Presidents you liked before 1980 !!

The USA was as prosperous as ever thanks to his “ hands off “ policy

His hands off policy allowed rampant speculation and unchecked business practices
Temporary profits led to an economic collapse

Hoover took the blame
If I was president I would emulate Silent Cal
No speeches given and I won’t answer any questions
Can we talk of 1970 til today and narrow the decades down a lil ? To a half century ?
Here's some lighter fluid. I like Jimmy Carter.
Went to see the ol boy in 2016. GREAT man.OK OK not the best presidential whore but that don't make the man. I first met him in about 74-75 in Daytona. Best damn garage in town. He and Jimmy were ol buds.I had no idea who he was....because he was nobody. A racing fan peanut guy and mellow dude with a badass pickup down for the races. He was good buds with Butch Trucks back then. I'm fucking old.
It pisses me off to no end how he gets bashed by assholes who are clueless.
Me? what President I liked before 1980?

Jack Kennedy of course.....he said this ... he was spot on! He won't be forgotten.Bless him.:clap:

How you know you liked (or disliked) a president who died a hundred years before you were born?
I can read about his policies and personality
George Washington, first last and always. I was fascinated by President Eisenhower who was elected my first grade school year. I liked Jack and Jacque Kennedy. I liked Carter up until he have away the Panama Canal now owned and operated by the Chinese who betrayed us by killing many of our seniors with a bioweapon called covid.
I liked Dubya and both of his parents and Laura for their attention to literacy for all and GHW Bush for opening the Berlin Wall, not to mention his heroic service in the WWII Pacific Theater. Clinton gave me nightmares, and Rodham made me mad. I felt Obama was hiding something every time he spoke. Trump did everything right, and was in accordance with the CPA ethic and the U.S. Constitution, in spite of being constantly marginalized by duds and dandies of the Marxist left. I truly adore President Trump's caring for Americans first, and fie on hateful apparatchiks who made pledges to Barack Obama who with his staff furnished minions of Marxism, set out to destroy President Donald Trump for four solid years of false witness Against him, his family, staff, supporters, and the entire police departments from coast to coast. They even poisoned the American voting system and cheated one of the finest patriots who ever sat in the Oval office, President Donald Trump.
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How you know you liked (or disliked) a president who died a hundred years before you were born?
I can read about his policies and personality
George Washington, first last and always. I was fascinated by President Eisenhower who was elected my first grade school year. I liked Jack and Jacque Kennedy. I liked Carter up until he have away the Panama Canal now owned and operated by the Chinese who betrayed us by killing many of our seniors with a bioweapon called covid.
I liked Dubya and both of his parents and Laura for their attention to literacy for all and GHW Bush for opening the Berlin Wall, not to mention his heroic service in the WWII Pacific Theater. Clinton gave me nightmares, and Rodham made me mad. I felt Obama was hiding something every time he spoke. Trump did everything right, and was in accordance with the CPA ethic and the U.S. Constitution, in spite of being constantly marginalized by duds and dandies of the Marxist left. I truly adore President Trump's caring for Americans first, and fie on hateful apparatchiks who made pledges to Barack Obama who with his staff furnished minions of Marxism, set out to destroy President Donald Trump for four solid years of false witness Against him, his family, staff, supporters, and the entire police departments from coast to coast. They even poisoned the American voting system and cheated one of the finest patriots who ever sat in the Oval office, President Donald Trump.
Never misunderestimate Dubya !
Before 1980

Teddy Roosevelt

The scumbag fdr was the most despicable, wannabe dictator in US history.
He kept us safe from Japanese Terrorists

That's bullshit and you know it as well as he did. He was a fucking criminal.
That POS illegally imprisoned tens of thousands of proud Japanese Americans and let the Jews all die in Europe

How exactly was FDR 'letting all the Jews die in Europe' exactly?

AS for those Japanese, over a third of them were not citizens, and almost all had spent the last 3 decades cheering on their countrymen's conquests in Asia with parades and care packages to Japanese troops, and in any case the internments only applied to those on the West Coast, not those in the Midwest and on the East Coast, pretty mild stuff and hardly comparable to anything they cheered on in their countrymen for decades, like tossing Chinese babies onto trucks with pitchforks.
Before 1980

Teddy Roosevelt

The scumbag fdr was the most despicable, wannabe dictator in US history.
He kept us safe from Japanese Terrorists

That's bullshit and you know it as well as he did. He was a fucking criminal.
That POS illegally imprisoned tens of thousands of proud Japanese Americans and let the Jews all die in Europe

How exactly was FDR 'letting all the Jews die in Europe' exactly?

