Presidents of Class: A Basketball Energizer


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A 'fable' about 'Americana-psyche' badge-humor in sportsmanship-tied capitalism 'culture' Utopianism, drawing on some of the heated/offbeat competition-hearsay themes from the American 'media' movie Blue Chips (Nick Nolte), which I think you'll like,



Amlan Satan dreamed of making his American Homeland community energized with modern media-broadcast college-athletics spirits for this new cyber-club devoted to social activity reflecting the market 'excellence' of special programs with stories trophies and iconic games of historic lore, such as the 'dragon' Duke-Indiana 1992 Final-Four matchup between Coach K and Bob Knight. In fact, Amlan collected special sports-media 'treasures' like the 'classic' Upper-Deck Bob Hurley (Duke-Guard) trade card signifying an American interest for media-chess in capitalism-race flowery/hyperbole.


However, there was a dark tide in his beloved American Homeland area (Windy-City) where there were 'street-rumors' of 'blood-diamonds' (warlord-zone mined illegal gems from Africa) smuggled into the North American gem-market, sullying the insurance character of wrought capitalism-race consumerism-diplomacy. Suddenly, Amlan Satan wondered if all his cyber-street 'cheers' for sports-market chess-excellence in cyber-activity for the United States was somehow 'shadowed' by this new/modern bloody diamond problem in his own backyard. Since he'd been a policeman, he decided to take matters into his own hands and perform his own/special off-duty mission of pseudo-vigilantism as the masked 'stranger character' named Scarecrow. He hoped to draw interest (on American social-media) from new age intelligentsia/students invested in the capitalism-race commentary concerning the 'journals-integrity' of fortune/energy civilization (hmm).


SCARECROW: "I'll swap Baron Ion's bloody-gems from the bank-box (Windy-City) with glass beads for a social-media/journal 'disclosure-commentary' regarding insured gems securities trade/traffic/motions inquiry tied to (Interpol-relation) gem-investor inter-community rivalries prompting a new form of 'street' talk regarding treasure-insurance knowledge humor."


The Windy-City prince's insurance-treasure social-media 'theater' worked like a gem, and when Mother's Day rolled around, following an iconic college-basketball 'March-Madness' featuring a champions-level Final-Four matchup (Duke, North Carolina, Kansas, Villanova), the 'Scarecrow' (Amlan Satan) shared why/how his special mom's-wish for sportsmanship/capitalism flowery and trophies in the Homeland landscape would be imprinted onto a new brand of shared American handhelds.


CHICAGO FANZINE: There's strange wind for energized capitalism/media activity this year for Mother's Day, as gem-insurance character 'talk' in the streets follows a trophy-moment in college-activity for television highlighting a 'Mother's Day wish' for citizens in the post-9/11 era Homeland concerned about fortune's direction for a modern social highness (wow).


The frustrated Ion commented that this Homeland 'buzz' for insured-gems street-gossip (on Windy-City social-media) would 'glorify' a new brand of American folk-interest for capitalism-race flowery in the post-9/11 era and promised his public about 'enhanced' future diamond-insurance/traffic expressions, and meanwhile, our hero-protagonist Windy-City 'vigilante-cop' (Amlan Satan) crafted a police-station storyboard about the character of bank-vault insured magic for Homeland monitors of more 'sportsmanship' hyperbole (in journals).


AMLAN SATAN: "Here's a vigilantism comics-doodle for youth of Windy-City capitalism/sportsmanship commentary reminding folks why the 'image' of wrought heroics in the post-9/11 era draw enhanced forms of street-activity action (and trade-hospitals)."


Well, folks, this cop-fan/vigilante of the Windy-City 'darkness' of blood-diamond dirt/mystery managed to restore a little bit of street-faith in capitalism-race activity super-vision and brought some extra credit spirits/lights for media-sportsmanship and Homeland activity in this age of media and commerce/education, and perhaps he'd be remembered (equally) as a 'Duke-fan' as well as a 'headmaster' energizer (ha).


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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