President's Trump's D-Day Speech Confirms Him Among The Top 5 Presidents in US History.

Hey, mac. Trumpsters have placed the bar so low, when Trump gives a speech similar to that given by any President, he gets praised to high heaven as a great orator. It WAS a good speech, but would have been better if he had put a little life into it instead of that bored-sounding sing-song cadence he adopts when trying to sound serious. Presidents are usually involved in crafting their speeches even when written by someone else, but if he could have shown some animation like when he speaks of his genius or of the accomplishments he will gain for America somewhere in the distant future, it really may have been a stirring speech.
Well, that's the problem. Our standards are so low now that, when the President can avoid embarrassing the country in a simple speech, it's seen as a positive.

Amazing to watch.
Ya'll forget just how low the bar WAS set under Obama..... It was only up from there

You'd like to believe the bar was set lower for Obama, but that's just Trumpster talk. However, as one who became an adult in time to vote for JFK, the great speakers , excepting Reagan, became extinct when we lost Bobby, then Ted. I never thought of Obama as one of the greats, but he was still a lot better than Trump. He had a theme, stayed on subject and didn't praise himself or his promised accomplishments at every opportunity or try to make himself 'great' by stepping on the necks and reputations of others.
And he never grabbed pussy
And neither did Slick Willie Clinton

Clinton is a virgin compared to the pervert in chief now
Vile accusations and fake news and lies is all liberals have left and 30% of former Democrat voters know it
65-35 Trump in 2020 and thank you for assuring that.
Lol right so Trump is a man of the utmost integrity huh? Any negative news story is fake? Is that the narrative you are deluding yourself with?
Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.

And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.

So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.
Hey, mac. Trumpsters have placed the bar so low, when Trump gives a speech similar to that given by any President, he gets praised to high heaven as a great orator. It WAS a good speech, but would have been better if he had put a little life into it instead of that bored-sounding sing-song cadence he adopts when trying to sound serious. Presidents are usually involved in crafting their speeches even when written by someone else, but if he could have shown some animation like when he speaks of his genius or of the accomplishments he will gain for America somewhere in the distant future, it really may have been a stirring speech.
Well, that's the problem. Our standards are so low now that, when the President can avoid embarrassing the country in a simple speech, it's seen as a positive.

Amazing to watch.
Ya'll forget just how low the bar WAS set under Obama..... It was only up from there

You'd like to believe the bar was set lower for Obama, but that's just Trumpster talk. However, as one who became an adult in time to vote for JFK, the great speakers , excepting Reagan, became extinct when we lost Bobby, then Ted. I never thought of Obama as one of the greats, but he was still a lot better than Trump. He had a theme, stayed on subject and didn't praise himself or his promised accomplishments at every opportunity or try to make himself 'great' by stepping on the necks and reputations of others.
How many times have you heard that muslim inbred say "thank you obama".
Bullshit.The absolute worst president this country has ever seen. The world laughed at "The Blamer" from day one.
"How many times have you heard that muslim inbred say "thank you obama". If you mean Obama...never. Can you provide a link?

"The absolute worst president this country has ever seen." I presume you do not mean our current president, however... yes, he is!

"The world laughed at "The Blamer" from day one.[/QUOTE]" We know..we hear it every day from the allies losing trust in us as they shake their heads in wonder.
Are you saying that Trump is not the president of people with cancer? Or anyone else that is not physically healthy?

Good point. I was specifically alluding to Fat Jerry Nadler, Drooling Pelosi, etc. who have mental and physical impairments that make them unqualified for office.

All the while forgetting that the man you worship is an obese fast food eating dotard

He gets around pretty good for an obese guy. A least he doesn’t require assistance walking up and down steps, like your queen dyke, kankles.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep, he gets around so well he had to use a golf cart at the G7 while ever other leader walked.

not sure who the queen dyke is, but I can assure you whomever it is, she is not mine.
So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.

I voted for Obama because he is a better man than trump or you will ever be.

trump is a disgrace and YOU are deplorable.
Obama is taking credit for Trump's economy. Every speech was filled with hundreds of "I" instead of we. If you wanted to play a drinking game listening to an Obama speech and take a shot every time he took credit or lied about his accomplishments, you'd be drunk in the first 15 mins.
Ahem..YOU made the claim! I asked YOU for a comparison and YOU copped out with the old 'prove it'. Now you think I should cover YOUR lie? Dang, you're a Trumper alright!
Vile accusations and fake news and lies is all liberals have left and 30% of former Democrat voters know it
65-35 Trump in 2020 and thank you for assuring that.
Lol right so Trump is a man of the utmost integrity huh? Any negative news story is fake? Is that the narrative you are deluding yourself with?
He is a man of utmost accomplishment for the USA-fact
Integrity-value judgement=feeling
the army teaches you to fight like a soldier, and if need be, to die like a soldier!
So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.

I voted for Obama because he is a better man than trump or you will ever be.

trump is a disgrace and YOU are deplorable.
Spoken like a true communist and social loser

Good job

Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.

