President's Trump's D-Day Speech Confirms Him Among The Top 5 Presidents in US History.

So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.

Come again?

Ingraham presents vexing dilemma to Fox News viewers: Believe her or Trump about D-Day holdup?

What a national embarrassment.

Trump insulted Nancy Pelosi and Robert Mueller while at a cemetery for American WWII dead

What an insult to everyone who ever wore the uniform.
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Vile accusations and fake news and lies is all liberals have left and 30% of former Democrat voters know it
65-35 Trump in 2020 and thank you for assuring that.
Lol right so Trump is a man of the utmost integrity huh? Any negative news story is fake? Is that the narrative you are deluding yourself with?
He is a man of utmost accomplishment for the USA-fact
Integrity-value judgement=feeling
What the hell are you even trying to say right now?
Are you saying that Trump is not the president of people with cancer? Or anyone else that is not physically healthy?

Good point. I was specifically alluding to Fat Jerry Nadler, Drooling Pelosi, etc. who have mental and physical impairments that make them unqualified for office.

All the while forgetting that the man you worship is an obese fast food eating dotard

He gets around pretty good for an obese guy. A least he doesn’t require assistance walking up and down steps, like your queen dyke, kankles.

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Yep, he gets around so well he had to use a golf cart at the G7 while ever other leader walked.

not sure who the queen dyke is, but I can assure you whomever it is, she is not mine.

Queen dyke is hildabeast. You know, the hog you voted for. The one who wears moo-moos. Good luck with the 2020 lineup. Bet he’s a better golfer than you also.

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So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.

I voted for Obama because he is a better man than trump or you will ever be.

trump is a disgrace and YOU are deplorable.

His punctuation is better than yours.

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Are you saying that Trump is not the president of people with cancer? Or anyone else that is not physically healthy?

Good point. I was specifically alluding to Fat Jerry Nadler, Drooling Pelosi, etc. who have mental and physical impairments that make them unqualified for office.

All the while forgetting that the man you worship is an obese fast food eating dotard

Liar. Fool. More fake news from the Lying Left. Obese, you mean like THIS, jerkoff:

View attachment 264241

I don't see any OBESE HERE:

View attachment 264242


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Funny that all of the Orange hair and skin, the fast food, big cans and rolling pot bellies only ever show up on the Leftard approved, retouch, photoshoped doctored pictures made for the asshole Trump-bashers on the Left.
Fat Donnie is medically obese

No where near where Michael Moore is. That fat fuck.

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Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.

And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.

So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.

Obama gave a speech?
Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.
And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.
So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.
Obama gave a speech?
No, Trump.

The post is about Trump, who is so inarticulate that he's painful to watch.

He's right at your level, no doubt, but some of us have higher standards.
Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.
And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.
So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.
Obama gave a speech?
No, Trump.

The post is about Trump, who is so inarticulate that he's painful to watch.

He's right at your level, no doubt, but some of us have higher standards.

I was mocking your post. You know, given how Obama couldn't speak a sentence without a teleprompter less he start stuttering ah ah ah ah 14 times between words.
So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.

You are demented.

So, because Donald Sexual Assaulter Trump managed to read a speech - that someone else wrote - THAT makes him one of the top 5 POTUS's in history. are demented AND stupid.

Post your proof of any sexual assaults by Trump idiot. Oh, you can't. So it appears YOU are demented, stupid, and a whiner to boot.

You ignorant loser...the human rat admitted to doing it...on tape.

Trump Was Recorded in 2005 Bragging About Grabbing Women “by the Pussy”


Grabbing women by the crotch without their consent is - by definition -sexual assault.

Sexual Assault | RAINN

I realize misogynist's like you consider it 'having a little fun'. But it IS sexual assault.

Game. Set. Match.

We are done here as I try not to waste time morally slumming it with 'people' like you.

Have a nice day.

Sorry loser, you show your ignorance yet again. Trump stated that famous people COULD do that. He never said he did it himself. Proving you a liar of the first order. Since he never did that, he did not commit sexual assault. See, you need something called proof to make that charge idiot. Yes, game, set match, I beat you 6-0 6-0 6-0. Yes I m done here as talking to uneducated brain dead idiots is a waste of time. Now cry some more since you just got owned.
Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.
And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.
So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.
Obama gave a speech?
No, Trump.

The post is about Trump, who is so inarticulate that he's painful to watch.

He's right at your level, no doubt, but some of us have higher standards.

I was mocking your post. You know, given how Obama couldn't speak a sentence without a teleprompter less he start stuttering ah ah ah ah 14 times between words.
I have no doubt that you think that Trump is more intelligent and articulate than Obama. In fairness, I've come to realize why you guys like his communication "skills" so much:

You're just like him. You're kindred spirits.

I'm sure you communicate just like him, at a shallow, simplistic, fourth grade level, with regular comical hyperbole replacing reason and nuance. I'm sure you behave just like him, like a spoiled 15 year old boy. I'm sure you react just like him, attacking and childishly insulting anyone who dares to disagree with you like your fragile self esteem depended on it. I'm sure you have convinced yourself that you're far more intelligent than everyone in the room, despite any evidence to the contrary. Just like him.

