President's Trump's D-Day Speech Confirms Him Among The Top 5 Presidents in US History.

Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.

And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.

So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.
Hey, mac. Trumpsters have placed the bar so low, when Trump gives a speech similar to that given by any President, he gets praised to high heaven as a great orator. It WAS a good speech, but would have been better if he had put a little life into it instead of that bored-sounding sing-song cadence he adopts when trying to sound serious. Presidents are usually involved in crafting their speeches even when written by someone else, but if he could have shown some animation like when he speaks of his genius or of the accomplishments he will gain for America somewhere in the distant future, it really may have been a stirring speech.
Well, that's the problem. Our standards are so low now that, when the President can avoid embarrassing the country in a simple speech, it's seen as a positive.

Amazing to watch.
Ya'll forget just how low the bar WAS set under Obama..... It was only up from there

You'd like to believe the bar was set lower for Obama, but that's just Trumpster talk. However, as one who became an adult in time to vote for JFK, the great speakers , excepting Reagan, became extinct when we lost Bobby, then Ted. I never thought of Obama as one of the greats, but he was still a lot better than Trump. He had a theme, stayed on subject and didn't praise himself or his promised accomplishments at every opportunity or try to make himself 'great' by stepping on the necks and reputations of others.
Obama said "I" a lot.
Not in terms of accomplishment for America he didn't. But I am willing to be proven I welcome examples.
So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.
Well he did manage to make it up to the podium without any t.p. stuck to his shoe.

Baby steps......
So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.

You are demented.

So, because Donald Sexual Assaulter Trump managed to read a speech - that someone else wrote - THAT makes him one of the top 5 POTUS's in history. are demented AND stupid.

Post your proof of any sexual assaults by Trump idiot. Oh, you can't. So it appears YOU are demented, stupid, and a whiner to boot.

You ignorant loser...the human rat admitted to doing it...on tape.

Trump Was Recorded in 2005 Bragging About Grabbing Women “by the Pussy”


Grabbing women by the crotch without their consent is - by definition -sexual assault.

Sexual Assault | RAINN

I realize misogynist's like you consider it 'having a little fun'. But it IS sexual assault.

Game. Set. Match.

We are done here as I try not to waste time morally slumming it with 'people' like you.

Have a nice day.

Sorry loser, you show your ignorance yet again. Trump stated that famous people COULD do that. He never said he did it himself. Proving you a liar of the first order. Since he never did that, he did not commit sexual assault. See, you need something called proof to make that charge idiot. Yes, game, set match, I beat you 6-0 6-0 6-0. Yes I m done here as talking to uneducated brain dead idiots is a waste of time. Now cry some more since you just got owned.
Oh that is just hysterical lol. So Trump said because you are famous they let you do it but you are pretending Trump, a famous person, refrained from doing that because?

You may want to learn to read. The idiot claimed he did so. He did not, he stated that famous people can get away with it, Show some actual proof of Trump doing this or just STFU. You lose too.
Are you saying that Trump is not the president of people with cancer? Or anyone else that is not physically healthy?

Good point. I was specifically alluding to Fat Jerry Nadler, Drooling Pelosi, etc. who have mental and physical impairments that make them unqualified for office.

You've been watching edited video again. Neither Nadler nor Pelosi have ANY physical or mental impairments, unlike Dumb Donald who cannot string a coherent sentence together unless it;s on the telepromter. His interview with Piers Morgan was an embarassment, and insulting Nancy Pelosi on camera with the crosses of thousands of fallen heros in the background was a disgrace.

For once, Trump delivered a good speech without embarassing himself It was not a great speech. It talked only of the past. No talk of the importance of your allies today. No mention of a future working together. Only the glorious past.

Perhaps having been laughed out the UN the last time he went off script, perhaps he's starting to realize that on the international front, these people having been handing him his ass for the past two years, and it's time he started taking the job seriously.
You are demented.

So, because Donald Sexual Assaulter Trump managed to read a speech - that someone else wrote - THAT makes him one of the top 5 POTUS's in history. are demented AND stupid.

Post your proof of any sexual assaults by Trump idiot. Oh, you can't. So it appears YOU are demented, stupid, and a whiner to boot.

You ignorant loser...the human rat admitted to doing it...on tape.

Trump Was Recorded in 2005 Bragging About Grabbing Women “by the Pussy”


Grabbing women by the crotch without their consent is - by definition -sexual assault.

Sexual Assault | RAINN

I realize misogynist's like you consider it 'having a little fun'. But it IS sexual assault.

Game. Set. Match.

We are done here as I try not to waste time morally slumming it with 'people' like you.

Have a nice day.

Sorry loser, you show your ignorance yet again. Trump stated that famous people COULD do that. He never said he did it himself. Proving you a liar of the first order. Since he never did that, he did not commit sexual assault. See, you need something called proof to make that charge idiot. Yes, game, set match, I beat you 6-0 6-0 6-0. Yes I m done here as talking to uneducated brain dead idiots is a waste of time. Now cry some more since you just got owned.
Oh that is just hysterical lol. So Trump said because you are famous they let you do it but you are pretending Trump, a famous person, refrained from doing that because?

You may want to learn to read. The idiot claimed he did so. He did not, he stated that famous people can get away with it, Show some actual proof of Trump doing this or just STFU. You lose too.
Lol wtf? What difference would it make if famous men in general would do this if Trump did famous at the time time or not?

