt as Clinton, and more incompetent than Bush or Obama. Kennedy understood how the country worked and did many things right, that's why he was killed. I hope Trump has very good security, because he too is doing things the right way.
That Was the Deal Which Solved the Cuban Missile "Crisis"

The Kennedys were killed because they were spoiled-brat loose cannons who almost provoked a thermonuclear apocalypse. All those pushy blowhards had to do was take our missiles out of Turkey, in exchange for Russia taking its missiles out of Cuba.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.
I beg to differ. These are not idiots! They are presidential historians, 3% of whom think that Lincoln, T Roosevelt and Washington should be on Mount Rushmore FFS!

If only someone less expert than these learned historians thought of them first!
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
Death Song for the Common Man: "Proud to Die Taking a Rich Kid's Place"

The purpose of the Vietnam War was to kill off or take the fight out of the bravest of those born in the working class. Mission accomplished.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.
I beg to differ. These are not idiots! They are presidential historians, 3% of whom think that Lincoln, T Roosevelt and Washington should be on Mount Rushmore FFS!

If only someone less expert than these learned historians thought of them first!
3%? Maybe they're the republicans.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.
I beg to differ. These are not idiots! They are presidential historians, 3% of whom think that Lincoln, T Roosevelt and Washington should be on Mount Rushmore FFS!

If only someone less expert than these learned historians thought of them first!

Probably just misinterpreted the question to be about who belonged on Rushmore
I can assure you they know who is on it now
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.
I beg to differ. These are not idiots! They are presidential historians, 3% of whom think that Lincoln, T Roosevelt and Washington should be on Mount Rushmore FFS!

If only someone less expert than these learned historians thought of them first!

Probably just misinterpreted the question to be about who belonged on Rushmore
I can assure you they know who is on it now
Stop being reasonable. It is not facilitating the discussion.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.
I beg to differ. These are not idiots! They are presidential historians, 3% of whom think that Lincoln, T Roosevelt and Washington should be on Mount Rushmore FFS!

If only someone less expert than these learned historians thought of them first!

Probably just misinterpreted the question to be about who belonged on Rushmore
I can assure you they know who is on it now
Look, you post polls taken by idiots who poll idiots, reported by other idiot and then posted on USMB by even another idiot, and the Beast is president and they're carving Obama's mug on Rushmore.

Life is unfair, I know. Idiot!
I was thinking about how W's numbers show rehabilitation. And frankly I rated him as just one up for the worst, Buchanan who should be everyone's worst. But thinking about it, I've thought for a long time that LBJ was the most destructive potus of my lifetime. Vietnam aside, he created a welfare class .. and pretty much destroyed the black nuclear family for those who hadn't made it out of poverty. BUT LBJ ranks at least in the top half, and I guess he should because you cannot deny his record of getting laws passed, and he made SC appointments. And, I gotta admit W did much the same.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.
I beg to differ. These are not idiots! They are presidential historians, 3% of whom think that Lincoln, T Roosevelt and Washington should be on Mount Rushmore FFS!

If only someone less expert than these learned historians thought of them first!

Probably just misinterpreted the question to be about who belonged on Rushmore
I can assure you they know who is on it now
Look, you post polls taken by idiots who poll idiots, reported by other idiot and then posted on USMB by even another idiot, and the Beast is president and they're carving Obama's mug on Rushmore.

Life is unfair, I know. Idiot!

Typical Conservative Snowflake

Anyone who reports something they don't like is either lying or out to get you

The response I'd expect from a child
Last edited:
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.
I beg to differ. These are not idiots! They are presidential historians, 3% of whom think that Lincoln, T Roosevelt and Washington should be on Mount Rushmore FFS!

If only someone less expert than these learned historians thought of them first!

Probably just misinterpreted the question to be about who belonged on Rushmore
I can assure you they know who is on it now
Look, you post polls taken by idiots who poll idiots, reported by other idiot and then posted on USMB by even another idiot, and the Beast is president and they're carving Obama's mug on Rushmore.

Life is unfair, I know. Idiot!

Typical Conservative Snowflake

Anyone who reports something they don't like is either lying or out to get them

The response I'd expect from a child
Yours was the post and link of a child.

Presidential historians who assume to rank a man who served 30 days ( for lack of accomplishment I assume) then rank one who has had nothing but success in one year as dead last is the height idiocy.

Fuck you and the gay jackass you rode in on.

At some point most would have more respect for themselves at least.
I gotta agree. for all of W's faults, Iraq at lelast had a far more successful outcome than Vietnam. Whether Iraq was worth it is debateable, while Vietnam is certainly not.
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.
I beg to differ. These are not idiots! They are presidential historians, 3% of whom think that Lincoln, T Roosevelt and Washington should be on Mount Rushmore FFS!

If only someone less expert than these learned historians thought of them first!

Probably just misinterpreted the question to be about who belonged on Rushmore
I can assure you they know who is on it now
Look, you post polls taken by idiots who poll idiots, reported by other idiot and then posted on USMB by even another idiot, and the Beast is president and they're carving Obama's mug on Rushmore.

Life is unfair, I know. Idiot!

Typical Conservative Snowflake

Anyone who reports something they don't like is either lying or out to get them

The response I'd expect from a child
Aside from the fact that it was used to bash Trump, the rankings are not objectionable on the basis of them being partisan or liberal. Trump is in unique territory. He flips and flops, goes back on what bill he says he'd sign, has even the gop in congress not trusting him, and is running his WH like an extension of Briebart .... with some people actually trying to get the job of running the country done ... all with the Russia "probe" He's got at least 3 years.
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.
I beg to differ. These are not idiots! They are presidential historians, 3% of whom think that Lincoln, T Roosevelt and Washington should be on Mount Rushmore FFS!