I get it. This really is your guy. You see yourself in him, and he's in the freaking White House. That really has to be something!

Mac1958, post: 22512629
Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.

And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.

So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.

Somebody needs to wake him up before giving such a high profile speech, but it’s a trade off for the sedative they gave him that must have kept him on script for a quarter hour or so.
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I don’t even wait,” Trump said in the leaked audio. “And when you’re a star they let you do it.”

lantern2814, post: 22516785,
Trump stated that famous people COULD do that. He never said he did it himself.

Why don’t you just admit that you are a brain dead Trump cult worshiper?

TrumpO considers himself famous, a star / celebrity. That’s why he doesn’t have to wait for consent - women are helpless against a celebrity like him.
  • I’m automatically attracted to beautiful [women]—I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump said in the leaked audio. “And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

You are pathetic. Hillary was right you are deplorable.
Mac1958, post: 22512629
Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.

And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.

So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.

Somebody needs to wake him up before giving such a high profile speech, but it’s a trade off for the sedative they gave him to him on script for a quarter hour or so.
My assumption is that he stayed in that half-dead monotone because someone convinced him to stick to what was written for him and stay somber and respectful.

Since he doesn't know how to be either somber OR respectful, all he knew to do was lapse into that Walking Dead delivery.

At least he didn't say something stupid, give him that.
Mac1958, post: 22512629
Yeah, his reading skills have ticked up half a notch. He's learned to go real slow 'n stuff.

And he didn't ad lib, thank goodness. Thank goodness. Thank goodness.

So he made it through without embarrassing the country. That's a good thing.

Somebody needs to wake him up before giving such a high profile speech, but it’s a trade off for the sedative they gave him to him on script for a quarter hour or so.
My assumption is that he stayed in that half-dead monotone because someone convinced him to stick to what was written for him and stay somber and respectful.

Since he doesn't know how to be either somber OR respectful, all he knew to do was lapse into that Walking Dead delivery.

At least he didn't say something stupid, give him that.

I do give him that.

But the real TrumpO couldn’t contain himself on such a solemn occasion immediately before the speech.

With the backdrop of the sacred white crosses that memorialize those who gave the ultimate sacrifice on the beaches of France, TrumpO had to be as nasty as ever by attacking Pelosi and Mueller for the Fox News hate-starved audience that can’t take an hour off of hating. Not even on a day set aside for rememberance of all the Americans who helped save all that they now have to constantly bitch and complain about.
I prefer it when Trump ad libs. It is sort of a nostalgic thing. it reminds me of reading about Sally telling Dick, "See Spot run! Run, Spot, run!", when I was in the first grade.
CNN Host Don Lemon Says He’s Being Harassed; Blames Trump! Imagine if we had “Men” like Don Lemon storming the beaches of Normandy on D-Day? The world would look a lot different today !
So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.

You are demented.

So, because Donald Sexual Assaulter Trump managed to read a speech - that someone else wrote - THAT makes him one of the top 5 POTUS's in history. are demented AND stupid.

Post your proof of any sexual assaults by Trump idiot. Oh, you can't. So it appears YOU are demented, stupid, and a whiner to boot.

You ignorant loser...the human rat admitted to doing it...on tape.

Trump Was Recorded in 2005 Bragging About Grabbing Women “by the Pussy”


Grabbing women by the crotch without their consent is - by definition -sexual assault.

Sexual Assault | RAINN

I realize misogynist's like you consider it 'having a little fun'. But it IS sexual assault.

Game. Set. Match.

We are done here as I try not to waste time morally slumming it with 'people' like you.

Have a nice day.

Sorry loser, you show your ignorance yet again. Trump stated that famous people COULD do that. He never said he did it himself. Proving you a liar of the first order. Since he never did that, he did not commit sexual assault. See, you need something called proof to make that charge idiot. Yes, game, set match, I beat you 6-0 6-0 6-0. Yes I m done here as talking to uneducated brain dead idiots is a waste of time. Now cry some more since you just got owned.
Oh that is just hysterical lol. So Trump said because you are famous they let you do it but you are pretending Trump, a famous person, refrained from doing that because?
Queen dyke is hildabeast. You know, the hog you voted for. The one who wears moo-moos. Good luck with the 2020 lineup. Bet he’s a better golfer than you also.

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You are a confused individual. I have voted for one Dem for POTUS in my life, and that was her husband the first time he ran. I was done with the GOP after someone told me to read their lips and then lied to me. Since that one vote for Bill, I have not voted for a Dem or a Repub.

He should be better at golf than me. I have been golfing for 6 years, he has been golfing his whole life. But we will never really know because he is famous for cheating and lying about his score. Something he has been known for long, long before he ran for POTUS.
basquebromance, post: 22517084,
CNN Host Don Lemon Says He’s Being Harassed; Blames Trump! Imagine if we had “Men” like Don Lemon storming the beaches of Normandy on D-Day? The world would look a lot different today !

Imagine if all men could get a doc to say they had bone spurs or a pilonidal cyst to keep from serving.

TrumpO doesn’t like combat soldiers that get caught. He certainly can’t be that fond of combat soldiers that get killed.

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