And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.

So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.
Hey, mac. Trumpsters have placed the bar so low, when Trump gives a speech similar to that given by any President, he gets praised to high heaven as a great orator. It WAS a good speech, but would have been better if he had put a little life into it instead of that bored-sounding sing-song cadence he adopts when trying to sound serious. Presidents are usually involved in crafting their speeches even when written by someone else, but if he could have shown some animation like when he speaks of his genius or of the accomplishments he will gain for America somewhere in the distant future, it really may have been a stirring speech.
Well, that's the problem. Our standards are so low now that, when the President can avoid embarrassing the country in a simple speech, it's seen as a positive.

Amazing to watch.
Ya'll forget just how low the bar WAS set under Obama..... It was only up from there

You'd like to believe the bar was set lower for Obama, but that's just Trumpster talk. However, as one who became an adult in time to vote for JFK, the great speakers , excepting Reagan, became extinct when we lost Bobby, then Ted. I never thought of Obama as one of the greats, but he was still a lot better than Trump. He had a theme, stayed on subject and didn't praise himself or his promised accomplishments at every opportunity or try to make himself 'great' by stepping on the necks and reputations of others.
Obama said "I" a lot.
there are no small or minor battles for soldiers on the front lines. for them, every firefight is their D-Day
brothers & sisters: we need to make sure our fallen soldiers earn their honor in death that they had earned in life, my friends!
if the US army offered soldiers to opt out of a mission they think is too hard, not a single soul would take advantage. not a one! Not a damn one!
So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.
tenor (4).gif
Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.

And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.

So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.
Hé saved embarrassing the country till after his speech

Attacking political opponents with gravestones as a backdrop
So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.

You are demented.

So, because Donald Sexual Assaulter Trump managed to read a speech - that someone else wrote - THAT makes him one of the top 5 POTUS's in history. are demented AND stupid.

Post your proof of any sexual assaults by Trump idiot. Oh, you can't. So it appears YOU are demented, stupid, and a whiner to boot.

You ignorant loser...the human rat admitted to doing it...on tape.

Trump Was Recorded in 2005 Bragging About Grabbing Women “by the Pussy”


Grabbing women by the crotch without their consent is - by definition -sexual assault.

Sexual Assault | RAINN

I realize misogynist's like you consider it 'having a little fun'. But it IS sexual assault.

Game. Set. Match.

We are done here as I try not to waste time morally slumming it with 'people' like you.

Have a nice day.
Last edited:
Are you saying that Trump is not the president of people with cancer? Or anyone else that is not physically healthy?

Good point. I was specifically alluding to Fat Jerry Nadler, Drooling Pelosi, etc. who have mental and physical impairments that make them unqualified for office.

All the while forgetting that the man you worship is an obese fast food eating dotard

Liar. Fool. More fake news from the Lying Left. Obese, you mean like THIS, jerkoff:

View attachment 264241

I don't see any OBESE HERE:

View attachment 264242


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Funny that all of the Orange hair and skin, the fast food, big cans and rolling pot bellies only ever show up on the Leftard approved, retouch, photoshoped doctored pictures made for the asshole Trump-bashers on the Left.
Fat Donnie is medically obese
Hey, mac. Trumpsters have placed the bar so low, when Trump gives a speech similar to that given by any President, he gets praised to high heaven as a great orator. It WAS a good speech, but would have been better if he had put a little life into it instead of that bored-sounding sing-song cadence he adopts when trying to sound serious. Presidents are usually involved in crafting their speeches even when written by someone else, but if he could have shown some animation like when he speaks of his genius or of the accomplishments he will gain for America somewhere in the distant future, it really may have been a stirring speech.
Well, that's the problem. Our standards are so low now that, when the President can avoid embarrassing the country in a simple speech, it's seen as a positive.

Amazing to watch.
Ya'll forget just how low the bar WAS set under Obama..... It was only up from there

You'd like to believe the bar was set lower for Obama, but that's just Trumpster talk. However, as one who became an adult in time to vote for JFK, the great speakers , excepting Reagan, became extinct when we lost Bobby, then Ted. I never thought of Obama as one of the greats, but he was still a lot better than Trump. He had a theme, stayed on subject and didn't praise himself or his promised accomplishments at every opportunity or try to make himself 'great' by stepping on the necks and reputations of others.
How many times have you heard that muslim inbred say "thank you obama".
Bullshit.The absolute worst president this country has ever seen. The world laughed at "The Blamer" from day one.
"How many times have you heard that muslim inbred say "thank you obama". If you mean Obama...never. Can you provide a link?

"The absolute worst president this country has ever seen." I presume you do not mean our current president, however... yes, he is!

"The world laughed at "The Blamer" from day one.
" We know..we hear it every day from the allies losing trust in us as they shake their heads in wonder.[/QUOTE]
Trump gave a good speech
Then couldn’t stop acting like an asshole

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