You mean like the ones on the ship he turned away such that they ended up back in Europe and mostly died at the hands of the nazis?

AS for those Japanese.....

You mean "as for those US CITIZENS and other innocent civilians the piece of shit fdr threw into his concentration camps"? Anyone who would make excuses for an outrage like that doesn't deserve to be an American.
Me? what President I liked before 1980?

Jack Kennedy of course.....he said this ... he was spot on! He won't be forgotten.Bless him.:clap:

View attachment 433911
If it weren't for Jack we might have been where we are right now !
JFK was overrated

If he had survived for a second term he would have gotten us into the same Vietnam mess that LBJ did. He would have been despised

AS for those Japanese.....

You mean "as for those US CITIZENS and other innocent civilians the piece of shit fdr threw into his concentration camps"? Anyone who would make excuses for an outrage like that doesn't deserve to be an American.
There are very few people alive today who were responsible for the incarceration of potential spies for the homeland. Even some second generation Germans were not allowed to fight "over there" to prevent mercy to the enemy that could reverse the stealth and safety of entire platoons. They served stateside right next to a few good Japanese-Americans loyal to this country. One good reason they spent time isolated in the winter wiles of the Rocky mountains, while extremely unpleasant, were spared their mass killings by secret organizations who would simply snuff masses of oriental Americans, regardless of their loyalty. If you weren't around on 9/11/2001, you would not know the huge participation to save families of Muslim people was devised by the U.S. gumshoement to insure their security. If you have any questions about spitfire hate of Muslims you might call on Sunni man to enlighten you. He is your be9st shot to understand how it feels to cope with public disdain for Muslims after Saddam Hussein was held responsible for supporting Al Quaida thereafter due to spy planes observing bin Laden troops. sheltered by Saddam's militias. Not all of us were overcome by hate. Even so, because the Presidential oath requires what seem to be Draconian measures to ensure the American people will endure no more retaliation from the Middle East minority that deems that all their 4000-year old enemies related to Israelis oughta be removed from the face if the map. Bush sweated blood to protect Sears Tower, all power grids, uranium-fed power plants, and water reservoirs from Dervish destruction.

I believe that if America does not protect the nation's secutity with the same dedication as before, and does not clean up what antiAmerican democrats did in harvesting unused millions of over-produced ballots, then our ass is grass, and I am holding the Supreme Court responsible for NOT DOING THEIR JOB of defending the States rights and duties to change election laws in the 2020 election in which the Democrat Party put itself in charge of changing election allowances that are null and void because the state legislatures in all 5p states were neither informed about nor rewuested by these takeover assholes to shove rules that left the people subject to the wantonness of the most corrupt political socialists on the planet in lockstep with China who wish to control this planet after stealing American intellectual properties, and making enough to develop a militia superior to everyone worldwide, in particular a biological weapon called covid-19.

Because the craven inhabitants of the Supreme Court reneged on their 9 oaths of office, the vicious commie feminazi Commie-luh will make Nikita Kruschev's shoe destruction remark, "We will bury you" in September of 1959 come true. This would not be a worry if the Supremes acted responsibly to take on the Demmie communists bringing death and despair to America through abortion murder of future patriots and their acceleration of the killings from a few hundred per year to over a million abortions per annum. Not only that, but their naked spite for the American people's true choice of President Trump has been fulfilled by these 9 phony creeps who decided they will not support the most basic instruction to the duty of the Supreme court to decide the nation's judicially fair decision making. How dare they break their oaths of office to appease Nancy Prlosi's accursed vanity.
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Me? what President I liked before 1980?

Jack Kennedy of course.....he said this ... he was spot on! He won't be forgotten.Bless him.:clap:

View attachment 433911
If it weren't for Jack we might have been where we are right now !
JFK was overrated

If he had survived for a second term he would have gotten us into the same Vietnam mess that LBJ did. He would have been despised
The REAL owners get what they want....makes no difference the dopium at the podium

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