If only someone less expert than these learned historians thought of them first!

Probably just misinterpreted the question to be about who belonged on Rushmore
I can assure you they know who is on it now
Look, you post polls taken by idiots who poll idiots, reported by other idiot and then posted on USMB by even another idiot, and the Beast is president and they're carving Obama's mug on Rushmore.

Life is unfair, I know. Idiot!

Typical Conservative Snowflake

Anyone who reports something they don't like is either lying or out to get them

The response I'd expect from a child
Yours was the post and link of a child.

Presidential historians who assume to rank a man who served 30 days ( for lack of accomplishment I assume) then rank one who has had nothing but success in one year as dead last is the height idiocy.

Fuck you and the gay jackass you rode in on.

At some point most would have more respect for themselves at least.
"nothing but accomplishment?" LOL
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.
I beg to differ. These are not idiots! They are presidential historians, 3% of whom think that Lincoln, T Roosevelt and Washington should be on Mount Rushmore FFS!

If only someone less expert than these learned historians thought of them first!

Probably just misinterpreted the question to be about who belonged on Rushmore
I can assure you they know who is on it now
Look, you post polls taken by idiots who poll idiots, reported by other idiot and then posted on USMB by even another idiot, and the Beast is president and they're carving Obama's mug on Rushmore.

Life is unfair, I know. Idiot!

Typical Conservative Snowflake

Anyone who reports something they don't like is either lying or out to get them

The response I'd expect from a child
Aside from the fact that it was used to bash Trump, the rankings are not objectionable on the basis of them being partisan or liberal. Trump is in unique territory. He flips and flops, goes back on what bill he says he'd sign, has even the gop in congress not trusting him, and is running his WH like an extension of Briebart .... with some people actually trying to get the job of running the country done ... all with the Russia "probe" He's got at least 3 years.

He has three years to rise from dead last

How hard can it be?
Well, the ranking of LBJ and W show the claims of "liberal elite bias" are bullshit. The ranking are done on specific criteria. Of course people have biases. But the facts were LBJ and W both got their agendas passed and Judges confirmed. The hysterical thing of your cutting and pasting the mount rushmore thing is, it shows a Yuuge maj supporting FDR being in the top 5, and one maybe two idiots voting for those already there.
I beg to differ. These are not idiots! They are presidential historians, 3% of whom think that Lincoln, T Roosevelt and Washington should be on Mount Rushmore FFS!

If only someone less expert than these learned historians thought of them first!

Probably just misinterpreted the question to be about who belonged on Rushmore
I can assure you they know who is on it now
Look, you post polls taken by idiots who poll idiots, reported by other idiot and then posted on USMB by even another idiot, and the Beast is president and they're carving Obama's mug on Rushmore.

Life is unfair, I know. Idiot!

Typical Conservative Snowflake

Anyone who reports something they don't like is either lying or out to get them

The response I'd expect from a child
Yours was the post and link of a child.

Presidential historians who assume to rank a man who served 30 days ( for lack of accomplishment I assume) then rank one who has had nothing but success in one year as dead last is the height idiocy.

Fuck you and the gay jackass you rode in on.

At some point most would have more respect for themselves at least.

They rank based on what they have seen from the President.....Harrison and Garfield did not last long and did not have much to rank

Trump has had a year, a year in which his party controlled government......not much to celebrate
I beg to differ. These are not idiots! They are presidential historians, 3% of whom think that Lincoln, T Roosevelt and Washington should be on Mount Rushmore FFS!

If only someone less expert than these learned historians thought of them first!

Probably just misinterpreted the question to be about who belonged on Rushmore
I can assure you they know who is on it now
Look, you post polls taken by idiots who poll idiots, reported by other idiot and then posted on USMB by even another idiot, and the Beast is president and they're carving Obama's mug on Rushmore.

Life is unfair, I know. Idiot!

Typical Conservative Snowflake

Anyone who reports something they don't like is either lying or out to get them

The response I'd expect from a child
Aside from the fact that it was used to bash Trump, the rankings are not objectionable on the basis of them being partisan or liberal. Trump is in unique territory. He flips and flops, goes back on what bill he says he'd sign, has even the gop in congress not trusting him, and is running his WH like an extension of Briebart .... with some people actually trying to get the job of running the country done ... all with the Russia "probe" He's got at least 3 years.

He has three years to rise from dead last

How hard can it be?
Wrong...7 years.
Probably just misinterpreted the question to be about who belonged on Rushmore
I can assure you they know who is on it now
Look, you post polls taken by idiots who poll idiots, reported by other idiot and then posted on USMB by even another idiot, and the Beast is president and they're carving Obama's mug on Rushmore.

Life is unfair, I know. Idiot!

Typical Conservative Snowflake

Anyone who reports something they don't like is either lying or out to get them

The response I'd expect from a child
Aside from the fact that it was used to bash Trump, the rankings are not objectionable on the basis of them being partisan or liberal. Trump is in unique territory. He flips and flops, goes back on what bill he says he'd sign, has even the gop in congress not trusting him, and is running his WH like an extension of Briebart .... with some people actually trying to get the job of running the country done ... all with the Russia "probe" He's got at least 3 years.

He has three years to rise from dead last

How hard can it be?
Wrong...7 years.

Can't govern from prison

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