Lol right Trump was very careful with his words with Billy Bush, huh? He wanted to make sure George’s cousin knew he was a gentleman who was above fucking random women. That’s obviously the most manly approach Trump could have taken. Never mind the fact that he said this immediately before talking about impulsively kissing beautiful women lol.
Mac1958, post: 22512629
Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.

And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.

So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.

Somebody needs to wake him up before giving such a high profile speech, but it’s a trade off for the sedative they gave him to him on script for a quarter hour or so.
My assumption is that he stayed in that half-dead monotone because someone convinced him to stick to what was written for him and stay somber and respectful.

Since he doesn't know how to be either somber OR respectful, all he knew to do was lapse into that Walking Dead delivery.

At least he didn't say something stupid, give him that.

I do give him that.

But the real TrumpO couldn’t contain himself on such a solemn occasion immediately before the speech.

With the backdrop of the sacred white crosses that memorialize those who gave the ultimate sacrifice on the beaches of France, TrumpO had to be as nasty as ever by attacking Pelosi and Mueller for the Fox News hate-starved audience that can’t take an hour off of hating. Not even on a day set aside for rememberance of all the Americans who helped save all that they now have to constantly bitch and complain about.
Well, he can hold it in for only so long.
Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.

And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.

So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.

Mac…is that you?

An unusually on point post.

Trump knew the meaning of few (if any) words that he read.
A well made suit will hide a lot.

I guess I should apologize for saying a mean thing about your god.

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The difference in a lie and a mistake is often revealed when a statement is proven wrong.

Man/Woman/Democrat up and just admit you're wrong. Honesty isn't as bad as you think.
A well made suit will hide a lot.

I guess I should apologize for saying a mean thing about your god.

Sent from my iPhone using
The difference in a lie and a mistake is often revealed when a statement is proven wrong.

Man/Woman/Democrat up and just admit you're wrong. Honesty isn't as bad as you think.


Trump is fat, just accept it and move on. It is ok, a lot of presidents have been fat.

Even his officially listed weight makes him clinically obese, and we all know that his listed weight was bullshit.
A well made suit will hide a lot.

I guess I should apologize for saying a mean thing about your god.

Sent from my iPhone using
The difference in a lie and a mistake is often revealed when a statement is proven wrong.

Man/Woman/Democrat up and just admit you're wrong. Honesty isn't as bad as you think.


Trump is fat, just accept it and move on. It is ok, a lot of presidents have been fat.

Even his officially listed weight makes him clinically obese, and we all know that his listed weight was bullshit.
Does your whining about Trump's weight take any of your butthurt over Trump and America winning away?

I didn't think so.
Does your whining about Trump's weight take any of your butthurt over Trump and America winning away?

I didn't think so.

Not whining, just pointing out the facts. You really seem to hate facts and live your life based 100% on emotion.
i've been crashing all these funerals of veterans that i never knew. i keep detailed notes of it.

i'm stuck in a coma. one day i will wake up and realize i made up everything.

i remember one time an officer at the funeral said : "i speak on behalf of the army and the president of the US" instead of "on behalf of the president & the army" & he got kicked out of the army!
Does your whining about Trump's weight take any of your butthurt over Trump and America winning away?

I didn't think so.

Not whining, just pointing out the facts. You really seem to hate facts and live your life based 100% on emotion.
Winning isn't an emotion.

I get the fact that your in a difficult spot. That being that anything good for America is bad for your Democrats.

But that's your fault, not mine.
Winning isn't an emotion. [/quote]

Well, yes it is unless you are talking about a sport that has points involved.

I get the fact that your in a difficult spot. That being that anything good for America is bad for your Democrats.


I am not a Democrat, never have been, never will be. I have voted for one Dem for POTUS my entire life and that was back in 1992.

You limited IQ only allows you to see everything in black and white. In your tiny little mind anyone that does not worship Trump like you do is a Democrat, but that is not reality.

I disliked Obama far more than I do Trump.
Winning isn't an emotion.

Well, yes it is unless you are talking about a sport that has points involved.

I get the fact that your in a difficult spot. That being that anything good for America is bad for your Democrats.


I am not a Democrat, never have been, never will be. I have voted for one Dem for POTUS my entire life and that was back in 1992.

You limited IQ only allows you to see everything in black and white. In your tiny little mind anyone that does not worship Trump like you do is a Democrat, but that is not reality.

I disliked Obama far more than I do Trump.[/QUOTE]
We hope you can find peace and contentment at some point so that you will stop taking out on others your lack of it.
AG Barr: "As we've been watching the coverage of June 6, 1944 D-Day, I had the thought that my arrival this time felt a little bit, I think, like jumping into Sainte-Mère-Église on the morning of June 5, trying to figure out where you could land without getting shot."

Quite the joking matter. According to estimates, 2,501 Americans gave their lives on D-Day. Yes, showing up at DoJ was much the same.
AG Barr: "As we've been watching the coverage of June 6, 1944 D-Day, I had the thought that my arrival this time felt a little bit, I think, like jumping into Sainte-Mère-Église on the morning of June 5, trying to figure out where you could land without getting shot."

Quite the joking matter. According to estimates, 2,501 Americans gave their lives on D-Day. Yes, showing up at DoJ was much the same.
Casualty numbers can be confusing. Many KIA lists differentiate KIA's from MIA's even when MIA's remain unaccounted A for. Examples, 82nd Airborne had 501 MIA's and 101rst had 756. Of course, wounded are separate, even those with life-altering injuries.

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